By stunna4cee

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" Having somebody by your side to help you, can make them everyday battles easier... especially if that wasn'... More

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6.8K 305 74
By stunna4cee


I groan as I start coming to. I held my head as it was pulsing, it felt like it was about to explode. My hearing was slowly coming back as I heard Deion's voice.

" What the fuck you mean you don't know where he at!? ", he yelled. I looked up and noticed him in the front with Roddy on the phone with somebody. I was laid out on the seat in the back. I watched Roddy as he was speeding and changing lanes.

I push my hair out of my face and slowly sit up and look out the windows. I squint my eyes as I try to figure out where we're going through the tint. We're literally in the middle of nowhere, there's no street lights around or any other cars.

I cant remember anything that happened. The only thing I remember is the guy coming over to talk to me and that's it, anything after that is a blur.

Deion looks back at me and pushes his phone between his ear and shoulder, he grabs something from by his feet and hands it to me.

It was my purse and 3 water bottles. I grabbed it but was confused at all the water. He went back to his phone conversation and I opened one of the waters and drank some. All I could taste was alcohol and I hate it, I don't even drink I don't know why I decided to.

" Ight yo, when you find him just bring him to the warehouse. ", Deion said before hanging up the phone. " Where are we going? "

Nobody responded and I huffed. It's so hard trying to get answers out of Deion. I just asked a simple question that could've been answered with a simple answer.

" I- ", I began saying. " Just sit back and relax yo. I'm tryna figure shit out right now. ", Deion told me sternly not even looking up from his phone. I roll my eyes and look out the window again. I notice a car in the door mirror behind us with no headlights on.

I make a confused face. It's weird because we're the only cars on the road, Roddy makes a left and so does the other car. They start picking up speed as we do too.

" I think somebody's following us... "

Deion quickly turned around and looked out the back window and smacked his lips, " Shit... speed up Roddy. " He speeds up and I sit in my seat correctly and put my seatbelt on. Deion grabs something off his lap and rolls his window down. I see him holding a gun out the window pointing it to the car behind us.

" Deion what are you doing!? ", I yell as he's shooting at the car. I hear glass breaking and shots firing back at us causing my ears to start ringing.

After my ears stop, I look back at the car and they were swerving and it looked like Deion had shot their front tires. Deion gets back in the car and rolls the window up. He looks back at me, " You good? "

" Why did you shoot at them!? ", I questioned ignoring what he asked me. " They was following us yo, whatchu mean why I shoot? " I scoffed and didn't say anything, all of this is really crazy.


" Hmm, your ears may be sensitive for a while... ", the doctor told me pulling away from my ear. " Try to stay away from loud things, it'll only make the ear ringing and headaches worse. "

I nodded and looked over at Deion as he was staring at me. His phone was ringing in his lap but he wasn't answering.

" And you said she hit her head somewhere, right? ", the doctor questioned looking at Deion. He nodded, " Yeah yo. "

Deion told me I hit my head at the club when he was doing his meetings. I really don't remember anything after the guy coming up to me.

The doctor grabs the folder of papers from by me and examines them, " Your scan came back okay. No major bleeding or inflammation to the brain... so I would just stay with somebody for a few days in case the hit was that bad and you go into a coma. "

" I- I don't have anybody to stay with. ", I stammer. " I live by myself... " The doctor pushed her lips to the side, " And what about you sir..? "

Deion looks up at the doctor then back at me, " I live by myself, she can crash wimmie... How many days this gotta be for? "

The doctor gave him a tight lipped smile, " Just 3-4 days at most, then a coma shouldn't be at a high risk anymore.

" Ight. ", he said simply.

I really don't wanna stay with Deion. I like being home at my house, alone. One of the reasons I live by myself.

I especially don't wanna be staying with my boss. It's going to be annoying, I can already feel it.

" We staying over at yo crib. ", Deion told me as we were walking out of the doctors office. I looked up at him with a mug on my face, " Why you offering up my house? "

I wanted him to stay at my house anyways but why is he telling me like it's his house to offer?

" You not coming over to my crib, you ain't gone be comfortable there. ", he explained. We got in the car and he started it up. I immediately put on my seatbelt. He had told Roddy to leave before we came to the doctors office so Deion drove here.

I don't trust Deion's driving at all, he drives fast and carelessly. I need to work on getting me a car so people don't have to keep driving me around. At least I'm saving money not buying Ubers.

" How come I wouldn't be comfortable? "

Deion chuckled and looked over at me, " You be asking a lot of questions yo... " I shrugged. He's right, I do. It doesn't matter though because I never get an answer.

" You don't ever answer me so it doesn't matter. ", I sassed. He nodded and didn't say anything. I pulled my phone out and went to my messages. My messages to my mom were still on delivered. I looked at the time and it was too late to call now.

I sigh, I hope she's okay. I'm gonna visit her tomorrow. I've been dreading it because a ride to where she's staying is at least 40 mins to an 1 hour so that means the Uber ride is going to be expensive.

I would ask Deion if he could take me but he would ask about the situation with my mom and that's the one thing I don't wanna talk about.

We pull up to this gated house. He types in a code and the gate opens. He drives up the curved driveway and parks the car in front of the door, " Stay hea. Ima grab some clothes and shit. "

I nodded before he got out the car making his way into the house. The house was huge, I would love to live in something like this... why wouldn't I be comfortable here?

I look around his car. I would expect Deion's car to be a little messier but it's like he just bought this car. Everything looks untouched and brand new. This is my first time seeing this car, I wonder how many he has in total...

He starts walking out of the house with a duffle bag in his hands. He gets in the car and throws it in the back.

Deion digs in his pocket and pulls out his phone. He then unlocks it and goes to the maps, " Put yo address in. " I grab the phone as he was holding it out to me and put my address in while he starts up the car. I live 25 minutes away from Deion... that's kinda far.

I hand him his phone and he starts pulling out of his driveway. I eye him as he relaxes back in his seat. I still can't comprehend that he shot at a car today. We could've just kept making turns or whatever we had to do to lose them, shooting at them was over the top.

The car had slowed down and we ended up losing them so I don't know if anybody was hurt or not.

Am I supposed to tell somebody? If they did get hurt.. or even died would I be counted as an accessory? I would be having a killer stay in my house.

I don't know but I wasn't going to let this stress me out. I feel drained and dizzy. If I really did hit my head, I wonder how it happened and I wonder if the guy who came over to talk to me was there at the time.

" Can you slow down? ", I ask looking over at Deion. He ignored me and and kept speeding. There were barely any cars on the street so there wasn't anybody in front of us. He pushed the gas a little more.

He starts chuckling. Is he crazy?

" Deion, I'm not playing. Slow down! ", I urged him. He smacked his lips and started slowing down, " You no fun yo. " He looked over at me with his lip curled.

I rolled my eyes, " Sorry for wanting to stay alive. " He stopped at a red light and looked down at his phone, " You act like I can't drive at all... yeah, I drive fast but I know what I'm doing. "

I waved him off and didn't say anything. I didn't feel like arguing right now, I just wanted to get home.

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