
By HalleyOwens7

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My very first SOA fan-fic, also my first fan-fic ever, I hope you all give it a chance on this account. More

~A New Life Style~
~Day of Hell~
~Talk to Marks~
~Taking it Easy~
~Days 2, 3, & 4~
~One Week Later~
~L.A. & Florence~
~Home & Meeting the Club~
~Club Hangovers, Ex-Wives & Son's~
~Tig & Venus, Moving with Chibs~
~Kidnapped Again~
~Waking Up & Going Home~
~Aftermath & Telling the Club~
~3, 6, & 9 Months Pregnant~
~Baby Day & Hospital~
~Things Have Changed~
~Club Business~
~Where Nightmares Are Made~
~Hospitals, Bright Lights, & Daddy~
~Two Years Later~
~Wedding Day~
~Five Years Later~

~Days 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7~

160 1 0
By HalleyOwens7

~Ellas' POV~

Today is day three out of a whole week that I have to live with James, and if I'm being honest I almost can't wait to get out of here. I know that when I leave here I'll have to go back to the club and I'll be stuck being someone's little sex toy. I don't know if I'll ever be able to trust James I want to but I just don't know. I've always liked him and now that I remember him all of my old feelings for him seem to be coming back to me. These feelings scare me more than anything else and that's saying something considering all that I've been through. I crawled out of bed, walking down the hall by James' room when I felt a hand on my wrist. I was pulled into his room and pushed against the wall with my wrists held above my head. I looked up into his gray eyes and to say the least I was fucking pissed, and I was gunna let him know it.

"James what the hell is fucking wrong with you?"

"You're gunna to listen to me, you're gunna to sit here just like this and listen to me when I tell you how I fucking feel about this situation."

"What situation James?, the one where I don't want anything to do with you?"

"The situation where you don't want anything to do with me and I have absolutely no fucking clue why the hell that is, what the hell did I do to make you hate me so damn much?"

I let out a frustrated sigh.

"James I don't hate you, I just don't trust you."

"Why not, what did I ever do to make you not trust me? It wasn't me that told those people that I kissed you or anything like that. I actually liked you not to mention I'm helping you, I'm giving you sanctuary from being some assholes little sex slave. So why don't you trust me, what could I possibly have done to make you not trust me?"

"Because I can't trust anyone James..."

I said in a rough irritated voice, before calming down and continuing what I had to say.

"I can't trust anyone, I was kidnapped from my home and forced to be a sex slave, I met Jax and Opie who are great guys. However I still don't trust them because anyone is capable of anything, anyone is capable of hurting me, even you James, I can't trust anyone I want to, but I can't."

His hand fell from my wrists as he backed away from me, I hung my head down looking at the floor until his voice hit my ears.

"I'll never hurt you."

I looked up at him as he began to walk towards me, he brought his hand up to my cheek softly caressing it with his thumb.

"James, I..."

My soft whisper of a voice was cut off by his soft lips lightly pressing to mine. I could feel myself melting into him as my arms wrapped around his neck pulling him closer to me. His hand dropped from my cheek as both of his hands traveled down my body to the back of my thighs where he lifted me from the floor. He walked over to the bed laying me down before pulling away and looking down at me.

"I'm not gunna have sex with you until you want it, I won't be like them, I won't force you into doing something that you don't wanna do, and I know you don't want this."

He rolled over standing from the bed and walking out of the room, it took me a minute before I got off of the bed and ran after him.

"Hey asshole..."

He turned around and looked at me with a confused look on his face before I continued.

"You don't get to tell me what I do or don't want, you don't know me, you don't know me at all."

I walked over to him putting my hand on the back of his neck pulling his lips to mine, placing a rough quick kiss on his lips before pulling away. I looked at his stunned face before smirking and walking away, I walked back upstairs only to feel a hand clasp onto my wrist turning me around. James pressed his lips back on mine before he pulled away holding me there.

"You didn't think I was gonna let you get away with that shit, did you?"

I smirked pulling out of his hold standing on my tip toes.

"Catch me if you can."

I ran down the hall into my room locking the door behind me and leaving him there in a daze. I walked over to the bed stripping out of my clothes hopping in the shower. When I was out I got back into the sweats that James loaned me, I crawled back into bed reading a little of the book I found before falling asleep. I couldn't help but think about how it felt to kiss James today and leave him in the daze that I did. It felt good to feel strong again, to feel in control, for the first time in a while, I feel like I can be myself around him even though it might not be the best thing it still feels good.

~Day 4~

I was woken up today by knocking coming from the front door, I got out of bed and walked downstairs to see James talking to Marks. I looked at James and I walked over to him, he grabbed my ass and smacked it.

"Get me some coffee."

I did as he said before standing next to him once again waiting for my next order before Marks spoke up.

"Damn James, you really whipped this whore into shape I should send them all to you."

"Yeah, you should."

Marks looked at me.

"Hey bitch, get me some coffee."

James grabbed my wrist looking at Marks.

"Sorry John, she's with me for three more days then you can order her around and call her bitch all you want till then get your own damn coffee."

I pulled my wrist from his hand to get Marks some coffee before I go back and get beat to shit because James was being a rude ass. I handed Marks his coffee only to have him grab my wrist and let his angered voice fill my ears.

"If he tells you not to do something you don't do it, if he tells you to do something you do it, take your fucking coffee I can get my own bitch."

I felt a sharp hand come across my face before I looked at James to see anger in his face, he looked at Marks.

"I asked you not to call her a bitch in my house, drink your fucking coffee and get out."

Marks looked at James.

"You fancy her don't you..."

He pulled me towards him putting his hand around my neck holding me there before he continued.

"Damn she must be good, maybe I should take her for a ride when she gets back..."

I saw the anger build in James as Marks kept talking.

"Maybe I'll just screw her to the point where she can't walk straight for a week..."

He turned my head so his lips were next to my ear.

"How does that sound baby? Give you a week off just to be mine, I'll use the cuffs again, I know how much you love those."

I just stood there listening to it as James stood there trying to keep his cool. James finally walked over to us grabbing my arm pulling me out of Marks hold.

"She's not with you now, she's under my ownership for another three days, until then get out."

Marks smirked at him before walking over to me and saying one last thing.

"Three days then it's hello cuffs, enjoy this time."

He walked out of the house, James turned me around so he could get a look at my face and neck checking everywhere that Marks had a hold of me, even my arm.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't help you baby, did I hurt you?"

I looked at him confused about his question before he clarified what he was trying to say.

"When I grabbed your arm to get you away from him, did I hurt you?"

I shook my head.

"No, I'm fine."

"I'm gonna buy you, I don't want him to touch you ever."

I shook my head at him.

"James wait, you can't buy me right after something like this happens it looks suspicious, not to mention what if I don't want you to buy me?"

He looked at me kinda confused for a moment.

"Well why not?"

"James we aren't a couple, so why are you going to buy me if we aren't anything and aren't going to be anything ever, so why are you going to buy me?"

"We may not be a couple or anything but you sure as hell don't deserve this."

"No one deserves this James, not me, not Sky no one deserves this, so why the hell are you going to buy me?"

"Because I care about you, I want you to be happy and you're not so why won't you let me buy you from Marks and give you your freedom?"

"James if you were to try and buy me after what just happened he would know that you care about me. He would raise the price and make it damn near fucking impossible for you to buy me from him and you know it. So give it time, give this time."

He looked at me nodding his head but not saying anything, I finally walked away from him tired of the silence, I went into my room closing the door behind me and laying on the bed till I fell asleep.

~Day 5~

I woke up this morning to my bedroom door opening and James walking in with a cup of coffee, I sat up giving him a small smile, as his smile disappeared I gave him a weird look. I looked down at my arm where he grabbed me yesterday to see a bruise in the shape of a hand. I got out of bed running to the bathroom looking in the mirror to see small bruises on my neck and on the side of my face from Marks, and the bruise on my arm from James. I walked out of the room to see James sitting on the bed with his head down and my coffee on the side table, I walked over to the cup and took a drink.

"Thank you for the coffee..."

I was cut off.

"You told me I didn't hurt you, why did you lie to me?"

I let out a sigh setting my coffee down.

"James you didn't hurt me, I didn't lie to you at the time I wasn't hurt and I'm still not hurt. It's just a small bruise, nothing major, I've been hurt way worse since I've come to L.A. this is nothing, believe me I'm fine."

He shook his head walking over to me lightly placing his hand on my arm rubbing his thumb over the bruise.

"I'm so sorry baby."

I gave him a confused look moving out of his hold.

"Why do you keep calling me baby?, I mean I didn't say anything yesterday because I figured it was just in the moment but now it just keeps coming. Why?"

"I'm sorry, it just slips sometimes."

"It's fine just please stop slipping."

He nodded his head before moving his lips next to my ear whispering to me.

"I wanna try something, please don't push me away."

I nodded my head as he brought his lips in front of mine, he lightly brushed his lips against mine making my breath hitch in my throat. He finally connected our lips and the familiar feeling coursed through my body. It was like sparks and every touch of his skin on mine sent these sparks and heat all through my body. When he pulled away we were both breathing heavily, he leaned his forehead against mine.

"Did you feel it."

I pulled my forehead away from his.

"I did, but I don't know what they mean."

I grabbed my coffee before walking out of the room heading downstairs to find something to eat. As I walked into the kitchen I was met with the sight of Marks sitting there on one of the island stools. I walked over to the sink sad to pour out my coffee but I had to make it look like it was James and that he was done with it, I went to walk out of the room but was stopped by Marks.

"Is James upstairs bitch?"

I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna go get him for you."

I went to walk away but felt a hard rough hand on my wrist pulling me back and into his hard chest.

"Why don't we have a little fun until he decides to join us, get on your knees."

I shook my head no before using my words.

"You know the rules Marks, James paid for me he owns me till I walk through those club doors."

He grabbed a huge chunk of my hair pulling my lips to his in a rough painful kiss.

"I own you whether he paid..."

He was cut off by the voice I had been waiting to hear.

"No you don't John, I own her till she walks through the club doors, now get the fuck out of my house before I call the cops and have you arrested for breaking and entering. You may not be able to get arrested for trafficking or anything along those lines but you aren't immune from everything, let go of her and get the fuck out."

Marks let go of me before walking by James.

"I know you fancy her, you can pay all you want to see her but you'll never buy her from me."

He looked back at me with a smirk on his face, before he walked out of the house. James came over to me gently taking my face in his hands making sure that I was okay.

"Are you alright, how bad did he hurt you?"

"Not bad, I'm fine."

He touched the back of my head with his hand, when he pulled his hand away he looked at it to see a tiny bit of blood coming from where Marks grabbed my hair. He took my hand leading me upstairs to his room, he sat me on the bed before he walked out of the room to get the first aid kit. The worst part of this is that I'm becoming numb, I didn't even feel the pain in my head until James touched it. I had no clue that I was bleeding, I can't believe that Marks hurt me like that, I mean sure he doesn't give a fuck about any of us girls but you would think it would be different considering the fact that we are what get's him the money that he has. When James came back he stopped the bleeding, as he was cleaning up he looked up from the floor making us come nose to nose and my breath hitched. He leaned in placing a quick peck on my lips before he pulled away leaving me cold and empty, he went to walk away, I reached my hand up taking his wrist in my hand. He turned around giving me a confused look, I stood from the bed and looked at him placing my hand on the side of his face slowly bringing my lips to his. It was soft and sweet lingering a little longer than a peck, when we pulled away he looked at me for a second bringing his hand up to my cheek and his lips back to mine. The kiss quickly got heated as his hands traveled down my body to the back of my thighs where he lifted me from the ground. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he leaned forward making my back hit the bed. He continued to kiss me as I brought my hands to the hem of his shirt, he pulled away looking down at me, our breaths heavy.

"Are you sure, is this what you want?"

I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I want this."

He brought his lips back to mine pulling away as I pulled his shirt over his head and he pulled mine over my head leaving me in my black bra. He brought his hands to the hem of my sweat pants as I unbuckled the belt of his jeans, he brought his lips back to mine as he removed my panties and I removed his boxers leaving him completely nude as I stayed in my bra. He got off of me grabbing a condom, sliding it on and coming back to me placing himself at my center. He looked at me once more as if asking me if I was sure that I still wanted this, I brought his lips back to mine silently letting him know that I was sure. I felt him push himself into me, a moan leaving my lips, as he pushed and pulled himself in and out of me, our moans and groans filled the room. Our heavy breaths mixing together as our bodies remained connected until we reached our highs, he released himself into the condom holding me there for a moment just looking me in the eyes as our heavy breaths continued to mix together. He finally decided to pull himself out of me, he rolled over next to me removing the condom and putting it in the wastebasket on his side of the bed. He pulled me into his side holding me close till we fell asleep in each other's arms.

~Day 6~

I woke up this morning in strong arms and no clothes, I sat up looking around the room before looking to my side to see James fast asleep. Memories from last night came flooding back to me, I slowly slipped out from under the covers grabbing my things before walking across the hall to my room. I jumped into the shower washing last night and the memories down the drain. I was calm and relaxed, that is until the curtains were drawn back, I jumped grabbing my towel only to have it pulled from my grasp, I looked at James with a scowl on my face.

"James what the fuck is wrong with you?, get out."

"No, why the fuck did you get out of bed?"


"No tell me because I thought last night meant something, maybe I'm being a total girl about this but I wanna know."

"James get out and when I get out we'll talk but not while I'm naked in the fucking shower alright?"

He nodded his head, handing me my wet towel before walking out of the room, I shut off the shower grabbing a new towel, getting dressed. I walked out of the bathroom to see James sitting patiently on my bed waiting for me.

"First of all don't ever walk in on me in the shower next time, I'll hurt you got it?"

He nodded his head letting me continue.

"Second of all, I left this morning so I wouldn't wake you up, I was being nice and letting you sleep. Not to mention I needed to shower after last night, I always do so stop being such an ass about it."

He looked at me.

"Was I just another one of your clients?"

My eyes went wide and I was pissed, I looked at him before showing him my more sarcastic side.

"Yep that's all you fucking were James, just another one of my clients, what the fuck do you think?"

"I wanna say that you wouldn't do that to me, but I don't know."

I walked out of the room, not wanting to even be around him right now, he's acting like such a fucking girl and it's really annoying. I started to walk down the hallway towards the kitchen when I felt a hand grab my wrist turning me around.

"Answer me without being a sarcastic bitch, are you treating me like I'm just another one of your clients, is that why you slept with me?"

"Okay one don't call me a bitch I can't hurt Marks but I can hurt you so don't push me. Second I have sex with my other clients the first fucking day I'm with them. Do you think you're another one of my fucked up clients because I sure as hell haven't been treating you like one? Thirdly I don't know why I slept with you but at this moment I'm starting to regret it so just let it go James."

I ripped my wrist from his hand and walked the rest of the way down the hall towards the kitchen where I was once again stopped by James.

"What was last night to you?"

I let out a rough sigh.

"I don't know James."

"What do you know Ella?"

"Nothing obviously, I know nothing I'm a sixteen year old girl trapped in L.A. being forced to be a fucking sex slave with a guy who hasn't told me anything more than he cares about me but yet he expects me to tell him some type of hidden fucking feelings that don't fucking exist. So if you have something else you wanna say regarding your feelings that would tell me what the fuck your looking for you better say it now or forever hold your fucking peace because I'm done with this shit."

"Then I guess there's nothing more for me to say."

"I guess not."

I walked back upstairs to my room quietly closing the door behind me walking over to my bed laying down. I looked up at the ceiling thinking about all that happened today and all that I hoped would've happened today that didn't. I wish he would've told me the truth about his feelings, I wish he would've told me how he actually feels about me, but he didn't and I don't think he ever will, I know how I feel I just wanted him to say it first.

~James' POV~

I woke up this morning alone in bed, I sat up looking around the room as memories from last night came flooding back to me. I slipped out of bed grabbing my clothes and changing into them before walking across the hall to Ella's room. I drew back the curtains, making her jump and grab for her towel only for me to pull it from her grasp, she looked at me with a scowl on her face and I knew that she was fucking pissed.

"James what the fuck is wrong with you?, get out."

"No, why the fuck did you get out of bed?"


"No tell me because I thought last night meant something, maybe I'm being a total girl about this but I wanna know."

"James when I get out we will talk but not while I'm naked in the fucking shower alright?"

I nodded my head handing her the now wet towel before walking out of the room. I walked out of the bathroom patently sitting on her bed waiting for her, she soon came out of the bathroom and looked at me for a moment.

"First of all don't ever walk in on me in the shower next time I will hurt you got it?"

I nodded my head letting her know that I understand and that she can continue.

"Second of all, I left this morning so I wouldn't wake you up, I was being nice and letting you sleep. Not to mention I needed to shower after last night, I always do so stop being such an ass about it."

I looked at her.

"Was I just another one of your clients?"

Her eyes went wide and I knew that she was pissed.

"Yep that's all you fucking were James just another one of my clients, what the fuck do you think?"

"I wanna say that you wouldn't do that to me but I don't know."

She walked out of the room, and started to walk down the hall towards the kitchen. I caught up to her and grabbed her wrist, turning her around to face me.

"Answer me without being a sarcastic bitch, are you treating me like I'm just another one of your clients, is that why you slept with me?"

I knew it was wrong for me to call her a bitch but it was true it's what she was being and it irritated the hell out of me. I was being serious, I care about this girl, hell I maybe even love this girl.

"Okay one don't call me a bitch I can't hurt Marks but I can hurt you so don't push me. Second I have sex with my other clients the first fucking day I'm with them. Do you think you're another one of my fucked up clients because I sure as hell haven't been treating you like one? Thirdly I don't know why I slept with you but at this moment I'm starting to regret it so just let it go James."

She ripped my wrist from my hand and walked the rest of the way down the hall towards the kitchen where I once again stopped her. It hurt when she said that she was starting to regret last night, because last night was the best night of my life.

"What was last night to you?"

She let out a rough sigh.

"I don't know James."

"What do you know Ella?"

"Nothing obviously, I know nothing I'm a sixteen year old girl trapped in L.A. being forced to be a fucking sex slave with a guy who hasn't told me anything more than he cares about me but yet he expects me to tell him some type of hidden fucking feelings that don't fucking exist. So if you have something else you wanna say regarding your feelings that would tell me what the fuck your looking for you better say it now or forever hold your fucking peace because I'm done with this shit."

She was right, her life has changed so much and I know now that I can't tell her how I really feel. I don't want to hurt her, or make her feel like she has to be with me because of how I feel or her job.

"Then I guess there's nothing more for me to say."

"I guess not."

She walked back upstairs to her room quietly closing the door behind her. I thought about going after her but decided against it, I decided to give her some space just until tomorrow. She has to go back to the club tomorrow, I just hope I can tell her before I have to take her back. I hope I can tell her my true feelings for her, I don't just care about her it's more than just care I actually love this girl. I think I've always loved her, I just never realized it till now, till last night, last night wasn't just sex to me it was love. I made love to Ella Jay, and it will always be love.

~James POV(Day 7)~

I woke up this morning ready to tell Ella how I truly feel about her, ready to tell Ella that I love her, I just hope she listens to me. I got dressed before walking out of my room and down the hall hoping she would be up. I opened the door to see her sitting up in bed with sleep still in her gorgeous vibrant green eyes, she turned her head to look at me.

"James what are you doing?"

She asked in a calm tired voice, not trying to pick a fight or be rude.

"I have something I want to tell you and I need you to stay calm and listen to me before you freak out alright?"

She nodded her head letting me continue.

"I'm in..."

I was cut off by the door bell ringing, I let out a rough irritated sigh looking at Ella.

"I'm sorry I'll get that but please don't move, I wanna finish talking to you alright?"

She nodded her head.

"Yeah, alright."

I walked out of the room and down the hall opening the front door to see Marks standing there with a smirk on his face.

"I need my girl now."

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"She's not supposed to be back till four it's only noon, I have five hours left you'll get her back then unless you wanna give me my money back."

He looked at me with anger in his eyes before he let out a sigh.

"Fine but she better be back at four on the dot, she and Sky have a request if she's not back it's coming out of your ass."

"Whatever Marks now get off my property, and yes she'll be back no worries I just want my time with her ya know."

He smirked before walking back to his car, I shut the door and walked back upstairs to see Ella sitting on her bed waiting for me to continue with what I had to tell her.

"So what were you saying before?"

"Oh yeah right sorry..."

She giggled and it was the cutest thing I've ever heard, I felt my face burn with a blush and knew that I was blowing this, I shook my head and continued with what I was saying earlier.

"Anyways, as I was saying earlier this is gonna come out wrong but I don't know how else to say this other than just tell you straight up I love you, I'm in love with you."

~Ella's POV~

My eyes went wide as I stood from my spot on the bed and looked at him.

"When did this happen?"

"The other night, it wasn't just sex to me Ella."

I didn't know what to say, I had been waiting to hear this from him since that night, I just can't believe he finally said it. He finally told me that he loves me and I don't know if I can even say it back, I just don't know. I looked back at James as he looked at me with nervous and expectant eyes, I knew what he was waiting for but I can't say it, I looked at him letting out a sigh.

"James, I'm not ready to say it yet I want to but I can't, thank you for telling me but I need more time alright."

He nodded his head walking towards me, he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into a hug. When he pulled away he looked behind me at the clothes sitting on my bed, he let out a sigh.

"I better go so you can get ready, you have to be back by four."

I gave him a confused look.


"Marks came by said that there's a request for you back at the club and that if you're not back by four I won't be able to get you back till he tells me I can."


"Yeah, so get ready I'll see you downstairs in a few."

I nodded my head and he walked out of the room, leaving me to change my clothes and get ready to head back to the club. When all of my things were gathered, I walked downstairs to see James sitting on the couch. He stood up as I started walking to the door I felt his hand on my wrist as he pulled me back, crashing his lips to mine. When he pulled away I was breathing heavily, I looked up into his gray eyes before moving out of his hold, opening the door, walking to his car. I got in waiting for him to compose himself, the ride was quiet without the radio or any kind of communication. It was really uncomfortable and I didn't know what was going through his head. We pulled up to the club and I saw the familiar cycles in the parking lot, I knew exactly who it was and I was getting excited. James and I got out of the car and walked into the club with his hand on my upper arm like he was escorting me like a prisoner. Marks looked at us and then at the clock before letting his smug arrogant voice fill the room as he grabbed my arm pulling me towards him.

"Well I see you're about five minutes early, did you enjoy your time James?"

"Hell yeah, she's a good one whoever requested her is one lucky bastard."

Just then Jax walked in and looked from me to Marks.

"Glad to know you take your requests seriously, is that pretty little thing over there ready to go?"

Marks nodded his head before he called over Sky.

"Hey bitch number three your regulars are here, and look they got you a friend."

She walked over to us and looked at me suppressing a small smile before Opie came in and looked at Sky, before looking at Marks.

"How much for a week?"

"Four-hundred for the girls and twenty for the whole week."

Opie handed him the money before grabbing Sky's arm while Jax grabbed mine leading us out to the bikes. As we drove away I watched James in the side mirror of Jax cycle.

~Ella's POV(Bikers-Day 1)~

After Jax and Opie picked us up from the club we went back to the shop, I hopped off the bike as did Jax. I was about to follow Sky and Opie into the shop when I felt a hand grip my wrist, I was spun around and lips crashed into mine, when we pulled away I looked into Jax's blue eyes.

"What was that for?"

He simply smiled at me.

"Just because."

I smiled as he took my hand and led me into the shop, I saw Opie pulling out Blue for me, I couldn't help the smile that came to my face. Opie nodded for me to follow him as Jax and Sky came up next to me, Jax with a smile and Sky with a questioning look on her face.

"Why are you guys all smiling, and why are you getting all excited like your gonna ride that bike?"

I smiled at her before using my words, and running over to the blue.

"Because I'm gonna ride that bike."

I hopped on pulling on my helmet revving the engine and taking off. It felt so good it was unbelievable and if I'm being honest it left me feeling kinda horny. When I pulled up next to Opie I pulled off my helmet shutting off the engine and looked at Sky who was shocked as hell. I walked over to Jax taking his hand and hollering back to Sky.

"I'll explain later!"

Jax and I ran into the shop and down to his room, we removed every piece of clothing we had on till we were completely naked. He grabbed a condom from his side table, slipping it on before he positioned himself at my center. I felt him push himself into me as a gasp came from my lips, he brought his lips to mine swallowing my pleasureful moans and groans. The sad thing is that neither of us reached our high as Opie decided to knock on the door.

"Jax, I know you're busy and all, but this James guy is here and he says he's looking for Ella."

Jax looked at me as I let out a frustrated groan, I looked up at him and apologized before hollering back at Opie.

"Alright Opie, I'll be out in a few."

He didn't holler back so I guess he got the message, Jax pulled himself out of me slipping the condom off and getting dressed tossing me my clothes. When we were both dressed and I didn't have sex hair anymore, I walked out of the room and down the hall to see James sitting there waiting for me.


I went to say something but was cut off by his lips on mine, I pushed him away disconnecting him from me before smacking him in the face.

"Just because you confess your love for me doesn't make me yours and it doesn't give you the right to follow me around. When I'm not with you I'm not your problem so stop, I don't care what your feelings are for me figure it out. Buy me and then maybe we have a shot but as long as I work for Marks stop following me around it's creepy and unattractive James."

I looked over at Opie.

"Do me a favor Opie, go get Blue if it's okay with you, I would love to ride her again."

He nodded his head, and I looked back at James.

"You wanna stay and hang out fine but keep your damn hands off of me. When I'm here I do what I want, when I want, with who ever the fuck I want. This will never happen again, do you understand me?"


I nodded my head and looked back at Jax before walking over to him.

"I'm sorry, believe it or not he told me that he loves me today and I can't say it back, I'm not ready, I hope this doesn't change things between us?"

He smiled at me placing a peck on my lips.

"When you fall for him just tell me, but if you want the truth I'm falling for you too, sooner or later you're gonna have to choose."

"I know, I'm sorry."

He shook his head.

"No worries."

I took his hand in mine again and ran out to the bike track with James following behind us trying to keep up. I went down to Blue with James looking at me like I was crazy, I looked at him and smirked.

"You wanna see who I really am?"

He nodded his head as I slipped on the helmet and revved the engine for the second time today. I sped around the track a few times just burning off steam until I pulled up in front of the guys and Sky. I killed the engine before taking off my helmet and hopping off the bike, I looked at them.

"Sky, James questions?"

They both nodded their heads before Sky spoke up.

"Where did you learn to ride like that?"

"My dad taught me when I was five and I've been riding ever since, I have my own bike back home but um obviously I couldn't bring it with me."

They nodded their heads before James spoke.

"What happened to your dad, is he still around?"

I shook my head.

"No he died in a cycle accident when I was thirteen, he was an amazing rider."

"How'd it happen?"

I looked at Jax.

"He was racing and this guy deliberately ran him off the track, he flipped his cycle, crushed his spinal cord and broke his neck. I remember running onto the track to make sure he was okay, I tried to wake him up but he didn't move. He was proclaimed right then and there, I ran after the guy and literally kicked the shit out of him, since then the guy was permanently suspended and I started racing to take on my dad's legacy."

"Well you must've made him fucking proud because damn girl your good."

I smiled at Sky.


She smiled at me nodding her head before we walked back into the shop. I had a few drinks with Jax and James finally decided to leave, he simply waved goodbye before walking out the door to his car. I grabbed Jax's hand, leading him back to his room so we could finish what we started earlier, when we were done he rolled over next to me pulling me into his side.

"You're gonna have to choose soon love."

"I know, believe me I know, I'm not excited about it."

"No matter who you choose though, we will always be your sanctuary."

I smiled at him giving him a quick kiss before falling asleep in his warm safe arms.

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