Hot and cold

By SaraVieira7

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Coraline is needing a change of scenery. She lived in Portugal her all life, but now, that her parents marri... More

Chapter 1 - Coraline
Chapter 2 - The party
Chapter 3 - The Italian asshole
Chapter 4 - The problem
Chapter 5 - The bipolarity
Chapter 6 - The bathroom encounter
Chapter 7 - The club
Chapter 9 - The meeting
Chapter 10 - The fans
Chapter 11 - The parents
Chapter 12 - The reunion

Chapter 8 - The worst/best night

594 19 4
By SaraVieira7

Tip: Listen to this song while reading the chapter. Makes it more intense. Good reading!


In the previous chapter: 

"We are not going to do this" - He says.
"Exactly" - I say and stand up. My head is still pounding from all the drinking, but I will manage to reach my room.
His hand stops me from going anywhere, pulling my arm.
"Coraline, you shouldn't sleep by yourself tonight." - He says quietly, still holding my arm.
"I will sleep with Vic, please let me go" - I say almost whispering.

He lets my arm go and I walk out of his room. I swallow the lump in my throat.. I head to Vics room. I open the door and everything is pitch black, there is a faint light coming from her bed, she is on her phone.

"Hey Vic, can I sleep here?" - I ask whispering, trying not to scare her.

She looks up from her phone:
"Of course bella, you should be tired." - She says making room for me on her bed.
I lay down next to her, and I'm happy she doesn't bother me with any questions. I'm still in the clothes from the club, but I couldn't care less, I fall asleep, feeling small tears running through my cheeks.

I really need to get away from boys in general.


I wake up at the sound of my phone ringing, however Vic stands up quickly, taking the phone call that seems to be from my mother.

She tells her I'm a bit sick, and that I will call her later. I close my eyes, silently thanking her for saving my ass.

My head is pounding heavily, I look at Vics clock and it's ten am. I groan frustrated from everything last night.

"Morning bella, I told your mamma that you are feeling sick, and that you will call her later on today" - Vic says, sitting down next to me on the bed.

"Thank you, Vic" - I say hoarsely. She nods and kisses my forehead.
"I'm going to have breakfast, feel free to come down if you want to" - She adds smiling.

She closes the door behind her. I think I should shower first.
I get into the shower after collecting some comfy clothes from my bedroom. The warm water washes away all of the sweat from yesterday night. I remember Luca and what he tried to do.  Tears come to my eyes. He looked so sweet the other night. I was wrong. I wash my hair, painting the tub in red from my hair dye. Which reminds me, I need to dye my hair again.

After getting out, I dry myself and get my clothes. Some comfy loose trousers and some jumper. Today is also raining a bit so its perfect.
My hair is still damp when I get downstairs, and sit at the breakfast table next to Vic. I don't see the others.

"Thomas and Ethan are going to be with our stylist all day. I will too, Damiano will be around the house though, he has already got his measurements in and all that shit" - Vic explains.

"Outfits?" - I ask biting into my toast. My stomach thanks me for the food.

"We are going to have a gig here in Rome in a few days, and it's a big thing apparently. So our stylist decided its was best to go over the clothes and all that" - She adds, eating her cereal in between pauses.

I nod. Which reminds me that I'm going to be alone with Damiano.

"Well, I'm going to get dressed, and drive to the stylist, you should rest bella." - She kisses the top of my head and disappears from the kitchen. I don't know where Damiano is, but I couldn't care less. I eat the rest of my toast slowly, trying not to vomit again. I'm still not feeling my best.

A few minutes later I sit down on the couch, as Vic descends the stairs and says her goodbyes. I'm officially alone watching TV. I put on some lame movie watching the water from the pouring rain hit the pool outside. I make myself comfortable under the covers, feeling warm and cozy.

"What are you watching?" - I don't even have to look to know that Damiano is walking downstairs.
"I don't even know" - I reply to him flatly. He sits down on the couch next to me, he is also wearing a jumper and some jeans. He looks tired and his left hand is bruised.
Which reminds me, I never said thank you for what he did last night, but at the same time I don't want to bring up that conversation again.

He looks straight at the television, almost ignoring my presence. I'm fine with that honestly.
"We need to talk Coraline" - He says all of the sudden, looking back at me.

"What's up?" - I ask innocently, pretending I don't know what he is talking about.
"Don't play coy Coraline." - He says getting frustrated.
"I'm not." - I adjust myself under the covers, and look at him. Chili is sleeping peacefully on the floor, and I try to focus my attention on her soft breathing in order to calm myself down.
"Why did you drink so much last night? I have never seen you so drunk." - He comments. I roll my eyes.
"Because of you Damiano. That's what you want to hear? I saw you with that blonde chick and I wanted to punch you. But, we don't have anything with each other, so you are fucking free to do as you please." - I explain in a bored way.
He looks at the floor
"So, you were jealous?" - he asks quietly.
"Maybe, but I don't really have a reason for that. We are nothing" - I say the last part swallowing my tears.
He looks back at me
"That's not true"
"Then why were you making out with that bitch?" - I spit
"I don't know, I know this seems dumb to say, but I'm so used to do what I want, with whom I want that I didn't think it would hurt you that much" - He admits rubbing his neck with his hand.
"Yeah, and that's not going to change, so I'm okay now. We just have to stop sleeping with each other and so on" - I explain quickly trying to ignore the pang in my chest.
"Yeah" - He answer flatly, letting me know he doesn't feel anything for me, it was just physical.
I nod and stand up
"Where are you going?" - He asks looking up at me
"Home" - I answer.
I walk upstairs and he doesn't even protest. I walk into my room, and start packing.

I have just realized what's best for me. I should just go back to Portugal, and forget this ever happened. I love Vic, Ethan and Thomas, but I can't be in the same room as Damiano.
I fell for him without even acknowledging it. I cry my eyes out while putting my clothes inside my bag. I sit down on my bed, and cry like I never did before. I thought I came here to be happier, but no. I'm worse here. I can't deal with this.
I fall to the ground just crying, I'm not even making a noise, I feel trapped. Yesterday was overwhelming with Luca. But maybe it was my fault. I drank too much.
I keep crying as a fucking baby.

My head is spinning from all the crying. I stand up, and resume putting my clothes inside my bag. I need to get out of here. I grab my bag and head for the stairs, still crying my eyes out.
I walk downstairs and Damiano looks up quickly frowning while looking at my bag.
Chili runs up to me, almost sensing that I'm not okay.
I have to get out quickly. I pet her very in a rush, and head out to the garden in other to leave. Damiano stands up from the couch, running behind me:
"Coraline, where are you going?" - He asks rushed, while trying to catch up with me, I'm almost at the door. I keep crying. My head is going to explode.
He grabs my arm quickly
"Let me go" - I tell him, I don't even look at him. I can't bear to look at him. I feel embarrassed and stupid for liking him.
"No, Coraline, where are you going?" - He repeats the question, not letting me go.
"PLEASE, let me go" - I shout the first part of the sentence, feeling extremely frustrated.
Why does he care so much?
He sees I'm serious, and lets me go like I know he would. He doesn't care.
I open the door and look back inside the house one last time, looking at him. I can't read his emotions. I shut the door on his face and run, not even knowing where I'm going.

I just need to get away.


I don't know where I am, I just wanted to get away from the house and from Damiano, but now I'm getting worried. I'm lost. I look into my bag, trying to find my phone, realising I left it at the house. I groan. I'm so stupid.

I keep walking, trying to find the hotel my parents are staying. I'm near the beach, but I don't even know if they are even staying close to this beach. I'm a mess. Look what he did to me, look what I did to myself.
I wipe my tears away, feeling eyes on me. It's starting to rain which makes everything worse. I search for a place to protect myself. Soon enough, in an empty street I find an abandoned house. I'm aware this isn't the best place to be, but it's starting to pour really heavily, and I'm getting soaked. I find shelter inside the abandoned house, and although I'm protected from the rain, the wind is still blowing through the broken windows and doors. I sit down on the floor. I don't walk much further into the house, I'm standing at what was suppose to be the old entrance of the house. Inside you can see some dirt pilling up, and obviously people use this house to drink, party and most probably drug themselves.

It's starting to get really dark, and my jumper is still soaking wet, making me shiver. I look into my bag trying to find another jumper, but I notice all of my clothes are wet, because at some point, while crying like a baby, I threw the bag on the floor. I groan at myself. I have to stay with the wet jumper, and pray the raining stops so I can look for help.


It's night, I can tell it's already late because most of the people are going into their homes. I'm still on the abandoned house because the rain hasn't stopped. I'm cold as fuck, and I'm pretty sure I'm getting sick. I just hope no one tells my parents about this.

I put my hair in a ponytail, trying to keep it from touching my neck. My vans are soaked. Not the best shoes to wear in the rain.
I bet Damiano is happy, I'm finally out of the house. I can't believe I fell for his charm. I don't have any tears left, so I just look outside in silence. He ruined everything.
My eyelids are getting heavy, and I'm going to have to sleep here. I use my bag as a pillow, and lie down on the cold floor trying to heat myself.

What a miserable night.

I wake up with a loud noise. I'm not alone. I open my eyes, and although its pretty dark, I can see the outlines of some people on what was, I suppose, the living room of the house. I stand up, but they don't even seem to care I'm there. I look closer and see that they are preparing some sort of drug. I look outside, and it has stopped raining, I should go. I really don't want to be here once they are all drugged. I pick up my bag, groaning slightly, I feel like I have a fever and I'm super thirsty. I start to walk slowly, it's still dark outside, but maybe I could find someone to lend me a phone or something.
I'm so tired I start to drag my bag on the floor behind me. I'm definitely sick. I'm starting to feel weak and dizzy. I stop walking and lean against a wall, trying to catch my breath. I close my eyes trying to stop the dizziness, but it's not working. I need water asap.

"CORALINE?" - Am I dreaming or someone just called my name? I open my eyes and see Victoria running towards me. I breath in relief.
She grabs me quickly and I drop to the floor. I'm trying to keep my eyes open, but its fucking hard.
"DAMIANO, HELP ME!" - Vic shouts. I can't see anything at this point.
Someone lifts me up, and I groan. My back hurts like a bitch.
"Get her inside! I will drive. Make sure she doesn't fall asleep" - Vic shouts a bit further away now.
I can smell Damiano's cologne. I open my eyes slightly and watch Damiano's worried face as he climbs in a car to the back part with me on his lap. He sits down and adjusts me in his lap as someone else climbs to the front part of the car.
"I will call Ethan, I will tell him we found her" - Oh, it's Thomas.
"Damiano, talk to her and make sure she doesn't fall asleep" - Vic reminds him, and starts the car.
I look up at him with my eyes slightly shut. He is looking at me and looks super heart broken. He brings one of his hands to my face rubbing it. I shiver at the contact because he is warm and I'm freezing.
"Cora? Look at me, don't fall asleep amore, just keep looking at me. I think she is going into hypothermia" - He speaks first to me, and then to the others in front.
Cora? He never called me that. My insides warm at the nickname and at the word amore. He can be so sweet.
"Give her your jumper, take out the one she is wearing."
"Ethan texted me and has warm clothes, and a warm bath waiting for her." - Thomas adds.
Quickly Damiano lays my head down, that was on his shoulder, on his lap and removes his jumper, making him shirtless. He looks good. He then removes my jumper quickly, making me groan at the coldness. He puts his jumper on me and I moan because it feels so nice. First, it smells like him, and then its very warm and comfy.
"Are you feeling better Cora? Just nod, amore" - He tells me grabbing my head again, and pulling me to his chest. I nod closing my eyes feeling tired.I bring my hands to his chest enjoying the warmth of his chest.

We get home quickly, I'm pretty sure Vic was over the speed limit. Damiano takes me out of the car and brings me inside where Ethan is looking at me with a very worried look. Damiano walks me upstairs still on his arms:
"Ethan, Vic and Thomas went to the pharmacy to see what we can give her, make some tea, I'm going to put her in the bathtub."- I see Ethan nod quickly. My arms are tightly around Damiano's neck, I'm scared I'm dreaming and when I wake up he isn't going to be here.

We enter the bathroom that is all foggy from the warm water.
"Amore, listen, I'm going to strip you down and I'm going to get inside with you because I don't want you to have a shock from the hot water." - I nod, I open my eyes as he sits me on top of the toilet. He removes his jumper from me, making me groan.
"I know, I'm sorry" - Damiano says gently as he removes my soaked vans and socks. I look at my feet and sure enough they are purple. That's never a good sign. He removes my wet panties and my bra with no problem, not even taking a second look at my body. He is truly amazing. He removes his jeans and picks me up bridal style.

"Amore, I'm going to put your feet in the water okay? I will walk afterwords" - He explains and I nod. Once he does what he said, I shiver at the contact of the warm water.
Damiano walks inside the bathtub right after me, he pulls me to his chest and makes us both sit down. The water consuming my wet cold body. I shiver. I close my eyes feeling the warm water.

"Are you okay?" - Damiano asks, taking my hair out of the pony tail.
I'm unable to speak so I just nod. He brings his arms and puts them around me. He is still wearing his boxers, I'm sitting in the middle of his legs. His arms cover my breasts in a gentle way. I'm not even bothered with being naked.

We stand there in silent. The door opens to reveal Vic, with wet hair, looking very worried.
I look at her, and smile weekly
"Coraline, are you okay now love?" - She asks coming closer. I don't even move. I couldn't care less if they found out about me and Damiano.
Damiano doesn't move and not even moving his arms. She doesn't seem to notice it in that way, at least not now.
"Yeah" - I'm finally able to speak.
"Good, I was so worried... I'm not going to speak about this now. Ethan is making you something to eat. He decided it was best then just the tea. Stay here a little more to make sure you are all warmed up. We went to the pharmacy and I have some pills for you to take before you catch a cold." - She explains.
I nod and she closes the door behind her.

I breath into Damiano's body, and he kisses my exposed shoulder blade.
"You should have stayed" - He says in a whisper.
"Why? It's didn't make sense being here. Did someone tell my parents?" - I ask hoarsely.
"No, your mom called and I told her you were taking a nap. Cora, I'm sorry, I didn't tell you the truth back then. I like you since the first day that I saw you" - He admits
I turn around with wide eyes to look at him. He drops his arms from around me.
I can feel myself getting warmer and warmer.
"I'm stupid, I'm an asshole. I wasn't playing with your feelings, at least that wasn't my intention. I never settled down before. I only had flings or one night stands to be honest. With my life style I have always thought it was impossible to date someone. But, I have never liked someone like I like you, Cora. You changed everything I was just scared, I pushed you away because my mind couldn't grasp what was happening." - He explains, raising a hand to my cheek. I lean into his hand and close my eyes.

"I like you too obviously, I think you are pretty aware of that. " - I say in a whisper.
He smiles and brings his head closer to mine kissing me quickly. If I was getting warmer, I'm definitely on fire right now.
He pulls away almost to see my reaction and I smile at him.
"Please, don't do that ever again" - He says quietly leaning his forehead on mine.
I nod, closing my eyes.
My head still hurts from everything, but I'm pleased with this new information.
"Damiano, I know we aren't official, and honestly I don't want that. Your fans would probably kill me. I'm not ready for all of that. We don't even know what we are. I'm fine with the others simply knowing that something is happening, but nothing more than that." -I say honestly. My head is still a mess, and until I'm sure what we are, I wont tell anyone other than the others from the band.
"Of course amore, I'm totally fine with that. We have time to understand everything. We are still going to be in Italy next month just playing some gigs." - He says putting some warm water on my shoulders.
"Are you staying?" - He asks me smiling.
"Yeah, I just need to tell my parents." - I say smiling back.
He hugs me tightly happily in reply and I laugh.

This feels nice.

"My god Ethan, you are such a good cook" - I comment, while taking another bite from his pasta. I was hungry as fuck and only understood that when I saw food in front of me. I have called my mom and told her I was feeling a bit better, obviously lying about what happened. I told her they could come to have dinner at the house this week. It was the final week in Italy and I also had to speak to them.

Damiano was on the phone with his mom outside, while having a smoke. Vic was sitting next to me, looking at me still worried. Ethan and Thomas were leaning against the kitchen balcony watching me eat. None of them had asked me why I did what I did. I just thanked them.
"I know" - Ethan replies cheekily.
"Don't flatter yourself, babe" - Vic tells him winking.
I keep eating and they keep talking to me, making me feel so warm inside. They are amazing people.
I decided to wear Damiano's jumper because I needed to feel warm and cosy. I was wearing some sweats that Vic gave me from her closet. Most of my clothes were still wet.

I finished eating and took the pills to prevent getting sick. I could feel that I had a runny nose, but it's wasn't getting worse than that for now.
We all decided to watch some television. Damiano was finally inside, and he kissed the top of my head while heading for the bathroom. The others looked at us kinda surprised.
"I knew it" - Ethan said, sitting down beside me. I blush. Vic looks at me with wide eyes.
Of course Damiano had to leave me alone at a time like this. He basically dropped the bomb and went away watching me explode in flames.
Thomas was laughing loudly and clapping his hands like a teenager.
"Guys, calm down. We don't even know what we are"
"I mean, I saw him inside the bathtub with you, but I thought he was just being a nice friend" - Vic says smiling
"YEAH A NICEEEEEE FRIEND" - Thomas says screaming and laughing. We all laugh together.
"So you hated each other and then what?" - Vic asks suddenly.
"I don't even know Vic. It was weird. I was about to leave today, he was being an asshole to me again and I couldn't handle it. He even slept in my bed at one point" - I explain.
"OH MY GOOOOD" - Thomas screams, making me laugh harder
"You are so dramatic, Thomas" - Ethan says jumping on top of Thomas, trying to shut him up.
I take this as an opportunity to speak to Vic, while they fight and scream like little children:
"So, he was the reason you did what you did tonight?" - She asks looking worried
"I was confused because last night he was all over this chick, and although we didn't make any promises, he just kept going on like I wasn't there and once he needed me I was there. I was going back to my parents and Portugal, but I forgot my phone and got lost. He even tried to stop me, but I had made my mind up" - She nods, almost crying.
"Vic, please don't cry" - I say getting closer to her and hugging her.
"I'm sorry, I feel like I should have known and somehow helped you" - She says crying.
"No! We were hiding from everyone. You couldn't have known honestly, girl. I love you really, I know you worry about me" - I tell her hugging her tightly.
She hugs me back
"But, you are staying now right?" - She asks once we pull away. I nod and she screams happily making me laugh, Ethan and Thomas join the party hugging me also.
Damiano walks downstairs looking at us weirdly.
"What the fuck is happening?" - He asks standing next to the couch, still watching us like we are crazy.
"Don't worry little Dami, your girlfriend is in one piece" - Thomas says smiling like a child towards him.
We all laugh, even Damiano and I bring my hands to my face feeling a blush creep in.

What a night.

We spent the rest of the night sitting on the sofa, laughing away. It made me feel much better honestly.

Damiano was sitting on another couch, but his mood was totally different from the usual. He was laughing careless. I was enjoying the peacefulness.

"Guys, my mamma called me as you could tell" - Damiano starts saying rolling his eyes
"She says she misses you all, and wanted you to come have dinner tomorrow night at my parents house" - he finishes looking at me.

Meeting his mom already. Oh shit.

"Of course, I love your momma, I miss her" - Vic says smiling
The others agree.
"We need some distraction, Wednesday we have the gig, so it will be the perfect timing"- Ethan adds smiling.

I just remembered the gig they have. I can't wait to see Damiano singing.
"Oh and I'm thinking of inviting my parents to have dinner here. They miss you Vic and I also have to talk to them about my plan of staying in Italy"
"We could do that on Thursday night!" - Vic says excitedly
I nod and the others seem to agree.
"So we have a lot to do this week. Let's get some rest tonight. We still need to rehearse a bit tomorrow" - Ethan reminds everyone like the responsible father he is.
We all nod and go upstairs, Damiano follows my tracks and when I'm about to go into my room, he puts his hand on my hand pushing me slightly. I look at him and he nods his head towards his room. Oh, he wants me to sleep with him.

I smile feeling myself blush. I honestly don't know why I am feeling so shy around this guy when we have done a lot. He pushes me into his room, closing the door with a hole in it.
I throw myself onto his bed right away, sniffing away his cologne.
"Are you sniffing my bed?" - Damiano asks, giving me a smirk while removing his shirt.
I blush.
"Yep. You should wash your sheets" - I tell him, trying to make a disgusting face. I try not to drool at the sight of his shirtless chest. Even looking tired like he is, he looks hot.
"Oh really?" - He asks smirking at me. He throws himself by my side adding: " Maybe you should sleep in your bed" - He says looking at me.

I smile
"I totally agree" - I say almost standing up, but he throws one of his arms around me quickly pushing me back into his side. I laugh. I can feel my stomach going crazy at how close we are. I don't know why, but after our conversation everything between us seems more intense.
He spins me around so that I'm facing him, one of his hands trail down to my left leg. He pushes my leg until its on top of his, resting his hand on my ass. He looks like he is fighting his sleep. I'm still wearing his jumper, and trousers but I'm super comfy honestly. We stand there looking at each other, I outline one of his chest tattoos with my fingertip.
"You should sleep, you look so tired" - I comment, raising my hand, and rubbing his cheek slowly.
He closes his eyes at the contact.
"I know, I'm just enjoying it" - He explains, and I smile. He is so corny for a rockstar.

I keep stroking his cheek, until I hear is soft snoring. He looks so peaceful. I twist myself until I turn off the light from his bedroom, the only light inside coming from the moon outside his window. I drift off to sleep hearing his breathing.

This has been one of the best and worst nights in my life.


Hey guys, what do you think? Emotional chapter. Leave your comments, do you think Damiano is going to change? 


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