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If Ipek and Ateş, would behave like a couple with Ateş's family...

Sometimes, the game helps us to express our feelings ... It is one step from illusions to reality, the main thing is to have a partner in the play ...
It was one normal evening in Valid atik, almost half of the medical staff was already gone, Ateş was about to go home soon, he was very tired, in the end it is not easy to escape from ipek and polyclinic.
While he was getting ready to leave, the door of his office opened, and he froze on the ground, everyone was waiting for him in his office at that time, but he could not make a sound, he could not answer with same smile ...
A: Mom, Dad? What are you doing here?
Irfan: What was it, son, did you see the ghost?
Belgin: What is the question? We missed you and we came, but you do not come with us.
Irfan: can we sit down?
A: Yes. Are you going to stay here?
B: We will probably stay in the old house for a few days.
A: Why didn't you warn me that you were coming?
Ir: cause you would travele to another continent , if you knew (said irfan cynically)
B: Irfan ..!
Ir: Well I'm silent.
B: Son, what's new?
A: What should happen to me, mother?
B: I do not know, for example in your personal life ...
Irfan smiled ironically
Ir: Belgin, Ateş has no personal life, we both know. Which normal person would love to him?
Ateş got angry at this word and said it without thinking
A: You imagine and there is someone in my life, father.
Both were surprised and looked at ateş in surprise.
B: Why did you tell us about this, son so far? (Happily)
A: I do not know, I did not want to say on the phone.
Ir: Is she human?
A: Yes, beautiful human
Ir: Outwardly?
A: Spiritually too.
B: Very good, then we will definitely get to know you.
A: No needed, mother
B: How? If you let us know, so it is a serious relationship.
A: But ...
B: None but, opposition makes no sense.
By this time Ateş was already confused, he could not see a way out of anything, he had a hard time admitting to his father that he had lied, he could not continue this play much ...

Ir: Where does she work?
A: Sorry I did not hear?
Ir: What is a profession? where does she work.
By this time he had no answer, was ready to give up, at which point Ipek knocked on the door and entered.
A: come in, my life.
I: My life?
Ipek was confused, but as soon as she looked at Ateş, she realized that something was wrong and she was in the game.
I: Oh love, I came.
At that time, Ateş sighed ...
A: Meet, my mom and dad.
B / Ir: Hello.
B: I am Belgin, the mother of Ateş.
Ir: Irfan, father of ateş.
I: I am ipek ...
At this point Ateş helped ipek complete the proposal
A: My fiancée ...
Ifek looked surprised and said with a confused smile
I: Yes, the lover ...
B: Very nice.
I: For me too.
Ir: You were right Ateş.
A: About what?
Ir: I wonder, why did such a beautiful girl decide to be with you?
B: Irfan ...
Ir: What?
B: I think it's better to go now.
Ir: Yes it is better.
Ateş, Irfan and belgin stood up, before belgin and irfan left the office, Ateş approached ipek and put his hand on her waist. He looked into her eyes and read in the eyes of ipek that he would be killed for this behavior in the next 10 minutes.
B: By the way, we are going to stay here for 3 days, you should definitely come for dinner.
A: Yaaa mom, what do you need? you wanted to mret ipek and you already did, there is no needed of dinner.
B: I did not ask you Ateş, I invited ipek.
Ipek was too polite to refuse a request for someone older than her.
I: Of course, if Ateş agrees, we will definitely come.
Ateş looked up in pleasant surprise
A: If you want to go, okay.
B: Wonderful. Then before the meeting.
I / A: Goodbye.
Both of them said goodbye to Ateş's parents with a gentle smile. As soon as they both felt that they were not going to turn back again, Ipek freed herself from the arms of Ateş and started watching him.
A: Don't look at me like that, I had no other choice.
I: What does it mean you had no other way? How can you say such a lie? Are you lying to your parents that you have become a middle-aged man who dreams of having a quiet old age in a wooded house with fireplace in the forest with his 5 children and wife?
A: Well not a bad idea folks, you will be able to raise 5 children together.
I: HA HA HA, what joke are you? (Told ipek seriously)
A: What are we going to do tomorrow?
I: We have to go.
A: If you do not want to, I will definitely think of a reason for something, I do not understand why you agreed.
I: I do not know, I do not like the refusal of the request.
A: Do you feel bad just listening to my requests ?!
I: I mean good requests?
A: And why is my evil?
I: Ateş, you can ask me to kill a patient for 15 minutes, it sounds really good!
A: I do not understand what you do not like.
I: Good I am going. good night.
A: ipek ...
I: hmm
A: Thank you for helping me ...
I: for a Nothing but, then they will be very heartbroken, they rejoice in your happiness, do not play with their feelings.
A: Good night, my love.
Ipek laughed, sent a cunning and artificial kiss, and left the room.

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