Dice Blood (A Ninjago AU) [di...

By TheLotusMask

725 77 38

I don't own Ninjago or the characters... Well, not all of them... If you want to know the cat better, go see... More



19 3 2
By TheLotusMask

I was curious if someone drew Cole in a dress and the main four plus Nya got dresses, but this one is my favorite dress.


"Come, Shar-Cole!" Aloy said as she dragged him up the stairs. "You're a Dice now an' all Die needs a suit fer when we go out as a gang!"

"But where are we going?"

"To my room!"

This surprised Cole. He could've sworn that Aloy's room was strictly forbidden for some reason. Perhaps this is one of those special occasions?

When the door opened, the first thing he noticed was her king-sized bed that... uh...

Cole decided to look elsewhere, but it didn't quite work either in certain spots...

For you readers at home, you'd think that Kai would be the most dirty-minded one, but Cole had been in Kai's room before. He didn't see a single... special toy or special clothes in his room...

Cole stared at the curtains that covered her window to try not to get his heart racing from the things he had seen as Aloy cleaned her room.

"I'm sorry fer what ya saw," she said as she took out some tape measurers. She had also removed her goggle glasses as she took out a sketchbook. "I fergot dat dey were layin' 'round..."

"It's okay," he said while sniffling. "I won't judge. Though I am curious... Why so many?"

"Dere's somethin' ya gotta know fer when da time comes," she said as she leaned against her desk. "Dere's two types a us animal folk besides da different species of animals."

"What are they?"

"Dere's morphlings who are born an' morphlings who are created. I was born like dis while da others were created... Boff have deir ups 'n' downs... My up is dat I get years of experience with my body, but my down is dat... hormones c'n be a bitch to me..."

"I see... At least you can have fun in your room with everything you have."
Cole was trying to make the mood better, but Aloy bowed her head as she sighed...
"I said something wrong, didn't I?..."

"I know ya didn't mean harm, Shar-Cole... It's just dat... Dis is somethin' dat I'd like ta keep a secret..."

When Aloy moved, Cole noticed a sticky note on the wall... His eyes widened at what he read as his blood started to boil...

...but he didn't DARE show it...

"While I get measurements fer da res' a ya, please pick a design from my sketchbook."

Cole was flipping through the pages until he found a sketch he liked. It wasn't drawn well, he assumed these were just rough sketches that she kept in mind, but he liked the idea.

"I don't suppose you have orange fabric, do you?"

"Depends on da kind of fabric an' da color... Got some breathable black if you're interested. Dark colors with a bit a bright colors 'ere 'n' dere be cool."

"Let's do that!"

He could see her tail twitch in delight.

"Great minds think alike, no? How do ya want your sleeves?"

"Can I have sleeveless?"

Aloy smiled.

"Two fewer things ta worry 'bout!" she said in delight. "Arms up, please."

Cole did as he was instructed. He could feel his cheeks heating up as her hands touched his chest. The only thing in between them was the fabric of his hoodie.

"Sweet balls almighty."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothin'. It's just dat... Even though dis hoodie, I c'n feel your body's textures... Truly a delicious catch~"
Aloy shook her head.
"Sorry, I use da word delicious when describin' some things. Dumb mouth an' its feelings..."

"Heh heh, it's okay. I think it's creative how you describe the world around you."

"Does that mean I c'n take a bite out of ya?"

"Wait, what? Aaaaaaha~"

Aloy started kissing Cole's neck while her hands held on to his sides. He had to use his sleeve for his nose so blood wouldn't drip onto her.

"Just as delicious as ya look~" she purred. "Sweet balls you're such a win fer I~"

Cole didn't know what was going on with himself, but he wrapped an arm around Aloy holding her close.

"Give me a sec," said Cole. "As soon as my nose stops bleeding, can I have more kisses? Please?"

"Say wha?"

This was probably when Aloy stopped trying to flirt. Now it was her turn to get flustered.

Since his nose was bleeding less, Cole ran his hand through Aloy's hair and locked her lips in a kiss. She melted into the kiss wrapping legs around him as he sat her on the desk.

As soon as the kiss was broken, Cole whispered into Aloy's ear.

"As soon as I'm ready, I'll kill that Morro fucker myself. No more videos to that asshole, okay?"

This snapped Aloy out of her high.

"But 'e feeds 'em."


"Morro knows where Skylar, Pixel, an' a third party be. I'm not sure if 'e does, but I just do it ta ensure dat they're fed..."

Cole didn't show how pissed he was as he pulled her in for another hug. Truth be told, Aloy had sent Morro a sex tape twice until now...

"I want to be your toughest fighter."


"Train me to be stronger, please. The Oni have innocent people in their grasp and who knows what they're doing behind our backs!"

He was right. Though unnoticed, The Oni have been stealing things from delivery trucks, orphanages, low key crimes.

"Den I'll train ya ta be da toughest human! No other human 'll dare ta cross paths with ya! You'll be just like one a us!"

Cole smiled as he buried his face into her neck failing to notice the blush on Aloy's face.

"I'll do my best to make you proud, Aloyandryna~"

"Please don't call me by my full name..."

"But it's such a unique name. What would you like me to call you then?"

"...Queenie, but not in public..."

"Then I'll call Queenie when we're home. Deal?"



Word Count: 1010

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