Picture This! (TMNT x reader)

By QillMhi

21.1K 450 476

Compilation of imagines/scenarios of your favorite TMNT! I do 2003, 2012, Bayverse and mostly ROTTMNT because... More

ROT!๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿข||Leo's Favorite Spot
ROT!๐Ÿงก๐Ÿข||Mikey's Special
2012!๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿข||I Love Being a Turtle!
ROT!๐Ÿงก๐Ÿข||Cheery Boy
2012!๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿข||Enter: New Rival!
ROT!๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿข||Pizza Burger?
๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿข||Donnie having a crush on you HC's
2003!โค/๐Ÿงก๐Ÿข||The Boys Reacting to You Having a Cruch on them HCs
2012!๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿข||Let Me Hear You
2012!๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿข||Enter: New Interest
2003!๐Ÿ’™/๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿข||The Boys Reacting to You Having a Cruch on them HCs
2012!๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿข||Enter: New Friend!
2012!๐Ÿงก๐Ÿข||My Daddy's got a gun!
2012!๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿข||Psst... I think he's gay
2012!๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿข||Just a headcannon

ROT!๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿข||Bathed in Purple

1.5K 40 89
By QillMhi

None of these images are mine


Donatello groaned as he watched his brothers make a fool of themselves. Again.

Today was the day that they found out that their dear friend April needed some extra bucks for her fund raising project and so, to help their friend, the three idiots thought it was a good idea to try and start to learn earning money and surprise April!

Donnie didn't see the point here. Of course he wanted to help his bestfriend, but they could have at least thought of a better way to earn money like oh.. I don't know...sell Mikey's cookies or maybe Donnie could work on some tech to get money or simply anything that doesn't involve a giant turtle in a hippo costume twerking in the middle of a Town Square science convention??????


Yep. This is his life.

"It physically hurts me to watch this." Donnie facepalmed. He loves his brothers but god. Sometimes he's thankful that he's not biologically related to any of them.

Mikey popped up "Awww~ cheer up Don-Don! Why don't you look around for a bit? I'm sure there's some cool science-y stuff you'll find interesting somewhere?" Ah yes. Sci-fi and cosplay conventions are some of the few places he and his brothers can walk around in public freely without being on edge.

"You know what? I think I might just do that." Donnie said "Just make sure you guys don't cause any trouble until I get back." He started walking away.

"Oowwkie Dokie Donald~!" Mikey waved as a kid dragged his mother to come take a picture with the 'turtle man'.

Donnie looked around the crowd. Sure there were some impressive looking displays. He appreciates the effort put in the costumes but he could easily out do them any day!

As he was walking by, taking in his surrounding, he suddenly heard a loud shout.


Donatello didn't bother to look around for the source of the sound. They weren't talking to him anyway. That was until he oof'ed in surprised when he was body slammed with full force. Thank god for his ninja reflexes! If he hadn't put down his foot down he would have fallen!

The purple masked turtle glared down at his attacker, thinking it was an enemy only to be surprised to see a random human girl with stars in her eyes looking up right at him. The human had the widest pearliest toothpaste commercial smile he had ever seen.

"S-Sorry!" You removed yourself from him yet still too close for Donnie's taste. "Hi! I'm (y/n)! I'm a designer and photographer and I just want to say that you are perfect!!" Donnie raised an eyebrow in surprised when you practically growled/squealed the word 'perfect'.

"Excuse me?"

"Would you please model for me? My model can't make it." You begged with your hands clasped together tightly "I will pay you $100 for your service and make sure your photos won't be exploited!"

Wait hold on back it up a bit... $100?! (I'm not sure how high that is but just go with it)

You continued, now holding his hand with yours "It's for a project so don't worry about them going in public! It will just be me and my teacher seeing your pictures, please!"

Okay so... you may have probably-sorta-maybe made his ego inflate by calling him perfect for modeling, but a random person coming up to him out of the blue with money right when they needed it sounds a little too... sketchy.

He looked at you suspiciously with his convertible goggles. His scanner showed no hidden or mystic weapons on you nor any traces of martial arts training on your body. There was also no waver or hesitation in your voice. If anything, your heart rate was elevated, cheeks fully flushed as your dilated eyes took his entire physique in pure admiration.

You genuinely thought that he was very good looking despite his odd appearance.

Now that made Donnie blush.

"Please! I promise it would be super quick! I just really need a model right now and I can't find anyone who would fit the role better than you!" You  continued to beg, bouncing on your knees like a kid wanting candy. It was kind of adorable.

Donnie coughed to recompose himself "You... really want me?" He looked around him, just in case you were actually talking to someone else behind him.

That would be embarrassing.

"Of course!" You squeaked you let go of his hands to gesture all of him "Look at your height! Those long limbs! Your lean yet muscular build! Those majestic eyes! And those broad shoulders and ooohhh~!!" You gushed out "Not to mention you're quiet handsome despite being in a turtle costume! You know what? I think the costume really compliment you in fact!" You dramatically pointed out different parts of him that you found attractive.

Donnie looked around since you were loudly making a scene. He laughed awkwardly from the attention but made no actions to stop you "You're also wearing purple! Which is totally my theme! It's rare for people to look good in that shade so I just have to have you!" You held your hands together looking up at him with your best sparkling puppy dog eyes.

Oh that did it. He totally feels all buttered up. Of course he knew the was the most good looking one among his brothers. He never doubted his own good looks but for someone to tell him without filter felt.... good. It boosted his ego through the roof but also made him very flustered.

Donatello thought about your offer. His brothers would probably take a while and he would be paid for the shoot anyway. He can definitely fight if needed. Other than that, the thought of being attractive enough to be chosen to actually be a model despite being surrounded by so many others was a major bragging rights for Donnie.

Oh yeah that's right. He's so gonna rub this all over their faces when he gets home.

Donnie cleared his throat trying to get his Badboy posture in.

"Sure." He shrugged. What the shell, right? It shouldn't be so bad to take a couple of pictures. Besides it doesn't seem like you'll be leaving the purple terrapin alone any time soon either. You squealed in excitement and immediately dragged him by the arm towards your studio before he changes his mind.

Donnie inspected your form. You were overly excited like Mikey bouncing on every step. He made sure that you were holding his arm and not his hand again. You'd freak out as soon as you realize that he really only had 3 fingers and not a costume. Losing you would mean losing that money!

It didn't take long for the two of you to reach your studio. It was a two story building a couple of blocks away from where he and his brothers were originally standing. You continued to drag Donnie upstairs into a room and closed the door.

"Tada~! Welcome to my humble studio--uh....." You hesitated "Hey uhm... I really never got your name huh?.." You scratched your cheek in embarrassment. Did you really just drag a guy here without even knowing his name? God how you wanted to smack your head. That was so dumb!

Donatello blinked a couple of times before he realized that he never introduced himself "Oh right! My name is Othello Von Ryan, pleased to meet you. (Y/n) right?" He can't give out his real name just yet.

You nodded. Happy that you got his name "Okay Othello! Lemme just set up my camera!" You ran towards a canon camera next to a 3 legged stand.

The soft shelled turtle looked around. Your studio was dimly lit with purple neon lights. The walls were decorated in full on shades of purple. Flowers, chairs and all that jazz. He could also hear the low hum of a techno music in the background. He unconsciously bobbed his head to the beat.

He switched his line of vision towards the rack of clothes in the corner. He picked one up, admiring the texture of the fabric under his fingers. Your designs were very stylish. He was impressed. But is he really allowed to wear this? He was so used to wearing old thrown away stuff that the 'newest' thing he had as clothing was the purple dragon jacket he once had. Your fabric feels that of a higher quality than the jacket. And considering the style and the atmosphere...

He wasn't gonna lie. He kind of liked this vibe.

You peeked behind your camera "Do you have any experiences in modeling?" You asked.

Donatello scratched the back of his neck "Not really..." Sure he took selfies of himself before but this is different! "This is actually my first time." He said getting into position to where your camera was pointing, which was the chair.

You simply nodded and offered him a smile "Aww don't worry, Othello! Just try to stay relaxed! Let's get some practice shots to get you in the mood okay?" You gave him a double thumbs up and held up your camera.

Donatello took a deep breath and nodded. It's just pictures right? No biggie! And he knew he looked good so why would he be nervous? "You know what? You're right, yeah! I'm the photogenic brother so this should be easy!"

It wasn't easy.

"You're doing great Othello! Just try to lessen the tension on your shoulders!"

Damn, Donnie never thought modeling was hard! He wasn't sure what he was doing at first. He knew he could do better but for a while all he could do was stiff awkward poses while trying his best to ignore the sound of your camera and your compliments as he tried to adjust his form to be more casual. However, somewhere along the way, he got more comfortable. Comfortable enough to try the clothes on for practice.

Surprisingly they all looked good on him. They made him feel so good and so... groovy..

It was probably the low techno music, he wasn't sure when exactly he felt himself become loose but music sure gets him in the mood. He didn't even notice when he let himself like the clicks of your camera.

One thing was for sure. Donnie definitely loves your attention on him.

"Oohhhh!! Yes pull that mask down!"


"Now that! Is that I call Bathed in Purple! Absolutely gorgeous!"


"Hold that pose! Perfect! You look so good Othello!"

*Click! Click!*

"Oh my god yes! Somebody call the fire department because my camera is on FIRE!!!"

*Click! Click! Click!*

"Oh yes! The edge!! The drama!! I love it! Baby you're a natural!"

*Dramatic Click!*

"BITE THAT TONGUE!!- NICE! Hold that beautiful face!!"

*Click! Click! Click!*

After a few hours of non stop trying new clothes, your camera was already low on battery which unfortunately ceased your little photoshoot.

Donnie was on a chair sipping on some grape soda while you cleaned up your equipment.

Why did he think this was a trap again? Honestly even if it was then this would be this would be his most favourite one.

Donnie looked back at you. You were humming while tucking your precious camera in it's case. He took note of your smooth skin. Loose strands of hair falling over should shoulders and your peachy sweet smile. You were definitely attractive. Maybe you could have been your own model if you could.

"Mr. Von Ryan?" You waved your hand over his face.

"AH!! WHA-WHO?!" Donnie jumped in surprised.

You laughed at his reaction "I've been calling you for a while man! Whatcha thinking about?"

"N-Nothing!" Donnie looked away embarrassed that he was caught staring.

You shrugged it off "Here you go! I added extra since we ended up going longer than expected.. hehe..." You handed Donnie exactly $150 in cash "Thank you so much for helping me, even though I practically kidnapped you." You rubbed the back of your neck.

The turtle in purple waves his hand "It's fine. I enjoyed my time here." He said. "I do hope you got what you need, I'm a bit of a beginner."

"Are you kidding?!." You gawked at him. "Duuuude, you were like a Wilhelmina super model or something! Are you sure you never had any modeling experiences before?" You looked at him with a playful yet suspicious look. He chuckled at your expression.

Donnie looked at the thick wad of cash in his hand. Now that you got your pictures, you probably don't want anything to do with him right? You just needed someone to wear your clothes for that project and he was just lucky to get into your radar.

Donnie sighed. This is most likely the time where you two part ways. "So uh.... see you around I gue-"

"-Would you like to model for me again?" You cut him off. He looked at you in surprise. What did you say?

"You... want me to model for you again?" Donnie asked slowly. He wasn't sure if he heard you right.

You looked down playing with your fingers bashfully "W-Well.... it's just that you were a natural. My camera really loves you and ya know... maybe we can get to know each other better?" You looked back at him with a hopeful glint in your eyes.

He blinked in surprise. Him? Coming back? The thought made his heart beat in excitement.

"Here!" You handed him a card "This is my card. If you're interested in modeling for me again I can call you and you can just give me your confirmation, then maybe we can schedule some time over coffee and I can give you the printed copies of your pictures! I'd still pay you for each session thought! Sounds good?"

He slowly took the card, eyes glued on the numbers delicately written under your name. Donnie realized he couldn't let this opportunity go.

After all...

"Well... how about we grab that coffee now?" He sent a smooth smirk on your way making you blush and smile.

...He definitely can't wait for the next photoshoot.


NONE of these images are mine.

Yes that's right! I made this ENTIRE chapter just to show off my beautiful boy wearing clothes!

The creators have NO business making the turtles look that good in clothes but they did and I am just all over it!!!

Why do they look so hot with clothes!???


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