Chapter 4

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yeah yeah, I know, took a while, sorry :/

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

      I groaned as I reached over to turn off my alarm clock. Why do I even have this thing? I lazily got up and out of the bed, looking at the time. 8:30 a.m.. "Ughh...." I groaned as I tried opening my eyes a bit more.

      I walked to the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. And stayed there. I watched my reflection for a good thirty seconds. The messy brown hair, deep blue eyes, eye bags, the normal just-woke-up look.

      Grabbing my toothbrush, I squirted some toothpaste on it and began to brush my teeth. Mornings are always incredibly boring.

      Right as I spit in the sink, I heard my phone go off again from my bedroom. Did I hit the snooze button? I walked over and realized it wasn't my alarm, but a call. From Mark. I quickly pulled my toothbrush from out of my mouth with one hand and picked up the phone with the other. It's been a few days since he last called. I gave him my number about two and a half weeks ago, and we've talked about every other day since. It's currently been three days since he last called.

"Hello?" I said as I answered the phone. I sounded a little funny because of all the toothpaste I still had in my mouth. "Hello! Uh- are you good? You sound a little muffled." Mark said, sounding confused. "Oh, yeah. Totally fine. I was just in the middle of brushing my teeth when you called. You?" I replied, trying to change the subject as I ran to the bathroom to spit the rest of my toothpaste out.

"Am I good? Uh... yeah, I guess you could say so."

"Nice, so why did you call so early in the morning?" I asked. "For one, it's eight thirty. That's not early. Two, I'm heading to an improv class in a couple hours, my parents doing, and I was wondering if you would want to come? I really don't want to go to this thing but my parents are making me go for "creative influences", and some company would be great."

Well that's a strange request.

"Uh- yeah, sure. Wilbur is supposed to be coming over later to hang with me and Halle but if it isn't long we should be back before then, right?"

"Yeah, yeah of course. It should only be about one to two hours."

"Well then, you're picking me up because I'm out of gas." I said jokingly, but partly meaning it because I actually am out of gas..

      Mark laughed at my joke/command. "Well of course, can't be having the lady have no ride now can we?"

"Of course not, of course not."

"Well anyways, I'll pick you up at ten?"

"Yeah, sounds good."

"Alright, Ba bye!"


      Ranboo- Mark- still get his name mixed up sometimes- laughed before hanging up the phone. He's always chuckling or laughing at something. It's kind of refreshing.

      After he hung up I scurried to get ready, it usually takes me around two hours to get ready and I only have one and a half. I turned on the shower and started to pick out what outfit I would have.

"Hmm, yellow crop top or white ribbed t-shirt. What do you think, Moose?" I said to my cat, who was currently playing with something. He looked up for a second, then just went back to scratching with whatever he was playing with. "White t-shirt it is." I took the t-shirt off of the hanger along with some dark blue ripped jeans. I put them both on and looked in my full sized mirror. Oh my gosh, the hair is so bad. "Oh shoot, I have the shower going-" I said as I remembered that I had it on. I ran to the bathroom, brushed my hair and took the t-shirt and jeans back off before getting in.

The Studio // Ranboo Fan FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora