Marvel Imagines/One Shots (Bo...

By KhoffeeKhreme

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A bunch of one shots and imagines for the MCU I've created. They have varying lengths, characters, fluff, and... More

Steve- End Of The Line
Loki- Secrets
Loki- Secrets Part 2
Bucky- The Muffin Man
Natasha- Cliffhangers
The Avengers- Disney World
Peter- Princess Of Knives (Royal!AU)
Bucky- Baby Bump
The Avengers- "Good" Girl
Steve- Interviews
Natasha- Forest (Fantasy!AU)
Tony- Whoops
Bucky- The Lion, The Witch, And The Audacity Of This Bitch
A/N Number One
Peter- Old Soul
The Avengers- One Sarcastic Asshole Of A Witch
Loki- (Get) Help
Carol- Allergy Season
A/N Number Two
The Avengers- Twister In A Twister
Peter- Midnight Dance Party
Bucky- Are You Sure?
Bucky- Ducky Barnes
Bucky- You Don't Look A Day Over 20 (Soulmate AU)
Steve- Enemies With Benefits
Peter- A Thousand Stars Shaped Like Windows
Tony- Coming "Home"
Loki- If You Love Her
Peter- That My Best Friend, She's A Real Bad Bitch
The Avengers- You're My Favourite
Bucky- Laser Tag
Clint- Supermarket
The Avengers- Mistakes
Steve- My Queen, My Knight (Royal!AU; Pt. 1)
Steve- My Queen, My Knight (Royal!AU; Pt. 2)
Peter- Old Days
The Avengers- Any Last Words? (Pt. 1)
Steve- My Queen, My Knight (Royal!AU: Pt. 3)
The Avengers- Any Last Words? (Pt. 2)
Yelena- Panic Attacks
Steve- My Queen, My Knight (Royal!AU: Pt. 4)
Peter- I'm Home
The Avengers- Girl Scouts
Steve- My Queen, My Knight (Royal!AU: Pt. 5)
Wanda- Sweet, Sweet Fantasy Baby
Steve- My Queen, My Knight (Royal!AU; 6)
Wanda- Sweet, Sweet Fantasy Baby Pt. 2
The Avengers- I Knew Them Once

Thor- IKEA

284 6 0
By KhoffeeKhreme

POV: You and the Avengers go to IKEA where no one can pronounce the names of the furniture except Thor, so you make a game out of it.

My first Thor chapter in like, 32 parts, go me. I'm sorry it took so long but I finally made one for you!

Word Count: 1,868
Type: Funny?? I guess??? Towards the end it gets sappy. Deal with it.
Reader Pronouns: She/her

Your outfit:


You walked into the store with the Avengers, earning some looks of awe as you strolled past the many people already inside. The word "store" was an understatement, it was more of a never ending labyrinth of furniture. "Can we go get meatballs?"
"Peter those are at the very end of the trip through, genius marketing in my opinion, we have to walk through this maze to get to them."
"I still want meatballs."

You laughed and headed towards the escalator with the others. Thor was undoubtedly confused about the magical moving steps, but figured them out pretty quickly.

You all walked through the different "rooms" of the store, looking at everything, from pillows to  lamps to bed frames. All written in Swedish, of course. You and the team couldn't understand a bloody word written on them. Tony walked up to a fridge and gestured to the sign. "What does this even mean? How do you pronounce it?"
"It's Stjärnstatus. In English it roughly translates to 'star status' but that doesn't really matter."

You all looked at Thor, shocked that he understood it. You all stood in silence until it clicked in your head. "Allspeak! You have Allspeak!"
"Correct, Lady Y/N."
"Allspeak? What's that?" Peter questioned.
"He can read, speak and understand all languages, including those of animals if I'm not mistaken."
"Someone's done their homework." Nat nudged your side playfully.
"Oh do shut up."

Nat chuckled, knowing about your tiny, little crush on the God of Thunder. You felt a blush creeping up your neck and looked away, making eye contact with a little kid. You waved at him and he nearly fainted as his mother smiled kindly at you. It's not everyday you see the Avengers in an IKEA, and it's even rarer that they say hello to your 6-year-old son.

You chuckled and turned your attention back to the group. You all headed towards the bedroom sets where Peter was already looking around like he wanted to jump on the beds. You placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey kid, this isn't a sleepover, if you jump on the beds you will get kicked out."
"Do you have experience in that department?"
"Yes, now stick to the arrows."
"Are we just going to ignore the fact that Y/N has been kicked out of an IKEA or what?"
"Yes, Stark. We are. We all have a past."
"I'm 90% sure no one else's past consists of getting kicked out of IKEA."
"You don't know that."

You continued walking and Nat smirked, rolling her eyes at you. She knew what had happened because she was there with you and had also gotten kicked out, but you decided to leave that part out of the story to spare at least one of you. Steve pointed to a table and nudged Thor in the side. "Hey, Thor. How do you pronounce that?"
"Äpplarö. It means 'apple island,' which is a strange name for a table, but then again you Midgardians are strange."
"Is there anything you can't pronounce in here?"
"Probably not, but you can try."
"Challenge accepted. You guys in?"

Tony turned and faced the group. You exchanged a look with Nat before shrugging your shoulders, in agreement that you'd take part in Tony's ludicrous games. You all voiced your agreement in unison. "Alright, everyone's playing then. You have 10 minutes in each section to find one item and see if Thor can pronounce it, whoever's he struggles with most gets a point. You can't have the same object as someone else, so it's a fight to the death for each thing."
"What if two people pick the same item?"
"We play the game of champions, Rock Paper Scissors. We start in this section, the kitchen. Annnddd... go!"

You all sprinted off in separate directions as you headed towards the stove hoods and looked at the names. Sure they may not be the most exciting thing, but from your brief trip around the kitchen area, kitchen equipment were the hardest to pronounce.

You finally found one after what felt like an eternity, called 'Allmänbildad' and stood in front of it, watching as the others slowly found their items. You checked your watch and saw you had a minute left, even though you'd already found your item. You looked around to see if you could spot Nat, but we're unsuccessful, she was probably behind one of the displays.

Tony called time through a message on your watches and Thor started to make the rounds. You could hear him pronouncing the words and giving translations if possible. He was doing pretty well and stumbled a little on Clint's, but made a smooth recovery. He eventually made his way over to you. "Hello, Thor."
"Hello, Lady Y/N. Let's see what challenge you've given me today."
"Alright, you can try, but I warn you, it is extremely difficult."
"I'll be the judge of that."
"Be my guest. Then again, it may not be that difficult, just my inability to speak Swedish."
"That is a possibility."

You both laughed and you showed him the sign. He looked at it for a moment before pronouncing it nearly flawlessly. "It says Allmänbildad. It means 'generally educated,' which is definitely a strange name for a stove hood."
"Yeah, that's a... strange choice. But what's weirder is your ability to say it perfectly."
"If anyone asks, it definitely wasn't perfect."
"You should win, I'd prefer it was you over anyone else, no offence to them."
"Why me?"
"You won't brag as much as them, plus I like you the most."

That took you aback, but you quickly regained composure and laughed, Thor joining in a moment later. "Don't tell anyone, but I like you the most, too."
"That's a relief."
"I'm glad, but you should go judge Nat now, before she gets impatient."
"Good idea. She can be a little..."
"Yes. I'll see you soon then."

He offered a small smile and walked away towards wherever Nat was to go judge her. You smiled as he left and toyed with your necklace as he disappeared behind one of the walls. You left your item, figuring he wouldn't judge it again, and went to go find Clint. You found him quickly and ran up behind him,spooking him when you tapped his shoulder. You laughed as he nearly jumped 10 feet away. "Jesus, Y/N. You scared the hell out of me."
"Sorry. I needed to hang out with someone or I'd feel like everyone left me here."
"Maybe they left us both here?"
"Clinton Francis Barton do not make me worry like that."
"How'd you get my full name?"
"I have a high clearance level at S.H.I.E.L.D, and Fury trusts me to be his right hand. I have access to everyone on this team's files. Plus Laura can be an open book, nothing bad though. I promise."
"Damn. S.H.I.E.L.D clearance levels are a pain sometimes, aren't they?"
"Maybe for you."

You both laughed when Tony called everyone back, announcing the winner of the round. Surprisingly, it was you. You raised an eyebrow at Thor but he subtly swatted his hand to dismiss it. You gave him a small smile as you all filed into the next section.

Room by room, the points slowly but surely racked up. Everyone got at least one point, but in the end you won, which was probably a little bit bias, but you got bragging rights.

You paid for what little you got, mostly just pillows, (you needed new ones anyway) while the others pushed their boxes of things to the cafeteria for the meatballs Peter so desperately wanted. He wolfed them down so quickly, you barely blinked and they were gone. "Jesus, Peter, did you even breathe?"
"Yes, I think."

You chuckled as everyone continued eating their food until nothing remained, finally packing up your stuff and heading to the car after taking a few pictures and signing some autographs.

Everyone left the store and filed out into the parking lot, heading out to the cars and earning more stares fro passing onlookers. You were about to get into your car when Thor tapped your shoulder. "Can I speak with you?"
"Uh, sure. No one's coming back in my car anyways because of all the stuff."

He nodded and you two walked away as you waved at Nat, motioning for her to leave. She pulled out of the parking lot with the others in her car, turning onto the highway to get back to the compound. You turned to Thor again. "What's up, buttercup?"
"That's not my name..."
"It's an expression, I forgot you had different ones in Asgard than we do here on Earth. Anyway, what's on your mind?"
"Do you know why I let you win?"
"Because you're nice..? And I deserved it."
"Sure, you did deserve it, but that's not the only reason you won."

Your heart skipped a beat, wondering if this was going where you thought it was. He rubbed his hand on the back of his neck, clearly nervous and trying to hide it- albeit not well. "I let you win because I like you, Y/N. I didn't think I'd ever feel like that after Jane, but then you joined the team and I realized I was very, very wrong."
"Oh... wow. I didn't realize you felt that way too."
"Did you say 'too?'"
"Yes, I did."

He beamed and whatever nervousness he had before visibly melted away. You smiled at him and he picked you up, spinning you around. You let out a small yelp in surprise before laughing as he put you back down on the parking lot asphalt. "I'm going to kiss you now."

And that he did, cupping your face in his hands and leaning down, his lips meeting yours. Damn, Jane was a lucky girl. Keyword: was. Now it was your turn to have a little luck. You finally pulled away, after what felt like an eternity, smiling and looking down ever so slightly as you felt the heat rising to your cheeks. Thor chuckled as he brushed a stray strand of hair from your face. "So... What now?"
"I could take you on a date. A proper one, not running around IKEA with our friends."
"I'd like that. What about Saturday at 7 at that new restaurant? I've heard good things."
"Perfect. But you'll have to drive. I still don't have my license."

You laughed and motioned for him to climb into your car as you walked around to the drivers side door. You pulled it open and climbed inside, Thor sitting next to you with the boxes and boxes of stuff behind you two. Thor turned and looked at it all. "Oh my, where's all this stuff going to go?"
"Not my problem. Right now it's in my car, but after that I'm pawning it all off to the others."

He smiled and you pulled out of the parking lot, heading back to the tower, where you knew you'd be bombarded with questions by Nat and Wanda, but for now you were happy to be without them.

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