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If ipek would be sick and Ateş would take care of her.

In valid atik everything was going as usual, it was late evening, most of the staff were going to house, only a few nurses were moving in the corridor. At that time, Ateş was playing ball in his room, after solving the case, he was trying to find the strength and reason to go home. Suddenly the door to his office opened, Ipek rolled over.

I: As I heard the case was resolved, congratulations.
A: Thank you, did you come to say that?
I: amm no, I need your signature on a few documents.
A: Then why did you bother, I would come to you in the office, who has heard the boss work so hard ?!
I: Just sign.
A: Why do you find it so hard to admit that you just wanted to see me?
I: Ateş!
A: Well give me, I will sign now.

Ipek put the papers on the table, and at this point she suddenly felt dizzy, and leaned against the table. Tried not to notice but realized she was losing strength from her feet.

A: Ipek ... Ipek, Ipek!
Ateş suddenly got up from his chair, took her hand and helped to maintain balance.
A: Well, calm down, come sit here.

A: Look at me.
I: Nothing Ateş I'm fine, I just felt dizzy.
A: You don't have color on your face at all.
I: There really is nothing but I'm very tired today and that 's probably why I feel so weak.

Ateş put his hands on Ipek's cheeks
A: Ipek, don't you really feel?
I: What? Ateş.
A: Burn. You have a fever.
I: Okay ateş, it's time for me to leave.

Ipek tried to get up, this time Ateş touched her arm and stopped her :
I: Aaa! It hurts what you do.
A: Sit down, do you have muscle pain?
I: Slightly ...
A: What else hurts?
I: Ateş. Nothing special. I am going home, I want sleep.
A: Wait.
I: I am not a child, why should I wait for you.
A: Can't we get to the parking lot together? Go before I get ready and pick up your belongings and meet me to the elvator
I: okay ...


A: okay give me key.
I: Ateş are you crazy? Why should i give it to you?
A: Cause i will take you home.
I: No needed. I am fine.
A: yes you are fine. Just you can'r open youe eyes, fell dizzy in all 5 five minutes and burning. Give me key?
I: Ateş...
A: Ipek!

Ipek gave key to ateş. Then they both got in the car and drove to Ipek's house.

A: If you want, I'll close the window.
I: No, thanks.
A: But you can not see it, you are trembling.

Ipek looked at her hands

I: i haven't noticed it. Probably reason isn't cold, cause i fell so hot right now.
A: We came.
I: Thanks fo help.
A: No problem boss.
I: Good night.
Ipek went home, took the key from her bag, Ateş looked without taking his eyes off her, and called before entering the house:

A: Ipek
ipek turned around
A: Take care of yourself ...
I: Okay, thanks ...
A: Drink tea and do not forget to take medication.
I: Ateş, I am also a doctor, do not forget.
A: Okay, get in, if not you will freez.
I: Good night.
A: I will leave the car key in the car.
I: No, go home with my car and take it to me in the hospital tomorrow.
A: okay.

After entering the house, Ipek took a hot shower and went to bed.

Ateş, as usually went to work. Listening to music in the room, had not yet found a new case. This time Ipek remembered and decided to see how she was. Went to her office. But the door were locked.
"Where is Ipek teacher?"
Ateş asked an ipek assistant.
"I do not know teacher, she did not come today and does not answer the phone"
A: What do you mean you do not know? Your boss did not come to work, and you haven't wondered where she is? Did she have a meeting scheduled? "
Assistant: No teacher.
Ateş went to Orhan's room without saying anythin
A: Doctor. haven't you seen ipek?
O: No, but her car is in the parking .
A: I came with her car ...
O: Sorry?
A: Forget, nothing.
At this time, Ateş left the room and tried to call Ipek, but in vain.
Ateş drove to ipek's house. He knocked on the door but no one answered, then he took the key from under the flower pot and opened the door as soon as he entered in the entrance he saw a bag of ipek and her phone. He inspected the first floor and went up to the second floor in Ipek's bedroom. When he entered Ipek slept like a baby. He approached and checked her breathing, at which time Ipek got up and was suddenly very frightened when she saw Ateş.

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