Benny Rodriguez; 1962

Kahlyn5 द्वारा

20.7K 58 52

It all starts when the Smalls family moves to a small town in California. There is baseball, the Beast, a gro... अधिक

The Characters// Authors Note
Moving to California
Watch out!
Black Eye
New neighbors?
Camp out!
Church day!
Sleepover At The Phillips Household
Stupid Feelings (Benny)
Baseball Tournament
Benny's Dad
Pool Party
Rainy day
Like, date you?
Sun Doesn't Shine For Long
Debra Is Crazy
No Longer Enemies
Wendy Peffercorn
Everything falls down
"You play ball like a girl!"
Early Birthday Present
Sleeping Bag
The Fair
That Sounds Perfect
Fourth of July
Fourth of july pt.2
You Anger Me
Letters to Friends
Babe Ruth
Thank You for the Flowers
Opening Up
The Beach!
The End!

Scotty's Birthday

489 3 0
Kahlyn5 द्वारा

May 23rd, 1962

Jordan has a game against the Bears today and he is literally going crazy. He says that they're good and he doesn't know if his team will win today.

By the fourth inning, they're down by one which isn't bad but Jordan is pissed off.

Jordan is up to bat and everyone cheers him on. He hits it the center field and gets to second so now they are tied. Matthew hits it to left field and gets to second while Jordan gets to third. Oliver strikes out and then it's their turn to get field.

By the end of the game, the Tigers lost by only one but the Bears seem pretty bummed out because one of their star players broke his ankle somehow. The tigers are sort of happy but not the best.

"Hey! You done good." Jordan literally bear hugs me and we stay like that for a while. Here lately, we've gotten very close. I've been going to the sandlot and Benny keeps talking about some girl named Sarah so he obviously doesn't like me so I pushed the tiny feelings I had, away.

I haven't tried making a move on Jordan because I want him to. It would be terrible if he rejected me.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm just tired."

"Come on, we'll take you home and you can go to bed."

"I don't wanna. We should have a sleepover at your house this time."

"Okay, I'll ask."

I walk over to mom and ask and she nods her head.

"Sure! We don't have a guest room or anything so he can honestly just sleep in your bed since it's so big or even the couch."



"She said yeah."


We had already planned on hanging out at my house after the game anyways but since he was tired I just wanted him to get some sleep. Neither his mom or dad could make it to the game today since they were both at work and mom was off.

When we get home he calls his moms work and talks to her for ten minutes before he gets happy and nods at me.

"Bye mom, I love you too."

He puts the phone back and walks over to me. He stretches his arms out and hugs me. At first I'm startled but now, I'm in heaven. His hugs are always so warm and they make me feel so safe until he pulls away and then I want more.

"Come on Jordan, go lay down." I lead him to my room and he climbs into my bed.

"I'm sweaty."

"You can go take a shower if you want, I've still got the jersey you gave me and the sweatpants."

"Okay, thanks." He climbs out of bed and groans. I turn around to walk to my closet and remember that I have his hoodie too.

"I also have your hoodie."

"You can keep that one, I don't wear it anyways."

"Uh, here." I hand him the jersey and his sweatpants and run to scotties room to grab underwear. I quickly grab a pair and throw them at Jordan. They hit him right in the face and I burst out laughing.

"Those are brand new, I don't know if they'll fit though."

"They should be fine." He walks out of my room and into the bathroom. I hear the shower start so I start changing into his hoodie and a pair of comfy shorts. My bedroom door opens while I'm mid changing into the hoodie, only in a bra.

"Good lord." I cover my chest and turn my head to see who it is. I see Jordan covering his eyes and his face is red.

"I'm so sorry. Which shampoo do I need to use?"

"The one in the green bottle."

"Okay." He quickly walks out and I finish putting the hoodie on. I walk into the kitchen and see a note saying that mom went to the grocery store because she has to work until nine and Bill should be home. There's apparently supposed to be leftovers in the fridge but there's nothing in it other than a bunch of junk so I grab a few vegetables and wash them. I grab chicken out of the freezer and lay it out to thaw.

I cut the vegetables and fry them while I also cut the chicken and put it in a pan. I put some seasoning on the pieces of chicken and after a while, the food is done. I lay the food out on the table and put plates out. I turn around to walk back into the kitchen to see Jordan carrying the kool-aid to the table.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, it smells amazing."

"I don't know how good it will be, I haven't cooked in forever."

We eat dinner and it's not that bad honestly. Scotty walks in mid-dinner and sits down at the table. He's silent and keeps sending glances my way.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?"

"That Sarah girl came today. She literally cheered Benny on and sat in the dugout the entire day."

"Oh wow."

"You need to go tomorrow, so do you Jordan. The other boys may not like it but it'll be fun."

I shrug and continue eating. When everyone gets done I put all the dishes in the sink and pick everything up. Jordan helps, of course and washes the dishes but doesn't get very far before I'm taking over. Once I'm done I put the leftover food in the oven to keep warm and we go to the living room.

We watch a couple of movies before going to my room and taking a nap. When I wake up it's dark outside and my bedroom door is wide open.

"Jesus Christ." I look over at Jordan who is peacefully sleeping and climb out of bed. I walk out of my room and see Bill eating the leftover food, reading the newspaper. Mom still isn't home unless she's doing the laundry in the basement.

"Is mom home?"

"Good gracious you scared me. She isn't home yet but she just called to say that she has to work all night that somehow she has to keep herself busy until in the morning even though the grocery store closes."


"Yeah. By the way, this food is amazing."

"Thanks, I tried my best."

"Well, you done good."

There's a knock on the door and my eyebrows furrow. I slowly creep to open the door and let out a breath of relief when I see Benny standing there... with a girl beside him.

"Bella, this is Sarah. Sarah, this is Bella. I just wanted to introduce you guys."

"Hi, nice to meet you." I smile at her and she just nods. Rude

"Alright, well we're gonna go back. Goodnight Bella."


I walk back into the dining room to see Bill standing from his seat.

"Who was it?"

"Benny and Sarah. He wanted to introduce us."

"Oh, who's Sarah?"

"Some girl, I have no idea."

"Well, goodnight."

"Goodnight Bill."

I walk back into my room and quietly open my window. I climb out of it and onto my roof. Not even ten minutes later I hear someone else climbing up here and see Jordan holding a blanket around him, looking half asleep.

"Is this what you do during night?"

"Sometimes, yeah."

"It's pretty out here, peaceful."

"Yeah, it gets really quiet sometimes and it's so calming."

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just confused. First, Scotty tells me about Sarah and next thing you know it, Benny comes over and introduces her. I feel like I'm gonna get replaced by her."

"You heard Scotty, she just sits in the dugout and cheers."

"Yeah but still, it just feels weird."

"If you ever want to come play with me and the boys, you can."

"Like they would ever let me play, I'm a girl."

"You play better then half of the boys on my team."


"I'm not lying. If they're dumb enough to replace you with some random girl then they don't deserve you at all."

"Thanks Jordan."

"Yeah. Can we go back in? It's freezing out here."

"You're crazy." We climb back into my room and close my door. We turn on my light and sit in the floor. Something feels weird down there so I look on the floor and see nothing. Great

"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back."


I run to the bathroom and pull my shorts down. Yep, just what I expected. I do all the essential needs and walk back into my room. Jordan is looking at the floor where I was sitting and I see a little red spot.

"Oh shit." I run and cover it up with a towel from my floor, thank god my carpet is a little dark.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I can just tell that my face is extremely red right now and I want to cry. I'm embarrassed.

"Oh. OH. Oh my god, I'm sorry. That was rude."

"Nope, it's fine." I still won't make eye contact and he clears his throat.

"Come here." He stands up, turns my light off, and climbs into my bed. He opens the cover with his arm and gestures for me to lay in front of him.

"What if it gets on you?"

"I'll be okay, Belle."

I climb into bed and he throws his arm around me. I sink deeper into his chest and within a few minutes I'm out like a light. I'm pretty sure he kissed my forehead but I could be wrong, I'm tired anyways so it would make sense if I'm imagining things.


Around ten in the morning is when I wake up and Jordan wakes up only a few minutes after me.

"Good morning."

"Good morning." I smile sheepishly and he sends a small smile back.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine. Hopefully there isn't anything on the bed, if there is I will shoot myself." I get out of bed and let out a breath of relief because nothing is on it.

"Thank you for last night."

"I didn't do anything."

"You helped me more than you know."

"That's what I'm here for."

"I'll be back." I walk to the bathroom and do the essential things I need to as in brushing my teeth and hair, washing my face and other things.

I walk to the kitchen to see mom decorating with balloons and stuff. Scotty's birthday

"Hey mom."

"I thought you were Scotty, Jesus." She puts her hand over her heart and breaths heavily.

"Is this why you were out so late?"

"Yeah, I was at work for a while and then I went and picked up a bunch of presents."

"Does Scotty know you're home?"


"Okay." I turn around and walk to the hallway closet and grab a tooth brush that's still in the packaging. I take it and give it to Jordan who is looking out my window.

"What are you doing?"

"That girl over there, who is she?"

"The Sarah girl."



"She looks familiar, I think I've saw her at one of my games before."

"She looks a lot like Sam."

"I'm pretty sure it's Sam's twin sister."

"Maybe, I don't know." I shrug and grab clothes to change into. "I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back."

I change into a white tank top with detailing on the top, a pair of black shorts, and sandals. I walk back out of the bathroom and into my room. Jordan is sitting on my bed looking at the ground.

"I feel like every time I come in here you're doing something different."

"I'm just thinking."

"About what?"

"Nothing, it doesn't matter." He shakes his head and walks to the bathroom. Strange

I start brushing my hair out and pull half of it up. I put on some perfume, deodorant, and mascara.

Jordan walks back in and grabs his ball bag. He pulls out jeans and a Dodgers jersey.

"I'll be in the living room so you can change."


A few minutes later mom comes into the living room and tells me to wake up Scotty. I walk into his room and grab a pillow off the floor. I start hitting his head with it while singing Happy Birthday.

"Oh my god, no. Go away."

"Get your lazy butt up."


"It's your birthday! Come on." I pick him up off his bed and carry him to the kitchen like mom told me. In the kitchen is Mom, Bill, and Jordan standing there singing happy birthday. I can't help but laugh at Jordan since he's standing there awkwardly.

"Thanks guys." He sits at the table and eats his pancakes that are shaped like a birthday cake and extra pieces look like candles.

"I made everyone else waffles."

We eat and Scotty heads to the sandlot, asking me and Jordan to come ask the boys to come to our house.



We get to the sandlot and all the boys are playing but they stop once they see Jordan walk onto the field beside me.

"Don't start anything, we just came to invite y'all to the house." I say when Ham starts to open his mouth

"Will he be there?"

"Of course he will be."

"Why do we need to come?"

"It's my birthday!"

"Ohhh. Happy birthday man." Benny bumps his shoulder and the rest of the boys say happy birthday. Scotty looks terrified when a very high pitched voice says happy birthday.

"Oh, thanks." He smiles and I look at the girl standing beside Benny, holding his hand.

"Well, I guess we can take a break since it's your birthday."

"Great, come on."

All the boys run to the dugout, grab their stuff, and we walk to the house. When we get there, there is two cars I've never seen in my life in our driveway and decorations in our yard. There's a table in the yard with presents on it and moms standing there, talking to someone.

"Hey kids! This is your Uncle Tom."

"Hi." I wave and smile and Scotty runs up to him and hugs him. Kind of awkward but it's Scotty so I mean, nothing new there.

"Debra is here."

"Please tell me you're joking."

"I'm not." She gives me a knowing look and I sigh. I lay my head on Jordan's shoulder, all of a sudden feeling dizzy.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Did you put the ointment on your hand?"


"Come on." He pulls my hand and we walk into the house and into my room. He grabs the ointment, a Q-tip and dabs the ointment onto my hand.

"Thanks." I smile at him and he sends a small smile back.

"Here." He opens his arms and I immediately fall into them and we just stay like that for at least five minutes until Benny walks in with Scotty and they pause.

"Hey guys." Jordan backs away from me and stands beside me. We smile awkwardly and it gets quiet

"I feel like we interrupted something."

"No, it's fine."

"Well, mom says it's time for cake and then we're going to the pool."

"Okay." We walk out of my room and outside there are even more people standing in the yard. All the boys from the sandlot are here and Sarah, Debra, Jordan's parents, Tom, and a few people I don't know.

Mom starts singing and everyone joins in. When they get done, Scotty blows out his candles and mom starts cutting the cake. A random woman walks up to me and hugs me. I awkwardly hug her back and she backs away.

"I'm Kayla, we're cousins on your moms side."

"Oh! Hi."

"I haven't saw you in forever, you're so grown up."


"So, who is this handsome boy right here?"

"I'm Jordan Phillips, nice to meet you."

"He has manners! Hi." She shakes his hand and sends him a friendly smile.

"Well, I better go over here and get me some cake." She walks away and then a red headed girl that looks my age comes up to me

"I'm Olivia, we're cousins."


"I'm not gonna be like everyone else and say how much older you've got considering I know how awkward it can get but how old are you now?"


"Good lord, I'm fifteen and you look way older than I do."

"Are you the girl that I used to play at the park with?"

"Yes! I remember that."

"We were so little I don't even know how I remember that."

"Probably from when I stole your barbies doll and you got mad."

"Oh wow."

"I'm gonna go get cake but I'll be right back."


"Do you even know half of these people?"


"Mya's here."


"Yeah, come on."

He takes me to his parents and Mya is standing behind Sharry, holding her leg.


"Belle!" She runs up to me and I pick her up

"I've missed you."

"I've missed you too." She wraps her hands around my neck tightly and I internally die. She is just the cutest

"Good to know my own cousin loves my best friend more than me."

"Belle is a pwincess, I have to wove hew mowe."

"Aw, I love you too." I kiss her forehead and she giggles. "Why don't you give Jordan a hug? He'll be happier."

"Otay." I sit her down and she attaches to Jordan's legs until he picks her up and hugs her.

"Now gib me back to Belle."

He hands her to me and I laugh. He just blows air out of his nose and it sounds sort of like a small laugh.

"Time to open presents!"

I sit on the ground with Mya in my lap and Jordan sits down beside me. Scotty starts opening his presents and he gets a bunch of clothes, two hats, a few baseballs, and Debra got him a pair of black converse.

"Hey! You have dose shoes."

"Yeah, I do."

"You tan be twins wif him."

"That will be so fun." I smile at her and look at Jordan who is already looking at me.


"You're just good with kids, that's all." We continue to look at each other and I break eye contact by looking at Mya who is looking between me and Jordan.

"Nowmally when dat happens in movies, dey kiss."

Me and Jordan laugh but don't say anything. I feel my cheeks heat up and I grab a flower and give it to Mya.

"There you go."

"Oo, thanks!" She smiles and jumps up and down.

"You wanna go play with barbies? I think I have some old ones down in the basement."


We walk into the house and I go to the basement and grab a box full of Barbies. I take them to my room where Mya and Jordan are and lay them out for her. We play with them for a while until mom says it's time to go to the pool. Jordan packed some blue swimming trunks and his parents brought Mya a bathing suit. I change into a black two piece bathing suit and help Mya change into her red one piece while Jordan goes to the bathroom to change.

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