The God Gambler: A COTE x Kak...

Galing kay Nekoramara-senpai

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Takes place after Volume 10. Tsukishiro successfully expelled Kiyotaka with the help of Sakayanagi Arisu on t... Higit pa

Prologue: Deport & Arrival
Chapter 1: Behind Her Mask
Chapter 2: Vote Rock-Paper-Scissors Pt. 1
Chapter 3: Vote Rock-Paper-Scissors Pt. 2
Chapter 4: A Kakegurui
Chapter 5: Tradition
Chapter 6: My First Gamble
Chapter 7: Traditional Culture Research Club
Chapter 9: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 10: Insults And Mockery
Chapter 11: Intervention And A Big Loss
Chapter 12: Flaws
Chapter 13: Not My Type
Chapter 14: Ikishima Midari
Chapter 14.5: Life Plan is a Joke...Except it's not
Chapter 15: Telling Jokes

Chapter 8: Saotome Mary's Fall

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Galing kay Nekoramara-senpai

Ara Ara~ Did you guys miss me that much that you're dm'ing for an update? Well here it is you dip shits. Enjoy!

Saotome POV

Today was just like any other day. I was all alone, contrary to what I've experienced before, where students all surrounds me due to my position in the class.

It was terrifying, yet annoying by how they treat me now. They're all garbages. Even though I let them watch my splendid performances in my previous gambles against other students, before Jabami transferred here.

Just thinking about it makes my blood boil, gritting my teeth the whole time I'm sulking on my table. Well, it's not like I will lose anything by that, but I can't afford to just waste my time doing nothing.

Today is the day I issued my last gamble; the battle that will decide my position of being a permanent slave. Whether fate will seal that title on me forever or relinquished me from the discriminations will be known today.

After waiting for half an hour after the bell rang, I immediately stomped away from that trashy classroom and head towards the Traditional Culture Research Club. It was not my first time being here, but gambling to determine my title as a mike is definitely a first.

Just as I finally arrived in that nostalgic room, my opponent: Nishinotouin Yuriko, is already sitting on the floor, waiting for me to arrive. I didn't felt a single trace of guilt for making her wait for 30 minutes. What's important right now is to take back what I lost. Anything other than that is to be disregarded.

...Well, I guess Kiyotaka is my second most priority, but of course, it can wait. It's not like anyone will steal him away from me...

...Wait, that is definitely possible. Maybe I should make my move after this? Or perhaps plan something to gaim his affection? Ah, this is tiring!

With that, I made my way and sat across her. The board in front of me and the dealer beside me. The game started as soon as Nishinotouin explained to me the rules of the game.

~ ~ ~ ~

3rd Person POV

It was already half way after the game started. Just after Kiyotaka, Yumeko and Suzui entered the room where the gambling is taking place, they set their bags on the floor and watched the game before their eyes.

Saotome clearly saw from her peripheral vision that someone entered the said room. However, she cannot afford to waste her time to glance at the spectators. All she knew was that, a group of students came to watch the game.

It goes without saying that she's clearly having a hard time. The game was in favor of Nishinotouin since the very beginning. She was gritting her teeth as she kneeled in front of the board, trying to concentrate on her next move.

Saotome clicked her tongue in frustration, as she cannot think of any possible move to make. Tears started to form on her eyes, yet she can't bring herself to cry. It was complicated.

'This is bad' she thought to herself. 'The chips are 168 - 32 right now. At this rate... I'll definitely lose!'

Her mind was in an infinite loop of mess. She cannot think straight anymore. Saotome's last sanity is already hanging on a thread. And the pressure just gives more weight on her last hope.

However, contrary on Saotome's near destruction, Nishinotouin remained calm. She sat there on the other side of the board across Saotome, still has her eyes shut off. Nevertheless, it looks like she saw Saotome's angry face, as she put her one hand on her lips, and let out a teasing giggle.

"Ah Ah, please don't show such a terrifying face." She stated, clearly amused by the expression Saotome currently have. "Let's really enjoy this gamble. After all, it's quite a rare chance." continued.

Nishinotouin obviously said that to add fuel on the fire. Saotome clenched her fist, still kneeling on the floor, looking at the board.

'That bitch... What fucking nonsense is she mumbling...?" She thought in annoyance.

The difference is 136 chips. Chouhan bakuchi is just a game of chance. There's no skill whatsoever involved in guessing odds and evens. And yet why has it leaned this far?

( If you don't know what that game is, don't worry as I will explain it on the next chapter. But if you already want to know what it is, please google it. )

Nishinotouin is slowly but surely gaining and hitting all of the correct numbers. The only explanation apart from Saotome having the most incredible horrible luck would be—


"How will you place your bets?" The dealer in the middle directed that question to Saotome, who's still lost in thought about her claim that she's being tricked by Nishinotouin.

'I don't know how she's doing it, and I have no proof of her cheating.' she thought to herself, but a hint of confidence can be heard on her tone, despite only talking to herself. 'But there's still a way to turn this around!'

Saotome sighed upon finishing thinking about a lot of things. It was stressing, to say the least, but such emotions aren't enough to stop her on wanting to win the game.

"32 chips..." She moved forward the remaining stacked of chips in front of her to the board.

Upon seeing this, even though her eyes are still shut close, Nishinotouin herself got surprised. No, surprised isn't really the right word to describe it.

She was delighted, yet her facial expression and the tone of her voice didn't changed a bit, still giving off her usual calmness.

"Ara~, all the chips you have remaining, is it..." she mumbled, but enough for her opponent to hear. "So this will be the deciding hand."

It was all the chips Saotome have. And yet, she decided to bet it all in one go. Some people can say that what she did was reckless. In a game where the outcome is undecided and cannot be predicted, betting all your remaining chips is indeed not worth it.

However, she knew what she was going to do. You can say that, 'no warrior will go on a battlefield empty-handed'. She has a plan, indeed. But whether she will win or lose is a different case.

"Will 32 chips be acceptable for this set?" The dealer, upon seeing Saotome's bet, turned her gaze away from her to Nishinotouin.

"Yes that's fine."

"Well then, I shall place 10 [ swords ] into the pot." The dealer continued after hearing Nishinotouin's confirmation.

She put 10 miniature swords into the pot, shook it for a few seconds, then immediately placed it on the miniature circled board where there are a few numbers and holes on it.

"Now, it's all set!"

The dealer started the countdown from 10. The players started to make their bets as they put their chips on the numbers they think will be chosen.



Saotome continued to put her chips on the numbers on the board. Meanwhile, Nishinotouin, who's already finished putting her chips, carefully watched the numbers Saotome picked.

"One! Zero! Time ends! No more bets, please!"

It was then, Nishinotouin realized what Saotome intended to do. Why did she go as far as betting all of her remaining chips even though she can save it for a longer battle? Why bother taking the risk if the outcome is still a mystery? Did Saotome just recklessly did that? Or perhaps she trusted her intuition in this round?

"I see..." Nishinotouin muttered under her breath.

Saotome put 6 chips each on 5 spots— it was the numbers 2, 4, 8, 16, 22. It really was a huge gamble. The chances of winning when picking only a few numbers are low. But since Saotome have 6 chips each on her choices, if she indeed won, the return is high.

Prioritize the return more than the risk. Take the chance or lose it all. Either self-destruct this round or let the enemy have the upper hand next. That was what Saotome is thinking.

'It's really depending on luck now... But I have no choice.' Saotome thought as she gritted her teeth, still glaring at her opponent in front of her. 'I'll finish the game in one go, giving you no chance to cheat!'

'This time you'll be the one to tremble in fear, Nishinotouin Yuriko!'

As Nishinotouin saw Saotome's direct anger towards her, she felt like she already won. Just by seeing Saotome's expression is enough to give her ecstacy.

"Fufu..." She let out a giggle, which confused Saotome. "Scary, scary."

Her usual calmness, both in expression and tone, remain unchanged. It wouldn't be too surprising if Nishinotouin got, at least moved by Saotome's courage, but that didn't seem to be the case.

From her lips, Nishinotouin removed her hands back to her laps. Slowly moved her head back down looking like she was slightly bowing, as if someone sending a family member or friend away.

"I shall display the results."

'2, 4, 8, 16, 22... I just need one of those, please!'  She silently prayed to no one.

The pressure of the intense and heavy atmosphere slowly increases per second, making Saotome and Suzui sweat in anticipation. As the dealer slowly lift the pot covering the results, almost every people inside the room have their expectations up in the air.

Finally, as the pot has been finally lifted by the dealer, the results can now be seen by everyone in the room. It was a total mess.

Obviously, not every swords can possibly be inserted on the holes in the edge of the circle board. The chances are ranging from  1 to 3/10.  Considering how few of a holes there are on the board, the chances of winning your picked number will also plummet.

However, one sword stood proudly on the said miniature board. It was inserted nice and steady on the hole.

Upon seeing this, Saotome's previous angered, irritated and all kind of mixed negative emotions on her face, all vanished in an instant, as if it didn't even appeared in the first place.

'Ah, 22...?' She was already celebrating in her mind.

"Ara Ara~, that was your number, isn't it?" Nishinotouin put her hand on her cheeks and tilted her head sideways, yet a slight grin can be seen on her calm expression. "However—"

As Saotome look closely on the results, her eyes widened in surprise and her expression turned grim. Her mouth opened wide in defeat.

"—it's a [ Death ]."

Sweats started to cover Saotome's face. From her forehead, down to her cheeks all the way to the floor. She just realized that it was her lost, as she looked down on the floor with a widened eyes.

Her opponent, on the other hand, moved her hand from her cheeks to her mouth and let out a giggle.

"We of the Traditional Culture Research Club, our original gambling game: [ Life or Death ]. To put it into other words—" Nishinotouin proceeded to explain the deeper meaning of the game in a simplified term.

"To battle for and battle with countless swords. Swords that descended from the sky. With your grip on that sword, it is your highest victory if that blade faces your opponent—"

Just like how normal sword works, the person who's facing the sword will have their blood taint the blade red. When holding a sharp knife, you will naturally injure the person in front of you and not yourself, as the blade isn't pointing at you. In this game's term, when the grip of the miniature sword is inserted first on the hole on the board, it is your win.

"—However, on the chance that... That blade is aimed at yourself—"

Imagine a sword or katana falling from the sky, with the blade pointed at you. It was as simple as that. Disregard the fact that all the swords cannot possibly be inserted on the holes, It was a 50/50 chance whether the swords will be a 'Life' or 'Death'.

"My condolences.♡"

( Yeah, I changed it. You guys happy now? )

Sadly, it turns out that the sword Saotome thought will be her final and only weapon, is meant to kill her and not her opponent. Whether Nishinotouin cheated or not is unknown, but the outcome won't change no matter what baseless accusations she may throw against the club.

"22 is stabbed by the sword and ruled as [ Death ]. With Yuriko-sama's chips taken into account, Saotome-sama who placed 6 chips as bet on number 22 receives 30 times, [ Minus ]!" The dealer explained. "18 million yen! It comes to 496 million yen as a final result!"

Saotome's facial expression didn't changed a bit. She was still devastated by her defeat. It was like Saotome was slapped by this reality.

Of course, 496 million yen is without a doubt a tremendous amount of money. Even a CEO of a huge business company cannot acquire such amount in a short amount of time, let alone in a single day.

Whether or Saotome can pay that amount in her lifetime or not is a different case all over. The donations taken by the student council do add into any debt, Saotome's fate has been decided.

She'll be a pet for the rest of her life.

"Thank you for the hard work, Saotome-san. Your methods of payment will be provided to you in further contact." she gestured her left hand on the door upon saying that to Saotome. "Somebody lead her outside." A mischievous grin appeared on Nishinotouin's face, as well as a sadistic expression took over her calm demeanor. "I've already settled my business with her.♡"

"... Gh."

A member of the club approached Saotome to assist her in leaving the club room. It was the girl who introduced the trio in the club and let them spectate the game who just finished a few seconds ago.

"Saotome-sama, I will lead the way out for you."


What happened next wasn't something anyone would be surprised of. Saotome's next actions could be described as childish, or perhaps a war cry, but that would be an understatement.

"Uwaaaaaahhh!!" She screamed from the bottom of her lungs.

A lot of negative emotions keep on stirring her insides. She wants to cry yet no tears can be seen on her eyes. She wants to destroy something yet her sanity won't let her to. She didn't know what to do, and all she can think of is to scream her feelings away.

"Saotome-sama, you will impose trouble to the other guests..." The girl tried to stop Saotome by reaching her arms, but immediately got pushed back by Saotome's elbow.

"Don't touch me!" She responded.

'Where did it go amiss? I should have ruled over those idiots in my class and lived a carefree fun student life. I should have set myself up for life by studying at a prestigious school and gained connections.'

She silently and slowly stood up from the ground. Her previous aggressive behavior is slowly vanishing. Saotome only looked down on the floor in silence, with no trace of life can be found on her eyes.

'This was never meant to happen. The only way I can get my life back is in my dreams.'

'No, more than that...'  She finally looked on the trio who came to watch the game. She didn't even care if he watched her utter defeat. 'Jabami Yumeko. To cross paths with her was a mistake!'

It was already too late when Saotome realized the mistake of challenging Yumeko in a game. Had it been her win on their game, Saotome's position in the class hierarchy wouldn't have been taken away from her. If she didn't challenge Yumeko, Saotome wouldn't have lost and be a pet.

Adding more problems to her previous ones, her challenge to Nishinotouin also ended up in her lost. Anybody can say that her luck is bad, or perhaps her decisions and plans aren't good enough or wise enough to checkmate her enemy.

Yet again, generally speaking, luck is the most important factor in gambling. So plans and stuffs like psychological warfare isn't necessary on a game where the favor isn't on you nor the enemy, but to the unknown.

However, one person can see Saotome's shortcomings in plain sight, as if an adult reading a kids book. But how he will deal with her, may it be helping her or leaving her alone, is something he yet to know.

With that, Saotome finally left the Traditional Culture Research Club, with eyes lost of hope. The day already ended for her despite the time only struck 4:00 by the moment she left the room. However, the day will only begin for the trio who just watched the game in utter silence.

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