I am Sasuke's twin sister...

By LadyXenia843

34.8K 1.1K 205

The war ended. Hearts are broken. Feelings have changed. Will things go back to the same? Third Season of IAS... More

Before starting.


2.1K 79 4
By LadyXenia843

"I have your work for today, Hokage-sama. I was about to place it in your desk." I said getting the papers ready.

He opens the door for me, and let me enter first. I laughed.

"What's funny?"

"You are the Hokage, but you opened the door for me." I said with a genuine smile.

His eyes relaxed, and I could see a small smile behind his mask.

"Ahem. It's my pleasure to work with you, Miss Saki." Kakashi-sensei said to me with his hand towards me.

I placed the papers down, and took his hand.

"The pleasure is mine, Hokage-sama."

I went out, and began to do my work. When I sat down, not even five seconds passed, and someone gave me scrolls.

"What are these?"

"Missions from another villages." He said and left after answering.

I looked at them, and some where weird.

"Hmm..." I said looking at the scroll.

It was just fishy. I called one team of ANBU.

"You called, Saki?"

"Read this." I said handing them the scroll.

They took it and read it.

"Good morning, I am Kaneki Romaki. My daughter has gone missing from two weeks ago. She is 3 years old. My wife is dead, and she is the only thing I have left. I am worried she had got kidnapped and I worry for the worse. I need your help to find her. I will be waiting for your help."

"Tell me what is weird."

"Well... he never says the name of the little girl."

"It's been two weeks. That village is only one day from here. It shouldn't have taken that long to write a report. Why now?"

"One of you go as a ninja going to help, I want the other three to just look for signs." I said to them.

They nodded and disappeared. I also noticed it was close from the village that Natsu lived in. I hope he is safe. The day passed and, I would take lunch to Kakashi-sensei, and then I would eat. I also gave him tea to make his stress levels low. The first day passed without problems. Today, we were lucky to not have to stay overnight. I took a bath, and then fell asleep. The next morning came, and the ANBU I had sent came early to me.


"When we went there, I looked for the person that sent this scroll, and he didn't looked distressed or worried. He was unusually calm." One of the ANBU said to me.

"When we questioned him why he waited too long, he said because he thought she had gone with her uncle." Another one said after.

I nodded.

"I need you guys to find the little girl. Or find out if she is even real."

They accepted my request, and disappeared. It was 10am.

"Time for a snack." I said and got up.

I get for his tea and some cookies. I knocked on his door.


Kakashi-sensei was reading some papers, and then looked to me.

"You can leave it there." He said looking at the paper again.

I placed the plate in a little table, and then went to the door.

"Saki. I need the reports of the last three months."

I nodded.

"I will have them done in 15 minutes."

I exited and went to the library. I created three clones to helped me. Days passed and I wouldn't hear from the ANBU. I began to get worried.

"Hokage-sama." I called him.

He looked at me. I explained what had happened, and he heard me until I was done.

"Send another team to look for them, and keep me in contact."

I nodded, and did what he said. A day passed, and everyone came.

"Tell me what happened." Kakashi-senseiasked the ANBU.

"We found them in a cave unconscious." The team that we sent to look for the others answered first.

We then waited for the other team to answer why they were in a cave.

"We don't remember how we got there, nor knew that we were sleeping for days. We only remember looking for the kid... then we were in the forest, and... I am sorry. I can't remember past that."

Kakashi-sensei looked at me.

"Get a ninja from the Yamanaka Clan."

"Right away." I said and got going.

I got Ino to get in the ANBU's mind. She was the first one I saw available. We were in the I&T tower.

"I am going to get inside your brain, and I need you to be relaxed as you can." Ino began to say.

She did her Mind transfer Jutsu, and we waited. After a couple of minutes, she was done.

"I can't see anything about the days from the past week. They are pitch black. I would guess that they out a seal in them, but I am not familiar with this type of seal." Ino said to us.

Kakashi-sensei nodded, and left.

"Check their bodies for the smallest thing. We need to find the seal." I said to the other ninjas that were there.

I go behind Kakashi-sensei. When we arrived, he talked to me.

"I have a bad feeling about this."

I nodded in agreement.

"I ordered them to look for a seal." I said to him.

"Yea, good job. Then give me the other papers from today, and keep my in contact with them."

I nodded and went outside the office. They were so many questions. Why did they killed them? Is there actually a three year old? Why did they put a seal on them?

"Good work, today."

I stoped thinking, and said it back.

"Don't stay up too late."

I nodded with a smile. I finished tidings things up, and then went home. I walked to my apartment, and got in the bath. I still had my mind in that mission. I couldn't sleep until late at night. A weekend passed, and we couldn't find any seals, clues, or even Kaneki. It was like nothing happened. We couldn't keep looking for it, and worked on other missions. Today, I came early from work.

"Guess who am I."

"... Natsu?" I said confused by him being home today.

"I am so sorry for not being with you in your birthday..." Natsu said in a depressed tone.

I just stared at him.

"... I think we should break up, Natsu." I said to him.

Natsu looked hurt.

"I didn't meant to not be with you in your birthday. I just wanted to chat with a friend that I haven't seen in ages."

"... well, if we break up... You will see her everyday." I said with a bitter smile.

"Are you jealous?"

"It's not that, but I think if only one is going to put in the relationship, then this is not going to work." I said to him.

"Saki, don't do this. We love each other." Natsu said holding my hand.

"... Why don't you want to break up? Don't you just hang out with other people than me?" I said taking my hand out of his.

He didn't said anything.

"Don't worry, I am not going to tell my brothers, so you can live in peace." I said as I went to the door.

I opened the door.

"So, I want to break up."

Natsu walked to the door.

"We are not going to break up. We are going to take a break. I think we need it." He said and closed the door behind him.

I sighed, and did my night routine. I couldn't sleep that night. Surprisingly, I didn't cried. I thought I would, but seems like I didn't even liked him seriously.

"You are earlier than usual." The receptionist said to me.

I only smiled.

"I woke up early." I said back.

I went to my desk, and began to work. It was Sunday, and the work was done earlier than expected. When I went out, my friends were waiting for me.

"Saki." They called me.

One hour after.

"On my fucking birthday. He chose his 'friend' over me." I said on my twelve shot.

"What???" Everyone exclaimed.

"You should have called us." Hinata said to me.

"I tried to break up, but he said that we were only going to get a break between us..." I said back to them.

Hinata hugged me.

"Gurl! Then don't hang out with him anymore. Even if he doesn't want to, you want to break up, so don't let him decide for yourself!" Tenten said to me.

I took another glass.

"We shouldn't be talking about him! I heard there's a party today, let's have some fun!" Ino said to me.

I nodded.

"Let's go!" I said standing up.

We all went to the party, and I began to drink more. We were dancing, and I got wild. I was dancing while drinking. I was dancing against someone else, and he was grabbing my waist.

"Do you want to continue the fun somewhere else?" He asked me.


"What do you mean no? You seduced me!"

"I said no, and I didn't seduced you, you seduced yourself. You are not even that cute." I said to him.

People were looking at our direction, so he couldn't do anything else, and left. I went were my friends were and hugged Hinata.

"All men are trashhh!" I said cried while hugging Hinata.

"Come on, Saki. You know that's not true. Your brothers, and your team are great guys." Hinata said to me.

I looked at her.

"Yeah... you end up with a great guy... but all my relationships don't work!" I said defeated.

Hinata patted my back.

"Saki looks like a cat."

I ignored them.

"Don't just stay there! We came to dance and have fun!"

The night passed, but so did the day came, and so did reality.

"Ugh..." I said feeling the hangover.

I got ready for work, and acted like nothing happened. When I was done for work, I saw Natsu waiting outside with a banquet of roses. When he saw me he knelt.

"Please give me one more chance. I love you, Saki."

Everyone was looking at us.

"You told me we needed time." I said back to him.

"I couldn't be without seeing you for that long."

"Don't do this at work." I said to him with a sight.

We went to my apartment.

"My brothers could have seen it." I said meaning 'you could have died'.

"I don't mind. I love you."

"You say you couldn't wait anymore, but waited a week from my birthday to see me."

"I haven't seen this friend from a year."

"I wasn't asking a year. I was asking a day."

He got closer and kissed me. It had been more than a week since I kissed him. The heat over come me, and I kissed him back. We both kissed, and it was a long kiss.

"This is your last chance, Natsu." I said breathing slowly.

"And I will not disappoint you." He said looking straight at me.

We just slept together that night. No sex. I went to my job like normal, and we decided to be in contact with each other daily. There weren't cellphones here, so I used summons.

"A meeting?!?!" I whispered yelled while reading the scroll in front of me.

I calmed myself down, and went to the Hokage's office with his snack.

"Hokage-sama. You have a meeting with the Kages." I said to him while setting down the plate.

He looked tired. I guess being a Hokage isn't that good...

"A meeting?"

I nodded. Kakashi-sensei sighed tiredly.

"When are we going?" He asked me.

"Tomorrow morning." I answered back.

He nodded, and we continued to work. I had to stay a little longer because I had to leave everything ready for the people that were going or cover us. I went home, and ate something before going to take a quick shower. When I was out of the shower, I decided to get my things together for tomorrow. I put extra clothes in a scroll, then extra weapons in another scroll, and things like that. I packed them in a bag, and wrote notes for my family. This trip was going to take a week at least. I didn't want them to worry and flip the world upside up to find me... I fell asleep after I was ready.

The next morning...

"All the papers are in order. Everyday new papers come in. If they are confidential-"

I was cut by Shikamaru.

"I get it, I get it. No need to repeat it multiple times..."

"Sorry, I am just worried."

"We aren't kids, now go before you get late to the meeting."

I nodded, and it was only Kakashi-sensei and me. It's not like he needed more protect than me.

"Shall we get going?" He asked me with a yawn.

"Of course, Hokage-sama."


2177 words

(A/n- Poor Saki... She just wants to be happy 😢)


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