(2) Repeating The Past /// Se...

By aleighaconley08

24.8K 472 28

Okay so this is a sequel to Neglected... someone asked me if I would write a sequel.. so I said. Why not? O... More

1. Yay! I'm 6!
2. Christmas Surprise
3. Best Big Sister Ever
4. Baby's Here
5. Day With My Girls
6. Treating Allisia Different
8. Were Leaving
9. Storybook Maine
10. School
11. Henry
12. First Date
13. The Truth
14. Dinner At Grannys
15. School Dance
16. Blessing
17. Proposing
18. She Said Yes!
19. Wedding
20. Our New Life
21. The End

7. Moving Forever

1.6K 29 4
By aleighaconley08

Alora's Pov:

I woke up in the morning and saw Damon up on the computer... "Whatever you doing?" I asked, "Looking for houses far away." I laughed.. "Alright... where do you wanna move?" I asked. "I don't know.. but this place seems good. It's a small hidden town.. and it looks perfect for us." I nodded and kissed Damon. "I guess we should tell our girls that we're moving."

Damon nodded sadly, "How about you look for a house and I break it to them." I said and he nodded. I walked into Avalon's room and saw her playing with her barbies and Allisia was teaching her. "Girls... I need to tell you both something." Avalon ran over to me and crawled into my lap.. and Allisia sat down next to me. "What is it mom?" Ali asked.

"Ava.. Ali. I know you might not like this, but we're moving." Allisia's face showed no emotion but I could talk Ava was sad. "Why do we have to move?" Ava asked, "Because darling.. where going to have a better life. Just your daddy and I.. and your big sister. I promise everything will be perfect." Ava smiled and hugged me. "When are we leaving?" Allisia asked.. "Hopefully in the next 3-4 days." "Can we say goodbye to Grandpa Klaus and the others?" Avalon asked. "I'm sorry sweetie.. but umm... there not in Here anymore." I know it's bad to lie to my baby... but it's for her safety.

Avalon looked sad and cuddled into me.. "Okay mommy. What do we do?" I smiled.. "I want you to gather your things up.. I'm going to bring suitcases and boxes in here for us to use to move.. I'll cast a little spell." They both laughed and I smiled at them.. so adorable.

I skipped back into my room to see Damon looking at a house.. "Did you don one?" I asked hopefully... "Yeah sweetheart.. I think I did. Come look at it." I walked over to Damon and looked at the house... it was perfect. "Its beautiful.. I love it." Me and Damon looked over to the house and decided that this is the one.. we spent our night gathering our things and packing them up.

We decided that moving to a secluded and hidden away town was the best thing to do... so here we go. To Storybook Maine we go.

403 - Words

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