Josuke x Reader One Shots

By user38246486

19.3K 237 562

My first book about Jotaro increased the number of views pretty well and I decided to create a second one abo... More

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Photo session at a distance(Lemon)
Please, let's be together again.
Pompadour girl
Musical battle
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I'm just crazy for falling in love with you. Part 2 (Lemon)
Blind love
I will fight for her honor
Sick and moody
Raspberry sweets (for Valentine's Day)
Young parents
Twin sister
Dirty couple (Lemon)
Vampire love is only real (Lemon)

I'm sorry

536 5 0
By user38246486

"What?" A pompadour guy yells at the whole school after hearing the terrible news from the girl next to him.

"Yes. I think we should part ways." She confirms the words again.

"Why? Tell me the reason why you want to break up with me? Am I not trying enough to be the perfect guy for you?" Josuke was bombarded with various questions.

"Neither one or the other. The main reason is your detachment. Why do you often disappear lately?

Josuke did not know that over the long time of his relationship with Y/N, everything could change, just because of one stupidity. Couples' relationships are about sincere love, helping each other, and real feelings of affection. If all this is missing, then the couple is not loving. And at the same time, she is simply deceiving each other. Josuke loved Y/N, just not in the right way.

"Y/N, please! I promise to improve! Just don't leave me!" Josuke hugs the girl and weak tears rolled from his eyes.

Y/N pushed the pompadour guy away from her.

"I'm not the best. Really? And if so, find yourself a better girlfriend. If I'm not like her." Y/N leaves the place where she and Josuke had a dialogue.

After that day, they did not intersect. What exactly happened? Why did Y/N want to break up with Josuke?

It all started a few weeks ago. Josuke and Y/N were love birds. So far, they have not been called so at school. Especially friends of Josuke, Okuyasu and Koichi. Y/N was the happiest girl, with a cute pompadour partner. Josuke also loved Y/N more than anything else. But at what cost?

Recently, the guy did not spend so much time with the girl. Y/N felt deep jealousy and suspicion of infidelity to Josuke. Especially when she saw a guy with another girl. Both laughed at jokes together and ate school lunch in the cafeteria. Y/N just ran away after this spectacle. She didn't like it when other girls rolled up to her partner, but apparently it didn't bother Josuke. The hike even liked the guy. So that as many girls as possible were with him, as if in a harem. But the most important point in that story was influenced by the kiss. Josuke and that girl were kissing.

Y/N saw it all. Inside, everything is torn into chunks, and the heart turns to stone. Looking at these two, you just want to scream and cry.

And on the day of the breakup, Y/N didn't tell Josuke what she saw. Therefore, the guy could not understand the main reason for the breakup. But... Okuyasu, after breaking up, told a friend about the reason. That Y/N saw him from another.

Josuke is not a stupid guy, but in a romantic relationship he is the same as his father Joseph Joestar. I liked one, then switched to another. And in the end he was rejected by a real and loving girl. Y/N didn't see the teenager as some kind of jerk who liked to frame girls at every turn, pretending to be a macho king or just a cable. Now it turned out to be true.

(Y/N pov)

Maybe I was wrong to leave Josuke? I still think about the days when we loved being together. The way we hugged, kissed, walked in the evenings, spent time in arcade halls.

But... I stopped being interesting. That bitch was better. You don't have to believe in school love. This is just a silly tale that is hard to forget. After all, sooner or later it will turn out to be the same end again.

Or maybe love is not given to many? I love Josuke, but... For him, I was just like all the other girls. Play a little and throw it away. It's time to forget about all this. Love is not eternal if it is not real and sincere.

While I was sitting in the backyard of the school with a pen and notebook in hand, writing down various notes from the lesson, someone sat down next to me.

"Hi. Am I interfering?" This person approached me. The voice was familiar enough.

One of my classmates Oliver, was sitting side by side. He was a tall, quiet and intelligent guy. Pale skin, aquamarine eyes, short white hair with a small protruding bangs. And he often wore a blue bandana around his neck, like a cowboy.

"Hi Oliver. I don't mind. You can sit as long as you like." I answered him again, switching my attention to the notebook.

"Y/N. I heard that you and Josuke broke up. Aren't you very upset about that?" He asked.

"Not much. But ... I still can't get him out of my head. We were together, but as you can say, I'm just a doll."

"Don't say that. Josuke turned out to be a fool who doesn't know how to love." Oliver moved closer and stroked his back.

My eyes turned to him again. And then I felt much calmer. This guy was like an older brother who could help his little sister with problems. I hugged Oliver and cried. Why do I want to cry now? Either because I feel bad now and want to release all the accumulated emotions, or because from Oliver's actions I am glad that there is someone who can feel sorry for me? Oliver responds with a hug and also strokes the head, while soothing.

"If you feel bad, just let all your emotions out. Crying, on the contrary, is good." Oliver says, still hugging.

After losing my sad emotions, I walk away from the guy and smile.

"Thanks, Oliver. I'm glad I have friends to support me."

"No problem. After all, we have to help those who feel bad."

He's right. But... I can't handle breaking up with Josuke. And what is the best way to get rid of it? Maybe... Maybe just find a friend? Although I told myself that school love is not real, I do not see any other way yet. And Oliver is cute too.

"Oliver. I'd like to ask you. Do you want to be my boyfriend temporarily? It's just... I find it very difficult to get over breaking up with Josuke. And finding a new boyfriend seemed like a good idea. So I'll try to get rid of the stupid thoughts." I ask him.

"Me? I don't ... I don't know. Why do you want me to be your boyfriend?"

"You never leave me in a difficult situation. And even now I feel good when you are there. But... If you mind, then just forget."

Oliver took my hand in his and brought it to his chest.

"Y/N, you're emotional. I understand that perfectly. After a breakup, it's hard to get away from those thoughts. But I agree. I'll be your boyfriend." He accepted me.

After the confession, we hugged. So far, this is just the beginning of something different and maybe even good. The whole life is still ahead. Who knows. Maybe over time we will really love each other.

(Josuke pov)

After breaking up with Y/N, I can't learn or think positively. All thoughts are only about her. And what I've done. I liked it when the girls were around. Their presence is like flying butterflies near a shining peony. Their smiles, beautiful speeches and their usual presence, all this made me happy. Until... I didn't understand what it's like to experience true love. It's one thing to show off or date girls, and it's another to truly love. And it happened.

I really loved Y/N and I still do. I especially realized this on the day of our separation. I didn't feel like before any return. She left and let it be, as was the case with many. We are still teenagers and this is nothing more than teenage fun. I didn't feel it. It was completely different. More precisely, a feeling, like a knife cutting a heart into billions of pieces. Like a black shadow covering Y/N's body, as if she doesn't know me. I don't know how to describe all this further. I've never felt this way.

I don't want to do that anymore. I have had enough of this attitude towards girls. Love is a serious feeling. And the one who cannot love does not deserve to feel it. But not me. Y/N, we will definitely be together again. Hopefully.

(On lessons)

We are now in the last lesson. The teacher tells a story about an ancient civilization. Some of the students are bored, many are asleep, while others sat in their gadgets. And only I was distracted. The eyes did not leave the place where my princess was sitting. She slept with her face hidden behind her hands. She was lying so sweetly on the desk, tired from everyday lessons. Very nice.

The lesson ends and we are all going home. I and a few other students stayed in the class. Some guy came up to Y/N. Or rather, one of her friends. Like Oliver. In his hand was a large magazine from a famous fast food restaurant that had opened not so long ago.

"Y/N. Would you mind going down now and taking a break from school? I'd like to suggest visiting this place." He unfolds the magazine and points to the correct page.

"I know this place. I was there on the first day of opening. They have very tasty chicken nuggets." Said Y/N by putting the last notebook in the bag.

"Well. Would you agree to go and grab a bite there? There's a couples promotion at their place right now." At that moment, goose bumps ran down my spine.

I could clearly and confidently hear Oliver say, "Promotion for couples." But... why exactly does he offer this Y/N? Really ... He had time to pick her up?

"Of course Oliver. Let's go before they sell out without us. I really want their chicken nuggets."

(In fact, I just love them and decided to add)

Oliver and Y/N ran out of the classroom. I managed to look out the window and see how they both run away from the school. And now, looking at the two of them, a weakness is felt in the chest. I still love Y/N, but now ... After we broke up, she found a friend. I understand it. After what happened, it's hard to forget the relationship that was real. And Y/N can't forget me either. So she decided to be distracted by another guy.

As I walked home, I thought about Y/N all the way. And Oliver is smiling with her. Maybe... Is there still a chance to get Y/N back? Or... No, I won't get involved in the relationship? But I don't want that. Y/N loves me and only me. Oliver! Why did you take it away?!

(Two days later)

(Y/N pov)

Even though it's only been two days, the relationship with Oliver has been so great. Why haven't we met before? And also next to him I forget about Josuke. All these disgusting thoughts disappear like dirty flies. Yes, and Oliver himself says, "After parting, it is difficult to distract from such thoughts." This is so, although it turned out so simple next to him.

"Hi Y/N. I brought you lunch." Oliver walks over to my desk and places a box wrapped in nicely wrapped paper on the table.

"Thanks, but not worth it, Oliver."

"How could it not be worth it? You are my girlfriend and I have to spoil you sometimes. Yes, and I am pleased when you feel good." Oliver hugs me from the back.

Oliver pushes a chair over to me and sits down beside me. We ate lunch boxes together and talked about various moments in life. But during the conversation, there was a chill behind my back. As if someone is staring with wild jealousy or discontent. Several times turning his head in the right direction, there was no one behind, except for the sad Josuke sitting at the desk. He exchanged glances with me a couple of times, but quickly turned away.

After that day, Josuke is often sad. A lot of female fans, having learned about the fact that Josuke broke up with me, started gluing, not giving a pass. However, Josuke repulsed everyone. Josuke doesn't want to see all anymore fan girls.

In vain he does so. There are a lot of girls, so why is he so sad? Just because of me? But... Over time, he will find a girl much better than me. I'm sure.

"Listen Y/N. I was thinking. Can we go to Akihabara this weekend?"

"Akihabara? This is one of the famous cities for Otaku."

"Well... So you want to come with me?"

"I... I don't know. I don't have much money to go to Akihabara. Even though I dreamed of going there and buying a large collection of manga and figurines. But... A few days ago, my mother to buy a new bike for little brother for my money. Mom always loves to take my money without asking." I pout and cross my arms over my chest.

"It doesn't matter. I can share the money with you."

"You don't owe Oliver."

"Money is not a problem for me. My parents own 2 restaurants in Morio and also a football stadium. They have a lot of money. True, I don't always want to spend it, because there is nothing. And I have few friends to go somewhere and have fun. "

"Well... Then I don't mind. But I beg you, do not buy and do not spend money on me. I know that you are not Japanese, but Korean. And in your country, guys often like to spend money on their lovers(It's true)."

"I know. But... I can't do it any other way. I grew up in Korea, met a couple of times with girls and gave quite a few gifts. It has already become a habit. Only now, a lot of girls with me did not last even a week."

"It's sad to hear Oliver. Was there a reason for that?"

"There were. You see... Girls care a lot. Money, beauty, expensive things and other nonsense. Before I moved to Morio, I was a beggar. There was little money and even my appearance was not pretty. It's all different now. Parents have moved, found a good job, even I was on a part-time job with my mother. Appearance is beautiful, that you can go into a model. But this was not the case before."

"Damn. I never appreciated girls who care about beauty and money. Stupidity is sheer."

"I agree. But... Do you agree to come with me?"

" I do not mind." I'm smiling.

"Then tomorrow I will pick you up and we will go together." With this our conversation about Akihabara ended and we continued to eat.

(Josuke pov)

The whole lunch I sat with a filled box of food and did not even take one piece in my mouth. There was no appetite. Not far from me at the desk sat Y/N with Oliver. They discussed the trip to Akihabara together. She has so much fun with him, but not me. Why can't I just forget about her? Or is my love for her so strong that forgetting just won't work?

"Josuke, maybe you should really talk to Y/N again? Otherwise, you will continue to suffer from love." Koichi distracts me from my thoughts.

"I would take a break from this, but I can't. I still love her. I want to be with her, but... Seeing her next to Oliver makes me feel defeated."

"Then let Okuyasu and I say it for you."

" No!" I screamed strongly that scared everyone in the class.

"Josuke, why are you shouting?" Y/N turned to me and asked.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare anyone."

"OK." Y/N turns back to Oliver.

The dialogue between Koichi continued.

"I have to do it myself."

(Time skip)

Days, weeks, months passed. My feelings for Y/N still haven't subsided. But... I also began to suspect Oliver.

It happened on one of those days when the guys and I sat by the pool and discussed about studying. Likely nothing foreshadowed trouble, as a girl walked by the pool, with a short she caught me Y/N. She was with Oliver. They both held hands like a couple. And then I began to notice something strange. And then he even arranged surveillance.

As it turned out later, it was a big plan. And this girl was more to blame for all this. She wanted to get Y/N to leave me out of mistrust. And also about the dialogue that I overheard.

"You've always been such a naive bitch. Sooner or later it will be clearer, but I can't make Y/N feel empty just for your stupid pleasures."

"These are not stupid pleasures, but a goal. Y/N is a big barrier in my case in relation to Josuke. My handsome and cute Josuke."

"And you actually know it's because of you that Josuke and Y/N broke up?"

"So what? I liked Josuke, but he still can't forget this bitch. Yes, I wanted Y/N to get away from him. I wanted him, but... After the two separated, Josuke began to act like not at ease. Everybody thinks and thinks about her. Wasn't that kiss the main point of their breaking?"

"Because you make sense in true love. But I know a lot more. When a loved one is next to you, hugs you, strokes your head, kisses, makes compliments."

"Ha-ha. Enough already. Are you really into Y/N?"

"Yes, it is. And only thanks to you."

"Of course, thanks to me. But... Not really. You see, Y/N told you to temporarily become her boyfriend, no further. No kissing, bed games or weddings. And you think it will be for real? Apparently not."

" Shut up!"

"Oh, don't yell like that. Otherwise it will be much worse. Understand, even though you and I are friends ... Our plans are not finished yet. I can give you a full chance of getting Y/N."

"And how do you do it?"

"Simple. You have to set up a Y/N meeting in the place where Josuke and I will be. Let him finally know that his ex-girlfriend no longer loves him. And when we are there, you will make her your usual kiss in lips. That's all. And then Josuke will be mine."

"The plan is easy and too stupid, like a child invented it. But ... What if Y/N doesn't like the kiss? She will reject me!" Oliver began to cry.

Listening to their dialogue, it was difficult not to contain the anger. It turned out that all this time the girl just wanted to get my heart, thereby breaking our love with Y/N.

(Time skip)

(Nobody pov)

Oliver was unhappy with what he was doing. Even though he wanted to be the Y/N boyfriend, things are very difficult now. He really likes her. He loves her. However, the girl who broke Y / N's heart by taking away her ex-boyfriend just went crazy. And this plan. Sheer madness.

"Oliver." Y/N is coming.

"Listen to Y/N. I don't want to delay you for long, but I'll just tell you."

" What's the matter?"

" I want to be your boyfriend!" Oliver said in a raised and confident voice.

"But you are my boyfriend anyway."

"No. You misunderstood. I meant to be not a temporary, but a real guy. I want to feel loved next to you. So that we can not just walk holding hands. I want more. Hug you, kiss and be only with you."

"Oliver, do you really want to be my real boyfriend?" The girl asks, rubbing her palms.

"Yes I want it very much."

Y/N thinks. In truth, even though she asked Oliver to become a boyfriend for a while, but... Remembering what happened before ... About how Josuke betrayed her. The way he secretly kissed another girl. Y/N fears this incident will happen again.

"Oliver. I..."

The girl does not have time to finish, as Josuke comes running with Koichi and Okuyasu.

"Y/N, don't reciprocate!"

Oliver and Y/N took notice of the guys running up to them.

"Josuke, Koichi, Okuyasu. What did you three forget here?" Again the girl asks questions, but not to Oliver.

"Y/N. I... I didn't cheat on you! It was all planned. That girl who kissed me... She just wanted to take me away from you. And now she still wants to do it."

"I don't understand Josuke."

"He said that the girl arranged everything for you to leave Josuke. But... Because he loves you so much and wants to return, she wanted that today, when Oliver tries to confess his feelings to you, Josuke would see it and stop thinking about how to get you back. " Confirms Okuyasu's words

Oliver is nervous with confusion.

"Oliver. So you're with that girl? Tell me."

Oliver is silent.

"Please tell me."

"I won't lie. She asked you to borrow after the breakup. And after that, nothing until she said that Josuke didn't want to pay attention to her, because he still thinks about you. But I have my own plans. After you quit Josuke, I really wanted to be a temporary boyfriend, but... For all our time together, I realized that I didn't want to be temporary. I want to be a real and truly loving boyfriend. I want you to be mine. So I agreed to help her with this stupid plan. Please Y/N, be mine."

"Not so fast Oliver. I haven't said mine yet."

Josuke kneels in front of the girl.

"Listen, princess. The day you left me, my heart seemed to be out of order. Thoughts were mixed and everything seemed to be turned upside down. Initially, this never happened. I always accepted the girls leaving without disappointment. But not this time. And all because I realized what true love is.

The way we used to spend time, how we loved to have fun after school days. Even the day we decided to play a trick on Rohan. Do you remember... We put a can of paint over his entrance and it fell on his head. We ran away and laughed like 5 year olds. It was so unforgettable.

At the same time, I went out with other girls, but it never came to that again. And when the girl kissed me, it was as if I was confused. What I've done? Why did I respond so easily to a kiss, but did not feel anything? Because I was an ordinary fool and did not know what it was like to reciprocate."

Y/N continues to listen to what her ex-boyfriend has to say.

"And that day... When you said that you were leaving me... I just fell. I fell to everyone. I didn't want anyone else but you. No other girl aroused such great interest as you did. All thoughts were and were about my unforgettable and beautiful princess.

I wanted to get you back. And now, kneeling right now. I ask you, princess, to become my girlfriend again."

Josuke manages to finish and imperceptibly to Oliver's back is whipped up by the same bitch.

"Well, now. Is everything working out for nothing?"

"How did you end up here?" Oliver asks.

"I was looking for Josuke, and then when I saw how he and the guys ran somewhere, I followed them. And when I came running I heard everything that was said earlier."

Y/N and the guys stared at her.

"Come on, Oliver. Why are you standing and silent? Take and kiss her. I want to get my man." The girl pushes the guy towards Y/N.

"Stop!" Stops them with Josuke's voice.

"Why stop, Josuke? Can't you see? I wanted to do all this for us. I'll see it through to the end."

" Shut up!" All the guys yell at her.

Oliver sighed and addressed Y/N.

"Look, I love you so much. But ... I guess it's not up to us to decide. If you want to return to Josuke, you can come back. I won't be upset."

"WHAT!" The girl screams and with punches on the back of the guy.

"I said everything! And it will be appropriate for everyone."

"Well, you scum Oliver! I should have gotten Josuke even earlier without your help."

Y/N looks at the two men without paying any attention but a screaming girl. After all... Now she wants to decide what to do next. On the one hand, she can love a cute Korean who has never cheated her and is ready to become a real and loving guy. But on the other hand, the almost completely broken, pompadour handsome Josuke school. The one who cheated on her, but wants to fix everything.

Josuke was a fool. Love played with him like a doll without real feelings. And finally they woke up for real. Maybe he deserves a second chance?

Y/N again looked in the direction of Oliver and how the girl was hiding like a little sister behind her older brother.. She didn't like that Oliver was with the bitch all this time.

"Oliver. I... I will not forgive you."

Oliver considered.

" What?"

"I won't forgive you for being with the same bitch. She took Josuke from me just for herself. She's the same as all the girls in this school who dream of getting in his pants. What kind of idiots? Therefore, I don't want to see you. Walk with that bitch out of my sight. We're not friends anymore. "


"Stop being silly! I don't want to see you just because you're on the same page with her! Do you have any idea how much I hated this bitch?!

How many times have I wanted to just take and rip all of her hair! Just like Josuke when one fool insulted her pompadour!"

"But this is not the answer to basic choice you fool! Josuke is still mine!" The girl is screaming.

"Oh no. I made a decision. I will return to Josuke, but not because he wants it. My reason is one... Only one reason."

"And what is this reason?"

"Second chance. I will give him to improve and become a truly beloved man."

"I won't give it to you!" The girl runs out from behind Oliver and was about to punch, but Y/N was ready for it and stabbed her in the face with her fist.

Josuke and his friends, as well as Oliver, were surprised and their jaws hung almost to the ground.

"Do you know what happened during the time when I was with the Oliver? I dreamed of hitting you for real. And I don't regret it. You just love to scratch your tongue, but if you fight. It will already look funny. Even an ordinary 7 year old child can hit you. "

The girl is crying, and Oliver leaves without a word.

Josuke, Y/N and the others leave as well.

"Sorry guys. I don't know how it happened."

"Don't be upset Y/N. You did what you had to do. Revenge." Cheers her up to Okuyasu.

Josuke takes the girl's hand and attention has already been transferred to him.

"Y/N. I... I... I'm sorry." Tears formed on Josuke's face.

"I really turned out to be such a fool. I promise that this will never happen again. I don't want to lose you princess again."

"Calm down, Josuke. I told you I'll give you a second chance to improve. And I hope you realize what true love means." Smiles Y/N at her boyfriend.

" Promise!" Josuke abruptly hugs the girl, gasping for breath in tears of happiness.

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