The Billionaire & I

By dami241

1.2M 55.7K 5.3K

Rewritten and completed✔ Ophelia Duhamels knows what rock bottom is and vows to never hit it again after gett... More



20.8K 1K 119
By dami241

"That's a very huge reach Ophelia."

"It is, isn't it? Just because I threw up and my period is weeks late doesn't mean I'm pregnant." I laughed but Cece didn't. I caught the glimpse of worry in her eyes and mine instantly watered.

"Hey, don't cry. I'll be right back." She left the bathroom.

I pressed the flusher again then stood and walked over to the sink, to rinse my face and mouth with water. My reflection stared back at me. My eyes were red and my face was sullen.

"I can't be pregnant," I whispered.

"Dress up." Cece returned.


"We're going to a pharmacy." She said and I nodded in understanding.


"We'll take six pregnancy tests." I said to the pharmacist behind the counter but Cece jabbed me by my side with her elbow before countering my request.

"She means three. We'll take three."

We paid then left.

"Here," Cece handed over the plastic bag containing the test packs once we were back home. "One line means negative, two lines mean positive." She explained.

"I'll leave it on the sink for you to check."

"Okay." She nodded.

I entered the bathroom, removed the first test from its pack and followed the instructions on the back. A few minutes after, I exited the bathroom.

"I'm done." I locked eyes with Cece and her head bobbed up and down before she entered the bathroom. My heart was in my mouth as I waited for the results like a final verdict. It really was.

The door opened and I raised my head. One look at her and I immediately knew what she'd say next.

"They are all positive P." She whispered my fear to life.

"P-positive?" I repeated, the word sounding foreign between my lips and she slowly nodded.

"How Cece? There, there was always a condom. Are you telling me I'm part of the unlucky 5% right now?" I laughed humourlessly.


"I'm pregnant?" I continued to laugh till my laughter turned into tears and I sank down against the wall till my bottom touched the floor. "A baby is forming in my uterus right now? Like a little human being?"

I was hysterical.

"I know it's overwhelming given the circumstances but just try to remain calm. You'll still have to see a doctor to really confirm." She was on her knees in front of me.

I shook my head. What was more obvious than three positive pregnancy tests?

"How do I even handle this?" I sobbed into my knees.

"There's a major second party involved in this too."

"Oh God, Will." I groaned and closed my eyes. William Illston, ex, boss and now father to my unborn child. I was really screwed this time around.

"I understand how you feel darling. Come on, get up," she pulled me up. "First, we need to set up an appointment with a doctor..."

Cece continued talking but I could hardly hear her anymore. I was internally concluding on something. Under the words 'tough luck' in the dictionary, a nice big picture of my face must have been imprinted as an example.


How do you tell your ex, whom you're currently in a very unclear situationship with, that you are pregnant and it is his?

Probably not by avoiding him.

But that had been me all week. I'd been evading, eluding, skipping and ignoring him all week long because I couldn't bring myself to tell him.

But, I could only hide for so long.

"Did I do something wrong?" William's dark eyes scrutinised me.

"No, why?" I shifted uncomfortably on my feet.

"You've been avoiding me all through Monday, Tuesday and yesterday. It's a miracle you're even in here now." He stood up but I quickly pulled out one of the chairs in front of his desk and sat down. He released a sigh but sat back down.

"I'm your PA, how can I avoid you?" I mustered a laugh.

"That's the million dollar question." He leaned forward on his elbows.

"I have an appointment, can I leave early today?" I diverted.

"An appointment? What kind of appointment?" He furrowed his brows.

"A doctor's appointment."

In seconds, he was by my side, turning my chair so he was crouched in front of me.

"Are you sick?" His hand went to my forehead to feel for my temperature.

"It's just a regular checkup." With a gynaecologist to confirm my pregnancy. Did I mention it's yours? Ha!

He continued to stare at me apprehensively and moved his hand to the side of my neck next. His hand was warm but I still shivered at the contact.

"Is there any other reason, other than what you made me believe about why you walked out like that six years ago?"

The office went still. He was shocked. I was slightly shocked at myself too. I was finally asking for explanations. From Sunday evening to now, I'd gone through a lot of contemplating and I started thinking I did need those explanations afterall. I needed something to make sense. His hand dropped and I instantly missed the contact.

He exhaled but nodded, "yes."

"Then why won't you tell me?"

"Because it is dangerous and I think I already messed up big time." His gaze dropped.


"Yes?" His eyes met mine. I could read the emotion I saw in there. Hope.

"You better not really be a mafia boss." I warned and a smile cracked his tense features.


"For all my brother's charm and flair, he's still not very smart." Erin sighed as she lifted up a pink chiffon top.

The weather was very nice this Saturday. Summer was in its full glory. Erin had somehow managed to rope me into shopping with her. It was fun although a number of things currently weighed me down. For one, William's elusiveness about everything. But mostly, my handbag containing the results confirming I was indeed pregnant. Reading the results this morning made the reality of my situation all the more true.

I am actually pregnant.

It was crazy.

"He handles situations in ways he thinks is best, which is trying to suffer the brunt alone. He's an idiot really." She rolled her eyes then suddenly turned to me. "Do you know about FMG?"

"No, what's that?" I asked finding the name oddly familiar.

"It's nothing." She shook her head. "Look at the colour of that gown! It is absolutely gorgeous." She turned my attention to a pretty navy blue gown made out of lace. I allowed her pull me along, temporarily forgetting about her words as my mind was occupied with the more pressing issue of telling her brother about the pregnancy.

"Thank you for shopping with me today Ophelia." Erin beamed placing most of the shopping bags in the trunk. "And for treating me to lunch and driving. I really should get an American driver's license and learn my lanes."

"Don't mention it." I waved it off. "I got to buy some really nice stuff as well."

Not sure whether they'd fit in a few months though, I internally thought wryly.

Yes, I was keeping the baby. Regardless of William's reaction and my own initial doubts. Seeing the results this morning had also given me a new found sense of attachment and somehow assurance. I couldn't explain it but I would protect and provide for this baby with or without William. I smiled thinking about the million possibilities the future held as I reversed out of the parking lot. It was my first real smile in days.

Thirty minutes later, we were in the lounge of William's luxury penthouse apartment.

"I'll go try on the haul now, bye Ophelia." Erin smiled and went up to her room.

Left alone with William at last, the words were at the tip of my tongue but just like all the other times I'd tried telling him, I chickened out last minute.

"Let's go." He held my hand and collected the shopping bags I held in the other and led me back to the elevator. "I can see in your eyes that you're ready to leave." He smiled.

"I'm not sure what I did this time and why you're avoiding me like the plague," His eyes searched mine and I looked away but he gently turned my face back to his. "Whatever it is, tell me whenever you're ready."

His last words warmed my heart and I bit my inner cheek. I remembered Erin's words from earlier, about him shouldering problems alone. I searched his face as well, wondering just what secrets he was hiding.

"Also, will you be my plus one to Debbie's wedding next weekend?"

"Sure." I finally answered.


Another week passed and William was still yet to know.

The years worth of explanations. At the end of the day, they were what really hindered me. It was certain there was more to the story than what I thought I already knew. And, I had to hear it all before I could tell him about the pregnancy. Whatever he had to say would be a determinant to if he really derserved to know I was pregnant or not. It may have been selfish but it was the only way I could think of protecting myself.

"You look very pretty P."

"Thank you, so do you." I smiled at my sister. She really did looking amazing in her floral ankle length maxi gown. She hadn't dressed up like this in a while and I knew a part of her must have missed it. But I was happy she was happy.

The much awaited event of the year was finally here. Debbie Maguire's wedding. I faintly heard the angels sing.

"So, today?"

"Yes, today." I nodded. Today was the day I'd finally confront Will head on, about everything. The outcome could either make or break. I was anxious.

"Goodluck," Cece hugged me then left because she had to stop by the restaurant she worked at first.

I was adding the finishing touches to my eye makeup when the buzzer began buzzing minutes after Cece had already gone. Moving to the door, I saw through the peep hole it was Will.

I unlocked the door and he came in.



"You look beautiful." He smiled and his arms came around me.

"You are going to rumple my dress." I complained.

He grinned as he released me, then came the, "are you ready?"

"I am." I nodded.


Debbie's wedding was every bit as beautiful as I imagined it would be. From the service in the lovely Cathedral with high walls and stained glass windows to the reception party in the hall with shimmering chandeliers and decors strategically placed at every point. But topping the list as most beautiful, had to be the bride herself, in her cream coloured ball gown and eight feet long veil. Debbie was stunning.

Will and I were seated on the same table with Lenore and her plus one and Demi and her husband, Deji. The day had been full of catching up with old college friends I hadn't seen in years, quail eggs, laughter and mirth.

"We should talk after." I said to Will when Demi and Deji left to the dance floor.

"Okay." He just smiled.

My gaze went back to the dancefloor.

"Do you want to dance?" Will suddenly asked and I actually laughed.

"You have two left feet."

"Try me," he stood up and held his hand out.

"Just don't step on me." I accepted his hand and we moved to the dancefloor which was already crowding with couples dancing around the newlyweds.

I placed my hands on his shoulder and we started moving. Not bad, I thought. As we continued swaying to the beat, the tempo increased and Will surprised me with an unexpected twirl.

Facing his chest again, I couldn't help the laugh that left my mouth. He was laughing too. In that moment—just that moment—I thought everything was going to be fine. We were going to be fine. I laid my head on his chest and we continued swaying slowly.


Eid Mubarak to everyone celebrating!❤💫

I hope you haven't all jumped ship yet?😭👀

Stick with me, I promise we are getting somewhere guys. TB&I is slowly coming to an end and I can hardly believe it. But I'm super happy and had a lot of fun writing this chapter. I hope you all enjoyed reading it! If you did, please tell me all about it, I love love all your feedbacks. They make me extremely happy.

I'll see you guys next time❤💫

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