GyllenHolland: Chaos Walking

By girlwithpossibilites

7.5K 224 18

The third, and final, edition to Tom and Jake's relationship. Mainly surrounding them quarantining together... More

First Day Out
Miss You
Alyssa Pt.1
Alyssa Pt.2
Shut Down
Home Again
Relapse Pt.1
Relapse Pt.2
Alternative Medicine
Real Talk
Good Day
Mile High Club
Family Visit pt.1
Family Visit pt.2
Laundry Day pt.1
Laundry Day pt.2


190 5 0
By girlwithpossibilites

The next morning, Tom jumped on top of Jake. He budged his shoulder wildly. "Wake up!" He said.

Jake let out a frustrated groan. "What?" He dragged out. He slowly opened his eyes, seeing that Tom was smiling greatly towards him.

Tom began tugging on his arm, trying to pull him out of bed. "Come on! Get up!" He urged.

Jake yawned. "Fine. I'm up, I'm up." He sat vertically, rubbing his eyes. "Do you need something?"

He laughed. "Yeah, for you to get your lazy American ass out of bed. I have a surprise for you today!" He kissed his cheek.

Jake smiled to himself. "Okay, let me shower first." He kissed his lips.

"Don't take forever."

"I'll try not to." He kissed him one last time before getting out of bed.

He grabbed a folded towel from Tom's closet and made his way into the bathroom. He closed the door behind him and turned on the water. He undressed himself as the water heated up, throwing his dirty clothes in the laundry bin that was now dangerously close to overflowing. He placed his hand underneath the water checking the temperature. He pulled back the glass door fully, and stepped into the shower.

The hot water quickly fogged up the glass and bathroom. Jake leaned his head back, letting the water run through his hair and over his face. He grabbed a bar of soap and began lathering his body in the substance. It smelt of coconuts, like a tropical island. He ran his hands up and down his figure, noticing all the hickeys Tom's given him these past few days. He laughed to himself. If one were to go off first impressions, they certainly wouldn't guess that Tom is a sex deviant.

Tom was in the kitchen, trying to make the two breakfast. He settled on sausage with eggs, since that's literally all he could make. He pulled out a pan and cracked four eggs into the skillet. He listened as they sizzled while he got out the sausage packages.

Jake turned off the water, sliding the shower door open. He stepped out and began drying himself off. He started at his feet, inching his way up to his torso. He smirked when he came across yet another hickey on his inner thigh. He continued drying himself and then wrapped the towel around his waist. He opened the bathroom door to go find some appropriate clothes for this mysterious event.

"Baby?" He said. "What do I need to wear?"

Tom came out of the kitchen, grease on his left cheek. "Whatever you want. Nothing too lazy though." He cocked his head to the side when he saw Jake was snickering at him. "What?"

"You have something on your cheek babe." He laughed.

Tom reached up and wiped his cheek with the back of his hand. "Did I get it?"

Jake shook his head, still cackling. "Here," he walked towards him, getting super close to his face. He licked the grease up with his tongue. "There." He moved his tongue around in his mouth. "Tastes like, sausage?"

He wiped his cheek, smiling. "Aren't you a smart one?"
Tom pulled into the parking lot. He turned off the engine, and rolled up the windows. "You can open your eyes now."

Jake opened his eyes, his face instantly being filled with joy. "A museum?" He exclaimed. "How cool!"

Tom simpered. He reached over the console, grabbing his hand. "I bought tickets after you helped me last night." He kissed his knuckles. "You do so much for my depressed ass, and I really wanted to make it up to you."

Jake's eyes began watering. He looked up at the car ceiling, trying to keep the tears from falling.

"Are you crying?" Tom worriedly asked.

He shook his head. His lips curved into a smile. "Im just so," he moved closer to Tom's face, "madly in love with you."

Tom exhaled with relief. He pressed his forehead to his, closing his eyes. "I love you too." He opened his eyes, placing a kiss on his lips. "Now come on! I don't want them to start the tour without us." He slid on his mask and opened his door, stepping out of the car.

Jake followed, protecting himself with a mask as well. He held Tom's hand as they walked into The British Museum. The outside of the museum was old and fragile looking. The building was held up by collums, lining the front entrance. Above the structure were hand sculpted angels, bordering the roof. The entire outside was covered in small brown spots, due to how long this place has been around.

"Tickets please." The tour guide said. He was charming, and definitely had a smile that could win someone over. He was wearing a nice dress outfit, with shiny black loafers. His hair was slicked back and he had extremely sharp features.

Tom reached into his left pocket, grabbing their admission tickets. He handed them to the tour guide with a smile, although his mask hid it.

"Thank you." He said. He gave a nonchalant wink to Tom, which caught Jake's eye very quickly. "My name is Johnathan, and I will be your tour guide today."

There were nine other people in Tom and Jake's group, all of which seemed to care less that two famous actors were with them. Tom squeezed Jake's hand in excitement, while Jake kept an eye on their suspicious tour guide.

Johnathan began the tour, starting with the main entrance. The inside of the museum was massive. It had complex glass roofs that the sun shined through to light up the room, and cream colored tile flooring.

"If you follow me, we'll head onto our first exhibit of the day." He lead them to Nero the Man Behind the Myth exhibit. He stopped right in front of a statue with a bowl cut. "This," he gestured towards the sculpture, "is Nero. He is known as an infamous man in Rome due to his cruelty, inhumanity, and madness. He was the last male..."

"He looks insane." Tom whispered to Jake. He was trying to stay respectful of such important history, but some things just slip.

Jake quietly laughed as he nodded. "But the sculpting itself is beautiful."

"...if you would like to get a better look at Nero, please be my guest." Johnathan moved over, allowing his group members to come forward and observe the statues beauty.

The couple waited their turn, as they were the last to take a look at the sculpture. Jake couldn't help but notice how the tour guide was staring at Tom. His eyes would rake over his body, then glance up at his face, and then he'd look down at his shoes, trying to play it off. Jake wasn't much of the petty type, but it made his gut twist when other people looked at Tom. It's worse enough he's basically one of the hottest men alive, so Jake really doesn't need any other competition. Jealousy at its finest.

He pulled his mask below his mouth, placing a tender kiss on Tom's cheek, making sure the tour guide saw it. Tom looked at him and smiled from behind his face covering. He pulled his mask down as well, returning a kiss to his cheek, keeping it short and sweet.

It was now their turn in line to gaze at the chiseled object. Nero's nose was pointy, with a button like figure on the end of it. His lips were thin, and he had side burns reaching the end of his earlobes. The paint on the statue was gray and dusty. And to pull it all together, were the whites of his eyes. A marvelous piece, if one were to keep it brief.

"Alright, if you'll follow me, we'll continue our journey to the Picasso to Celmins exhibit." Johnathan said, keeping everything professional.

The rest of the tour took around two hours. Tom and Jake got to see every inch of the marvelous museum, gushing over the intimate details of every art piece. The tour guide backed off Tom, seeing as Jake was making it really obvious they were together.

They finished up the tour with the Chaucer: 'Telling Tales' exhibition. "And that concludes the tour!" Johnathan marveled. "I hope you enjoyed it, and we'd love to see you visit again someday."

Tom thanked the man for the tour, while Jake kept his head turned. He didn't want to come off as rude, but he'd had enough of him hitting on his boyfriend.

As they were walking out to the car, Jake noticed Tom had a small piece of paper in his hand. "What's that?" He asked.

Tom shrugged. "Tour guides phone number." He crumbled it up, shoving it into his pocket.

Jake stopped walking, ripping off his mask angrily. "What? You actually let him give you his phone number?" He rubbed his temples. "You've got to be shitting me."

"It's not like I'm going to call him." Tom responded, taking his mask off too.

"So then why did you take it?"

"Because I was trying to be nice!" He threw his hands up in the air out of frustration.

Jake rolled his eyes. "Oh please, he was eyeing you since you first stepped foot into that building."

"And what's the problem with that?" He questioned, growing increasingly irritated. "I can't control what other people do babe!"

"But your my boyfriend! You're not supposed to lead other people on!"

"Fine!" He finally yelled. He reached back into his pocket, pulling out the tour guides number. He ripped it to pieces in his hand and then walked away to throw it in a trash can. He came back, dusting his hands off. "There, no longer a problem."

Jake opened the car door, sitting on the passengers side. He watched as Tom shook his head and walked around the front of the car. He opened his door, sitting down into his seat. "And quit looking at me like that." He said. He shoved the key into the keyhole, starting the car.

"I'm not looking at you like anything." Jake muttered.

"Yes you are!" He pressed. "Like your jealous or some shit!" He scoffed. "I wasn't even into guys before we started working together. So why the hell would I hookup with some shady ass dude I met at a museum?" He pulled out of the parking lot, his anger becoming apparent as he started driving.

Jake grabbed ahold of the dashboard, fearing that Tom would cause a wreck if he didn't calm down. "Okay, but can you please pull over if we're going to argue about this?"

Tom rolled his eyes. "It wasn't an argument until you started it." He pulled over onto the side of the road.

"Thank you." Jake sighed. "And I'm not trying to have a fight with you over something as stupid as a guy looking at you the wrong way."

"Seems like it." Tom grumbled.

Jake ignored his mumbles. "I'm just upset, because I basically already have to share you with the entire world." He inhaled and then exhaled slowly. "I want you to be mine, and nobody else's. I know it's narcissistic and selfish to want you all to myself but I love you so much it kills me. Your my- hmph!" Tom leaned over the console and kissed him. He made sure the kiss was deep and passionate.

He pulled back after a few seconds, sitting back into his seat. "I am yours." He held his hand. "And I'm sorry for leading that guy on." He kissed his nose.

"It's fine." Jake kissed his lips. He cupped the side of his face. "I love you my baby."

Tom smiled and kissed him. "And I love you." He pulled back and restarted the car. "So did you like your surprise?"

Jake giggled. "Liked it? I loved it!"

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