Without You (Godot/Diego Arma...

By randomfangirlfandoms

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I was completely flustered by his manners, but I quickly gathered myself and shaked his hand. "Y/N L/N. Nice... More

Hello Fellows! :3
Chapter 1- Just Met
Chapter 2- A hug and a cup
Chapter 3- Lost Dreams
Chapter 4- It's Still Not Over
Chapter 5- I Love You (Simple Ending)
Chapter 6- New Beginnings
Chapter 7- Court Proceedures
Chapter 8- A Visit To The Wright & Co. Offices
Chapter 9- Jumped out of what?
Chapter 10- Taking the Reins
Chapter 11- Feels like an end
Chapter 12- Revealed
Chapter 13- The Real Killer
Chapter 14- The Bitter Taste Of Truth
Chapter 15- I Wish I Hadn't Met You
Chapter 16- Fallen Into Darkness
Chapter 18- A Verdict
Chapter 19- A Happy Ending (True Ending)
Chapter 20- Together Forever (Extra)

Chapter 17- One Last Fight

317 10 2
By randomfangirlfandoms

Y/N p.o.v

"Woah!!! Miss Y/N lawer friend!!!
You look so cool!!!"
Peal jumped up and down.

"Thanks! Hehe!"
I giggled and fixed her hair that got messy from the jumping.

I dressed up a little more formal than usual.
White shirt with a black skirt, suspenders and a tie.
I also wore a black leather jacket and boots.

"You look like you are ready to fight!"
Maya struck a pose, Peal following her lead.

Phoenix adjusted his tie.
"Are you ready to be on the other side of the courtroom?"

"I hope. I also have to find a way not to react to any of your bluffs."
I laughed.
Phoenix laughed awkwardly.
"R-Right... hehe..."

"...Anyways, Pearls and I will sit at the jury right above you!"
Maya announced.

"So what will Ms. Y/N do?
I know that she does this cool
thing with the coffee but Mr. Nick
doesn't drink coffee..."
Pearl tried to think.

"Well, Peal, if you remember, Y/N can also help me with arguments! You've seen her do it with her lawer friend."
Phoenix explained.

"Ohh!! Right!! I almost forgot, hehe."

Maya and Pearl waved us goodbye as they entered the courtroom before us.

I was deep in thoughts, and a little anxiety crippled in me.

If we fail today, we won't have another chance...

"Um, Y/N. Don't worry. We've got this."
Phoenix reassured me.

I mumbled.

"You know, it's kinda surprising that Peal had no objections of leaving us two here."

"What do you mean--- oh, right!
Doesn't she ship you and Maya?"
I was a little confused of why he mentioned it all the sudden.

"No matter how much we explain it to her, she still does it."
Phoenix sighed.

"Last time I spoke with a female witness, she punched the hell out of me! I actually fainted."

I couldn't help but giggle.

"I was actually scared she will punch me right now."

"Pfff- hahaha!!!
Well, luck for you, I have a boyfriend."

"And this fact saved me.
Now you can stop being such of a grumpy face because I did a hella good job with lighting up your mood."

"Yo, you actually managed to do that.
I put a smile on my face.

"So, the trial's about to begin.
I'm not sure who's the prosecutor, tho.

What matters is that this is going to be different. It's practically a negotiation between us and the prosecution with the police about Mr. Armando's fate.
He himself will have to testify about what happened, and we will try to free him, or at least reduce his sentence."

"Okay, got it."
I nodded and we went through the doors to defence stand.

I looked at Diego, sitting in the defendant's chair. His head was turned to the floor, as if he was staring at the floor.
Although he could only listen.

My heart ached.
Not even in my worst nightmares I could predict something like this happening.

I looked at whoever arrived in front of us.
"P-Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth...?"

"Ms. L/N, Mr. Wright."
Edgeworth somewhat greeted and went to his stand.

"T-The legendary prosecutor.
Against us."
I started stressing.

"Forget the rumours about him.
He has changed.
Now, he fights for the truth.
Although... he won't go easy on us..."

"Wow. This helps a lot."
I said sarcastically.

"The negotiation over Mr. Diego Armando's sentence will now begin.
Are both sides ready?"
The judge announced after knocking his hammer.

"Ready, your honor."
Edgeworth gave a slight bow.

"Ready, your honor."
Phoenix put his hands on our table.

"Before the trial begins, I would like to question the defense's counselor."
The judge said, looking at me.

"Y-Yes, your honor. What is it?"

"It has come to my attention that you and the defendant were in a relationship.
Usually, it's not recommended for parties involved to work on the case because they might have a bias that'll cloud their judgement."
The judge noted.

"...only now he actually does his job of checking things...?"
Phoenix murmured, trying to think of an excuse.

"W-Well, um-"

"The prosecution has no objections over the participation of the defense's counselor in the trial."
Edgeworth announced.

"Well, if that's fine with you.
Prosecution, your opening statement, please."

"Of course, your honor.
Today we will debate over Mr. Armando's sentence.
He was already sent to death row and execution over the murder of Misty Fey.
The prosecution will prove beyond doubt that this punishment should go through."
Edgeworth said.
His voice was cold, almost blank. Edgeworth will go as far as possible for the truth and justice.

This is going to be harsh, since Diego DID kill Misty Fey, AND he himself believes he should be punished for his actions. I need to convince the court AND Diego to send him off death row.

I spoke to Phoenix about this, and we figured out several options of arguments we need to prove.

- Diego was unconsciously trying to protect Maya
- Diego killed her in self defence since she attacked him and Maya

One of these statements will un-seal his fate of extermination.
You have to concentrate, Y/N.
His life is in your hands.

"The prosecution would like to call the defendant, Mr. Diego Armando to the stand to testify about the events of that night."

I looked at how a bailiff helped Diego to carefully reach the witness stand.
His hands found the tall table and gripped is. He stood straight, with no emotion on his face, his icey eyes open, staring at nothing.
The scar across his face was still red and visible.

"...Defendant, your name and occupation, please."
Edgeworth waited until Diego seemed ready.

"My name is Diego Armando.
Ex defence attorney and prosecutor."

"You used to be prosecutor Godot, were you not?"
The judge made sure.

"Yes. Although I don't go by that name anymore."
He kept his face straight ahead, not moving. Diego didn't even try to pretend he could see or turn his head towards the sounds.

"Mr. Armando, please testify on what happened when you arrived at the scene."

Diego took a deep breath and paused, recollecting the events.

It seems like he tried to forget them, and now forcefully tugging at them.
"Sister Iris, Misty Fey and I made a plan to save Ms. Maya.
My part of the plan was to keep her safe if anything goes wrong.
Since we couldn't find Pearl Fey and stop her from channeling Daliah Hawthorn, Misty Fey did it herself before she could.
At the time, I didn't know this happened, so I went to the cave, but Maya wasn't there.
I was very concerned, and then heard scuffle sounds. I hurried there.
The garden was dark, but I could recognize Maya's silhouette, and Daliah Hawthorne's silhouette attacking her with the dagger, which meant she was channelled.
Maya called for help, so I quickly saw the staff-sword on the ground and stabbed the attacker.
The attacker turned around and the next thing I know is that my mask flew of my face and that she left a wound.
Misty, who channelled Daliah, died and Maya fainted from my scream.
Then sister Iris and I cleared the scene to move suspicion away from Maya."

He finished.

I raised my eyes from my papers.
While listening, I quickly wrote Diego's testimony, word-in-word, since the court record won't be given for us immediately.

I looked at Phoenix and he nodded at me.
I nodded back.

It begins.

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