I will fight for her honor

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(Josuke pov)

It's not easy being a teenager surrounded by a bunch of female fans who are not calm. Then they can follow you even to the ends of the world or to an extremely difficult place like a men's room. And what do the fans want to achieve with this?

Fan behavior is too boring for me. Better to experience true love. Like me. A man who dreams of finding a betrothed for the rest of his life. And one such person is in class 1-B. Her name is Y/N.

Entered Morio High School a few months ago. Arrived from Tokyo school. She looks like a beautiful, well-groomed girl. Good at arcade games. Okuyasu described how he saw Y/N playing in the arcade room.

It was impossible not to fall in love with a girl like Y/N. But... Looks like I'm only going to dream. Ask why?

Before Y/N was transferred to Morio, one of the students spread a rumor that a girl in Tokyo had been severely abused by her ex-boyfriend Midori. The most important point in the relationship was betrayal and disclosure of the truth. Midori was the kind of guy who liked to mock girls than to love. Y/N is not an easily accessible girl and you need to pull off a whole trust plan. Initially, the guy pretended to be a kind lamb and called the girl love for life. He fogged his head with compliments, kisses and hugs. But that didn't stop the guy from mocking Y/N and apologizing again.

On the last day, the girl met a guy kissing some whore that the whole Tokyo school knew. Dialogue with Y/N didn't go so smoothly. Midori beat Y/N while the whore laughed off to the side while filming on the phone. When rumors spread around the school, Midori was given responsibility and the Y/N treatment payment. The girl who filmed the video came under indictment, and then dumped Midori.

After that incident, Y/N does not want to repeat mistakes. At Morio's school, the boys tried to interest the girl in a love relationship. They invited her on dates, offered to spend lunch breaks in private, and so on. However, everyone got the same answer, "I'm not interested in a love relationship." Even the girls are denied. I can't be sure, but Y/N turned down girls for lack of sympathy for homosexual relationships.

I do not want to be rejected. Y/N beautiful girl. Love at first sight enveloped my world, and butterflies woke up in my stomach. One kind of it causes red dust on the cheeks and hearts flying around the head. I am afraid of being rejected.

If there was a chance to show Y/N that I'm not like Midori. I want to be the most gentle boy.

(Nobody pov)

One day, Josuke and Okuyasu went to buy ice cream at the store. Okuyasu collected a change from his pocket as he headed inside the store to buy ice cream for two friends. Josuke stayed outside just admiring the warm spring day after school.

Suddenly, a teenager hears the sharp sound of an iron trash can around the corner of the store. Could a cat or a dog be overwhelmed? But it doesn't look like an animal. The sounds were repeated and Josuke quietly walks to the alley. In the distance, behind the shadows, you can see how a man laughs and a woman's scream of pain. Stop! This is not just a woman screaming! This is the voice of Y/N! Josuke knows the girl's voice like five fingers on a hand.

"Look here, pretty lady. You're a famous person. You refuse to all the guys in Morioh High School. But I don't care about rejection."

"I said I was not interested in a love relationship. Let go of my hands." Josuke hears a slight note of fear in the girl's voice.

"I don't give a damn. I bet with my friends that you will be mine. If I lose the argument, then don't hope that..."

"But the fact that?!" The guy turns towards the voice. Across the alley is a popular pompadour high school teenager. Higashikata Josuke.

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