Watching Memories (MR x TW)

Von Mag3of4

138K 2.1K 584

Stiles went missing for 3 years. When he came back, he never talked about what happened. The FBI separated ev... Mehr

Author's Note
Stiles' Overview
Sarcastic Stiles
Pack Dynamic
Young Stiles (S1&2)
I'm Fine
Teen Wolf Season 3a: Alpha Pack
Teen Wolf Season 3b: Void Stiles
Void Stiles Part 2
Season 4 Humor
Teen Wolf Season 4: Deadpool Part 1
Authors note
Season 5 Part 1

Deadpool Part 2

3.6K 72 14
Von Mag3of4

Hey guys! I'm back. I really appreciate you guys sticking with this book. I just finished my first semester of college so hopefully, I will be putting more updates out before I go back. I will give you the heads up that there will probably be another long break when I go back until Spring break or Summer break. (that's if we don't go remote because who knows at this point).  I just want to say that I do read the comments even when I'm not updating and appreciate all of them. 

I am however gonna say this here for everyone to see. I will be going through Stiles teen wolf seasons before moving on to the Maze Runner. I feel it is better for the development of the plot. I am just as excited for you guys to get to the Maze Runner, but please be patient with me.

I also wanted to say that the videos that are not working are because the creator took them down. I can try and find new videos but that would mean editing out that entire part or I could just keep the words up and put a warning before the chapters. Please let me know what you guys think.

Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy the new chapter!!!

BTW it was very hard to find clips and videos for this season, so if any of you know of some good ones I would be happy to add them in but this will mostly be descriptions and some videos.


Ruby speaks up before the video starts, "Ok, let's all find out seats again." Everyone leaves the snack table and the groups they were talking in and sits back down. "So the group at this point had two of the three cipher keys, but they couldn't figure out the third. Stiles and Lydia tried a different route. Another banshee, Meredith, helped get the second key, Aiden, so they thought she might be able to help them figure out the third cipher key as well." The screen lit up.

Stiles sits on the bed across from Meredith, while Lydia stands. "What's his name?" Lydia asks. Meredith sits on her bed and has her head down. She lifts it up and shakes her head. "If you could just tell us his name?" Lydia asks exacerbated. Meredith shakes her head continuously. "Ok, you're shaking your head. What does that mean? Does that mean you don't know or you don't want to help us?" Stiles asks, trying to get a response. "I-I-I can't-I can't help anymore." Lydia looks back at Stiles frustrated before looking back at Meredith. "How do you know about him?" Meredith shakes and more forcefully shakes her head back and forth. Parrish steps forward off the wall. "Guys I think we better stop." 

Lydia raises her voice, "Meredith a lot of people are going to die if you don't tell us." "I don't-I don't know. Please..." She begs at them as her head continues to go side to side. Stiles looks at her worriedly. Parrish reaches an arm out to her and he talks over her "Meredith, it's ok..." "I don't" "It's gonna be alright." Shae starts to breathe heavily and continues to swing her head side to side. Lydia steps back scared. "I don't-I don't-I don't know. I- "Meredith." "I said... I DON'T KNOW!" Meredith screams out. Lydia takes a step back and Stiles quickly jumps up and catches her. Stiles looks over at Meredith as she calms down then back at Lydia. Meredith cowers back into her bed and Parrish looks on in confusion. Stiles looks Lydia over. He grabs her head and notices blood coming out of her ears. Stiles looks over at Meredith in horror. Meredith sits on her bed muttering to herself and swinging her head. Lydia looks on in shock.

"Wow," Brenda said, breaking the silence. Newt turns to Stiles, "You looked too freaked out." Stiles nods, "It was one of the first times we got to see how the banshee power could be used to hurt people, hurt their own. All we really saw was that she could find dead bodies, know who was gonna die and scream their names." Lydia whispers, "It was the first time I was truly scared of my ability."

"When this became a dead-end they had to look somewhere else. This is when Stiles and Lydia figured out Derek was the last cipher key. As this was going on, Liam was kidnapped by one of the assassins, Garett, and had Scott try and rescue his partner, Violet, if he wanted to see Liam again." Mason interrupted her, "Wait, is that why you suddenly disappeared when we went on our run?" Mason looks towards Liam. Liam shares a look with Scott, "Ya, we never told you that later?" Mason looks at him with wide eyes, "NO!" Liam smiles sheepishly at him and Mason just rolls his eyes and sighs in his seat. Stiles and Scott share a look each having the same thought, 'they remind us of us.'

Ruby starts speaking again, "The envoy holding Violet was attacked by Berserkers and Kate, this informed the pack that Kate was also after the Benefactor. Luckily, Liam was rescued because he howled and Scott could track it. Meredith was soon declared dead later after their visit as she had hung herself." Gasps surrounded the room from the Survivors, surprised at how nonchalant Ruby was about it. Stiles squeezed Newts hand tightly, knowing that any talk of suicide or hanging can really affect him. Newt gave a small squeeze back and whispered in his ear, "I'm ok." Giving Stiles a quick kiss on the cheek, he turns back to Ruby.

"But when Scott was looking for Garett and Violet, he found their hidden stash of money, and in it was a tape that describes the Deadpool process. The Benefactor, the person running the Deadpool, needs proof of the kill before the assassin is given their money. While they wanted to start planning right away, they couldn't. Everything had to be put on hold because of the SATs."

Gally gives Stiles an 'are you crazy look', "You out of all people stopped trying to figure out the Deadpool because of the SATs." Stiles looks at him incredulously, "What's that supposed to mean?" Minho rolls his eyes, "Oh come on. You know what it means. You never let something detour you from finding out what is going on, especially when it's something dangerous." The Beacon Hills group lets out a laugh knowing it's true. Malia spoke up, "He went because it was mandated by the school." Scott added on, "Ya if we didn't have to be there, he would probably be in his room at his board with his red string, trying to come up with a new plan." Stiles just grumbled in his seat not wanting to admit that everyone was right. The group just laughed at his reaction.

Ruby again picked up where she was interrupted, "However, they couldn't get away from the Deadpool. This is when an illness was introduced to everyone taking the test. It would create a rash on the humans, but would slowly kill the supernatural. So everyone in their group locked themselves in the Hale vault while Stiles tried to figure out what was causing this. This brings us to the clip that Stiles was faced with a gun and Rafael told him that the mushrooms would cure the supernatural and the clip where he was banging on the cement wall. Thankfully everyone survived." Vince spoke up, "Wow, you don't even get a normal day. Someone is always trying to kill you." The group nodded. Jorge added in, "No wonder, Thomas just wanted to keep going, he was used to it." Stiles tilted his head thinking about it and then nodded, "Ya I guess I was." Jorge's comment only made the Beacon Hills group more nervous to see Stiles' life when he was kidnapped.

"However, Lydia was not in the school at this time but she was at her grandmother's lake house and found a picture of Meredith in her things. This will be important later on. The group's next plan was to try and make Scott appear dead because he was the highest price on the Deadpool but claim the assassin couldn't get proof of the kill in order to try and lure the benefactor out to come and see if he is really dead. It did not work the way they wanted it to." Liam slightly nods remembering the nightmares he had due to that night. 

"But Scott realized something." Everyone looked towards Scott. "I realized that there is a supernatural creature that knows when someone is dead without having to see the body." The Survivors' eyes widen. "Banshees," Newt whispered. "Now, as all the stuff at the hospital was going down, Lydia was investigating why her grandmother would have a picture of Meredith. Long story short, her mother died at Eichen because they thought she was crazy but she was actually a banshee. And she had written a Deadpool of her own, a list of Banshees. And all of them were already dead, by suicide, at Eichen. She knew Meredith because she had the same powers as her and when Meredith came to the lack house for testing, they nearly killed her and she was hospitalized. And because Lydia's grandmother had already created one Deadpool, the idea was... " "That she created this one", Frypan finished. Nods were given throughout the room. 

"So Stiles and Lydia went back to the beginning. They went back to Eichen House to find some answers. While in the record room, they were looking at the Banshee Deadpool when Stiles noticed that his name was written on the list. Brunski, the orderly spoke up and then attacked Stiles and Lydia. When they woke up they were tied to a pole in the room. They woke up and put the pieces together, the suicides were actually murders committed by Brunski. He had even kept recordings of him killing them." The screen lights up. Lydia looks down not wanting to hear it again. Stiles gives a quick kiss to Newt before standing up, grabbing Lydia's hand and dragging her to the corner of the room so she won't hear it. 

Brunski presses play on the tape player. The tape whirls and footsteps are heard through it. Lydia and Stiles are seen cuffed to a support beam back to back, listening to the tape. "What are you..." Loraine gasps. "Brunski what are you doing?" She whispers. Brunski looked at Lydia as she listened. "Don't worry Loraine, it's going to be alright." Lydia stares forward as tears gather in her eyes. Stiles's face becomes angrier the more the tape plays. "You're just gonna have a little trouble breathing." 

Stiles starts to pull on his restraints as tears fall down Lydia's face. Stiles tries to look at her. "Lydia look at me." Breathing and laughing are heard on the tape. "Don't listen. Ok, don't listen to it." Lydia turns her head to the side to listen to Stiles. Stiles breathes out as breathing is still heard from the tape. " Just focus on my voice, alright. You don't listen to it. Block it out, ok?" Lydia looks up at the ceiling trying to do what Stiles said. Breathing is still coming from the tape. Stiles pulls at his restraints, "Lydia." He turns towards Brunski who continues to look at Lydia. "Hey, turn it off!" Stiles yells at him. Brunski kneels up and punches him right in the face. "Stop!" Lydia yells and looks over trying to see if Stiles is ok. 

Brunski grabs her face, "Then listen. Just listen." Stiles leans up off the floor and leans back on the poll. Lydia cries and tries to get out of his hold. "I need your help with this Lydia." "Please don't." "Here it is. This is the part I never understood. Listen." "Please don't hurt her." "Don't hurt who?" Lydia stares at the tape. "Ariel." Loraine takes her last breath and Stiles looks at the floor angrily. Lydia closes her eyes and a tear slips out.

The whole room is silent once again. No one knew what actually happened down there, not even the Beacon Hills group. They knew the basics but not the details. Now it made sense why Stiles took Lydia away. 

"When they wouldn't answer him, he started to fill a syringe with a drug to kill them. Parrish figured it out as well and right before he injected the drug, Parrish found them and killed Brunski. They believed that Meredith created the Deadpool because of his influence. Brunski in his dying breath laughed and admitted that it wasn't him, but he was being controlled by her. Meredith then came out of the shadows showing she was actually alive. She was arrested." 

"Holy shit," Harriet spoke up. Sonya asked, "Why does everyone keep coming back to life? Can't someone just stay dead?" "Amen, sister," Stiles said as he came back to the seats with Lydia behind him. 

Brenda turns towards Lydia and Stiles, "I'm so sorry to bring this up as I know this brings back bad memories but who is Ariel?" Lydia was the one who answers, "When I was little my grandmother would read that to me every night before bed and I got so obsessed that for a couple of months straight I would only answer to Ariel. She was talking about me. She knew I would become a banshee."

Ruby is the one that interrupts the silence, "Now while Stiles and Lydia were dealing with this, Brett and his sister were attacked by assassins but saved by Kira. Scott and Kira then created a plan with Chris to save the rest of Satomi's pack. They decided to face the hunters head-on while Stiles, Malia, and Lydia dealt with trying to stop the Benefactor and the money." Gally looks towards Lydia, "So are all banshees crazy?" Lydia glared at him, "No. You'll learn her motives later. And she actually went crazy due to my grandmother and Eichen House. I'm perfectly sane." Stiles smiles at her, "Ya, you're just as sane as I am." 

"Lydia was at the Police Station talking to Meredith. Meredith would only take to Peter. At the same time, Stiles and Malia were listening to Brunski's recordings looking for clues. They figured out that one of Lorraine's tapes was taken in her house. She went there because she predicted the Deadpool and she wanted to stop it. Peter went to the station to talk with Meredith. Peter went into her mind. Meredith admitted that she did it because of him. When she was hospitalized, she was next to him in the hospital after he was there due to the fire. Meredith could hear his thoughts. He rambled on about getting revenge and how he was going to kill all the supernatural in Beacon Hills. He was going to higher professional people so he wouldn't kill anyone directly. How he was gonna use all the money in his safe. How he was going to create a Deadpool. It was all his idea."

Sonya glares at Peter, "Then why is he here and not locked up." Stiles sighs, "Sadly, there are a lot more details that involve him in the future."

"Back at the lack house Stiles and Malia were hitting a dead end until Malia heard whirring but nothing was playing. They pulled the record player back and saw that the wire went into the wall. They destroyed the wall and saw machines running. It was the Deadpool. They had to find the key to shut it off. They found it and when they put it in, it ended. Everyone who had the list got a text saying the Deadpool was over."

Gally sat forward, "Wait they just let Peter go, and what about Kate?" "While everyone went back to normal, Scott planned a date for him and Kira at Derek's loft. It was there that Kate and one of her Berserkers attacked and kidnapped them. She took them to the church in Mexico. There she turned Scott into a Berserker, but no one knew this. When everyone realized they were missing, Peter, Malia, Stiles, Derek, Liam, and Brayden got together and decided to go rescue them. Lydia went to the school to get something of Kira's but the other Berserker trapped her there with Mason. The rest of the group left for Mexico and when they got there Derek was stabbed and he died." The Survivors' eyes widened and looked at Derek like they were seeing a ghost. They looked like they wanted to ask questions. Stiles sighs, "You'll find out soon." "The group ran into the church to save Scott but got caught in a fight with a Berserker that they actually figured out was Scott."

The berserker holds Liam up by his throat against a wall. Stiles, Kira, Malia, and Peter stand around them throughout the room. The Berseker pulls him arm back. Liam strains, "Scott, Scott, listen, listen, listen." Liam stares at the Berserker before glancing at the people in the room. "You're not a monster."  A close up is shown of Scott's eyes through the mask. " You're a werewolf, like me." Liam breathes heavily. 

Scott and Liam stare at each other before Scott slowly drops his fist. He blinks his eyes. Stiles stares questionably at the scene but with hope in his eyes. Liam is slowly let down. Scott turns, holding his head, and jerks around.  Stiles gets off the ground and continues to stare at Scott. Scott looks at the Berserker armor he has on. Kira looks at Scott questionably. Scott takes off the armor. Liam stands from where he landed on the ground. The armor continues to be taken off. Peter looks on with anger in his eyes while Malia looks in shock. Scott grabs his helmet, Kira looking on with hope. Scott starts to pull at the mask and the mask glows and splits in two. Scott emerges werewolfed out and howls loudly. 

"Awesome!" Minho , Newt, and Gally let out. Scott looks at the screen, "Huh, I didn't know how cool that looked." Stiles rolls his eyes and pushes his shoulder, scoffing at him.

Brenda speaks up, "Anyone else confused why that line worked on bringing Scott back." Liam perks up in his chair, "Oh I can answer that. When I turned on my first full moon I thought I was a monster, but Scott told me I wasn't that I was a werewolf like him. I thought telling it back to him would bring back his human side, like having an anchor does. I was just glad it worked. I didn't have another plan." He smiles sheepishly. Small laughs are let out around the room. Stiles scoffs, "I would have thought of something." It was Scott's turn to scoff and push his shoulder.  

Malis looks on in shock and steps back, Peter stands there with anger radiating off of him. Scott breathes heavily and stares at Peter, "You." Everyone looks towards Peter. "The only one who knew as much s Argent about Berserkers, about the Newal." Peter continues to stand still under everyon's gaze. "You taught Kate. You helped her. All for power." "For my family's power." Malia steps back from him. "to be rightfully inherited by me. Not usurped by some idiot teenage boy..." Scott continues to stare at him with his Alpha eyes. "So incoruptable he wouldn't shed the blood of his enemies even if when justified." 

Stiles stares at the screen before looking down both remembering what happened between them in the next year and worried about how Scott specifically will react to his time with WCKD. 

Peter's voice now becomes growly, "You don't deserve your power." Peter's eyes glow blue. "Not power like this." His face starts to turn  he moves his head around a couple times. Malia continues to step back in fear. His face comes back to the front fully transformed. He growls out. Malia growls at him and goes to attack him. She is thrown back into fallen concrete. She groans out. "I'm sorry sweetheart. We'll talk about this later." Peter looks back at the group. Kira talks her sword swishing it around a couple times before holding it infornt of her, getting ready to fight. "Kira!" Scott yells out. She stops and turns to him. Scott steps forward and continues to stare at Peter. They hold eye contact as they start to walk in a circle. "You were my Beta first Scott. It was my bite that changed your life and my bite that can end it." "Then end it Peter. Because you won't get another chance." Peter growls out before charging. Scott also lets out a growl and charges. The two jump and meet each other.

"Awesome!" Minho and Gally let out again staring at the screen with wide eyes and grins. The girls roll their eyes at the boys not being able find a new word, but also silently agreeing that the scene was cool.

"They had this big fight and Scott defeated him." Cheers go throughout the room. "Peter was then locked in Eichen House." More cheers are present while Peter just glares. "The Calaveras showed up at the church as well and fought Kate with a new and improved Derek, as he was just changing into his new form and didn't actually die. At the school, Sheriff Stilinksi showed up and blew up the Berserker, saving Mason and Lydia." Everyone sat speechless, the Survivors trying to process all the information just given to them. "Long story short everyone survived and the danger was gone."

Stiles scoffed, "Ya, for like the summer." 


I hope you enjoyed the new chapter. Please comment your thoughts. I will hopefully get a new chapter out a little bit after New Years. Have a great NEW YEARS!


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