For the love of a Dragon (Thr...

Von residenthobbit49

265K 8.8K 2.1K

Cursed elleth. Dragon. Thranduil. You finish the puzzle. residenthobbit49 :) Note: I am in the midst of editi... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 18

8.8K 284 72
Von residenthobbit49

It was a fine Autumn morning as I fumbled with the sheets of the bed. I had upgraded to a new room, at Thranduil's insistence, to a room with a beautiful wide view of the forest, and the slumbering snow-capped Mountains of Mirkwood. But even the wondrous view couldn't take my mind off the words Thranduil said to me yesterday.

I was no longer a Dragon. I was free. 

I was a meek 500 years old on the fateful day I was cursed. I remembered the experience all too vividly.

2,400 years ago....

I was walking along the border of a forest; my memory failed me to remember which. After a while of minding my own way, walking by myself, out of the corner of my eye I spied an old woman hobbling along the same path as I was, her old legs barely able to carry her body. Her hood was drawn over her head; likely to withstand the blistering summer sun that beat down on weary travellers like her and I on that day.

Naive as I was, I ran to help her without thinking or possibly suspecting that something could be amiss. "Here, let me help you," I offered as I bounded over, placing a hand on her back and grasping her frail, withered hand with my own. She held it tightly, her hood never catching the breeze and revealing whatever was underneath, and didn't say a word.

I walked her until I had no idea where we were. But ever the reserved young Elleth I was, I kept quiet about my doubts to be polite. 

"My dear," her croaky voice uttered, those two words barely audible from her mouth. I leaned in to listen closer to what she was about to say.

That was my deadly mistake.

Like an adder about to strike, her eyes whipped up to mine; unnatural, ageless, blood-red things that pierced into my soul. I screamed in agony, crippling to the ground as a cold sense of dread and fear swept over my body. The old hag then whipped her hood off and knelt down to my level, grabbing my throat and squeezing with unprecedented strength for her age and crippled appearance.

"Like I would ever need help from the likes of you," she hissed, her voice suddenly powerful and clear. I wheezed in her tight grip and struggled but she didn't let go.

She began chanting, reciting something in a frightening language that I could not understand or recall. As the words filled the air, a brutal, stabbing pain tore through my chest. I screamed and tried to jerk out of her grip but she only tightened it, sneering to reveal rows of blackened teeth. Fear clamped my heart, setting off alarms in every corner of my body. 

A fiery, burning pain blazed in my throat, ravaging through my lungs like a forest fire. Finally managing to tear myself from her brutal grip, I collapsed to the ground, writhing in pain. My throats painful burning sensation, at least I could tell in my haze of agony, was not from her strangling. It was something old, angry and fiery; something that I had never felt before. My screams soon became raspy and whispery, like whispers on a parched wind.

The witch brought her terrifying face close to mine, a grin of pure malice tugging at the corner of her cracked lips. "Cursed to eternal darkness you shall be," she said darkly, before she faded out of my vision and

I shuddered at the memory. That was the last day of me being an Elleth - a normal one, with a functioning body which didn't defy the laws and nature and cross species every fortnight. Now I was one again. I would no longer breathe fire, or soar through the soft lilac clouds as the sun rose over the world. I would no longer be a beast from children's nightmares or a Dwarvish warrior's worst fear, but I would no longer be a beast of my own free will, with a massive body that I grudgingly knew every inch of, how to maneuver through the sky. My father used to tell me that one day you would miss what you hated the most once it was gone. I never knew he would prove to be right one day.


I looked to the door to see Legolas and Tauriel standing there, the two bouncing young warriors both bearing grins on their faces. "I apologise if you are resting. May we come in?" Tauriel asked earnestly, her eyes sparkling.

"Of course. Come in," I nodded, gesturing to the two cushioned chairs that were next to the bed. As they sat down, I noticed they looked a little flushed; perhaps they just returned from guard duty.

"What have you young ones been up to?" I asked, trying to make conversation. 

"Nothing much," Tauriel said, tapping her bow which was on her lap. "There was nothing out today. Which is good, obviously, but less exciting." 

I smiled slightly. Less exciting. I wondered if they ever realised the true horror of an Orc raid.

"But, I did bring up something that deeply embarrassed Legolas," Tauriel said, smiling mischeviously and sliding her eyes to Legolas who began squirming in his seat. 

I smiled deviously at Legolas, twitching around awkwardly. "Tell me," I replied to Tauriel, and then she launched into a story about Legolas preparing to shoot a spider a few years ago and then tripping over his own toes and landing face-first into a mud puddle. 

During our conversation, I saw Legolas cast a few meaningful glances towards the vibrant Captain of the Guard, but she didn't seem to notice. He caught me looking once, and scowled at me jokingly. I only returned the gesture.

By the end of the story, Legolas was bright red and Tauriel and I were in fits of giggles.

"Aw, Legolas," I said, patting his knee. "That is truly adorable." He whacked me playfully on the arm. 


We turned to see Thranduil standing in the doorway. "May I?" he asked. 

Legolas and Tauriel got the message, ever the obedient soldiers to their king, and stood up and left, wishing me a good day on the way out. The door shut behind them with a click as Thranduil stood in the doorway.

"Good morning," I said, smiling up at him. 

Thranduil smiled as he walked over to the bed, and picked me up in his big arms before sitting back down, grinning as I shrieked. We both laughed as I leaned my head against his chest and curled up against him.

"How are you?" he asked, gently brushing away a lock of hair that was on my face. 

I took his hand and held it in my own. It always made me feel braver somehow. "Alright," I said softly. Little tears began to form in the back of my eyes, from what, I did not know. "I feel so weak," I whispered, letting a one escape. "I'm so scared, Thranduil."

He simply put a finger to my lips and caressed my face. He didn't say anything. I didn't expect him to.

As he held me, I felt something in my pocket. My mind went blank for a moment, before I remembered what it was and let out a surprised laugh. "Thranduil?" I said, looking up at him. He smiled down at me, before cocking his eyebrow.

"Yes?" he replied, raising an eyebrow at my sudden mischief. 

I flipped the object out of my pocket, wiggling it around in my fingers.  "How did you..." Thranduil said, trailing off. I smiled even wider. "I've been looking for that for weeks!" 

Laughing, I looked at it, weighing its cool, heavy mass in my hand. It was the Mirkwood dungeon key; the same one Thranduil had used to lock me up, when we both first laid eyes on each other before either of us knew anything that was to happen. It seemed like ages ago now.

The king in question took the key from me and put it in his pocket, sending me an irritated but humorous look in the process, before he then lifted my chin and stared at me closely, with those icy, blue eyes that I had grown to love. From their telling of a story to their little flecks of silver and green.  

"Celegwen," he said solemnly. I felt my heart flutter just a bit.

"We have been through things together in the past few months which most people would not have gone through in a lifetime. Fate intertwined our paths and love drove us to the extreme; and back again. A Silvan King and a Laiquendi Elleth. My father would have thought it would never be."

I thought about it. We had been through quite the journey indeed. We had been betrayed, kidnapped; confused, and hurt; happy and cursed.

But loved.

"I love you," I said, from the bottom of my heart.

"I love you too."

And then we kissed.

Our love for each other was eternal and powerful. Neither of us expected to fall for one another the way that we did. It almost killed us, this love of ours, but our passion brought us alive. Brought us together. Tied with the undying love we shared were horrific experiences neither of us could ever forget.

And it was all, for the love of a Dragon.

And that's it! For the Love of a Dragon is officially over! *runs to the corner and cries*

I can't believe this book is finished. I actually feel quite emotional. This has literally been one of the biggest successes of my life.

I actually feel like it's the end of an era. I can't thank you guys enough for all the reads, comments, votes and support I've gotten. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!!

Some special dedications:

@lotr_love: What can I say. You have been my supporter literally since the beginning. You voted on all the chapters and left some hilarious comments. You turned my frown upside down, not to mention you are an AMAZING writer and friend. I LOVE YOUUUUUUU!!!!! <3<3<3

@Minecraftian1213 You make me smile whenever I think of you. You supported me all the way and loved the story for the story. You are one of my biggest supporters and I doubt this story would have been as memorable as it has been if it wasn't for you. THANKYOU SO SO MUCH!!!

@Tammyt70 I love you so much gurl!!!! You have commented on basically every chapter and I love reading your comments. Your support has encouraged me to keep on going with this story when I thought I couldn't. THANKS GIRL!!

@mermaid_in_disguise You enjoyed this so so so much and even made the frickin cover. I could have never made a cover like that on my own!!! I love your enthusiasm and I wanna meet you in person one day! <3

@Vanya_Fae What could I do without you,  Ing? You are literally my biggest supporter and friend here on Wattpad. You really loved this story and I love reading your comments. They make my day. This book probably wouldn't have gotten this far without you. NEXT TIME YOU COME TO NZ YOU ARE COMING OVER AND WE ARE GOING TO FANGIRL OUT AND BE AWKWARD POTATOES TOGETHER
No like seriously, you are amazeballs I LOVE YOU SOSOSOSOSOSOSOOSO MUCH!!!!!

Honourable Mentions:





This is it. For the Love ofa Dragon is now over.

ILYSM and wouldn't have gotten through without you. I can't thank you enough.

residenthobbit49 :):):):):):):):):)


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