Pocket Full Of Proses.

By Disgusted_in_agustd

137 29 20

Hello beautiful people, I am @misscreative_riya, I love to write and to create art in general. I really wish... More

Inspired by Hermann Hesse.
INFJ shit.
Inspired by.
Inspired by Songs.
Pocket full of Proses.
Chapter 1 : Realisations
Chapter 2 : The Internet
Chapter 3 : Change
Chapter 4 : The power of books
Chapter 5 : Dreams
Redefine productivity
On Hitting Children and My Hatred For Adults
My Dear Mother

Raw thoughts about art.

16 2 2
By Disgusted_in_agustd

I used to say art is my life as a joke but bro I don't think it's a joke anymore. I realised this year I have just a lot of creative fuel which needs to be utilised.

Art can be broadly categorised into two types external and internal. Since 2018, my focus has shifted to the latter that is art I  create in my head. It's mainly fashion shows, my original style at that. Serendipity. everything in my life has fallen into place perfectly so far. Life foreshadows so much, for example I used to do a lot of fashion designing now it has developed a lot. There are many more examples, another one is before I started talking to this one person in my class, I had recently initiated my ties with astronomy and he turned out to be a space geek. Anyways back to the topic, I realised I need to create art in order to stay sane, any form of art. Before schools reopened in June, when I got back to art, the end results frustrated me so I picked up my ear phones and went to day dream. It satisfied me; without this alternative I would have lost my mind. Oh, and a bigger more frequently used form of internal art is dancing, I won't go into details. This reminded me of the days music used to quite literally energize every cell of my body. I don't get to experience this often these days, still sometimes thankfully. In both of the internal art forms, music plays a huge role. I remember 2019 when I used to get music deprived; literally. I had to then overdose music to 'feel'. These days after classes, it has become a routine to consume music for about two hours. I feel like with music I can stand almost anything, it seems to heighten my abilities.

Last year when I used to go for walks, I did not have stamina or my own smartphone. Music had me pushing myself over physical limits; I used to walk too much to listen to music and in turn music helped me walk.

It is an innocent wish of mine to have every artistic possibility to be executed, or at least thought of, which is why it makes me incredibly happy to see different creations. I cannot help myself to like and comment on every post. Speaking of social media, I despise the 'aesthetic culture' prevalent these days according to which everything has got to be perfect whatever that means. The algorithm has taken the fun out of creating for countless people, many of my favourite artist (Ryan Higa for example) either quit or changed. I don't blame those who changed. When your career revolves around people and you are not Bill Waterson you have to.

I personally tend to like artworks that have a soul in it. BTS music for example, you can just feel the emotions, such is their artistry. It's like they pick a piece of their soul and put it into their work. Some of the most heartfelt artworks I feel, come from little kids who simply draw their heart out. I would buy it with money.

Art without context isn't worth much unless one is already famous. Many people laugh at modern art, they simply do not understand it. It's the thought behind an artwork that adds a soul to it. If I leave a canvas blank and call it art it, would be precious because I have a thought behind it. A blank canvas is a work of art for three reasons. First, it is an 'object', which is itself fascinating. Second, it is a medium through which millions have expressed their souls. It is through these objects artists like Van Gogh made themselves immortal. Simply fascinating. Third every person who sees or feels the canvas can imagine anything on it depending on their creativity and perception. Then comes the white canvas with white paint on it. But ever noticed the shades and the brush strokes? Ever tried painting the simple shapes? I have. It seemed borderline impossible to recreate them which such perfection. Then we have the seemingly 'ugly' ones. First of all, define ugly. Every thing false has as an element of truth in it. Similarly I feel everything ugly has a distinct beauty to it. How do people judge art? I find it nearly impossible.

I recently created a series of mini art works. They won't seem special to you, I drew them out of impulse. They come from my soul and I do not know what they mean.

Art is such a great way to immortalize oneself isn't it? That's what I try to do as well. Hopeless hopeful attempts at being seen and being noticed and being understood. Will you remember me?

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