Blue Mountain School

By ATousford

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Annalise is ready to leave her life of sorrow behind, only to have her life drowned in more. Determined to br... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter Six

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By ATousford

 Gena sat next to me silent tears rolled down her  face. I stared at the familiar face, and prayed something good  was going to  come out of his mouth. My mother had to of had time to invoke a protection charm, right?

Captain Mallack entered again, and  he didn't hide his emotions well. 

Gena gasped, "no."

"I, Corporal J. Jail, along side Captain Malloack, upon inspecting the wreckage have found, and  named the ships captain, along with its crew. No survivors. The ships passengers, our high King Liam, and our esteemed Queen Cassandra have been found, and  identified. Neither survived. We pray the almighty  welcomes them open arms."  

I choked, and Gena grabbed onto me. She sobbed into me, and I couldn't do anything. I couldn't cry, I couldn't scream, I was numb. 

I stood there my  mind racing.  Why now? I was so close to heading off to school. My mother and I had so many plans over the summer. My father was going to let me sit in on a strategy meeting next week. 

"Gena, lets go upstairs," I started to lead her up the steps. 

She was in hysterics as her body  shook with her sobs. 

"Princess Analise!" another messenger came running down the halls. "M'lady, this came for you yesterday, I am so sorry it didn't get delivered to you."

A smile escaped my lips, I finally got a letter, tears started to stream my face at the over whelming amount of emotion. 

Who else would write to me? He was coming home. He was gonna tell me everything was going to be okay. 

I ripped the letter open, and instantly regretted it.

"No," was all I could say over and over again.

"What does it say Ana," Gena said shakily. 

To whom it may concern,

The ally between the Cavalite kingdoms is known through out the land. Two letters have been sent out to show the gratitude, and bravery of the young Prince Alexander. It is my deepest regret to inform you the loss of life to the young Prince Alexander of the Eastern Cavalite Kingdom. Ambushes have been become more and more often, and the boys were not prepared. Please be safe out there while the grand council continues to sort through this mess, and everyone is safe again. Again I express my deepest condolences.

Captain Shepard

Blue Mountain Captain in Command

I didn't feel human anymore. I didn't feel anything. I was completely gone. I stared into space trying to make sense of the words as Gena sobbed on my shoulder. Everything built up brick by brick. The ship explosion, the letter, the loss of life. I was not capable of this much grief. I slowly walked up the stairs, I needed to get away from everyone. I didn't want to talk, I was incapable of a voice right now. 

This is impossible.

Gena followed me, trying to get me to talk. She kept tapping on me, and asking questions.

I exploded on her, "Gena stop! Get off of me!" I shoved the letter at her. "The only person in the world I care about is gone! My soul mate is gone!"

The tears started rolling down my face like a waterfall, and I ran down the hall to my room.

The second I burst through the door I headed for the toilet. My body shook as vomit violently filled the bowl.

When it was over I had nothing left to give not from my stomach not from my soul. The tears streamed down my face, there was no way this was real.

My mother. 

My Father. 

My best friend. 


Just like  that  everything that made my world whole was ripped from me. There was nothing I could do to change the outcome. Nothing I could do to protect my loved ones. It was too late. I'm supposed to be guardian. If I can't protect the closest people to me, how am I going to protect the world? 

After what felt like  forever, and the light was gone from the sky, I got up off the floor. My body felt like I had had been knocked out. I was drained, and dragged my feet as I  walked to my closet. I  shrugged out  of my dress, and pulled out Alexanders shirt. 

I crawled into bed, and pulled a photo off of my side table. 

It was a photo of Alexander and me. It was the day he got his acceptance letter for school. He was kissing my forehead, and I was laughing. 

I touched the photo, taking in the details of his adolescent face. A face that I would never get to  see again. 

I laid in bed for the next several days. My curtains drawn, and  curled in ball on my bed.

Gena would  come  in every so often with food and water. I laid on her lap a few times  as we cried  together. She would stroke my hair and try and comfort me. I know she was trying, but her words meant nothing  to  me. 

I felt like I was never going to be whole again. 

However, after a week, I had to get out of bed. Gena asked me if I would stand by her during the council meeting. I didn't want too, but I knew how much she needed me. Her first council meeting should  of been with  my father over her shoulder, and I knew she needed the comfort going into the unknown, and chaotic nature of our kingdoms twelve leaders. 

I got up, showered, and did all of the proper princess things I needed to do.

I don't know why I got properly ready. I would not be allowed to speak, or be  shown at the meeting. Maybe something in me wanted to show Gena I was going to be okay, on the outside anyways. 

She stood outside of my room, her eye lite up when she saw I was ready. 

"How are you?" she stood back.

"Alive," I sighed. "I want you to know I am here for you." 

She  gave me a hug, "and don't forget I am here for you too." 

All I  could do was nod. 

I followed her into our father study, where a screen was already set up. Captain Mallack stood behind the desk, waiting for us. He bowed when we entered the room, and slide a chair out for Gena.

I looked around the room, as Captain Mallack walked Gena through what was going to happen. The walls were covered in books. From floor to ceiling. The only place you could see the wall  was a frame of my fathers father hanging over the door. The wall to the balcony was covered in glass, allowing so much natural light to enter the space. It was so dark in here with the dark wood shelving and floor. A couch, and small table sat to one side, my father often used that table for lunch, and for private conversations. Then there was the huge dark wood desk that had intricate patterns of Cavalites history carved out of it. 

Gena took her seat, and pressed the green button opening the meeting. 

I stood off to the side, and out of the shot. 

When all twelve screens were filled, Gena opened the meeting.

"I am Crowned Princess Genevieve of the Western Cavalite Kingdom. I call this meeting to order."

I was really proud of how confident she sounded. 

"How is everything going sweetheart?" Queen Lilibeth of Liliac asked.

"As well as circumstances allow," Gena stated. "For the time being Captain Mallack is in charge of the kingdoms affairs."

"When is the date for you coronation?" King Randall of Shade asked. 

He was Detroits uncle. 

Randall was a tall, bulky, terrible man. He's eyes and and hair matched  his soul, dark, and void of light. He comes from along line of dark magic, and almost all of the world problems for centuries stem from his bloodline. He was  a harsh ruler, surrounded in rumor. The other leaders couldn't prove anything,  so he continued to sit on his thrown. He had some of the kingdoms on  his side that he was going to be the generation to turn things around. My father never trusted him, and so neither would I.  

"There hasn't been a date set," Gena said.

"When is the your birthday?" he asked.

"Two weeks after the start of school."

"I propose that you have your wedding two weeks before, and be coronated on your birthday, we need to get someone back on the throne as soon as possible." 

Why  is he so concerned? So his nephew could take over?

 I rolled my eyes. 

"I will send you a tutor, we have the best  in all the kingdoms to help you into your queenhood!" Queen Lilibeth spoke.

"I believe that a tutor from the East kingdom was coming, we share similar traditions, and I do not want those traditions to fade," she said.

Christopherson cut in before Liliac could say anymore, "I will send a tutor in two days, you will make a fine Queen Genevieve."  

She nodded, and gave him a soft smile. 

"Alright, I will alert Detroit immediately of the changes that have been made," King Randall said. "I'll send him to you in a weeks time, and  you two should start on arrangements immediately." 

Gena nodded, "thank you sir."

"Has anyone else been attacked?" the young headmaster of the school, and  heir to the Doctrina thrown spoke.

Everyone was silent.

"I call this meeting to a close," King Randalls face disappeared.

Soon all the screens were blank.

Gena deflated into her seat, "I hate being in the same room as that man, let alone on a screen." 

she sighed, "I was expecting that to last all afternoon. 

"I'm sure with meetings popping up all over the place now, everyone just wants to address business, and move on," I said. 

She shrugged, "guess I will be booked all summer." 

"And you'll be a stronger queen because of it," I reassured her. 

"I know, it's just all happening too fast."  

"Did you notice Christophersons face," I bowed my head. 

"He looks terrible, and exhausted," she commented. "I'm sure losing his only son wasn't easy on him." 

A couple tears dropped down my face. 

"Oh Ana," she stood up and wrapped me in a hug. 

"What am I going to do?" I sobbed into her shoulder. "I loved him,  with all my heart, he was my best friend." 

I went to hysterics, as she tried to comfort me. 

"Somnum," Gena repeated over and over again. 

That was the last thing  I remembered.  

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