Too Weak To Say No [Villain...

Von Charlie_toaster05

16.5K 417 692

After meeting a hooded stranger in the park, Midoriya can't shake the feeling of being watched. Soon enough h... Mehr

Chapter 1 - Don't talk to strangers
Chapter 2 - Eyes in the back
Chapter 3 - Deep breaths
Chapter 4 - Vacant
Chapter 5 - Not enough
Chapter 6 - Regrets
Chapter 8 - Consequences
Chapter 9 - Surrender

Chapter 7 - Disregarded

1.3K 44 87
Von Charlie_toaster05

Midoriya's pov.

The following days were slow and tiering, the young hostage having nothing to do but sleep and fidget with his new restraints. Kurogiri, the one Izuku found to be the nicer of the two villains, had managed to convince Tomura, that keeping him tied up on the floor for days on end wouldn't be beneficial for his health.

Shigaraki had complained, but more so to himself than anyone else.

Not too long after, Midoriya was left sitting against the wall while looking down at the long chains connected to his wrists; a pair of burning, red lines visible underneath the new metal cuffs.

The young boy had done the smart move and ignored his instincts to struggle once his old restraints were removed, Shigaraki having showen enough of his capabilities for Izuku to even bat an eye at the door.

The remains of an old plate still lying by his feet in the form of dust, the ash-like powder blending nicely with the floor.

At least now, with the chains only trapping his arms, he could stand and stretch his legs; his poor limbs having been too weak to hold him up at first.

Izuku had of course tried to fumble with the metal thing keeping him secure against the wall, looking for any sort of trick that could get him out of there. Midoriya thought back to all those movies where the prisoner hid behind the door and waited for the kidnapper to walk into the cell, only to get choked out by the inmate.

However, the blasted thing never moved an inch and it was hardly easier when he barely saw his own hand at times.

That's what brings us to now, with a pale looking Izuku sitting hunched forward, green weary eyes lingering on the other end of the small room. The young boy still processing the recent conversation he'd just had with Shigaraki—  the mans words leaving him heavier and heavier.

Two weeks. In two weeks he'd be transported off to some unknown place that not even crusty face seemed to know about.

Midoriya had been told to behaive and not struggle once the day came, that their master wouldn't be too pleased if he arrived only with one leg intact. Izuku felt no need for any further explanation, the lone thought of what the young man's quirk could do to a plate was enough fuel for both his imagination and racing heart.

A light rustle of chains was heard as a shaky hand ran through the greasy, green locks upon the student's head. Izuku sighed as he gathered his thoughts and feelings, a worried yet determined look settling over his freakled features.

It had almost been a week since Midoriya went missing and to his own increasing dread, no heros had come close to finding him. Izuku only knew this because Shigaraki had a strange fazinationg of showing him the news from time to time, telling him how futile their searches were and how it wouldn't take long before they gave up; marking him as dead.

Midoriya fought to hold back his burning tears while Shigaraki held his phone infront of him, looking as if he was thurowly enjoying himself as he made sure the boy didn't look away.

Even though Izuku put all his faith in pro heros, he knew he couldn't just sit around without trying anything of his own, after all.. That's what Kacchan would've done.

An idea started to form in the greenette's head, his soft muttering only audible to his own ears. It wasn't so much as a plan, more like a desperate attempt from his twelve-year-old brain to soothe his mental state, which was already swaying all too close to the edge for his liking.

In two weeks, the villains would move him to their main base, at least, that's what he guessed. When that day came, he would follow Shigaraki's advise and play it safe, being calm and collected while discreetly looking for an opening to buck it. Although, the possibility of being blindfolded or getting his legs tied up again was quite big..

But if he just managed to wiggle his way out of their graspe before that, then he could run and scream for help, even if he got caught there might still be a chance of someone hearing him.

The longer he thought about it the dumber it sounded to him. But he was desperate and so far, this was the only plan that came close to solid. All he had to do was stay calm and collected

Yes, calm and collected..


"Stop — LET GO OF ME!" Izuku struggled and trashed in the hold of the unfamiliar thug, chest heaving as his red face burned with endless tears.

"Shut it." The man behind him sneered, tightening his grip to the point where the boy whimpered, bruises just waiting to form.

It hadn't been long since Midoriya had been pulled out from his dreamless sleep, his wakeup call being the horrid sight of Tomura looming over him with a gleeful expression, four fingers eagerly shaking him awake.

Izuku barely caught a word of what the man was saying between his disturbing snickering, the student barely having rubbed the sleep from his eyes when a bright screen was shoved up his face. Midoriya had to squint at the brightness, blinking a few times before focusing on the article displayed in front of him.

Missing child case put to the side by the police

It has now been a little over two weeks since the twelve year old boy; Izuku Midoriya, went missing. It is believed he was kidnapped after walking home from school, but with the lack of evidence and leads, the police has decided to put their energy to "More important matters."

The chief of the police department claims to have "too much on his plate to spare any officers." Although, he still encourages citizens to give a statement in case any new information about the missing boy comes to the surface.

The boy's mother has refused to leave a comment..

Read more>>

Ice seeped deep into his bones as he frantically re-read the article, his face growing paler and paler by the second. Izuku's breathing had quickened as the words blurred together, hot tears falling uncontrollably as gravity seemed to crash down on him.

Heros in his city rarely worked on missing cases without the police, meaning no one would be comming for him..

They didn't care to find him.

The rush of emotions made him completely deaf to his kidnapper's actions, making him panic once he realised he'd been left alone in the dark room, only to be joined by a complete stranger.

The man, who to Izuku became a dark blur, had yanked the struggling child to his feet, a rough hand holding Izuku's much smaller ones in a death grip, while the man's free fingers expertly ridded him of the long chain attached to the wall; replacing it with a pair of simple cuffs.

"Just — let me be! I — I don't want this!" The greenette sobbed, his chest heaving at an alarming rate while his still struggling limps felt weaker and weaker. Izuku was all too aware that if they did manage to ship him off to wherever they planned to; there was no chance in hell he'd be found.

"Please — "

In the blink of an eye, the man behind him spun him around, a big palm colliding with his freckled face. Silenced, Midoriya stared in shock at the wall beside him as heat started pooling into his stinging cheek, a light ringing following close behind.

"I told you to shut the fuck up you little shit!" Shouted the criminal, fierce eyes boring into his skull. "Damn kids.."

As Izuku was pushed out of the small room he'd regrettably spent a fortnight in, small sobs broke through his quivering lips. Lungs picked up their speed once the boy desperately tried to swallow back his breathing, but Izuku still managed to stay mute, much to his escort's satisfaction.

Green, bloodshot eyes darted from left to right as he, for the first time, walked down the dimly lit hallway. Midoriya had no doubt he'd been kept in the basement, the cemented walls and flooring littered with cracks and cobwebs leaving the majority of hints.

As he slightly stumbled forward he noticed a big, heavy looking door to the right of them. Izuku remembered the loud slam he usualy heard before Kurogiri or Tomura showed up to either feed or pester him. The door most likely leading up to whatever building criminals would call home.

As the door came closer, Izuku was tugged backwards, stopping him in his unsteady path. A sturdy arm came around him, wrenching the door open to reveal a wooden staircase ascending up in darkness.

The old wood creaked underneath the young one's feet, sounding awfully close to giving out once the man behind him followed suit.

Once at the top of the stairs, Izuku was indeed on what looked to be the main floor. Unlike the last level, this one had windows, though only a few streams of light slipped through the heavy boarded glass, giving an ominous look to the dark and dusty environment. Boxes and furniture covered in white sheets littered the sizable room and the young boy prayed he'd imagined the bullets laying upon a cloth covered crate.

A sniffle broke the silence, followed by a hiccup as Midoriya was pushed further into the building, stumbling from time to time.

He was soon met with a purple curtain hanging down the top of a doorway, laughter and bickering emerging behind it. Squinting, the trembling greenette entered the room, all noise dying in an instant.

The young hostage found himself in what seemed to be a small bar, a dim yellow light emitting from the shelf of bottles hugging the wall to his left. Izuku eyed the group of people wearily, the knew faces leaning against the wall staring curiously at him as he slowly walked around the counter.

Shigaraki who was seated at the bar barely glanced at the boy before turning back to his drink, the glass clearly untouched as he swirled it around. "Go prepare the car, I'll send him down in a minute." Tomura gave the four criminals a dismissive hand gesture, sending the whole lot of them out through a wooden door.

Midoriya was now standing in the middle of the room, looking carefully between the bluenette's back and Kurogiri drying a beerglass behind the counter. Izuku quickly noted how his escort stayed rooted behind him.

"So," Tomura started, turning around in his chair to face the puffy-eyed boy. "It only took them 17 days to realize you were a lost cause, I must admit I'm surprised myself."

Izuku ground his teeth as he saw the smug look underneath the man's hand covered face, his crimson eyes shining dangerously in the dim light surrounding them.

"But then again," the villain said before pausing, taking a small sip before continuing. "Maybe I shouldn't be, you are quirkless after all."

Before he could stop himself, Midoriya burst. "And what the hell does that have to do with anything?!" His rough voice felt close to giving out but for once, he didn't stutter.

Shigaraki chuckled at the fierce glare the boy sent his way. "You can't seriously believe that you quirkless folk are seen as equals, if kids can beat you up for it, just imagine what the chief of the police can do by simply turning a blind eye."

Izuku paused, a lump forming in his throat as he tried to will back the newfound tears.

"Criminals may mostly consist of quirk users, but new statistics has picked up on something most interesting."

"... Like what?" Midoriya asked in a meek voice, his head tilting more and more towards the floor.

"There's been a rise in powerless criminals working through the black market with drugs and smuggling this year, giving us villains another level of weapons and quirk boosters. No wonder the police thought you'd be better off alone, who knows what you'd become in just a few years from now." Midoriya could almost hear the grin growing wider as his kidnapper spoke, the unwelcomed words burning deeper than the greenette could ever imagine.

"You might not see it now but this world doesn't want you," Shigaraki said before downing his entire glass then setting it down on the counter with a small clink. "But to us, you truly are a valuable asset."

Izuku shrunk back as the young man got up from his seat, almost whimpering at the closeness they now shared.

"I meant what I said, those brats could never see your true potential," said Shigaraki in a lowered voice, a shiver running down Izuku's spine as the man lowered down until his hot breath reached the boy's ear. "So let's not waste that useful body of yours."

Tomura stepped back, locking eyes with the man behind Midoriya, giving him a curt nod. Instantly, the thug's hands clamped down upon Izuku's wrists, steering him towards the door.

"It was nice meeting you kid, too bad we wont be seeing much of each other in the future, or at all for that matter," Shigaraki called, sounding as cheery as ever. "Be a good boy for my master now, will you!"

The echo of Tomura's laughter followed them down the the dark hallway, Midoriya's heart racing to the point where he thought the frightened organ would just jump out of him. It was also getting harder to breath and see properly, his green orbs burning with the tears diving off of his face quicker than ever.

He had to do something. He couldn't let this happen, no one's going to save him so there has to be something.

Ignoring the rising panic shaking thoughout his entire body he tried to focus on his surroundings; the dark hall seeming to lead to an open door, no doubt being the final exit.

Thinking fast and desperate, Izuku looked down at his feet, getting a glimpse of his escort's black converse from behind. With a determined look he watched as the ajar door came closer, a shaky breath filling him as he approached the door.

The criminal leaned over the boy and pushed the metal door, opening it wide to reveal the starfilled sky above them. Although the beautiful moon shone bright, Midoriya wasted no time admiring it.

Glancing around he realised he was in a backend alley, a parked car vissable between the ruble and trash bins. Just as one of the villain's he'd seen earlier stepped out of the car, Izuku threw a hasty look over his shoulder; a small spark returning to his puffy eyes as his orbs settled on another narrow path between two buildings.

'Kami.. Please let this work.'

The moment the man behind him began steering him towards the car, Izuku inhaled deeply before clenching his yaw.

Far from what anyone expected, the young boy leaned forward so quickly that when his head came speeding back, it colided hard with his escort's yaw.

"Ouch! You little —"

Despite the slight dizziness, Midoriya still managed to stay clear minded as he brought his foot up in the air, only to slam it down on the black converse right behind him.

The startled shout was enough to alert the other villains, the rest of them quickly piling out of the car. But it was already to late. The same moment the greenette felt the grip on his arms loosen he wrenched himself free, ignoring all the shouts Izuku ran towards the narrow opening, stumbling as he tried to keep his balance.

He was significantly slower while cuffed, much to Izuku's dismay. It didn't help that his legs felt like yelly, his muscles having barely been used the last two weeks. But he could feel the adrenaline taking over his body as he ran, a soft numbness starting to edge over him.

Izuku's breath hitched with every rapid intake, the sound of feet hurrying after him feeling like a ticking time bomb.

He only carried one thought with him— He had to get out.  



I'm not trying to make excuses but I can't seem to stop.

I know this is late but a lot has been going on with my family so my head is kinda everywhere.

I actually wrote this chapter a bit longer but it turned out to be a bit much togheter so you will probably get another part out today or tomorrow (trying to get in finished now).

I know this chapter might've not been the most entertaining but I need it to move it all forward so I hope you can excuse me 😅

But I want to thank you all for reading my story and commenting, it really makes my day and my will to practice more. Thank you all!

(Btw, got a screenshot back when the reads where at 666... Yup)

Thank's for reading my annoying notes- here, have a cookie!


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