
By CosplayCopia

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The Rise To Power; A Smallville Saga {Part 2} From unexpected to unpredictable; It had been three months sinc... More



70 4 1
By CosplayCopia

A/N: I don't own Smallville or any characters and places in the DC universe. Nor do I own the episodes that these chapters are based and contained from.

I also don't claim to be a writer. My inspiration is simply to get a creative outlet going.

I only own Tyla Nevin and what pertains to her character story.


Tyla waited in the elevator, the numbers increasing up to 40 as her stomach turned knots. She was almost expecting Lionel to appear as the doors opened but she also knew that she was a blip under the radar unless she told Lex why he was sent to Belle Reve in the first place. She had to keep her mouth shut until it was a certainty that she was completely safe and those she cared about were far from harm. She marched past the doors and turned a corner towards Lex's new office at LuthorCorp, with a coffee tray in her hand and a folder tucked under her right arm. She saw him on the phone, talking to his 10:00. Just as a courtesy, she lightly rapped her knuckles on the open door to announce her presence and walked slowly towards his desk. Lex swiveled his chair to see her. He nodded towards her and eyed as she placed the extra coffee in front of him. He made a face and then bid his business contact farewell. "Is that for me?" He asked.

"Yes, a cappuccino with an extra espresso shot," she recited as she picked up her own drink and tossing the tray in the trash bin while taking a seat across from him.

Lex made a sound of approval. "You've memorized my drink of choice already," he said, a hint of impression lilted in his voice.

"I just pay attention. It's easier since I'm at the mansion with you," she replied, placing the folder at her lap. She was being modest; it was part of her job to pay attention. She could either hinder the work that Lex was doing or help him along. Although it was not crisis management, it still required her to look for as many details as possible.

Lex smirked and took the drink. He leaned back, taking in the sweet aroma. "Is that so?" He said, amused. He took it as a challenge willingly. "What's my preferred choice of cuisine?"

Tyla rolled her eyes as she took a sip from her own cup. "French for your lovely ladies. Japanese when you want to appear casual with your business compatriots." She had booked many reservations for him. That was too easy.

"Favorite car?"

"Currently your silver Maserati," which he often mentioned that it paled in comparison to her white jeep.

Lex chuckled. "And what of my literary preference?" he continued.

"That's a trick question. It depends on where your mood lies." Perhaps she should have mentioned that whenever he had an altercation with Lionel, he would read The Art of War. She certainly caught him reading it in the study after his father found out that Lex had rehired Tyla. She exhaled irritably. This game was wearing on her. But two people could play it. "As amused as you are, I bet that you can't even remember my middle name."

Lex's smug look disappeared. He cleared his throat and took a sip of his cappuccino, trying to search through the far reaches of his mind for the name. Tyla couldn't help but giggle. Lex was never good with female names unless it was for the night. "V... Victoria-," He tried not stammer.

"Veronica." Lex immediately went to his computer and pulled up her resume. Sure enough, her full name was glaring right at him in bold cursive. He sighed, annoyed as Tyla giggled again. "Now can we please get back to business or are you just going to keep testing me?"

He clenched his free hand, almost banging it against the desk in frustration. He hated losing at his own games, even if it was as trivial as this. "Is that the information that I asked for then?" He curtly nodded towards the folder that rested on her lap.

Tyla nodded. She placed her cup down at her end of the desk and pulled out a few papers to show him. A picture of Dr. Teng at Metropolis University was facing Lex. "This is Adam Knight's doctor," she said. "Highly unusual for someone who simply does research."

"She's a molecular biologist," he read. He took the papers and looked at her current projects. "Does that make him a patient or a project?" Tyla was right. This was abnormal.

"I'm not sure, but LuthorCorp has funded her research regarding irregular hematology, namely blood platelets" Lex looked up to see her handing him the university's financial reports. "Starting a new project?"

"This isn't me." He mumbled, going through the pages. Platelets of unknown origins? Did this have to do with the blood that Helen had stolen from him long ago? "Thank you, Tyla. That will be all."


Lex had tried to poach Dr. Teng that day. Using the research for himself, rather than his father footing that bill. Of course, she had rejected his offer making it, so the venture became more expensive as he thought, claiming collateral damage. He surrendered himself to the solarium and paperwork because of it.

Normally wouldn't have bothered to be in there but since Tyla had moved in, there was a new welcomed feeling to use the rooms. Previously, he had worried to bear his presence in the rooms. He feared it would tarnish a memory from his childhood; his mother frequenting about the mansion and doting the home. He had a feeling that this room was her favorite because of the marbling countertop that faced toward the backyard. Complete with a refreshments area and a large glass round table with two wicker chairs, it almost seemed homely. He was looking at the latest invoices from LexCorp when Tyla ran in from the entryway to the backyard. Lex glanced up to see her in grey jogging attire. "I didn't know you jogged in the morning," he said. Of course, it was already proven that he was not as perceptive as she.

"I always do when I am stressed," she said, briskly. Without so much as a good morning, Lex could hear in her voice that she wasn't in the mood.

Neither was he. "Care to remind me why I am supposed to be eco-friendly?" He inquired, chucking the invoice on the round glass table between them.

She sucked in her teeth and walked over. Picking up the paper, she saw the equipment that she had ordered the day before. Most if not all had the stamp of being environmentally friendly or eco safe. "LexCorp has a vested interest in seeing that this planet remains habitable for as long as possible," She spoke in rote memory. It was a good statement that Lex had the mind to keep for future interviews. She tossed the paper back to Lex, mimicking him. "Happy world means longer and increased profits." She gestured towards Lex. "Thus, happy Lex."

He couldn't ignore the tone in her voice any longer. "What did I do?" he asked. He leaned forward and narrowed his eyes, studying her expression.

"It doesn't involve you."

"Really? Because this room, despite its heated warmth, has gotten considerably chilly." He watched as she moved away from him and shook his head. "Tyla, I'm trying to ask you what has gotten you so stressed."

"Worry about LexCorp dropping 2% in stocks this week. Not me."

Lex growled in frustration. Firstly, it was news that the stock had dropped. It had been steadily increasing every week for the past month or two unless.... she was distracting him. "Tyla!"

Tyla froze. A million thoughts raced through her head, debating on whether she should tell him. She rested her hands on the countertop and traced the white marbling before turning back to Lex. "I need to leave for National City next week," she warned. Lex furrowed his brows. "It's my sister."

"Your sister?" He had forgotten that Tyla has family outside of her mother, let alone siblings. As customary as the background check that LuthorCorp requested, he never bothered to remember the details until someone was imposing him.

She took a deep breath and walked towards the unoccupied wicker chair across from Lex. "Yes.... her...She was modelling for some extra money and," she took a deep breath. "There are some pictures that are being distributed that she didn't consent for. She told me that it was an ex." Lex could see that she was shaking, in anger possibly. She was visibly trying to work out a situation in her head, something perhaps Miracle Angel caliber or simply out of protection for her sister.

"I can give you the entire week," he said, gauging how Tyla looked up to him. He reached over for her hand. "You can take the jet if you wish."

"Lex, she's barely legal," she continued. "They are saying that because she consented, there's no true harm." She herself couldn't do so much as a threat from Kansas. She had to try to keep her father from committing murder.

"Tell me everything," he demanded, sternly. His tone was a lot softer than before. He immediately felt like he needed to save the day which took him a few minutes to process. Was this pure concern? This need to do anything and everything to protect her as well as whoever she held dear? He was surprised to say the least that her concern was blending as his own. As he listened, he heard her reluctance for his help, let alone telling him about her personal life. But he could argue that the walls of the mansion were now hers since she was commandeering not one, but five rooms. "I will see to it that she gets a handful of my lawyers."

"I can't afford even a single one of your best lawyers," Tyla protested. She could afford a lawyer for her sister but not one appointed by a Luthor. One meeting was what? $20,000 alone? More?

"Consider this as a connection for your miracle work." He brushed off. "They will consider this case a walk in the park compared to what they have dealt with me."

"You don't want credit?" She half-expected him to tell her family that Lex Luthor sends his regards while she brings home a borrowed jet and a small army of lawyers.

He liked the idea that the attention of being a good Samaritan would garner a lot of appraisals but the fact that Tyla had come into the solarium and verbally shattered him with her tone left him more than taken aback. Could that have been internal pain? He had not felt that in a while. He would usually bury it. Deep. "I want nothing more than for you to come back after this and do a good job. That attitude of yours will affect your work if you have this looming over your head."

Tyla leaned back. "So, this is pure selfishness," she said in disbelief. "What you gain is your employee being at the top of her game."

"No. I just want my friend to be happy without a care in the world." Lex wouldn't admit it to her, but she was a bright light in the mansion. He would kill to make sure that it would not go out.

"I-thank you, Lex." 

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