Reincarnated From Vanity

By CuriousOtaku

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DISCLAIMER | VERY GRAPHIC INTRO - VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED A old man left a hard-working, lonely life. A slo... More

Chapter 1 • Death by Heart Attack | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 2 • The God's Blessings and Curse | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 3 • Tribulation after the Reincarnation | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 4 • Curse of the Seal | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 5 • Awakening | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 6 • Myself and I | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 7 • Confronted | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 8 • So called Wonderland | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 9 • Forgiveness | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 10 • Recovery | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 11 • New World | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 12 • Encounter | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 13 • Dire Extravagant | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 14 • Tom boy Princess | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 15 • Erev Tov | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 16 • Dreamy Departure | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 17 • Prodigy vs Prodigy | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 18 • Dinner with the King | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 19 • Peculiar morning | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 20 • Godfathers | Reincarnated from Vanity
Chapter 21 • Compromise & Future | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 22 • Dear Journal | Reincarnated From Vanity
Useful Comparative Graphs
Chapter 23 • Not A Simple Shonen Fantasy | Reincarnated From Vanity

Chapter 24 • Fragile yet Brave | Reincarnated From Vanity

372 16 7
By CuriousOtaku

@ Dream World


My head that rests flat on my arms.
My head that feels as heavy as a stone boulder.
My feet are bare; tall grass tickle them softly.
The breeze that blows;
my hair that frail against my arching body.
Some coldness and moisture that I breathe.





I felt my head resting on my hand now.
My head hurts.
Like being hit by a truck.


I felt someone's hand on my head.
Patting gently before tracing to my cheek.
*a pinch

"Time to wake up"
"Time to wake up, Milady"

The glass table was cold to the touch; chilly.
I  resigned; I decided to open my eyes.
I'm in a pavilion in the middle of a large garden.
On my table were...
A book, a small sand glass, a pen and paper.

Beyond that was a person,
a dignified old man before me.
Wearing some robes with oriental embroidery;
befitting of  a sage.

His outstretch hand was no more,
rather he now takes a bow.

"Welcome to your astral realm"
"Niizuma Shiiori"
"Milady, how are you feeling?"

Though I feel rather horrible;
I sit myself up straight.

"I'm fine"



"You still remember me?"

"Why am I here?"

"You have exceeded your body physical limits"
"And you have passed out as a result"
"This forces your soul to temporary depart from their sensory placement"
"And caused you to be dormant in your inner being"

"I see"
"Is there any serious consequences if I keep repeating this?"
"I don't understand and lack advice"

"Hmmm well, its not particularly advisable"
"It is not particularly detrimental in of itself"
"You see, just like feeling hurt is not a bad thing in of itself"
"Its how you got hurt before that that manners"
"You see, there is a chance that you might die"
"I advice you not to be reckless"

"I don't know how I can come here willingly"

"You wish to meet me milady?"

"if when the time arises"

"With time milady...."
"With time"

"also may I have another question?"


"Do you know anything about reincarnation?"
"Reincarnated people"

"it's a obscured ritual"
"it back in the olden day of the ancient war"
"When it was common place"
"And they were many types and conditions"
"What about it?"

"I think I've met someone such?"

"You have?"


"There are several categories of reincarnation"
"And though they are all reincarnations"
"They can be very different"
"By method; it could be forceful"
"Or some could be by means of natural causes in their pervious world"
"Some include transference of only the Soul into a woman's womb"
"to be birthed anew"
"Some include everything, including their former bodies"
"And some, are...."


"Some are forcefully pulled from their former worlds and placed..."
"In the body of a living person"


"But considering this I think you've met a reincarnated from Zentorfa or
the Filament theocracy?"
"It's there where the ritual is still being practiced and even celebrated to help the nation against its everlasting war against the Indela Sultanate.

"Gandolph sir?"

"Yes milady"

"What do you mean by that last example of reincarnation?"
"I mean, those who are reincarnated forcefully in the body of a living person"

"Oh that..."

"What happen to the original soul?"
"The original owner of the body?"

"They are often times killed instantly"
"Merged with the new Soul"
"Or is locked away in the person psyche"

"Is there any examples that you know Gandalph-san?"


"There was...."
"But I don't think I can remember at the moment"


"Also there was a particular item in your inventory recently"


"It's a  Mythril Sword embued with a shattered soul"

"Shattered soul"

"It's basically a living object;"
"As it's partly alive, it acts based on instinct and emotions"

"It was?"

"You know in fact"
*overstretches hand

Suddenly a dim light appears at the table and appears at Gandolph's hand"
"Quite the hefty thing"
"Items like this are exceeding rare and valuable"
"They are only a handful of craftsman that still uses this technique"
"....Hero Zentorfa"
"I believe that confirms my hunch"
"The sword is made in Zentorfa, and is refering to a hero"
"Hero's are often the product of The Filament Theocracy's summoning rituals"
"The person that you've met is probably a reincarnated person indeed"

"May I see that Gandolph?"
*And as I out reached my hand
*The sword violently freed itself from Gandolpf and into my hand and landed on mine
*A soft glow began to show, it shrunk in size....
*I began to adjust myself to the grip

"Hah ha"
"It seems it has a liking towards your soul"

"Is it so?"
*as I proceeded to get up from my chair to observe it

"How about yo give it a try milady?"

"I... am not well versed in swordmanship"
"But since this sword is.... very light?"
"I think I can try"
"I have watch some film and the knights practicing"


*as I gathered my strength, I took a stance I've seen in film
* I swung the sword forward from top to bottom
And after that it felt as it came naturally

Like as if the sword was suggesting me on how it wants to be enacted
And as the sword fell, I did an undercut
driving the sword up to the sky
I felt as if dancing

*My hand and wrist complied with a twist that made the sword turn
It was followed by a sideward whirl cut around me.
*My footwork followed through,
distributing the weight with my body.

Then I felt a bit of my consciousness merge with the sword and the air
As I swung down the sword,
my vision narrows

I saw versions of the trajectory of my sword splitting
I felt like I had relived the same cut motion in an instance
And at once; 3 cuts were made at the same time.


I dropped to the ground...
What was that?
How did I do that?
How could something like that possible?

"Seams like you are a quick learner milady"
"I believe that was a sword technique of an intermediate rank"
"swordsman that are well familiar with their weapon of choice may report feeling merged with their weapons in battle"
"They feel certain traits like a burning sensation"
or perhaps in your case;
several versions of yourself played out"

"Is that so?


"I think I need a break...."

"Not your forte?"

"But I think it is too early for me"

"You do have youth in your disposal milady"


"It was a pleasure speaking with you, milady"

"What do you mean?"

"Fare well"
"I'll see you soon"
"Hopefully in a different conditions"

As gold glow began to shine around me.
I felt my consciousness began to be pulled back.
My presence began to become thinner in this small realm of mine....

"well... t'was nice meeting you Gandolph...."


I'm laying at a soft bed...
I feel enveloped by softness
Vast softness everywhere.
Feeling small compared to the softness around me.
I opened my eyes and find both father John and Toela-nee by my side.

"Father John?"

"Shiiori-dear! You're awake!"
*Proceeds to hug and kiss me

"Unc- father~ ..."
"Stop... haha"
"Your beard tickles"
"I'm alright already"

"What happened?"
"Are you feeling alright?"

"I'm fine, just a bit tired and weak"
*Stomach growling....
"...and hungry"
"I haven't had breakfast yet."

"Toela can you bring us a meal for her?"

"Yes my lord"
*Toela-nee leaves room

"I was worried sick"
*Father John hugs me
"Please don't do anything as reckless as this"
*Hugs tighter before holding my hand
"Such small hands...."
"A healer was called to mend your hands"

*I shudder as a pain surge from my palm.
"Cracked bones and a torn tissue"
"I did it to save a life...."
"I couldn't help myself"
"I'm sorry"

"I understand"

"You do?"

"You're surprisingly a bold girl"
"Reminds me of that time"
"But still, I don't approve you of doing something like this ever again"

"...I understand father"
"I'm sorry"

"It's alright now"
"Just take it easy now"
"don't push it"

"How long was I unconscious?"

"It's dusk now"
"You have been recuperating for a whole day"

"The whole day?!"
I was caught off guard by his words.
I cant't be staying here like this!
Hearing that I immediately tried to get up.
But something caught me.

"And you'll continue to stay here"
*Father Johns holds me to bed
"You're lucky you're stable at the moment"


"Remember that I said not to be reckless?"


"This is one of them"

"I understand father"
"I'll stay here for a while"

"good girl"

"may I ask a favor?"

"Yes sweetheart?"

"Is there any..."
"Any blood that I can drink?"
"Pig or cow blood?"
"I'm a bit thirsty..."
*My face was rather pale...

"oh, hmmm"
"It's that time of month isn't?"

"I intended to acquire some while at the market earlier"
"I guess I forgot"

"It'll take a while"
"why not drink mine for the moment while I'll try call a maid to see if there are any"

"I've never drink anyone's blood before?"

"Oh dear, you haven't yet?"
"You haven't taken anyone's blood?"
"But aren't you a vampire?"

"...I rarely drink blood"
"I... don't like the smell" 

"Vampires are considered quite the strong race; even among the demon-kin"
"My daugther being fragile; even for human standards"
"Ahh... I think it has to do with the amount of blood they consume?"


"Like going for days without eating"
"Skip breakfast and lunch"
"Anyone would be weak"
"Isn't it so too for you?"
"Eating human food alone wouldn't cut it for you"

"But I don't like blood drinking"

"well, I guess it can't be helped"
"That's why my daughter is so faint"
"This is not good"


"Try drinking my blood for the moment"
*proceeds to unsheathes letter opener and unfurl his wrist
"promise me that you'll drink more daily ok?"

"wait! wait wait wait"
"is there a better way?"
"Father you're going to hurt your self"

"It's nothing dear"
*proceeds to continue

"Wait!  um..."
"Do, Do vampires, can vampires drink from biting?"
"I really don't need need that much"

"More blood the better"

"Please reconsider"

"My dear"
"Look it's alright"
"though I thought you would know this more than me; Shiiori dear"
"As I don't know much about vampires;
"but I do believe that their saliva have healing properties?"
"and their fangs can technically penetrate skin"
"So it's really is fine"

"Really father?"
"I didn't know that"

"But that it is often seen as a more impractical method rather than drinking from a container?"
"Direct biting are something often done by lovers perhaps?"


"Are you okay my dear?"
"You seem to be burning up"
"Hurry little one, drink me"



"Father John"

"Yes my dear?"

"Can you please come closer?"

*sits and scoots closer
*shows his face closer

"I mean your hand"

"I though my dear will feast on my neck"

"I won't"
"besides, it'll won't be  a good image to find a bite mark on father's neck in public"

*shows hand

"Wait, does it hurt?"
"I should ask your opinion first"
"Father do you prefer on your neck or on your arm?"

"I don't mind either?"
" though I do prefer on my neck as I need my wrist for work?"

"so neck then"

"Change of heart?"

(#Author's note: I was initially going for wrist;)
(with some paragraphs down the line but ultimately decide against it)

As I witness his bare neck
I think my vampire instincts began to kick me
I mean quite literary
similar to my earlier days in the forests
try to restrain myself
how do I describe it?
Like having to forgo water for whole day,
and then to find a watermelon on a plate
Why does my instinct tells me to sink my fangs?



"are you alright?"

"umu, Yes"
"um... ikitakimasu~"

I'll try to be as gentle as possible
I... I can't
I can't do on his veins
It'll hurt him
this is all to new to me!
and weird...
but I have to!
how do I describe it....

Why the heck do I keep describing someone's neck so much in detail?
My father's no less?
I'm going haywire....

really though...
for a ripe man, he's still quite built
his arm is muscular, tough, and lean.
hai yaa~~
thats quite the pronounced vein...
Shiiori, you dummyyyyyy!
stop contemplating!!!!!

As  I sink my fangs into his neck


"I'm sorry father"
"did it hurt?"

"no, do continue"
"It just surprised me"
"Like a prick from a needle"

As I continue to cycle from biting and  licking
I feel some strength coming back to me
My headache begins to fade
and my fever begins to cool off
a nibble then a lick
a nibble then a lick
a nibble then a lick
"That's enough"

"That was quick my dear?"
"tis was just a scratch?"
"That was barely a anything"

"I'm fine"
"just enough to shave off the thirst"

"Should you being honest with yourself?"
"That's quite harsh"

"I'm fine with a few drops"

*Father John begins to lean ins and hugs me
"please don't push yourself"
"please be selfish at times like these"
"I'm really concerned"
"And I'll be fine; please I beg you"
"do not hesitate to use me"
"Don't make this old man worry too much"


I decided to get it over with
I  took a deeper bite and this time a small geyser emerge
oh no
I immediately started to lick his woulds so that it'll heal sooner
and as I did,
I felt more strength return to me
a lightning of warmth spread throughout me.
I think a drink about 10 millilitres.
I cried

I felt his arms hug me tighter

"I was scared...."

"you're alright now"
"you're safe"
"You shouldn't force yourself too much"

"I am a bad and foolish girl"

"there there"


"Father, I"

"The people you've brought in are at the dungeon cell"
"You want to see them no?"

"were they hurt?"
"Were they interro-"

"I assure you my love"
"There is nothing to worry about"
"Let yourself recuperate first"
"But what strikes me curious is,"
"why you are interested at them my dear?"
"And how did you knew they were here?"

"I don't know, but'
"Fathe must realise what that man has claim is right?"

"as a summoned Hero"

And as I out stretched my both arms as to carry something heavy.
I summoned the sword back from when I took it from Logan.

"my goodness shiiori-dear,"
"You know storage magic?"

"I do"
"here, Father John"
"Can you please take a look at this?"
"I took this from that man"

"Forged in Zentorfa mythril"
"To be wielded by the Hero, Hero Logan"
"I see why you would be curious"
"I too also had a look at the man there"
"Honesty, I had my doubts; but this is"
"Genuine Zentorfa mythril, not a common material"
"I imagine the outrage if the Zentorfa known I held this"


"Could it be stolen perhaps"
"By a con artist?"

"I want to talk to him"
"you may say I want to gather information"
"I want to make sure"

*hands back the sword to me
"Keep it for now okay"
"Those matters, I will deal with you later"
"I believe you want to speak with them?"

"Yes father"

"very well then"
"though I think it's funny"
"The particular people that you've meet"
"I do sense that there something odd"


"yes dear?"

"Is there going to be a war between the Indela Sultanate and Filament Theocracy?"

"Hmmmm I cannot say"
"Though the possibility is very real"
"Might is the key word her"
"they both were never in good terms"
"why would you suggest that dear?"

"I read that hero's are often employed to overturn a war"

"Hmm well for now"
"It isn't for you to worry about"
"Enjoy your time as a child"
"Later after your home studies are complete"
"you'll enter school very soon"
"Are not you excited my dear?"


"good then"
"Be patient till then"
"The Filament Theocracy is a religion based on the goddess of flame"
"I for one am more of an atheist"
"Though since they hold quite the political and social influence"
"I too must have my share of dealings"


"My dear are you curious about the Filament Theocracy?"

"Not really?"
"But what I do know is that,"
"heard from rumors that there were hero were summoned by the Filament Theocracy"
"From what I read"
"The heros are claimed to have significant military power but lack in readiness as they need time to gain experience."
"I believe the Filament Theocracy is biding their time"

Though as I have seen for myself,
The hero Logan isn't exactly much to write home about...?

"I like your pace of thoughts Shiiori my dear"
"though I would warn you to not make too hasty of a conclusion"
"It might be that the Filament Theocracy would declare a full out war on the Indela Sultanate,
If the hero is ready on their disposal"
"Though in any case we should always be ready for worst outcome"
"a Hero's growth rate are exponential"
"In the wrong hands, might spell catastrophe"
"And concerning on the possibility of war"
"I believe an answer to that would come sooner than expected"

"Why is that father?"

*Looks around
*comes closer to my ear to whisper
"I'm called to attend a smeeting to the Filament Theocracy on the Kingdom of Fluoria behalf"

This sounds serious...
Usually this isn't the case with father John?
well let's comply then

*I whispered back...
"what is it about father?"

"A Diplomatic meeting"
"I will attend on congratulating the first prince marriage with the princess of Zentorfa"
"I plan to bring you to Zentorfa as a distinguished guest"
"With me, we'll stay at Ambassador Mansion"
"Afterward, I'll head further east to the Filament Theocracy"
"Probably it'll be about negotiating about supplies and troops"
"But you must keep this an absolute secret"

"Can father send someone else?"
"This sound very shady... father?"

"The king is rather an uptight man"
"My brother only trusts me to get this sort of work done"
"But you shouldn't worry as much"
"This is also my day job to handle these sort of work"
"things must be made in secret if things are yet to be committed"
"Remember my Shiiori-dear, once a decisive action has been made;"
"it often can't be retrieved back"

*I nodded my head

"how about this"
"We'll also take this chance to have recess trip"
"Once I'm finished,"
"we can have tour around Zentorfa's capital before heading home"
"How about that?"
"Before you are sent to Engrhoma to persue study"

"May ask also why I'm attending school at Engrhoma?"
"Isn't also quite the distance?"

"Indeed, It is"
*proceeds to hugs me
"And I would be missing you dearly"
"bluntly It's also to maintain relationships with our ally country Engrhoma"
"Though I do believe that it is for the best as you can pursue your studies deeper there"
"2 years from now;"
"I will be seeing you off"
"Please forgive me my dear"

"It is alright father"

"If it be so"
"I'll visit you when I have a chance"

*knocks on the door

"Master John, Shiiori-sama, I have brought dinner"
"May I come in?"

"Sure Toela, Do come in"

"Excuse me"

The smell of roasted chicken, gravy, and mash potatoes...
Toella-nee placed my food on the table

"Well my,  daughter dearest"
"I'll be taking my leave"
"Now, eat and rest tightly my dear"
"For tomorrow we'll sort things out"

"Okay father"

*Father John leaves the room



"Sorry for ...."

"It's alright"
"You did the right thing"

"Can you help me..."
"My hand are a bit useless at the moment"

"Of course"

As Toella-nee smiled and helped me eat my dinner.


@The Mansion Dungeon

The next day at morning I went to the dungeon to visit the hero's party.
Accompanied by Father John, Toella-nee and a few guards.
Father John was a bit apprehensive on bringing me though.
But since it was initially I who created this situation,
he decided to not interfere too much.
I'm here along with the prisoner breakfast.

The Hero Logan was quite the hard fellow to contain.
Along with his party, they did have much raw power to overcome the guards
Two .... nay three reasons why they didn't break out in the first place

The first was that without Logan's sword;
his fighting capacity has greatly diminished.

Second was that they all lacked experience with combat,
Including with two girls who are with the hero Logan.
which is very weird being that they are combantants no?

My father John had personally overviewed the processes of locking them up.
After the incident, Toella-nee quickly rushed me to the mansion's infirmary.
There she also reported to the much concerned Father John.
Afterward he quickly came down to oversee the so called "hero's party"
Father John may have passed his prime,
but he still has much heft and build on him.
His adventuring days have still left a strong mark on him.

As I went down to the dungeon chamber;
A somewhat musky and dusty smell did hit me.
The lights were lit by small candles and natural light.
Though the candles have long been whittled since last night.

I feel like something is off...
Is there someone watching me?
I looked around....
perhaps it is just my thoughts

The mansion dungeon rarely housed any prisoners;
so its usually empty.
Father John held up to the lantern for better view.

The dungeon cells was arranged in a circle.
each person had their own.
Three females and one male makes 4 occupied cells.

*a chime ring
"Wake up wake up!"
"Its breakfast, Breakfast is here!"
A guard gave  a woke up call.

Let's see
Our small thief and the mage lady has already awoken.
The female in robes just now woke up from her slumber.
for the hero Logan,...
He's still asleep?

"Wake up!"
"Wake up!"
"Breakfast is here!"
"make yourself presentable!"
"You are at the presence of the lord of the Estate!"
The guard repeated himself.

snored the hero.

I can feel that father John is visibly angry.

"ehh, whats who do we have here"
chimed the preistly robed girl.

(Niizuma Shiiori)
"I hope your night wasn't too uncomfortable"

*The hero waking up

(Niizuma Shiiori)
"You do know why you're all here right?"

(Logan the Hero)
"Ahhh it's the shortie brat~"
"Who stole my sword"
"Give me back my sword, thief"

(Father John)
"Listen up you dumb brat"
"all of you"
"If you don't listen, "
"you'll be sent to the gallows for real"

(Thief Girl)
"I'm sorry, so sorry"
"I didn't know milady were a noble"

(Mage Girl)
"Please let us go"
"I can't stand it in here!"

(Niizuma Shiiori)
"That's.... this"
C'mon Shiiori
Speak louder.....
"Despite how it should have been"
"This should have been a criminal offence"
"Violence toward a fellow citizen and violence toward a standing noble"
"Such things does warrant a death penalty"

(Thief Girl)
*starts crying

(Niizuma Shiiori)
"but for this time I decide not to"
"I'm offering a deal"
"Because no one was hurt in the end"
"It's best not to keep everyone up"

"Your hand milady"

(Niizuma Shiiori)
"Tis was but a scratch"

(Niizuma Shiiori)
"But this is my offer only"
"If you want so reject my offer"
"Then I cannot intervene with the expected proceeding afterward"

Now then I had the attention of everyone from the hero's party.
It's time to take action.
The actual reason as to why I had them here

(Niizuma Shiiori)
"If you all be willing to answer all questions"
"You will be released and your belongings returned"
"Though the next time such actions be done in Fluoria grounds"
"There will be more severe consequences waiting"

(Logan, The Hero)


By: Joshua Johnson S.

*Author's note:
I'm sorry for a late upload.
Hopefully I can get another chapter (Or 2) in before my holiday ends.
Do I really hope I can get this over with,
I want to write about her in school so badly,
but I need to clear a few things first.

Sorry if my quality has dropped.
I think it did, and for the next few chapters I will focusing more on action and content rather than beauty prose on feeling.
At least untill I can write about Shiiori at Engrhoma.

I felt like the story was dragging too slow.
I don't know.
Let me know if you guys still want a bit longer descriptive prose like pervious chapters.

Also I'm sorry if I suddenly took down chapter 4 on this book,
I felt like it was a bit inappropriate and I wasn't exactly all bright sunny at the time,
I think bit sunk into my writing.

I might be a bit too self conscious but I'm willing to re-upload if it's alright with you guys.

Any way hope you guys are doing fine and will be vaccinated soon.

Till then, best of wishes.

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