The Studio // Ranboo Fan Fict...

By YourReecie

221 9 24

Gray-blue eyes, medium length dirty blonde hair, it was him. My senses finally came back to me as I smiled qu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Im back
Chapter 5
A/N :')

Chapter 4

13 1 3
By YourReecie

yeah yeah, I know, took a while, sorry :/

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

      I groaned as I reached over to turn off my alarm clock. Why do I even have this thing? I lazily got up and out of the bed, looking at the time. 8:30 a.m.. "Ughh...." I groaned as I tried opening my eyes a bit more.

      I walked to the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. And stayed there. I watched my reflection for a good thirty seconds. The messy brown hair, deep blue eyes, eye bags, the normal just-woke-up look.

      Grabbing my toothbrush, I squirted some toothpaste on it and began to brush my teeth. Mornings are always incredibly boring.

      Right as I spit in the sink, I heard my phone go off again from my bedroom. Did I hit the snooze button? I walked over and realized it wasn't my alarm, but a call. From Mark. I quickly pulled my toothbrush from out of my mouth with one hand and picked up the phone with the other. It's been a few days since he last called. I gave him my number about two and a half weeks ago, and we've talked about every other day since. It's currently been three days since he last called.

"Hello?" I said as I answered the phone. I sounded a little funny because of all the toothpaste I still had in my mouth. "Hello! Uh- are you good? You sound a little muffled." Mark said, sounding confused. "Oh, yeah. Totally fine. I was just in the middle of brushing my teeth when you called. You?" I replied, trying to change the subject as I ran to the bathroom to spit the rest of my toothpaste out.

"Am I good? Uh... yeah, I guess you could say so."

"Nice, so why did you call so early in the morning?" I asked. "For one, it's eight thirty. That's not early. Two, I'm heading to an improv class in a couple hours, my parents doing, and I was wondering if you would want to come? I really don't want to go to this thing but my parents are making me go for "creative influences", and some company would be great."

Well that's a strange request.

"Uh- yeah, sure. Wilbur is supposed to be coming over later to hang with me and Halle but if it isn't long we should be back before then, right?"

"Yeah, yeah of course. It should only be about one to two hours."

"Well then, you're picking me up because I'm out of gas." I said jokingly, but partly meaning it because I actually am out of gas..

      Mark laughed at my joke/command. "Well of course, can't be having the lady have no ride now can we?"

"Of course not, of course not."

"Well anyways, I'll pick you up at ten?"

"Yeah, sounds good."

"Alright, Ba bye!"


      Ranboo- Mark- still get his name mixed up sometimes- laughed before hanging up the phone. He's always chuckling or laughing at something. It's kind of refreshing.

      After he hung up I scurried to get ready, it usually takes me around two hours to get ready and I only have one and a half. I turned on the shower and started to pick out what outfit I would have.

"Hmm, yellow crop top or white ribbed t-shirt. What do you think, Moose?" I said to my cat, who was currently playing with something. He looked up for a second, then just went back to scratching with whatever he was playing with. "White t-shirt it is." I took the t-shirt off of the hanger along with some dark blue ripped jeans. I put them both on and looked in my full sized mirror. Oh my gosh, the hair is so bad. "Oh shoot, I have the shower going-" I said as I remembered that I had it on. I ran to the bathroom, brushed my hair and took the t-shirt and jeans back off before getting in.

      After I got out of the shower and dried my hair, I did all my makeup. For some reason I applied a bit more than I usually do. Eh, probably just unintentional.

      As I was getting my vans on I started to grab all my things that I needed to go. I was about to grab my keys when I realized I wouldn't need those today. "Oh yeah, Mark will be driving me..." I mumbled to myself, smiling slightly for some reason. I diverted my gaze towards my phone and grabbed that instead, checking the time once more. 9:30. Well, I've got tons of time.

      I looked in the mirror once more and decided that my hair just looked a bit off. I guess I have enough time to curl it.

      I plugged in my curling iron and turned it on, quickly spraying my hair with some heat protection. After the iron heated up I picked it up and started curling my hair. It was taking a bit longer than I expected, I guess my hair just decided to be difficult today. For a while I was curling some pieces of hair or wrestling with others trying to get them to just look a little normal. I turned on my phone to check the time. "Holy crap it's already been thirty minutes-" I mumbled. As if on cue, My phone started ringing, Mark most likely calling.

      The alarm from the phone made me jump and the curling iron hit my wrist. "AH-" I hissed as it burned me. I ignored my pain and finished curling the last bit of straight hair I had left before I picked up the phone. "Hey," I said to Mark, the pain showing through in my voice. "Hey I'm here- are you alright? Your voice sounds pained-" He asked in concern. "Oh yeah, i'm fine. I just kinda burnt myself a little bit, I'll be fine. I'm headed down now." I rushed.

"Oh yeah, ok... Ba bye." he said, still sounding a bit concerned. I hung up and grabbed my bag. I rushed out of the apartment and locked the door behind me. When I turned around I could see Mark's car. I could see his sweet smile through the glass. The sight made me smile. I got in the passenger's seat.

"Hey, Mr. Boo." I said, facing him.

"Where did you get burned?" He asked.

"Oh, um just right here." I replied, showing him my wrist. He frowned as he saw the red mark on my skin. "Are you ok?" he said, looking back up at me. I thought it was amusing he was this concerned about it, I mean it's just a tiny little burn. "Yes, yes I'm fine Mark.'' I said with a light laugh. "Ok..." He said, still sounding a bit concerned. He diverted his attention to driving and pulled out of the driveway.

"So, where is this place anyways?" I asked.

"Oh, not far. Just a few miles away from here. It's by the public pool I think. I don't really know, I'm just depending on google maps to get me there."

"Ah.... ok."

      The drive was kind of silent, I mean this is the first time I've ever been in his car before. He had a very nice car for someone our age. It was a white and blue 1976 ford bronco, that's what he told me at least. It was actually really cool. You could tell it was old even though the interior was very well kept. "Your car is really nice." I said, trying to break the silence. Mark seemed to snap out of some daydream and smiled. "Thanks, my dad got it when he was a teen and gave it to me just a few years ago. Took a while for us to fully restore it, but it was fun doing it with him. Really brought us closer somehow." He said, seemingly smiling at the memory. "That's so sweet, I wish I had some cool backstory to my truck but I just got it cheap at this sketchy car dealership. I think that guy stole like 500 bucks too." I laughed, recalling the memory. "$500?! Lily, that's a lot of money! Did you call the cops??"

"Psh, course' not. I had no idea until a few months ago and I completely forgot where the dealership even was. But, you shan't fret, I have learned from my mistakes. Never gonna buy a car from a sketchy guy in his underwear and beer bottle in hand again. And if I recall the memory correctly, I'm pretty sure I remember him constantly looking around as if someone was watching him as well. But oh well, no going back. At least I've got the truck."

      Mark just gawked at me, too shocked to even be paying attention to the road. "Yo, maniac, maybe try and look at the thing you're going fifty miles an hour on," I said with a smirk, motioning towards the road. He snapped out of his gaze and diverted his attention back towards the road, but the shocked expression stayed on his face all the same. "You are one adventurous girl." He said, almost in a whisper. I personally was never so stunned by the story, but I guess from a different person's perspective it can be seen as a bit strange.

      We had reached the building where this so-called improv class was. It just looked like an old warehouse that rented out the extra space. Mark parked the car in the small parking lot and we both got out, heading towards the old doors. I was decently surprised as we walked in, the interior had a completely modern feel and did not look as old as the exterior at all. It almost felt like a spa with all the plants and clean lines. "Well this is a bit unexpected." Mark said beside me.

      Beside each door in the long hallway was a small plaque with a few numbers engraved in them, indicating which room it was. Eventually Mark stopped at one of the doors and pulled out his phone. "Pretty sure this is the one my mom told me it would be." He said. After a second he nodded to himself, put his phone back in his pocket and went to open the door.

      As we walked inside there was a small group of people sitting in chairs that were formed into a semi-circles in front of a small stage. Although the people all varied in age, none of them seemed to be close to me and Mark's age. There was one girl that looked to be around twenty five, but other than that, all thirty plus.

      Me and Mark awkwardly said a few hellos and sat down beside each other in a couple of extra seats beside a man that looked to be around forty and was fidgeting a lot.

"Alright, this seems to be everyone that signed up! Mark and a plus one, I presume? Wonderful, wonderful. I've been able to talk with all of you, except for Mark and plus one here. So, Mark and his guest, I am Miss May. Welcome to my improv class!" Said a lady who looked ro be around fifty. She had very bright and very curly red hair that went in just about every direction you could imagine, and she was wearing a bright yellow sundress with a red belt.

      Miss May gave us the basic layout of what all the reasons were behind improv classes and why they were very necessary for mental health. She picked out a couple of people from the group to come up on the stage and gave them both scenarios and characters to act as. Besides the awkwardness each person had about acting with a total stranger, it was actually hilarious to see what some of these people could come up with.

      A middle aged man and the twenty five-year oldish woman had been picked and were given the scenario that they were father and daughter on a submarine that was descending at a rapid pace to the depths of the ocean due to being hit by bombs from a foreign country's ship. Although the scenario was quite creative, it was even better watching the drama between the father and daughter. They were both being dramatic on purpose, clearly for comedic effect. They both ended up getting stranded on an island and decided to open a tiki bar that made them millions.

      Me and Mark couldn't stop ourselves from laughing every once and a while, and by the end we were a hysterical wreck. We tried to not make too much noise out of respect for the other people in the building. "Ah, that was hilarious!" Mark whispered to me, his eyes almost squinted shut from laughing. "Oh my gosh it was!" I barely managed to get out.

"Alright, next up is... Mark and Lily! C'mon up guys!" Miss May said. (she had learned my name when we all made introductions to each other in the beginning of the class)

      Me and Mark both immediately stopped laughing and jerked our heads towards Miss May. "Us?" Mark said, as if there were another Mark and Lily in the room. Miss May nodded her head eagerly and motioned towards the mini-stage. Mark turned his head to me and I gave him a half smile while shrugging. He shrugged as well and we both got up and walked onto the stage. "Alright, here's your scenario. You are both young lovers from England that met whilst doing detective work for the queen herself. You've been retired for a few years, living together happily in the countryside when you get a call. It turns out famous art from the palace has been stolen from the palace and you two are the only ones who can solve the case!" Miss May said, seemingly more excited about this particular scenario than the others.

      Mark looked at me, and I could tell it was taking all of him to stop himself from laughing. I shrugged once again, and we both positioned ourselves on the stage, preparing for the act.

"Alright, ready? Lights.... Camera..... ACTION!" Miss May announced.


Yeah yeah, nothing even happened in this chapter, yes, yes I know. Fret not, in the next chapter there will be lots more happening. Not much including the overall story line but definitely a lot more dialogue. I really don't know what this chapter was, maybe just a fun outing with Ranboo and Lily. Nonetheless, hope you enjoyed <3

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