I Was Right, Love Is Messy (T...

By ItsKristenWrites

46.7K 1.7K 634

Kate has had enough of her demons and she is now looking for forgiveness, after two years of not seeing her e... More

Author's note
2. The promise
3. Friendship bracelets
4. I'll leave you alone
5. I'm always hot
6. What besties are for
7. Secrets
8. Curiosity killed the cat
9. Curiosity broke Kate's arm?
10. Hospital stories
11. She is not the only one
12. Cat toys
13. The truth
14. You are real to me
15. Make me feel wanted
16. Just the gay panic
17. Jealousy gives us hope
18. The eyes gave you away
19. Borrowing book's pages
20. No more games, and no more running

1. See you tomorrow, Miss Montgomery

4.1K 97 40
By ItsKristenWrites

Kate's POV

I hate first days. Everyone is sweaty and nervous, and they didn't allow themselves to be who they really are because they are afraid of rejection. First day's suck, and that's why everyone hates first days...unless you're Sofía, my ex, of course.

I hate first days too, don't get me wrong, but I hate this first day specifically for another reason. I'm not afraid of rejection because I already know I'm going to be rejected by everyone, Sofía is going to make sure of that.

And yet, here I am... a thousand kilometers far away from home, waiting for my American cab to come and get me, it was taking so long...

I'm going to be late, so now not only the students are going to hate me, but the teachers too.

There was no going back now tho, I want Sofía back, that's why I am here.

My cab arrived then, cutting my thoughts short and not giving me any more time to think and really process how hard it was going to be to gain Sofía's forgiveness.

The drive was quiet, I mostly stared at the window all the way to the school. I already knew this place because I studied here a few years ago, but it felt as if it had been a whole lifetime ago. Maybe it was because in a sense it was, my whole life has changed so much since then, I used to think of this place as my home...now I feel like I don't belong.

Finally, we arrived at the school, I took a deep breath and put my sunglasses on, then, as if I was really feeling confident, I entered the school as if I owned the place.

Heads started turning in my direction, but not as many as I'd thought it would because half the school was already on their classes, meanwhile, I was late. Amazing way to fit in, I thought.

Did they recognize me? I thought they would, I used to be pretty popular. Maybe the sunglasses are making it difficult for them to realize who I am, all I know is I'm wearing them to make an entrance and a statement. Who else is wearing sunglasses? No one.

As I walked to my first class, I started hearing people whispering my name, finally.  "Is that Kate?", "That's Kate! ", "Is that Sofía's ex?"

Wow, I mean I am Sofía's ex but why can't she be my ex? Huh?

Oh yeah, maybe because everyone loves her and everyone hates me...even if they tolerate me now, they soon won't.

Luckily for me, I remember my way around here, so I don't have to ask anyone for directions, my thick German accent will give me away in a heartbeat. I got to my first class after a few more minutes, I seated on the first row, because sadly those were the only ones available.

I basically interrupted the class introductions to get in, by this point everyone was curious about me. I did the only thing any sane person would do, act as if I were a celebrity trying to pass unnoticed.

"So where were we?" The teacher asked after I sat down. "Oh yes, you were telling me about your vacations, right Michael?" the teacher continued.

Everyone started answering right after Michael told a story about how he saw a dinosaur fossil, bullshit.  Everyone was saying bullshit, I bet all of them didn't do anything besides walking their dogs, they are all just trying to look interesting and cool. I rolled my eyes at them and huffed loudly.

"Excuse me, Miss....?" The teacher called, an old male, probably a good person or a boring person...maybe a little bit of both. 

"I need you to take your sunglasses off " he added once he saw I wasn't going to reply nor introduce myself.

I mean I was going to introduce myself, I'm a transfer student in her senior year who changed schools after the holiday's vacations, that's interesting as hell. To be fair, he should have asked me to introduce myself earlier.

I dramatically took my time in removing my sunglasses, I wasn't in the mood to go to the principal's office in my first day, so I elegantly took them off and smiled at the teacher right after, a sarcastic smile of course.

"What's your name miss? Are you new?" He asked, going to look at his attendance list.

This is the moment I've been waiting for. "I studied here as a freshman two years ago, but I'm guessing you could say I'm a new student given that I just transfer as a senior" I said smiling.

"Oh that's great, we have another student like you who came here as a transfer when the school year began. She studied here as a freshman too and now is a senior like you. What a coincidence isn't it?" The teacher said.

I guess I have to help the guy out, of course it's not a coincidence.

"That's Sofía, my ex-girlfriend" Oh it felt so good to say it. "I came with her as a freshman from all the way to Germany, I heard she returned and here I am" a dramatic pause. "I'm Katerina Voigt, but you can call me Kate"


I was so fucking proud of myself, I had everyone talking about me and the day wasn't even over yet. I wasn't proud that I was the gossip of the day, but I was proud that I was the one controlling it and not letting it get me. I knew people were going to talk about me anyways, so mastering the arts of not giving a fuck was my mission.

The day passed by, and teachers who already knew who I was, made me introduce myself over and over again. And my classmates weren't talking to me, not even one. They were all looking at me as if I had the plague.

Now it was lunch time, and I was making my way into the cafeteria to find Sofía. Due my idiot cab being late, I couldn't speak to her at the beginning of the day and to this point we didn't have any classes together. But if I want to win her back, I have to you know, talk to her.

But I did give her a heads up that I was coming though, I knew she won't like the idea, but I had to come.

My parents were thrilled when they heard I was coming, I still remember all those classy insults directed towards me when I broke up with Sofía. It hasn't been the same since then. My so-called friends basically disappeared, my parents only called to remind me that I ruined the company's future; and I have a non-existent love life...sex life is different, but we are not discussing that.

I was looking for the redheaded when I felt a hand grabbing my forearm and making me spin around roughly.

Oh right, Sofía's minions.

"What are you doing here?" Val growled.

"You better leave Sofía the fuck alone" Nikki added, pointing an accusatory finger at me.

I rolled my eyes dismissively; I knew I had to deal with them, but it was still so early in the morning. Didn't they have other things to do? Oh right, Sofía is basically the interesting part of their lives. 

"Where is Sofía?" I asked, ignoring her previous statements.

Now they were the ones rolling their eyes, and Val crossed her arms while Nikki's glare intensified.

"As if we would tell you" Val huffed.

"Then get out my way" I said trying to leave, but one again someone grabbed my forearm, preventing me from leaving.

"Leave Sofía the fuck alone" Nikki repeated.

"You already hurt her enough, don't you think?" Val asked.

This Nikki chick was still holding my arm in a way too harsh grip, and I was starting to lose my patience.

"I know what I did, and that's why I'm here, because I want to earn Sofía's forgiveness" I removed Nikki's grip on me by shaking my arm harshly. "But what do you know about forgiveness? About friendship? " I asked angrily, and for a split second I saw both of them back down, because they knew what they did two years ago.

"That's what I thought" I stated. "Now, I'm here for Sofía only...but if you two are the ones who want to bring up the past, careful, you might get burn" I hissed, my anger taking over me.

I glared at them; they didn't dare to say something else as I knew it would happen. I walked away and exited the cafeteria, I needed to calm myself down before I see Sofía.


It took me the whole lunch hour to calm down, and now I was on my way to my last class, and I still haven't seen Sofía. She couldn't have skipped her first day of the semester because of me, right?

I hope she didn't, because I am willing to do anything to earn her forgiveness but if that means leaving. I will leave. I don't want her to suffer.

"Good-" I was going to say, 'good evening', to my English teacher, but then...I saw her face.

"Oh G-d, it's you" I said shaking my head.

"Kate" the professor said under her breath.

This was the teacher that walked on me and Sofía talking a few months ago, when I first found her in London and promised myself, that I would get her back.

But this teacher knowing my name could only have two meanings, either she heard the story of well, me, because the gossips, like any other teacher...or Sofía told her what happened.

The second one could be possible, because she was genuinely worried about Sofía that night, not because she found her talking with apparently a stranger, but because it was me, and because Sofía asked her to let us talk alone.

Maybe they are close? Sofía is friends with anyone.

I don't know if I could be friends with this teacher in specifically tho, she is...damn those legs-

"What are you doing here?" The beauty asked, preventing me from making obvious the fact that I was checking her out.

"I- I'm going to study here for this semester" I said stuttering a little, which never, never, happens to me.

"I'm...surprised" she said after what it felt like hours of just staring at me. "Did you come here for Sofía?" she asked bluntly.

I opened my eyes wide and pressed my lips in a tight line. This teacher was the only one besides Sofía that saw me at my worst, that saw how much I really need Sofía back. And for that reason, I can't pretend to be confident, not with her.

I nodded slowly, she looked at me up and down while I looked away. For some strange reason I didn't want to know just yet what she thought about me, I didn't want to see it in her eyes just yet.

"Please take your seat" the teacher said. "I'm Miss. Montgomery" she added.

I went to sit on the farthest seat I could find, there was a weird tension between Miss Montgomery and I. She knew who I was, she saw me getting all emotional over Sofía once. I couldn't act like I don't give a fuck around her, not when she knows the truth.

The class started and she kept glancing at my way from time to time just as I was glancing at her, we were trying to be discrete, but then we both caught each other looking at the same time and failed at hiding it. 

As I was about to go over there and speak to her, the door burst open and an apologetic and beautiful Sofía walked into this very classroom.

"I'm sorry miss, but the principal-" Sofía started.

"Just take your seat, Miss Castillo" Miss. Montgomery said dismissively.

I have never in my life met someone that dislikes Sofía or talks to her like that for that matter, the way that this teacher spoke to her made me think that maybe they weren't as close as I thought. But the way Sofía's face fell when she heard those words said otherwise, as if Miss. Montgomery coldness was hurting her.

Just then Sofia noticed me, and her pained face turned into a mix of sadness and nervousness. She didn't direct me one word, but she nodded at my way, almost imperceptible.

But that gesture alone, was enough to make almost everyone start staring at me, but Sofía didn't do as much as breath in the same direction as me again, not in the whole class.

Soon enough, the bell rang. And I ran towards Sofía as fast as I could, so I could talk to her. I don't know how I feel about us sharing this and only this class, with Miss. Montgomery as a teacher, but I'll take what I can get.

"Hey, you look amazing" I said nervously.


"Uh, did you get my texts? I wanted to give you a heads up about me coming back" I tried again.


Sofía kept gathering her things to leave as if I weren't right there talking to her.

"Can we talk?" I said pleading, while people stared at us.

"Hey Sof, is this chick bothering you?" A boy that I don't know his name asked her.

"Leave her alone Kate" another one added.

"Why did you even came?" the first one asked. "I don't know if you noticed, but you're not as popular as you were two years ago" he added maliciously.

I was starting to feel the anger bubble up inside me. I knew I was in for it, I knew earning Sofía's forgiveness would be though. But there's something people need to understand, I'm here for Sofía's forgiveness only, I'm not asking for theirs.

"And you are? Don't come here and talk about who is popular and who isn't when puberty hasn't even hit you" I said turning around and facing the boy.  "So get the fuck away from my private conversation, kid" I growled.

"Or what?" The guy asked, clearly worked up and angry about what I said.

I looked briefly at Sofía, thinking that this would be the time where she'd told everyone to stop harassing me and they would, because everyone listens to her. I didn't expect her to defend me, but neither side with them.

"Enough! James, Michael, all of you to the principal's office, now!" Miss Montgomery yelled.

Judging by the looks on everyone's faces, she didn't yell often.

"What but-" everyone started protesting while I just stared at her, I definitely didn't expected her to defend me.

"No buts, now" she growled.

Everyone sighed and started leaving the classroom right after. I know I was trying to avoid the principal's office but knowing that those assholes were also going to get punished, made it less awful for me.

"Not you Kate" Miss Montgomery said when I was about to leave, making a confused and angry Sofía turn around to face her.

"What? But she-" Sofia started.

" To the principal's office Sofía, I won't repeat it" Miss Montgomery said sternly.

I don't know if it was just me, or there was a weird tension and vibe between the two. As soon as Sofía left, Miss. Montgomery face relaxed a little.

"You can go home Kate" she said, not wasting time.

"Oh, yeah I-, thank you...for that" I said shyly, looking all over the place.

"I really hope you don't get a lot of that" she said looking at me intensely. "It's none of my business, but..." she paused. "You know what, never mind. Just be careful, see you tomorrow Kate" she ended, tearing her gaze from mine and urging me to leave.

"I-yeah?" I said still astonished by I don't know what, maybe her?

I didn't have enough time to process what happened, or urged her to tell me what she was thinking, because in a heartbeat she was already out of the classroom, not looking back not even once.

"See you tomorrow, Miss Montgomery" I said to myself.


Hello to everyone! If you liked this chapter, you would help me more than you might think by voting and sharing with friends! Also thanks to the people that comments, it's amazing to read your insights or jokes! Thank you for reading!

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