AtPek | One Shoot | Hekimoğlu

By lenoap

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Wedding💌 part1

174 19 32
By lenoap

𝘎𝘶𝘺𝘴 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘷𝘰𝘵𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵, 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘐𝘯𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘭s 𝘮𝘺 𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯💕

Everything always has its logical end…
Their history could not have ended otherwise….
And now it is time for the great Ipek Tekin to take the responsibility of marrying Ateş Hekimoğlu.

Ateş and Ipek were sitting on the couch in the living room, watching TV, Ateş playing with  Ipek's hand, which had an engagement ring on it, Ipek's head resting on Ateş's shoulder and closing her eyes from exhaustion.
A: Ipek…
I: hmm
A: Wedding...
Ipek was confused, did not expect  to talk about this topic from Ateş
I: What?
Ateş pointed at Ipek's finger and said
A: You are already my fiancée, but we haven't even talked about the wedding yet…
I: Not required.
Ateş did not like this answer, his gaze shifted to Ipek, who had her head stuck in his neck.
A: What does  not necessary means?
I: You know I do not like such grandiose things and also  you aren't… - (ipek has not finished the proposal)
A: Neither do I…?
I: You are not obliged to do what you do not want because of me, you and the wedding are 2 radically different topics.
A: Or are you holding back from doing for the wedding because of me?
I: To tell you the truth no, I do not like to show my Private  to others.
A: Or what do you mean after 20 years, as it turned out I was allowed to be happy with you and you refused to marry me?
I: If I refused, I would not were this ring now .
A: And if we do not have a wedding, how will you become my wife?
I: There is a House of Justice where you can go, sign and legally I will be your wife.
A: I want a wedding.
I: You do not want to!
A: I want to!
I: Ateş!
A: You are not my Boss at home…
Ipek raised one eyebrow.
A: But Mother…

Ipek closed her eyes, took a deep breath, but still refrained from answering, and finally said in a calm tone
I: We will have a quiet, small wedding without any extra pomp…
Ateş smiled like a small child and before he made a sound
I: But today I do not want to talk about this topic, please go to sleep I am very tired.
Ipek got up and held out her hand to Ateş, Ateş took her hand and followed ipek into the room, Ipek finished applying the cream and burned it like a corpse in the bed,  Ipek said in a stern tone before Ateş opened his mouth to say anything.
I: If you say something, we will not have a wedding and moreover this midnight you will have to go home

Ateş started sobbing loudly like a small child, and after finishing the irritating buzz, he turned off the light and burned it on his back with Ipek's. A few minutes later he turned to Ipek, put his hand on his waist, smelled her hair, and fell asleep like a small child. Ipek smiled lovingly at his behavior and fell asleep herself.

2nd day evening:
Ipek was busy sorting through the paperwork when his door opened and Ateş entered, sat down in his chair and took ipek's detox and drank
I: You haven't come in all day, hopefully everything is fine.
A: I was in a polyclinic.
I: Something really terrible is happening.
A: Nothing happens except that you prefer death to talking about a wedding.
I: I have time for this, now ? (ipek pointed to a table full of documents with her eyes)
A: Ever, if you put your life in front of the hospital, who knows how many years ago we got married.
Ipek realized that ateş was just heartbroken, put the pen on the table, got up, straightened her jacket and sat down in the chair opposite Ateş, crossed her legs, unbuttoned her jacket and leaned on chair's back.
I: I'm listening…
A: What are you listening to?
I: Tell me how you imagine our wedding
Ateş looked up with glazed eyes
A: On the beach…
Ipek nodded, convincingly
A: You are in a white dress…
Ipek did not like this idea anymore but did not want to upset Ateş so she continued to listen carefully, got up for a few seconds and took coffee from her desk, then sat down again in the same posture…
I: How many guests do you think?
Ipek sipped her coffee
A: 100-150…
Ipek started coughing, calmed down for a few seconds and looked at Ateş
I: You can find another bride…
A: Sir?
I: What did I ask, Ateş?
A: What did you ask me?
I: I want a small wedding, just because you want it too.
A: And if you still agree to the wedding for me, what does it matter if 20 human applaud you or 120?
Ipek realized that talking to Ateş made no sense, and the last time she tried her luck, she got up and  approached Ateş and sat down at the magazine table, put Ateş's hands in her and looked him in the eyes:

I: Which Ateş I know and love, did not like weddings at all…
A: you are wrong… and I, which ipek I know, she is madly in love with such ceremonies.
I: Nw it is the only ceremony that i think is pointlessly appreciated and nonsense.
A: I like it very much. And I want to have a wedding in life.
I: Once you already had, with Selin…
A: I want to be with you!
I: Look at me, I'm ready for you, on the beach, put on a white dress, catch flowers, do makeup, hair, spend time choosing decorations, go crazy before going to the ceremony, But please On this day, do not stress me out and do not make me obligated to do all this in front of 100 strangers.
Ateş understood ipek very well, and knew for sure that crowding was so stressful for ipek
I: And who in general should invite so many?

Ateş took a deep breath and said without taking his eyes off the ground

A: I amn't But... Belgin and Irfan….
Ipek realized what was going on…
A: You'll see, Selma and kerem (Ipek's parents) also want to invite a lot of people…
I: They want to but we will not allow them to interfere, this is our day and as we wish everything will be so.

Ateş looked at ipek and thought in his heart how lucky he was that this angel existed in his life.

I: Essay Have you already told your parents that we are getting married?
A: No, I just know what they ask me...
Ipek laughed

I: To be honest i don't want to listen requests too,  that is reason why i haven't called selma.

Both Ipek and Ateş laughed.

I: For When do we plan a wedding?
A: As soon as possible!
I: Anyway?
A: For example at the end of the month.
Ipek looked at the calendar on his desk
I: so... in 2 weeks.
A: Aham, everything will be as you want to be, plain and modest.
I: No it'll be as we both wish... Agree?
A: We agreed.
Ipek held  finger, Ateş crossed his finger with Ipek's finger and held hands.
A: I get mad when you act like a woman Hekimoğlu.
I: I will be official soon…
A: As it turned out! I will leave you now and you will practice signing documents
Ipek laughed, Ateş got up from his chair and went to the door
I: Ateş…
Ateş stopped and turned to Ipek, Ipek approached him and left a long kiss on his lips.
I: I love you.
Ateş was even more pleased with her action, smiled childishly and looked at ipek with curious eyes
A: And Hospital, Since when does it no longer matter what they think?
I: If you remove lipstick from your lips, no one will understand…
Ipek winked her eyes and returned to the table.

Ateş was waiting for ipek in the parking lot in the evening, ipek smiled when he saw Ateş…
Ateş handed Ipek a helmet and cunningly pointed his eyes at the motorcycle…
I: Please, another time, now  go by car.
A: Why?
I: I have a meeting tomorrow morning and I do not want to go by taxi.
A: Okay, but give me the key.
I: okay.
Ipek handed Ateş the car key and gently smiled at herself as she sat down next to the driver.
Ipek was sitting in the traffic jam and looking out the window, Ateş put his hand on her cheek
A: I think you are very tired today.
Ipek looked at Ateş, gently smiled
I: Yes, I'm tired.
A: Do you want to go eat Tantun?
Ipek was not pleased with Tantuni's understanding
I: No, another time.
Ateş was surprised by this answer but agreed.
Upon arriving home, Ateş was watching her TV series on ipek's laptop while Ipek was cooking dinner in the kitchen. Shortly after, she called ateş
I: Honey, I'll go to the bathroom for a while and then have dinner.
A: Good, darling.

Ipek, frightened, confused, faded and at the same time infinitely happy, was watching a pregnancy test in her hand, which showed a positive answer. After a short silence, she looked in the mirror, poured water and sprayed her face. Then go back to the kitchen.
I: Come on, dear. it's ready.
A: I'm coming.
A: Pasta with chees! Ideal.
Ipek smiled gently, pulled the mineral out of the fridge he4self, and sat down at the table.
A: You do not eat?
I: No i am not hungry.
Ateş, put down his fork, took a deep breath, looked at the table and said
A: If you behave so strangely only because you do not want a wedding, forget about it at all and do not make it.
Ipek got up from his seat, leaned against the kitchen cupboard, and said in a quiet voice
I: What does it matter ? Can't I just be tired and not hungry ?!
A: You do not want a wedding?
I: I want to! I already want it very much.
Ateş looked up with a smile
A: Really?
Ipek smiled fondly and nodded while Ateş continued to eat, shortly after Ateş got up
A: I fall asleep are not you comming?
I: I will wash the dishes and come.
A: I will wait for you and go together.
I: No you i do not want to, go and i'll come.
He approached  ipek, put his hands on the kitchen and moved  ipek between the table and the cupboard.

A: What bothers you, why are you so tense and excited?
Ipek was confused, did not know what to say, put her hands on Ateş's neck and told him
I: I have to call Selma and maybe a little bit because I'm excited, nothing more.
A: Well, do not worry about it, I have to call my parents tomorrow.
I: okay love, I will not be nervous anymore and I will come soon.
A: Aham
Ateş gently kissed Ipek and went up to the bedroom, Ipek took a deep breath, tidied up the kitchen and sat down on the sofa. He picked up the phone for a long time and wondered if there was something very tense inside her, she could not understand what it was, whether the story of the marriage should be told to the parents or how ateş would get the pregancy of ipek . After sitting motionless for a while, he picked up the phone and called his mother
I: Alo, mother…
S: Ipek this midnight. Why do you call is it peace?
I: It is only 11 o'clock and there everything is okay. how are you? You? Father?
S: Well, girl you?
I: I'm fine too. Mother…
S: listening
I: You have to come to here, you and Dad.
S: Why? Yoy Already scared me, what's going on?
I: I have a wedding at the end of the month.
After this sentence a minute's silence was heard from the other side of the phone
S: So far, why didn't you tell us anything
I: Today we decided on a wedding date.
S: And boyfriend that you had folks why didn't you tell us?
I: I do not know mom I am already a big girl, and I probably forgot to tell.
S: Well, maybe when you called us, Neither didn't you have, you call 2 times a year in total.
I: come on
S: Good, we will arrive in 1 week.
I: thanks.
S: Goodbye.

Ipek hung up the phone, took a deep breath, closed her eyes tightly and by inertia, fell hard on the couch and Lie down , her condition and fatigue paid off and she slept so she could not understand.
In the morning Ateş eyes that opened ipek did not wqs his side, it was an unusual situation for him, got up on the first floor and saw a sleeping ipek, approached her, pulled her hair from her face and smiled gently, at the fact that  she was sleeping as a child.
A: My life, wake up.
Ipek did not pay attention
A: come on, wake up.
Again she continued to sleep. Finally, Ateş  tried last time...
A: Darling, we are late, you have a meeting and it is already 9 o'clock.
Normally, ipek should have heard this sentence must got up with lightning speed, but in vain
I: I will get up in five minutes.
Ateş was surprised, confused and realized that something was wrong.
A: Did you talk to your parents?
I: Aham.
A: How did it go?
I: Normally.
A: Judging by your mood, it did not go well.
Ipek rolled her eyes and stood up
I: No, everything went well, they will arrive in 1 week.
She approached Ateş, kissed him on the cheek and got up from the sofa.
I: will you drink tea?
A: Yes. What are your plans for today?
I: I have a meeting in the morning, then there is a council and I have the paperwork to sort out.
A: Or do I not dream of being at home with you today?
I: i would love too, but I do not think your boss will fire you today.
Ateş laughed.

A: You won't drink coffee?
I: I drink at work. You eat, I will prepare and go.
Ateş nodded in agreement, and started drinking tea. At this point ipek called out loud from the room
I: Have you already talked to your parents?
A: Nw
I: what Nw means?
A: I will call them in the evening.

I: Good as you want.

Ipek came out of the room, wearing black pants and a beige top, sat down on the couch, put on her high-heeled shoes, and got ready to leave.
A: Are you ready?
I: Yes.
Ateş opened the doors and went to the car, ipek felt dizzy as she left the door, but soon ran over and went to the car.

A: Can you go the 2nd way?
I: Yes but why?
A: I sell sweets to the kids for breakfast.(team)
I: okay(Ipek smiled fondly)
Ipek took Ateş where he asked, and when he returned with the bag in the car, took out one of the cakes and brought it close to Ipek. The smell of strong chocolate caused nausea, but Ipek did not notice anything with Ateş, she moved her face Cold and opened window.
A: you love it, why do not you eat?
I: I do not want to.
A: But it is very tasty.
I: Then you eat ...
Ipek soon Thought  a reason to justify her behavior
I: I have no desire not to suit a wedding dress ...
Ateş laughed out loud
A: So you won't eat?
Ipek nodded her head
A: But you, everything suits you ... <3
I: No matter how much you flirt, you can not invite at least 150 people to the wedding.
A: let's be only me you and orhan.
I: Wonderful idea!

At this point, Ateş jumped out of the way, kissed ipek before Jump , and said cunningly

A: Leave all the bad energy at work, return home in a good mood.
I: I'm not bad.
A: Are you sure?
I: If you do not behave badly, I do not think anything will spoil my mood.
A: As you command Boss.
I: Call your parents.
A: ok. goodbye.

Although Ateş and Ipek worked in the same hospital they could not meet each other all day. This day became very important for Ipek because her baby, for the first time, sh3 saw and heard its heartbeat. On the one hand, she was very happy, because she was very close to fulfilling her dream, and at the same time, her favorite person was with her in that dream. On the other hand, the reaction of her favorite person was frightening, because after all, he was Ateş, he did not look at all.
After a tiring day she went to Ateş's office, the team was already leaving when the doors were opened…
Z / E / M: Good Evening  Teacher.
I: Goodbye. (Smiled warmly)
A: How did I deserve your visit, dear?
I: Are you not coming home?
A: Yes, but mostly we meet in the parking lot, so I was surprised…
I: I do not have the right to meet in my fiancé's office?
A: What did you say repeat? ...
I: What did I say?
A: Repeat what you said.
Ipek nodded and laughed
I: Groom.
A: Sounds perfect. Now we can go.
Ateş took ipek by the hand and they headed home.
A: Even today, won't you come with me to eat the tantuni?
Ipek, despite being in a good mood, felt very tired
I: I'm very tired
A: okay.
I: But let’s call it home.
Ateş smiled childishly.
A: How do you wish, Boss… or the bride?
I: Both sound great.
Upon arriving home, Ateş called Tantuni and watched TV on the couch, Ipek put on black pants and a white short-sleeved top and sat down by Ateş's side.
I: did you talk to your parents?
A: Yes.
I: Then?
A: They were surprised, but I think they were happy, so they will arrive in 1 week.
I: Wonderful.
Ipek put her feet on the throne and leaned on her stomach, thinking for a while about how to tell ateş the news of her pregnancy, she was afraid and also did not want to hide.
I: I have something to tell you (Ipek said softly)
Ateş smiled as he listened and looked at the TV again.
I: I'm pregnant.
Ateş did not understand the seriousness of this news at first
A: Wonderful, congratulations.
He continued to watch TV, swallowed saliva for a few seconds and looked at Ipek with unnoticed but happy eyes:
A: What did you say?
I: I'm pregnant, Ateş.
A: wait, how? Or when did you find out? Why didn't you tell me?
I: Calm down, first. You have lost color on your face.
At this time the doorbell rang, Ipek got up and returned with Tantuni in her hand, Ateş at this time still trying to comprehend what he had heard. Ipek approached him and sat down and said in a low voice what she wanted to say the least.

I: If you do not want ...
A: What nonsense ?! How could I not want to?
Ipek was surprised by this answer and Ateş's further words were surprisingly happy.
A: just promise me that you'll help me to be a good father (smiled at ipek)
Ipek replied with a gentle smile.
I: Of course.
Ateş approached Ipek, left a small kiss on her lips, wrapped around her waist and abdomen, put his head on her shoulder and said
A: This baby is lucky since being in the womb.
I: Why?
A: Not every child even has the happiness to attend their parents ’wedding.
Ipek smiled, took a deep breath, closed her eyes tightly, and leaned her head against the back of the sofa.

Thanks for reading💜

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Next part on +10 <3

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