By Pwetty1Vicky

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What becomes the fate of mankind when the Apocalypse of the devil and his demons take over the world?.... Mar... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 1

316 87 134
By Pwetty1Vicky

The sound of a ringing bell could be heard as sounds of feet crumpled around.

The nuns of the Bridgettines, Order of the holiest savior convent which is found on the Piazza Farnese, close to the campo de' Fiori, Rome in Italy, known for its popularity and spirituality.

The nuns marched in a line as they entered the holy chapel in the convent for the 3'o clock prayer of the Divine Mercy.
With long flowing cloaks and veils that covered their hair, they took their seats one after the other with a holy rosary in each hand.

Among them sat a young nun, Maria. She looked at the holy crucifix putting her hands together in prayer as she closes her eyes, bowing slowly. The sound of the ringing bell stopped, and the hall became so quiet that a drop of a pin could be heard from afar.

The mother superior of the convent; Mother Tekla Famiglietti, genuflect, cross the crucifix with her gaze fixed on it.
Kneeling at a pouch in front of the altar, the nuns did the same, kneeling as they meditated silently.

"Hail Mary, Full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus" Mother Tekla prayed loudly, and the nuns responded.

Maria knelt with her eyes fixed on the face of Christ as she held on to each bead on her rosary.
She is 19 years old and has lived her whole life in the church.

According to Rev. Father Oliver, who brought her into the church orphanage home when she was a baby state that she was so fragile that he thought Maria would die at a young age, but she didn't, knowing that God has a purpose for keeping her alive.

She grew up in the hands of Sister Mary, who took good care of her, teaching her the way of Christ.

Maria watched Sister Mary's method and her way of life. She ended up falling in love with it, as a result of this deciding to become a nun and serve Christ withstanding all temptations and keeping her purity for the love of Christ.
Immediately she turned 13; Maria joined the convent living the life she has always wanted, ensuring that she serves God the best way she can.

After the prayer, she sang beautifully as other nuns responded to the chorus. Her voice, as powerful as the highest waterfall of marvel, is so captivating and filled with power whenever she sings, lifting souls and piercing deep into the hearts of men.

The prayer came to an end as the nuns got up from their seats, exiting the chapel.
Maria sat back, a smile on her face as she looks at the statue of Christ. Her love for God was so strong and unbreakable. She was so lost that she didn't notice the absence of other nuns.

"Sister Maria," A voice called out.

She came back to reality, looking at the face that stares at her. Realizing who it is, she got up quickly from her seat as she bowed slightly in respect.

She touched her head as a sign of peace. Mother Tekla motioned for her to stand.
"You sang beautifully today," she complimented as Maria smiled.

"Thank you, mother superior; it's great serving God; I feel his presence anytime I sing," Maria responded, beaming with smiles.

Mother Tekla nods in affirmation, "Of course you do, and I am happy to have someone like you here who lifts our souls in song; you are indeed a tool for Christ," She responded.

Maria looked back and was surprised to see no nun left except her and Mother Tekla.
"I am sorry I got lost again," she apologized, looking at Mother Tekla with soft eyes.

Letting out a soft laugh, she gently pats her on her shoulder. "It's fine, you can go to your domain now" She dismissed Maria, who bowed and left humming softly.

As she climbs the staircase out of the chapel. She walked into the Convent kitchen as the aroma of spicy spaghetti with sauce meatballs filled the air.

"Good day Sister Ann" she greeted the older nun who looked back at her with smiles on her face.
Hugging her, she released her grip looking at Maria, "It's good to see you, my child," Anna said, touching her cheek.

"Same, Sis Ann, I am sorry I didn't come over yesterday as promised; I was busy writing hymns for Sunday Mass," she said, walking towards the pot of boiling sauce as she picks up a spoon to taste.

Ann laughed, "I guessed right, you and your passion for music, anyway, you sang beautifully at the chapel today," she praised.

With a meatball in her mouth, Maria smiled. She ate and took a glass of water, gulping its content down immediately.

"I can't wait for dinner; these meatballs are out of this world," Maria confessed, licking the tips of her fingers one after the other. Gently placing a kiss on Ann's cheek, she began to walk towards the door, "Bye, Sis Ann, I will come back later," she said, leaving.

Ann stared in the direction she disappeared to smiling, "What a lovely child," she sighed as she continued with her cooking calling her assistant for help.

She began to hum as she walked through the empty passageway to her room. Maria looked around with her whispers echoing slightly in the quiet hall.
A young nun approached her; they exchanged greeting, nodding their heads with a smile as Maria walked past her getting to her room.

Touching her pocket as she searched for the keys. Instantly, she remembered that her roommate will be in by now. She pushed the door slightly as it opened. She walked into the room, still humming as she closed the door.

She walked towards her bed, pulling off her veil as her long black hair flowed down to her waist region. Her deep blue eyes and perfect long eyelashes. Her youthful appearance is adding more to her beautiful feature. Slender body and tiny waist as she began to sing lovely with her red lips moving to the flow of the lyrics.

"Keep it down, Maria," her roommate suddenly said, tossing at the other side of her bed, holding a book as she stares at Maria.

"Oh, my bad, I am sorry," Maria apologized, picking up a pen as she laid on her bed. She brought out a big book with a black leather cover. It's her home book. Songs that she wrote by herself expressing her love for Christ.

She hummed softly, trying not to piss her roommate Catherine. The flow of enthusiasm increased as words popped in her head; she began to write, humming along with the lyrics.
Music is one thing she is excellent at, so she decided to dedicate her time to it whenever she is less busy.

With a smile on her face as she writes hymn after hymn. She looked out of her window and saw birds fly around a tree with their nest on it. Breathing out, she gleamed, her gaze not leaving the beautiful work of nature.

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