The Kids Aren't Alright

By Alicornofweirdness

34.3K 1.8K 7.1K

It was just supposed to be a simple bonfire party. Dancing, talking, and maybe a little drinking. But things... More

Prologue / Introduction
✰ Chapter One ✰
✰ Chapter Two ✰
✰ Chapter Three ✰
✰ Chapter Four ✰
✰ Chapter Five ✰
✰ Chapter Six ✰
✰ Chapter Seven ✰
✰ Chapter Eight ✰
✰ Chapter Nine ✰
✰ Chapter Ten ✰
✰ Chapter Eleven ✰
✰ Chapter Tweleve ✰
✰ Chapter Thirteen ✰
Thinking Space
✰ Chapter Fourteen ✰
✰ Chapter Fifteen ✰
✰ Chapter Sixteen ✰
✰ Chapter Seventeen ✰
✰ Chapter Eighteen ✰
Thinking space 2
✰ Chapter Nineteen ✰
✰ Chapter Twenty ✰
✰ Chapter Twenty-One ✰
✰ Chapter Twenty-Two ✰
✰ Chapter Twenty-Three + Thinking Space ✰
✰ Chapter Twenty-Four ✰
✰ Chapter Twenty-Five ✰
✰ Chapter Twenty-Six ✰
✰ Chapter Twenty-Seven ✰
✰ Chapter Twenty-Eight ✰
✰ Chapter Twenty Nine ✰
✰ Chapter Thirty ✰
✰ Chapter Thirty-One ✰
KILLER EXPLAINED - ⚠️ spoilers ⚠️

✰ Chapter Thirty-Two ✰

615 31 359
By Alicornofweirdness

CW: Lots of dialogue bc I can and I'm too lazy to be descriptive😰😰 I checked over this shit multiple times, I swear if there's a fucking error I will throw my hot wing at someone.

The killer walked further into the room and
slammed the door, leaving a loud bang for everyone to here.

"I have come to fulfill my duties"

"What duties?" Sunset asked, raising an eyebrow in disbelief.

"The duties given to me by my lord and saviour." They answered. They paused and continued to further explain. "He had come to me in the night, whispering his wise words into my ears for those words to flow through my mind and stick."


"Jesus. And God. They say when you pray to the lord, and come a sinless token he will grant your wishes. Not like a genie, but he will answer your prayers."

"First of all, why are you talking so formal? This isn't mediaval times or some shit. Second of all, why are you talking about this?" Sunset asked.

"Don't you see, I am here from God. Jesus. They have guided me to follow my own path." The killer looked over to Twilight. "He says sometimes we must make sacrifices in order to live the well desired life."

Sunset bursted out into laughter. She laughed so hard, she had to wipe the tears from her eyes with her shirt.

"Laughing at my religion?" The killer said, it drew Sunset's attention causing her to stop laughing. "Typical Atheist. Your 'I believe in nothing' bullshit is so expected. You'd never understand!"

Sunset began to slowly stand up, putting her hands in front of her just in case the killer tried to do anything. As she stood up, she let go on Twilight's hand. Twilight held her stomach, as she laid against the wall watching everything and saying nothing.

"Listen, I may be atheist now but I was still raised a Christian." She hesitated. She began to control her breathing and talk at a slower pace to soften the situation. "I was raised to think God was accepting and loving. I'm not trying to invalidate your beliefs but God would never send someone to go and kill and torment innocent teenagers!"

"You're talking Blaspheme!"

"I'm talking common sense. No one contacted you. And whoever did, it's not someone who wants to look out for you." She paused trying to find the right words to say. "It's someone who wants to take advantage of you. Whether it's your own thoughts and voices or something else."

"You're a disgrace to your family!" They chuckled. "But I forgive you, for the sins you have committed. It is Twilight who shall pay for ruining everyone's lives."

"What the hell are you talking about you psycho."

The person in the hood took off her hood and revealed herself.

"Wallflower Blush?!" Sunset said in shock.

Wallflower gave Sunset a devilish smile. She pinned Sunset against the wall, weirdly she had enough power and strength to hold her against the wall. An appearance with hers, no one would have guessed she was still strong. Let alone, the one who was behind everything.

"You made me this." She hissed, shoving Sunset harder.

"What do you mean."

"Spoiled milk."

Just those two words immediately brought Sunset back to the time when she was a bully to everyone.

No one to talk to, Sunset had no idea how to express her feelings. No positive influence by her side to help prevent her from doing the bad things she did.

Wallflower Blush, the easiest target Sunset could get. No one cared nor remembered her existence, so every time she had a chance to bully her it was the most easiest of them all. A girl who never cared to speak up, never cared to not dress like a homeless person, never even cared to make friends. The weakest link.

The last day Sunset ever rudely interacted with Wallflower was the day she decided to pour sour, spoiled milk all over her. Completely humiliating her. But it didn't matter. Who was going to remember her anyways?

Wallflower was already dealing with her own problems, the only thing she ever thought about was how sinful she was. Her mother's words playing in her head like a broken record player on repeat. A tormented soul tired of everything.

"I love you, Sunset. At first, I thought your intentions were ill yet they were only out of love. You tormented and played with me the most. There are many types of love and I have learned that now."

"I don't l-like you like that. I don't love you like that either. I never did."

"Twilight has filled your head with denial. You belong with me!"

"Twilight doesn't even talk about you. And you're the crazy one here. You're telling me you did all of this just for me?" Asked angrily, raising her eyebrow again.

"Yes. Now out of my way." Wallflower pushed Sunset to the wall and walked over to Twilight with a knife."

As she was about to stab Twilight one final time, she was met with Sunset in front of her instead.

"Ah!" Sunset yelped, as she fell down to the ground while holding her stomach.

Wallflower stood above her, shadowing her. "Why would you get in the way of my sacrifice? I'm not even trying to hurt you!"

It finally hit Sunset Shimmer. Wallflower was never contacted by any God, all this time she didn't even know she made a deal with the devil or some kind of darkness.

At first, Sunset thought she was talking crazy. Although she suggested it at the beginning of this whole thing, she finally believed herself.

"She's not your sacrifice." Sunset replied, kicking her in the leg and tried to crawl over to Twilight to make sure she was okay.

Wallflower was distracted for only a few seconds before quickly getting up and pulling Sunset closer to her. Sunset cried out as she was being pulled back. Wallflower found the noise coming from Sunset's mouth rather annoying. She pinned her to the ground and pushed her harder into the floor.

"Y-y-you need to stop getting in my way!" She stuttered.

"Stop messing with my life. I don't and never have loved you." Sunset snapped, spitting at her.
The spit went into her eye, causing her to yell and fall back trying to wipe the saliva away.

Sunset managed to get farther away this time. She crawled to a barely responsive Twilight who was still holding her stomach with both hands.

"Twi, just hold on. I promise I won't let you die." She assured her, rubbing her hand with her own.

As she was comforting Twilight, Wallflower grabbed Sunset and stabbed her in the leg. She cried again in agony as the pain seared through her leg. The pain was too much. The pain she felt in her stomach and her leg. She tried hard not to cry and kept holding in her tears.

"Oh my god. Stay." Wallflower commanded, pointing a finger at Sunset like a dog.

She walked over to Twilight and pointed her gun.


A shot was fired. Everyone was on the ground, including Wallflower. There was glass scattered across the floor.

Now she was extremely angry. Seconds before Wallflower pulled the trigger, Sunset smacked the gun out of her hand causing the bullet to miss Twilight and hit the window instead.

The angry Wallflower kicked Sunset across the floor, her back hitting against the couch. She slowly strutted over to Sunset. One foot in front of the other at a steady pace. Each step harder and louder the closer she came.

She held her knife in the air. "I was really trying to give you and me an amazing life. I had to sacrifice someone." She frowned for a minute until it flipped into a devilish grin. "You really got in the way of things, but maybe God will enjoy two sacrifices. Any last words?"

"Never trust a bitch who dresses like she's homeless and hangs out with fucking plants." Sunset hissed.

She finally built up enough courage to kill Sunset, once and for all. Even though she loved her and wanted to be with her, sooner or later they would be.

Pow Pow!

The sound of two more gunshots were fired. Wallflower dropped her knife and held onto her arm. She placed a hand onto her shoulder, as she rubbed it she felt hot blood.

Shocked, she slowly turned around to see Twilight unconscious with a smile stuck on her face. A hand placed on her stomach where the mark was drawn and another hand centimeters away from the gun.

Sunset kicked Wallflower, who was too distracted trying to think about how and what happened, with her other working leg.

As Sunset limped to the space where Twilight was, she went to check Twilight's pulse. Luckily, her pulse was good. She most likely passed out from the pain and shock. Sunset grabbed the gun that was next to Twi.

"Move any closer, You're dead." Sunset huffed, pointing the gun while relying on the wall to give her slight support for her leg.

Wallflower looked defeated. She put her hands up in the air and began to back up about two steps. "You don't need to point that thing at me. I don't even have anything else." She smirked.

"Tell me the real reason you did all of this." Sunset said, shaking but still keeping the gun on Wallflower Blush.

Wallflower took two more steps back, closer to the window. "I knew you didn't have the best life, we're basically the same. Surrounded by people yet still feeling isolated. Not having the parent figures you wanted to be around or there for you. Their absence made you get into things you didn't want to do at first, but it was too addicting to stop and became a daily thing in order to stop the pain."

"We're not the same."

"If you say so, Sunset Shimmer." She backed up until she hit the window. Her bloody arm smearing against the thin glass.

"You're disgusting." Sunset answered. She started to feel light head and lost her balance. She slid down the wall.

"Feeling uneasy?"

Sunset ignored her comment and held her head with her hand. Still pointing the gun at her

"While this has been fun, I do have to go."

"You're not going anywhere." Sunset struggled to stand up but still relied on the wall for support again.

"You're right, you guys are coming with me." She grabbed a lighter from her pocket and began to light herself on fire. "I told you we'd be together."

After those words, police and ambulance sirens could be heard from the outside. Sunset felt relieved until Wallflower started acting weird. Instead of dying and screaming, she said weird words that she couldn't quite be picked up.

"flesym ekam I taht ecifircas A, noitceffa yreif srehtaf ni yal I ereH. rehtegot detinuer eb lliw ew, noos kcab emoc lliw I." She said as she slowly melted in the fire.

This freaked Sunset out. The fire started to spread on her apartment walls. She decided there was only one way to fix this.


The noise of the gun shot was louder than the last ones that were shot. Sunset had shot Wallflower right in the head, the bullets must have been strong enough to make her fall out of the window as well. The gullet sound was so loud, one could barely hear the sound of the thin breaking and falling on the floor.

Sunset was starting to feel more light headed after that. She heard a splat as well which she chose to ignore. Although there was still fire on the walls, there was a lot of smoke which made her head feel worse. She soon closed her eyes after everything. The last thing she heard before everything was inaudible was banging on the door.

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝟐 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫
𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐨𝐭

After everything, the case has finally been solved. Well, somewhat. Everyone still had to go to court but The seven managed to get amazing lawyers that would definitely help them win.

Adagio was being held in An all girls prison. Even though she never killed anyone, she was still actively involved. Her sentence was lessened to only five years. Her last, most famous words to the public were "At least I look great in orange, unlike these other hoes."

Fluttershy was found as well as Twilight's dog in a abandoned warehouse hidden in the woods atop a hill. Spike, Twilight's dog, was at Shining Armor and Cadence's house. Fluttershy was recovering in a better secured hospital room on a higher level. She had to stay at the hospital longer because of how many things she needed in order to still be alive. She's in great care now.

Twilight's wounds were too infected and she barely remembers anything from shock. Trauma will do that to a person. Make them forget everything that even happened. She had to stay at the hospital much longer. Great news is she remembers Sunset, bad news is thats all she remembers.

And lastly Sunset. Sunset has to be in a wheelchair now but it's not as serious as it sounds. She can't walk with the other leg and would need crutches but her stomach is still badly wounded from when she was stabbed there.

The other girls felt so bad for blaming it on Sunset. They apologized and did a lot for her in the past two days. Sunset forgave them to a certain extent. They knew that they could never really have the same relationship before and that they would have to part their separate ways. They decided that they would stay friends for a great next school year and take their own paths when it's time for college.

Rarity payed for everyone's hospital bills and fees. Rainbow Dash and AppleJack brought the best food for everyone, even though they would fight on wether to get Chinese Take Out or Mexican To go. Pinkie, with her lovable self, found a way to make everyone laugh again.

Sunset did have a better relationship with Pinkie Pie when finding out Pinkie never thought it was her.

Before everyone went home because visiting hours were over, the five decided to meet up in the hospital parking lot.

"I'm so glad this is finally over." Rainbow Dash said.

"Agreed." The rest of them said relieved.

"I'm finally glad that we aren't receiving the notes anymore. They gave me so much anxiety!" Pinkie Pie rejoiced.

"Wallflower never wrote those notes." Sunset said.

"WHAT?" they all yelled.

"She said she didn't have time for notes. I didn't believe her at first but she told me that she never learned how to write in cursive because it was too confusing so it couldn't have been her. And that she doesn't use stamps for her letters because they're too prissy for her."

"Well, we'll know on court day." AppleJack concluded.

The gang all said their goodbyes and headed home. Wallflower watched from the hospital room window as their cars all went their separate ways. Surprisingly she was still alive. She just need about 32 more surgeries to stay alive and not end up on a ventilator.

"Never trust those closest to you, as they may deceive you in the long run." Wallflower said aloud, a rasp in her voice. She closed her eyes and never opened them again.

For now.

QOTC: Was this a good book with a good plot?🤪

A/N: anyways thanks for reading this far. I'll put a killer explained chapter as well. Kind of rushed because I changed some things and then I forgot what I changed LOL. My phone also didn't work and I didn't end up getting a charger until around like 1am today. Like y'all probably don't believe me or some shit but my charger literally exploded at the side and started smoking smh💀

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