Jar Of Hearts

By Sugarpop001

274K 7.1K 6.3K

(ᵗᵒᵗᵃˡ ᵈʳᵃᵐᵃ ˣ ᶜᵘʳᵛʸ ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ ʷᵒᵐᵃⁿ) Asteria Venus was tricked into a TV show scam by her trustworthy best frien... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17

Chapter 5

22K 562 1.1K
By Sugarpop001

Last time on Total Drama Island... Twenty-three campers arrived and learned that they'll be spending the next eight weeks at an old summer camp. The campers were faced with their first challenge, jumping off a cliff into shark-infested waters. And while most campers took the plunge, a few were forced to wear the dreaded chicken hat. Asteria is catching hearts left and right but who will win hers?

At the campfire ceremony, it all came down to two campers. Courtney has experience as a C.I.T. in summer camp but refused to jump. And Ezekiel managed to tick off every female contestant at the camp to win his sexist comments about women.

In the end, the first camper who voted off Total Drama Island was Ezekiel, proving that homeschooling and reality TV don't really mix. Who will be voted off this week in the most dramatic campfire ceremony yet? Who's heart will Asteria catch next? Find out tonight on...

Total. Drama. Island!


Everyone was sound asleep. It was quiet. Too quiet. Out of nowhere, an air horn blasts. The campers jolted up. There was a very loud thud. Leshawna had hit her head on the top bunk. "Ow! It's seven in the morning!" She stomped towards the window and threw it open. "Do I look like a farmer to you?" she yelled.

Leshawna turned around and noticed Asteria on the floor. She rushed over and helped her up. "Girl are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, Gwen kicked me off the bed." She stood up but felt a sharp pain in her ankle.

"OMG. Asteri I'm sorry I kicked you off the bed, are you okay?" Gwen asked as she wrapped Asteria's arm around her shoulder.

"I think I twisted my ankle, but it's okay," she assured her.

"It's my fault you hurt your ankle, I'm so sorry."

Asteria place her hands on her cheeks and gazed into her eyes "I'm fine, it's okay, it'll heal." Gwen nodded slowly, her cheeks were stained red.

All the campers got dressed at met in front of the cabins, Gwen stayed beside Asteria and helped her walk, 'till her ankle could heal.

"Asteria are you okay?"

"Tiger, what happened?"

"'Steria what happened?"

Asteria felt overwhelmed from being bombarded by questions. "I'm fine I just tripped, it's just a twisted ankle."

"Okay, okay, guys. She said she's fine, so back off," Chris said.

Heather, in her own world, looked Chris up and down. "Hi, Chris. You look really buff in those shorts," she said, so obviously flirting.

Asteria rolled her eyes. "Heather babe, he's Chris McLean, he thinks she looks good in everything."

"That's right-- Hey! I do look great in everything," he stated. Asteria smiled and winked at him.

"Anyways I hope you're all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute."

"Oh, excuse me." Owen called out, Chris stood in front of him " I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast."

"Oh, you'll get breakfast, Owen. Right after you complete your twenty kilometers run around the lake!"

"Oh, excuse me." Owen called out, Chris stood in front of him " I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast."

"Oh, you'll get breakfast, Owen. Right after you complete your twenty kilometers run around the lake!"

Eva rolled her eyes. "Oh, so you think you're funny now? You know what I think would be funny?" Eva walked towards Chris, getting ready to fight. Geoff and Duncan held him back.

Courtney leaned in. "Eva! Try to control your temper," she whispered harshly. Eva didn't care, she turned towards Chris "You're enjoying this, aren't you?!"

He chuckled "A little. You have thirty seconds."

—————Confessional on——————

Courtney: "Okay, that girl Eva has got to get a handle on her temper. She's only been here one day and she's already thrown her suitcase out a window and broken the lock on one of the bathroom doors."
Asteria: She had an ice pack on her ankle. "Yeah, there is no way I'm running with this ankle."

There was a knock on the door "Hey Asteria, are you ready to come out?" Gwen called through the door. "Yeah," Asteria replied. The camera cut to Gwen helping Asteria.

—————Confessional off—————-

The scene opened to the campers lined up getting ready to run. "Okay, runners!" Chris lift the gun. "On your marks ....get set... go!" he shouted as the ---went off. The campers took off while Asteria was left behind.

Chris jumped on his scooter and signaled her to get on and she did. She wrapped her arms around his waist, but she felt something hard. Her hands started to roam around until she realized what she was doing. "Are you done now?" Chris asked, she didn't need to see the fact he was smirking.

She sheepishly said yes, and off they went to catch up with the campers.

—————-Confessional on—————-

Chris: "I know she's a contestant but she made the move not me." he huffed and puffed out his chest "Chris McLean does not fall in love. Especially with a contestant."
Asteria: "I didn't mean to do that, it was by accident and I was just curious."

"Yeah right," she heard a deep voice yell.
Heather: "I don't run. And I definitely don't run in high heel wedges."

—————Confessional off—————-

Asteria and Chris reached the campers. He held up a megaphone, saying, "Pick it up, people! If you're not back by dinner time, you don't eat! Maybe the first person might get a kiss from Asteria!"

"What?" everyone demanded in unison. Chris sped off, cackling.


Half the campers were in the main lodge. Asteria felt eyes on her and she did her best to avoid them. There was an argument on who she'd kiss, but they arrived simultaneously. Chris laughed, filing his nails, simply watching the chaotic group.

The door burst open and in came Leshawna and Owen with Noah in their arms. "Clear a table, stat," Owen yelled, as he laid Noah down and started doing chest compressions.

"Oh...We made it!" Leshawna sighed and crawled her way over to the bench.

Next was Courtney and Harold. "What took you so long?" WE just lost the challenge!" Courtney yelled at Harold.

"I think I'm having heart palpitations," Harold said, inhaling heavily, clenching his shirt.

Gwen's face lit up. "Hey, wait a minute. If they lost, that means we won the challenge!" Heather, Noah, Owen and Trent start to cheer. However, Chris shut them down immediately "Whoa there! Hold your horses, guys. That wasn't the challenge!"

"What did he just say?" Gwen asked, glaring at him.

He walked up to huge curtains "Who's hungry?" He asked, revealing a buffet table.

—————-Confessional on—————-

Gwen: "After a whole week of brown sludge, I almost cried when I saw that buffet."
Owen: "And then I saw it. The buffet table. It was beautiful. There was turkey and Nanamo bars and baked beans and maple syrup! Ha..." He started choking up "Can I have a minute?" He continued to cry.

—————Confessional off—————

Asteria watched as her friends lay on the floor, groaning and moaning. They all looked pregnant to her. She only ate a few fruits, salad and meat. D.J turned to her, asking, "You didn't eat much, why?"

"If I eat too much I'll be sick," she responded

"But we don't know when we'll be able to eat like this again!" DJ protested.

Asteria was quick to reassure him. "It's fine, I'll survive don't worry."

"Okay campers!" Chris said through the megaphone gaining the attention of the campers "Time for part two of your challenge!"

Everyone was visibly confused. Owen spoke but with his mouth full, "I thought eating was the second part."

"What more do you want from us?" Gwen whined.

Heather groaned while rubbing her stomach. "The weird goth girl is right. Haven't we been through enough?"

"Um...Let me think about that." There was a long pause, and then he smiled. "No! It's time for... The Awake-a-thon!"

"The what-a-thon?" Owen questioned.

"Don't worry! This is an easy one! The team with the last camper standing wins invincibility!" Chris explained.

Asteria spoke up. "Wait, so the 20K run and then the big buffet was part of your evil plan."

"That's right, Asteria," he said, patting her head.

"You love your job, don't you?" She asked as she gave him a blank look.

"I sure do, now move, move, move! You wait here." He pointed to Asteria. All the campers looked back glancing towards the two. She turned to Chris who was smiling, with an evil glint in his eyes.

"Is there a reason I was left behind?"

"Yes." There was a pause "You owe me the reward."

"What!? You're the host!"

"My show, my rules." He leaned in and turned his head, then pointed towards his cheek. Asteria just stared at him as if her gaze could burn his cheek.

"Well hurry up I have a show to run you know."

She sighed in defeat. Asteria leaned in and was about to kiss his cheek but he quickly turned his head and kissed her lips. She moved away quickly, covering her lips, looking wide-eyed. Chris smirked and licked his lips "There as soft as they look. Is that strawberry? Tastes great."

Asteria wanted to do something, but murder was illegal. She settled for glaring at him, and since her leg healed, she walked off towards her teammates.

——————Confessional on—————

Asteria: "I'm so mad at him. I mean, who does that?" She crossed her arms. "I didn't like it at all."

The camera cut off to her looking into space "It was fine, I guess but no one needs to know that." Once she realized what she said she looked at the camera and panicked. "Don't air that my best friend won't let me live that down plus I don't want Chris to hear this," she rambled.

—————-Confessional off—————-

"We're now twelve hours in with all twenty-one campers still wide awake," Chris narrated softly. All the campers were exhausted, except for Asteria. She was sat next to Trent and Gwen, reading a book while Gwen was leaning on her trying not to fall asleep. Owen was still energized, running around and saying, "Woohoo! Stay awake for twelve hours?! I can do that in my sleep! Woohoo!" Immediately after saying this, he passes out.

—————Confessional on—————

Gwen: "The Awake-a-thon was definitely the most brutal thing I've ever done in my life," she said as her expression changed to a confused one. "I don't get how Asteria isn't tried yet, I'm leaning on her shoulder and I can't see what she's reading."
Asteria: She was wearing big, framed octagon glasses. "What I'm reading is for me to know and no one to ever find out"

——————Confessional off—————

Gwen yawns. "This is the most boring thing I've ever done in my life." Asteria agreed with her. Trent yawned and look at both girls. "It could be worse.

"Oh yeah? How? Gwen asked with raised eyebrows.

"I could be stuck here without you two to talk too."

"Awwww, Trent that's so cute," Asteria gushed. Trent rubbed the back of his neck, his cheeks were plastered red, which caused both her and Gwen to giggle. They were unaware to the fact that Heather was glancing at the three and some others.

——————Confessional on—————

Asteria: She pushes up her glasses "Trent and Gwen would make such a cute couple, I ship them," she takes a small notebook out and scribbles something down.
Heather: "So my strategy is to get two other campers to form an alliance with me and take to the final three. The only question is, who can I find that is either desperate or dumb enough to do whatever I say?

——————Confessional off—————

Gwen and Asteria looked at Lindsay, she was doing a handstand in front of the group.

"What are you doing?" Gwen asks.

"Trying to get the blood to rush to my head. Heh... I think it's working"

Beth went up to the blond. "Can I try?"

"Sure." Both girls were now doing handstands in front of the group.

"Lindsay, Beth, can I talk to you for a sec?" Heather called out to the girls as Asteria looked at her suspiciously. She eyed the three girls as they went to a secluded part of the site, she was so focused on them she didn't notice Izzy walking up to her.

"Hey Asteria, come sit by me?" She grabs her hand and takes her to sit next to where Noah was. When she took her, Gwen's head fell on Trent's lap, she quickly sat up and mumbled an apology, the tip of her ears were red as well as Trent's.

Noah turned to Asteria and glanced at the book in her hand. "Do you read a lot?"

"Yeah, reading is one of my hobbies."

"Same here, what genres do you like?"

"I like a little bit of everything. What about you?" Before Noah could answer Izzy butted in and started asking her questions, but Noah was too tired to complain.

°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰ )◜✧˖°

It has now been twenty-three hours and the screaming gophers are in the lead. So far, Bridgette, Sadie, Noah, Owen and Leshawna have fallen asleep. Since Noah and Izzy fell asleep, she sat on the ground between Duncan's legs with her book in hand. He had his arms wrapped around her and his head on top of hers yawning which caused her to yawn as well.

"Hey stop yawning, its contagious, you know."

"Well tiger, its not like I can help it I'm exhausted. By the way, what are you reading?" he asked peering over. She quickly shut her book.


Duncan trapped her with his legs and arm, with his free arm he reached to grabbed the book and opened and read a few pages and smirked. "I didn't know you were into these types of stuff, it's very ki-" She slapped her hand on his mouth.

"Shh, tell no one," she said glaring, he removed her hand "Sure, but it comes with a price."

"What is it?"

"I tell you later, but not now," he said cheekily.

"Ahem," Chris cleared his throat, and when he caught the attention of the two he plastered his host smile. "Congratulations, campers! You've made it to the twenty-four-hour mark. Time to take things up a notch! Fairy tales!" He pulled a cloth revealing a pile of books and Chef stood next to him in a sheep onesie.

"Oh, he's not serious!" Gwen looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

Asterias eyes twinkled. 'I want that onesie' she thought.

Chef plays the harp. Chris snickers which causes Chef to growl at him. Chris ignore this and reads softly, "Once... Upon a time... There was... Inside this boring kingdom..." Beth yawns, a few campers started to sleep ."A boring village. And inside this boring, sleepy, village... Filled with very boring children... that did very... boring things"


Chef comes out dancing to sugar plum fairy music while throwing what looks like pixie dust. Asteria used her book and fanned the so-called 'pixie dust' away as much as she could.

DJ tied himself to a tree but when Chef threw the pixie dust at him, he instantly fell asleep and fell with the tree.

Duncan laughs as he watched DJ fall. Asteria smacked his arm, which made his laughter die down. "Is he okay?! Chris, we need a medic." Asteria said to Chris. He ignored her and continued to read.

"Chris! You better get him a medic or you'll be in the same position as him!"

He lets out a long frustrated sigh and slammed his book shut. "Fiiinne" he moaned as he walked over to where DJ was sleeping."You can't hurt me, I'm the host, stupid teens always ruining everything," he mumbled.

"Excuse me? What did you say?" Asteria asked, giving him a murderous look.

"Nothing," he said as he placed two fingers in his mouth and whistled. "We need medics here!"

One of the crew members came up to him. "The medic went on vacation, we'll have another one in two days."

"That's unfair. I want a vacation," he sighs "Just carry him to the medic center, Chef will tend to him."

The crew members used a chain saw to cut DJ out of the tree, and because of how big DJ was they only managed to drag him across the campsite.

This made Asteria worry even more for him, 'I have to check up on him when I can,' she thought. Duncan pulled her out of her thoughts. "Hey tiger, I don't think I can wait for my payment."

"What is it?" she asked turning towards him, tilting her head in confusion. He smiled. 'How cute,' he thought. He gently grabbed her cheek, "This," he said leaning towards her.

Blood rushed through her head, she could feel her heartbeat. She wondered if he could hear it. As they drew closer "Excuse me!" Both Duncan and Asteria separate quickly as someone walked between them, they looked up to see Courtney giving them the best smile she could muster.

"Sorry, I lost my balance."

Duncan gives out a frustrated groan, while Astreria mind wandered off to who knows where. "I know what you're up to," Duncan said, through his teeth.

Courtney looked innocently confused "What are you talking about?"

Duncan tightens his fist and continues to give Courtney a hard glare. He couldn't say what he wanted to in front of her, it was risky. Courtney just looked at him, still smiling, with an evil glint in her eyes. Duncan was busy glaring at her to notice what she was doing but Asteria took notice and was obviously confused "Courtney what are you doing?" she asked.

"I figured if I keep moving, I'll outlast you all," She says while panting, sweat was running down her forehead.

Duncan scoffs. "You're just wasting energy." She huffs and moves away.

"I bet she'll fall asleep in an hour," Asteria said smirking.

"Ah! I bet in less than thirty minutes," Duncan states.

"We'll see, just wait and see."

—————-Confessional on—————

Courtney: "I figured that if I kept moving, I could outlast all of them. I just had to keep my eye on the ball." Courtney crossed her arms "Duncan was trying to make a move on her but I'm glad I was able to stop him, he's not good enough for her. I mean he's a delinquent."

—————-Confessional off—————

Asteria was still leaning her back on Duncan's chest, he held her waist and pulled her closer, letting out a small yawn with his head still leaning against hers. She started to doze off but Duncan shakes her awake. "Hey, hey. Don't leave me here by myself with these people."

"Fine. Talk to me," she said as she leaned her head back and looked at him.

"What's your favourite music genre?"

"Afrobeats, but I love a little bit of everything, you?"

"Heavy metal. Is that what you are into?

"What do you mean?

"The book."

Asteria was silent and nodded slowly.

"My, my, looks like Tiger here has a bad side. I'm not complaining but we could always test stuff out."

Asteria smacked his arm which caused him to chuckle, and after a bit she chuckled with him. She didn't notice, but Lindsay watched her interaction with Duncan. She was sad, with her alliance with Heather she ordered them to not be friends with her or trust her, plus she can't date the guy she likes.


"Look at him. He's like a statue. He hasn't moved in over...fifty hours!" Trent and Gwen stood next to him.

"Hello? Yo!"

"Yip! Yip! Yip yip yip yip yip!"

Gwen looked up close at his face. "Amazing. Look at the concentration." Justin opened his eyes causing Gwen to gasp. Eva points at him. "His eyelids are painted! I saw it!"

"Get out! Oh, I've gotta see this." Chris runs towards Justin and observes his face. "That is so crazy incredible! But, you're still out, dude." The screaming Gophers are now down to four people.

Somewhere in the water we see Owen swimming with the fishes up the waterfall, how that happens remains a mystery.


Eighty-five hours have passed and less than half the campers had fallen asleep. Duncan felt mischievous, he placed Harold's hand in a cup of water causing him to pee himself "Oh, gross, it works! "Duncan laughed "Dude peed himself."

Harold jumps awake, seeing his accident, he attempts to cover himself in embarrassment. Asteria felt bad and tossed him a towel from her bag. "Here you go, Harold." He catches the towel and wraps it around his waist. "Thank you, Asteria.

"No problem."

Duncan likes how nice she is but hates it when it's someone he doesn't particularly like, his gaze burns through Harold's back as he watched him scurry away with the towel she gave him.

Asteria was back between Duncan's legs and was fighting to keep her eyes open. Duncan tried to keep her up by shaking her lightly but she gave in to her exhaustion and fell asleep. He carried her bridal style to her cabin and set her down on her bed. Before leaving he kissed the top of her head.

From now on her regular outfit will be a lacy white tank top, blue shorts and white sneakers.

I'm glad that people enjoy my book, I thought my character would be a bit much but I'm glad you like her.

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