Chapter 3

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A little update for you lovelies ;) 

Some chill tunes to set the vibe ^^

      The day at the studio was going surprisingly well, despite the many awkward silences between Mark and me in the beginning. Me and Wilbur got a little bit of work done, (Really just writing songs together for fun).

      It's now around 8:30, after me and Wilbur finished our "work" we all just hung out. Currently, Wilbur and Halle were sitting at the breakfast table, Wilbur singing quietly while playing the guitar. Every few seconds he would stop and hand the guitar to Halle, and she would try and repeat what Wilbur had played. Every now and then he would move her fingers to the right places on the fingerboard. I think he was trying to teach her how to play the guitar. She was just in absolute bliss. I can tell they really will be really good friends.

      Nikki was in the mini kitchen cooking something while listening to some music with her earbuds. She had insisted earlier that she make us dinner, and really she wouldn't let us say no. I think she might be cooking tacos.

      Me and Mark were seated next to each other on the couch. I was seated sideways on the couch, facing Mark, with my legs crossed and bundled in a fleece blanket. Mark had his legs crossed and was leaning his head on his hand, his elbow propped against the arm of the couch. We had been talking for a while, and were now just sitting in a comfortable silence, both lost in out own worlds.

     I decided to break the silence after a thought came to mind. "Hey, by the way, I saw your stream the day I ran into you." My words had caught Marks attention. He looked at me, eyebrows raised slightly. "Oh really? How much?" He asked. "All of it." I laughed. Mark smiled when I said that. "Ah, I see why you brought it up." he said. "Yeah, I heard what you said about me running into you. That was really sweet, how you said I was really nice. Especially since I had run into you and made you have to waste your time helping me pick up my papers, all while not even saying a word to you. If you ask me, I was a total jerk." I laughed. Marks smile fell a little bit, then was replaced by a sad smile. "No, no of course not. You were stressed because you were late, that's all. And you were really nice, about how you acted when you recognized me. Most people probably would've tried to get like a picture of me or go all fan crazy on me, which would have stressed me out way more. But you didn't do that, which saved me from all that stress. And that's why I appreciated it so much, you were very chill and nice about everything." He said.

      His words truly touched me, I guess I had never really thought about it in that way before. "Thanks, Mark." I said with a genuine smile. He returned the smile. "I'm the one thanking you." He said. This guy really was good with words. "Well then, you're welcome." I said haughtily, smirking and looking away. Mark laughed lightly. "I know I've already said this, but I am very glad I got to meet you." He said. "Likewise," I replied

Ranboo POV

      "Likewise," Lily said. Even though I've only known her for a couple of days, it feels so so much longer than that. Maybe it's because she doesn't seem like a fan who just wants to know me because I'm Ranboo. She actually seems like she wants to know who I am outside of being semi-famous in the streamer world. I think I would really enjoy getting to know her as well. I think that would be nice. And Halle too, she seems just as great as Lily. And Nikki and Wilbur, all of these people just seem so closely knit, even though they've all known each other for as long as I have. Maybe we could all be our own little group. Me, Lily, Halle, Wilbur, and Nikki. It would be nice to have a few more genuine friends besides Tubbo. I mean don't get me wrong, Tubbo is absolutely amazing in every possible way, but more friends could never hurt.

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