Not Another Mummy (Shidge)

By VoltronMoon

628 38 138

It's kinda another Mummy (1999) Au but I'm changing up the storyline a little. It's going to have the basics... More

A Promise..
Awoken Curse..
A Puzzle Box..
An Awaiting Adventure..
A Kiss For His Life..
One Rather Good Looking Map..
Hate 'n Love..
He Is the Map..
A Bet well Won..
The legs of Anubis..
An Dropped In Sarcophagus..
Mistakes were Made..
One Juicy Mummy..
A Huge "Told You So"..
A Toast..
An unwelcomed Guest..
Chosen Sacrifice..
Locked Up..
A Sandy Kiss..
We'll Meet Again..
A Fallen Comrade..
Sacrifice Truth..
A Gained Friendship..
Her Awaited Hero..
Awaited Kiss..
Happy Ever After..

Death Is Not the End..

32 1 0
By VoltronMoon



Side Note: It be the same chapter as the first one in my other Mummy book because it starts semi the same way. Also, in case anyone's confusion over the chapter before, it's based three years after the end of this chapter. We've swapped back into the past. 


Our story beings in the city of the Living, Thebes.

Jewel of Pharaoh Zarkon the first.

A home to High Priest Osiris, Keeper of the Dead, Lotor.

And, birthplace to Allura, the pharaoh mistress.

No other man was allowed to ever touch her, or death wouldn't be the only cruelness they faced. 

But for our love, we were willing to risk life itself....

Lotor stood on his bedroom balcony, his eyes drifting to the distance as he tapped his finger on the stone balcony railing. His eyes falling to the guards patrolling outside, a frown sitting on his lips.

He was known for his looks, light tan skin that seemed blessed by the sun. Light orchid purple eyes that held an unknown evil within them. His body tall and his shoulders bold, he could take care of any who got in his way. Long straight pure white hair, brushed behind his ears and kept over his shoulders.

He turned to the moon in the sky, taking no more notice of the sights outside his bedroom while the candle light flicked behind him. He never took noticed of the torches in the distance that seemed to get closer.

Pharaoh Zarkon rid out on horse-drawn chariot, riding as fast as any man could in such times. Dressed as well as any Pharaoh would and having all workers building the stature to his right all stop their work and kneel down to his passing chariot without speaking a single word.

Allura walked threw the doors where she planned to greet her lover, walking with honour and pride and making her lover's men all bow down as she stood like a goddess.

Her body slim and breath taking body covered in no clothes but hours of ink pattered in the accident Egyptian manner and yet she made it work for her. Some might even speak that the ink itself only tainted her gorgeous dark skin, yet, no silk could ever be fitting for her body, taking away the shape of her body that so many admitted. Long curvy white hair that ended at her lower back, placed in a bun to stop any single stand from hiding her beauty. Baby blue eyes that held an enchanting charm to them and even her strange birthmarks under her eyes didn't take away any of her beauty.

She was a gorgeous goddess and yet, her heart only belonged to one just as his heart would only ever belong to her.

As she walked through the ornate statuary, statures of hideous bald men painted in gold and just standing on platforms on either side of the corridor.

Allura nod to the ornate priests, Lotor men who were placed as the statures. All bowing their head before rushing to close the huge double doors she arrived through.

Lotor turning as Allura entered through the bedroom curtains he was standing within, leaving the balcony to meet her where she stood by the stature. Stopping as he started at her, she truly was gorgeous and she knew it. Allura stepped forward, allowing Lotor to embrace her before they shared a desperate and longing kiss. Lotor hands roaming her body and accidently smudging the ink over her upper left arm as her own hands clung to him.

Neither take notice as the priests under Lotor control are pushed back, the doors being forcefully opened once more by Zarkon himself. Looking to the priest who keep their heads low and never once met with his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Zarkon askes under his breath, unsure over seeing Lotor men so close to his bedroom. Of course, the priest should be in their own placement not's just easily shutting a door and painted as a stature.

Zarkon rushes past, turning to the curtains on opposite end of the hall and makes his way down. Lotor men closing the doors once more, standing before it to buy their master some time while staying silent the whole time.

Zarkon pushes threw the curtains, coming to a sudden stop as his eyes land on his mistress who stood by the stature. Her arm lazily hanged over it while she stood in a seducing way, giving a small but sexy smile to the Pharaoh who stood unease.

His eyes looking her over, taking notice of the smudge in her ink pattern by her upper arm. It couldn't have just been smudge by mistake, some might see him old but he was not a fool. Such a place, someone else had touch her .. touched HIS prize.

"Who has touched you?" Zarkon demanded the answer, staring at his mistress in shock as she seemed unfazed by question. This was not forced but allowed, it was clear to see by her body language.

Allura looks at the pharaoh dully before turning her gaze to the man she had truly loved and knew loved her back as truly as she loved him. He didn't just want her body and beauty, he loved her for her and accepted her heart for who she was not as a prize to show off.

Zarkon snapped his head around, looking to the one his mistress had turned to and he stumbled back a step.

"Lotor ... my priest?" Zarkon questioned it, not believing what he saw and freezing as Lotor yank his sword free from his belt, lifting it up and ready to strike him down.

A startled gasp leaving his lips as a dagger had strike him from behind, Allura had betrayed him and chose to take his life.

Pain groans leaving their Pharaoh lips as Lotor and Allura worked as one to kill the man that had forced their love to be secret and stop them from being together.

The two stood in surprise, they both had finally killed the Pharaoh and now their love could be free. The great big and powerful pharaoh who held a huge and powerful body structure while being bold under his crown. A man no one would ever thought over being killed so easily and yet now he laid dead by their hands. .

Lotor and Allura moment of relief was cut short as thuds and bangs were heard against the locked double doors. Both looking up in horror as Lotor priest started running towards them.

"The Pharaoh bodyguards" Lotor whispered, his eyes serious while Allura stood besides him fearful of their new fate.

"You must go! Save yourself!" Allura begged as she turned to him, grabbing his gown sleeve in hopes to gain his attention. Fear for his life in her eyes as she knew he would be given a much crueller fate than her own with simple death.

"No!" Lotor snapped back, his eyes staying locked on the double doors, waiting for the bodyguards to break through. He won't leave his love to die, not by them. He would rather share her fate and stay with her until the end instead of live without her, she must have known how he felt because she gave him a reason to live on.

"Only you can resurrect me" Allura reminded desperate for him to leave, she could just take her life and be free. Wait in the underworld for him to bring her back before they both are free to runaway and love each other without any chains holding them back. She needed him to live much more than she needed to live.

Lotor finally turned to her in shock, he finally understood what her plan was if they did get caught and he didn't agree. He couldn't risk losing her when he only just got her for himself.

"I won't leave you" Lotor whispered yelled back determined, meeting her eyes and seeing her accepting she was over her fate and the trust she held for him in bringing her back.

"Get of me .. NOW!" Lotor growled as his priest grabbed his arms, ready to pull him to safety while leaving Allura to the bodyguards alone.

Allura stepped forward, sliding her hand over Lotor face with care, her eyes filled with love, love for him and him alone. Lotor meeting her eyes, feeling as his priest stared to pull him away.

"You shall live again!" Lotor promised desperately, pure love in his eyes as he silently promised he won't live without her again. He'll find her and return her to his side, even death wouldn't take their love away.

Allura gave a small smile, watching as his priest dragged away behind another set of curtains and she knew her heart would only ever belong to him. In life or death, she would only belong to him.

Allura soon turned back around, facing the curtain as the bodyguards rushed towards the curtains. She knew her love would be safe for now and now she had to protect their future herself. Leave Zarkon to her own hands to free the man she loves and to make sure that all their chains die with her now and let them both be free to live their new future together without their past dragging them down.

Ten of the Pharaoh bodyguards stopped within the opened curtains, khopesh swords in their hands ready to slay down any who threatened or harmed the pharaoh. All coming to a horrified stop as their eyes landed on the pharaoh mistress.

She looks to them all without a hint of guilt, shame or regret over her actions, pointing her dagger towards the pharaoh limp cold body before hissing her finally words to be written down in the history books.

"My body is no longer his temple!"

Raising her dagger once before ending her life, setting her self free from all and any hands in this life as her death would be written down in the history books.

Lotor bit his lips as he watched threw the curtains, watching as she took her life before the bodyguards. Tears filling his eyes but he won't let any fall, not when he would keep his promise and return her to him without them ever having to worry about their future again.

Their love will be known, they would be safe and together until their last breaths.

The evening turned into night and To resurrect Allura,

Lotor and his priest stole her body, racing into the night, not wasting a single second that was needed to bring her back. Taking her corpse to Hamunaptra, City of the Dead.

Lotor had halved his priest, letting some join him in taking Allura corpse from where she laid while the rest of his men prepared the ritual for him to bring her soul back to her body as quick as he could.

(Hamunaptra - 1290 B.C)

Hamunaptra, an ancient burial site for the sons of pharaohs and resting place for the wealth of Egypt.

For the one he loves, the women who held his own soul and was the meaning to life itself in his eyes. Lotor had dared to anger the gods by going deep into the city, taking the black Book of the Dead from it's holy resting place.

The dark underworld had received Allura soul, her punishment for killing the Pharaoh but death could never truly steal her from Lotor. Both she and Lotor knew that all along and no matter where her soul was sent, he would return her to him.

Five sacred canopic jars now held her vital organs, removed during her mummification as she was allowed that much even in death.

Lotor read the Egyptian words from the book of death, walking slow and steady while giving his all within the ritual. His priest all bowed down and speaking along as they bowed forward every couple minutes to help Lotor complete his ritual correctly.

Allura limp and cold body, dressed in a simple black fabric that had many holes as the pattern. Barley covering her body and showing her legs and arm well. Her hair let down and used a slight pillow for her hair as she laid still on the ritual stone table.

Tar bubbling in the small pool within the room, forming as a tar black ghostly figure. Flying threw the air with a ghostly hum to it, the fire torches flicking as it raised and came towards where Allura laid.

The priest staying in their pray as it flew over them, Lotor eyes never leaving the book even as as the ghostly tar hovered over the one he loves. Laying over her and forming her bodily shape, standing as her soul as it slowly merged with her body once more.

A gasping breath leaving Allura lips as life filled her body once more, her soul and returned and she was back from the dead. Lotor had lifted his dagger ready to make the sacrifice and keep his love to the world of living once more.

But it was ruined as the Pharaoh bodyguards had followed Lotor all along, waiting to strike once he made his move. It was easy to understand the plan after all, she stood in his own bedroom where they had found her and only one would be able to return Allura to the world of the living.

Lotor growls and yells were heard as they stopped the ritual, pulling him back and away from Allura. He stayed struggling, not willing to lose her again but the bodyguards had better numbers and more strength than he as a mortal could ever have.

Horror filled Lotor face as Allura soul left her mortal body once more as the ritual was left uncompleted. He cried out, begging for her to return but it was no use. Her soul was returned to the dark underworld and he was trapped to the Pharaoh bodyguards.

Lotor priest was condemned to be mummified alive as punishment for Lotor sins. Many had tried to fight back or escape but they held no power and was forced into their cruel fate without any pity from those who mummified them.

Pained screams and cries of fear filled the mummified chamber, tombs being shook as those already wrapped up tried wiggling, using their bodies to bang against the sealed tomb door in hopes of freedom. But only failure came, they were trapped inside and soon to be buried.

But for Lotor, he was condemned to endure the Hom-Dai ...

It was said to be the worse of all accident curses....

A curse so horrible in all eyes that it had never once before been bestowed.

Lotor was to remain sealed inside his sarcophagus, the undead for all of eternity.

The Magi would never allow his release, never allowing his return to the world of the living.

His only escape being the single key that would ever release him but if released, he would arise a walking disease, a plague upon mankind, an unholy flesh-eater with strength of ages.

He'll hold power of the sands and the glory of invincibility.

Hamunaptra - 1923

For 3,000 years, both men and armies had fought over the land, the curse slowly forgotten as people greed took over instead. Blood staining the desert sand and the true dangers left buried under.

The evil still laid beneath but those who dared walked such a land never knowing of it.

Soldiers among soldiers rushed to the self made battle lines, rifles in hands and dressed in their dessert gear and ready to face their attackers who rode towards them, some holding khopesh swords in hand and some riding with guns to face their trespassers to their secret land.

The desert people riding quicker on their horses, ready for their attack among the American and French soldiers who tried taking over the land, all kneeling behind a wall and aiming their guns ready to fire.

And for 3,000 years, WE, the Magi, the descendants of Pharaoh's sacred bodyguards, kept watch.

The leader of the magi stood watching from above the cliff, a straight look on their faces while their eyes watched over the coming battle.

No man was to live, not while they knew over the location of such land.

They had sealed their fates when stepping into the lost city, even after warned over the curse and warnings over such a place.

Two soldiers turned their heads in slight panic as their captain took one look at the Magi army before riding away on his own horse towards further in the lost city.

Both soldiers slowly turning to each other with the same look on their faces and just accepting how screwed they truly were.

"You just got promoted" Slav announced in a weak voice as he looked to his comrade that saved his life more than god ever could. In fact, by now, Death didn't even bother to wait for him as they guessed Shiro would save the guy just in time.

Takashi Shirogane turning to face their enemy, raising his riffle and yelled out orders in French, only he and Slav was American after all, well, so was the captain but he was no longer giving the orders it seemed. Slav turning back to face the enemy, shakily holding up his own rifle and deciding he might actually die today.

The Magi war cries were heard, a tribal sound coming from their throats as they raised their own rifles and khopesh swords in the air. No fear in their eyes, they were ready to die protecting the lost city. Eyes picking out the soldiers like weak prey, letting their proud and honourable pride leak out in the air almost suffocating the soldiers who were already scared to death by the sights of them.

"Steady!" Takashi yelled out as sternly as he could, glancing to all the men kneeled in the same row as him before the wall, noticing all their guns were aimed at the enemy already thankfully.

"You're with me on this one, right?" Takashi whispered nervously, glancing to his oldest war comrade who he did want to kill most days but always got stuck with anyway.

"Oh, your strength gives me strength" Slav lied completely, Takashi just raising an eyebrow and wondering if it was to late to join the Magi side during this battle.

"Steady!" Takashi yelled out his order once more, watching the enemy come closer and closer, some would start shooting out of fear but thankfully he gained the respect of all the men making them hold back any fire until he gave the order.

Takashi turned as Slav shook his head, pushing himself to stand before throwing his gun down and running towards the sandy hill behind them their captain used to get away. His coward side leaking out and he wasn't even ashamed to show it making Takashi frown.

"Wait for me" Slave cried out, hoping the captain would wait but it was clear the captain was long gone by now or already killed by one of the Magi on the hills.

Takashi just shook his head, he didn't not why he even expected Slav to stand with him and fight to the last man. To be honest, he should be more surprised he lasted this long before running. He often left at the first sighs of trouble and still get himself in a life threatening situation making Takashi end up saving both their behinds.

Not this time, Takashi was going to shoot him himself if he ever saw him again.

"Steady!" Takashi yelled out, laying his eyes on the enemy once more as the lives of his men were more important than killing Slav, well in this moment anyway.

The Magi riding closer and closer, almost upon them and all the men was shaking in fear, panic almost taking over making them want to run like Slav. But than they noticed Takashi lean into his gun once more, his finger on the trigger as he opened his mouth to give out the order.

"FIRE!" Takashi screamed and the soldiers fired their first round, ducking down as they reloaded their second before firing again.

Shots after shots filed the battleground, some from soldiers and some from the Magi.

Pained and deadly screams filling the air along with the cries of the dead.

Takashi taking down as many as he could, funny enough, all the Magi heads started to look like Slav making him never miss a shot.

But soon the battleground changed and it became a slaughter, the Magi had jumped over and slashing down every soldier without mercy. Takashi never having a chance to reload his rifle and used it as a bat as one Magi on a horse rode towards him with their khopesh held up ready to slay him where he stood.

Running up the hill and taking out his hang guns, shooting as many as he could and finding Slav at the top of the hill still making him rather glad when he saw the door to the Egyptian building left open.

"Run Slav ... RUN!" Takashi yelled out as he ran towards his comrade who didn't need to be told twice to run towards the door. Sliding inside and turning to Takashi who eyes grew mind as he read the thought that entered his shorter comrade mind.

"Don't do it ... don't you dare ... Slav!" Takashi screamed out as Slav grabbed the edge of the stone door, pushing with all he had to close it and slamming it just in time on Takashi face.

Takashi slammed his hands against the stone door before flinching as bulleted bounced from the door making him turn to see Magi members spotting him.

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