Pompadour girl

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(In this story, you will look like a character from the anime Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine Izumida Kyouka. Rohan with an obsession in Y/N will also be here. (Yandere))

(Y/N pov)

"And why are you wearing such a stupid hairstyle?"

"Get your hair cut stupid girl!"

"Look what kind of hair she has on her head. Like an ugly hairstylist cut her hair like that."

How many times have I heard this. They love to do it and do it. Make fun of my hair.

Since the beginning of high school, I grew my hair and began to braid it in a spiral pompadour. There were also 2 tails on the shoulders. This is my favorite and main hairstyle in life.

It all started with the fact that once I had a friend who had the same hairstyle. She wore pompadour and was the most beautiful of them all. Also, she was my only friend who could teach a lot. Until one day ... Some drunk asshole accidentally hit her on a motorcycle. She couldn't survive. And then I decided that I would remember her by copying her hairstyle. And anyone who dares to offend her will mean desecration and disrespect for her.

All my old friends also called names and insulted my hair. For this they were severely beaten and I no longer saw any friendship with them. You cannot scoff at something that will cause deep pain from the past. Now I am left alone.

Before school tomorrow, I wanted to go to the store and buy some groceries for my mother and some tasty treats at the same time. Mom was also going to make dinner for tomorrow. And while I was walking to the store listening to music on headphones, something shot through me. A stream of blood flowed through the body. An ancient arrow with a golden patterned tip protruded from its chest. I was killed?

So I thought until I was in the hospital and the doctor said that a bystander found my body on the road, bleeding. There were no wounds from the arrow. Was it a dream? Well then, where does the blood come from?

There were many questions, but the answers to the questions don't will definitely appear immediately. While the doctor examined me, I was still thinking about the arrow that was in my chest. And how I was shot. Who could have done this? And why didn't I die after the shot?

After I was discharged from the hospital, I told my mother, but she did not want to believe everything that had happened. And the blood on the clothes was considered a minor wound. I wonder what other wound she could think of besides an arrow?

(The beginning of the academic day)

Today is the beginning of the school year. I am now a high school student. Lovely green uniforms and cute purple socks. While Mom was preparing dinner for the day, I braided my hair into a casual pompadour. It takes hours, but it's worth it. After all, I don't go anywhere without my favorite hairstyle.

Mom called me into the kitchen to pick up the lunch box. As soon as my hair was styled in pompadour, I ran to the kitchen.

"Morning my dear. Your hair is beautiful as always." I smiled at my mother and, grabbing a box with lunch, ran to the station where the bus goes to school.

I ran to the bus stop and started waiting for the bus to arrive. Apparently I left too early. While I was sitting near a small pond, a turtle emerged from it. She is so sweet and beautiful. I took it in my hands and stroked the small head with my index finger. Is she hungry? Taking out a small salad leaf from the lunch box and holding it out to the turtle, she began to devour it on my feet. How beautiful she is.

On the other side of the road, I noticed three guys talking about theirs. One looked very tall in a white coat and white hat. The second one was shorter and he had a very beautiful hairstyle somewhat similar to mine. Apparently he is some kind of delinquent, because a lot of guys with these hairstyles are dangerous guys. But this one looks more stylish. His jacket revealed a yellow T-shirt across his chest. The edges of the jacket were secured with peace and heart marks. The collar was also marked with hearts and anchor. Quite an attractive guy. And the last guy was rather small, but he looks also diligent and shy.

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