bloom • sirius black • maraud...

By ehvalentina

71.5K 1.3K 110

Petunia wasn't Lily's only sister. Primrose Evans was smart and brave just like her older sister, Lily. She... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-two: an exchange of letters
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two: fifth year
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
chapter thirty-eight
chapter thirty-nine
chapter forty
chapter forty-one
chapter forty-two
chapter forty-three

chapter twenty-one

1.3K 31 1
By ehvalentina


Jones Manor

Fourth Year

The balcony was thankfully devoid of sound or people. I could only complain about the bitter chill that was not helped by the dainty dress I had on. I rubbed at my arms hoping to warm myself but it was no use.

Black took notice, "I'll lend you my coat if you're cold."

The last thing I wanted was to be more indebted to him but before I could refuse he was taking off the article of clothing and placing it over my shoulders. I was immediately enveloped in a bundle of warmth and some intoxicating scent. It reminded me of the day Black found me so distraught.

He was always so quick to offer me comfort and it left me fumbling. I appreciated it but it also left me on such uneven footing with him. I wanted to express my gratitude as well as my confusion with him and this was the perfect opportunity.

"Thanks," I still didn't know how to start and I kicked myself for letting the silence continue.

Looking over Black I saw the grey robes he wore matched his eyes. Under the moonlight, they sparkled even more. It was like he belonged in an art gallery. The faint smile on his face, the crinkling of his eyes, and his hair which fell perfectly. His side profile showed off his sharp jawline and the straight slope of his nose, as he looked over the Jones' garden. It was strange to finally see him in this light but my mind couldn't help but admire him.

Black looked over at me and I realized he'd probably felt me staring. For some reason, I didn't even feel embarrassed and continued.

He smiled as our gazes met, "I wanted to tell you earlier but you look really beautiful tonight."

I sputtered out a thank you and tried to quell the sudden blush on my face. I had no idea where that had come from but in all honesty, I was flattered.

After a moment where he'd stared at me just as I had him, he asked, "How've you been, Prim?"

Black had called me by my first name and it oddly sounded nice. He wasn't chastising me for scoring anything less than 100 on a potions assignment or lecturing me about the importance of punctuality. He used my name kindly and it felt like it'd been a long time since someone had done that.

"I'm doing better," It was true, "I really am."

Black nodded, "I'm glad to hear that."

It was embarrassing but it was time I addressed the elephant in the room.

"This is probably the last thing I thought I'd be doing but I wanted to thank you," I finally said.

He looked at me questioningly. How could he be confused? He'd offered me tremendous kindness in my moment of need. Of course I'd have to thank him.

"You saw me on what had to be the worst day of my life and you helped me. I don't know how long I would've sat in that corridor if you hadn't come along. If we're being honest I probably would've turned into the next Moaning Myrtle," Black let out a huff of laughter.

I continued, "I'm not even sure how you got there that day but you did and you comforted me with no real reason to. You didn't laugh at me or use it against me like I thought you would. I was so mistaken about you. This whole year you've been proving my assumptions about you wrong and it's left me feeling like a bit of an idiot. I still don't think you outta bully Severus so much," At this point I was rambling but Black let me continue, "You probably want to forget it happened too but I couldn't let you think I'm an ungrateful person. I'm sure I'll never be able to repay you but I figured I'd at least tell you."

There I spilled my guts to him and even let out some things I hadn't meant to.

"You don't have to repay me, it's what friends are for," he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.


"When Moony needs a couple extra galleons to buy Wizochoc I just sneak them in his trunk. I don't need him to say thanks. Or when Wormtail forgets the password to the Common Room I make sure to write it on his hand in semi-permanent ink. I look out for them just like they do for me. It's what friends are for, Prim."


Black laughed almost nervously and rubbed at the back of his neck, "Well, I'd say we're friends. Wouldn't you?"

I thought back to the beginning of the school year when he expressed wanting to be friends. At that moment I thought he had ulterior motives and still couldn't get over the fact that he attacked Severus at every turn. As of late, I hadn't seen much of the Slytherin boy and so I didn't know how Black treated him. This had always been the thing I disliked most about Black. I couldn't stand to see Severus ridiculed.

If I was honest with myself there were lots of traits I liked about Black. He was loyal to a fault, surprisingly kind, and entirely too generous. I constantly saw him going out of his way for people, especially those he considered friends. He'd already helped me in various ways and I could see how nice being his friend would be. The times he'd sat by me during meals I had to stop myself from laughing at his jokes or antics. Or when he trailed behind me
in the corridors and he offered to carry my books or buy me a new satchel from Hogsmeade when I complained about mine. They were offers I immediately rejected but ones I'd appreciate if we were actually friends. Except for the satchel, that was a bit much.

Could I betray Severus like that? I knew he hated the other boy with a passion and for years I thought I did too. My heart was never capable of hatred though. Not even when Lucius Malfoy had slipped crickets into my goblet.

I remembered how Severus had disregarded my complaints and befriended the older boy. He hadn't respected my wishes then, so why should I respect his now that he'd broken my heart and left me to fend for myself?

"Yeah, Black. We're friends."

After my declaration of friendship, I couldn't get Black to stop smiling for the life of me. Eventually, I started smiling too and after a while, we just started laughing. I felt giddy for some reason. It was like a huge weight was off my shoulders. In some odd turn of events, I'd lost a friend but gained another. I would worry about everything else later. I knew there would be hurt feelings and confusion as a result of my friendship with Black but I didn't care for now.

"I never expected to see you here but Merlin am I glad I did," Black said after our laughter subsided.

We leaned against the pillars on the balcony and I pulled the coat he'd given me tighter around my body as I felt a cold breeze run through the air.

"Thankfully Hestia and her parents let me stay for the holidays. I've really loved it," I sighed, "I couldn't handle being home right now. Not with everything that happened. I think I'd go mad."

Black let out a humorless laugh, "Yeah, that's the reason I ran away and booked it to the Potter's. I'm lucky Prongs' such a good mate or I'd be on Diagon Alley begging for change."

"That sounds terrible."

He shook his head, "You have no idea. I know I'm the family's disappointment but it's rather annoying being told every waking moment. Hell, even the bloody house elf hates me."

I suddenly felt awful for having brought the conversation to this. Here I was digging up wounds that obviously hadn't healed yet. It sounded like it all still pained Black despite the humor he used to try to cover it up.

My hand fell to the boy's shoulder to squeeze sympathetically. I could see through his jokes and fake bravado. He needed a word of encouragement and as his friend, I figured I was the best person to do so.

"I'm sorry, Black. I know it couldn't have been easy to leave. The good thing is you have plenty of friends who love and care about you. Even Mr. and Mrs. Potter seem to adore you."

Black's hand found mine and gave it a squeeze back in thanks.

"You're my friend so does that mean you love and care about me?" he questioned cheekily.

Of course, Black had to go and ruin it.

I yanked my hand back and turned away crossing my arms, "Don't push it."

He laughed and I rolled my eyes. If a smile snuck onto my face who would be able to tell in the darkness of the balcony.

Black swung an arm over my shoulder and started guiding us towards the doors, "We'd better go check in on James. He's probably already stolen a bottle of champagne from the kitchens."

"You've got to be kidding!"

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