Huntler Chronicles

By panda_lover____

71.6K 1.5K 188

*** Please only read if you've read "The Betrothed"! May contain spoilers! *** This book will contain one-sho... More

June 28th, 2014
July 4th, 2014
July 15th, 2014
July 16, 2014

July 28, 2014

6K 148 52
By panda_lover____

Heeeellllloooooo, Huntler fans!

Okay, so this entry is going to be dated as July 28th, 2014 even though it’s already 2015 just because it will discuss details about the wedding!

YES. The long awaited wedding “chapter” is finally here!

It was all so fucking exciting because by the 28th, the seller of the home we looked at accepted our offer and then it’s just a matter of settling everything with the bank and signing the deed over to our name! 

Unfortunately, we weren’t able to get the house BEFORE the wedding and we still had to stay with our parents for a week after our honeymoon. In any case, we’ll get into the details with those things later!

So, I’ll start off from when we got home after visiting out future home for the first time…

“How was the house, you guys?” grandma asked as we walked through the front door. Hunter and I couldn’t help but beam right at her.

“It was an amazing property and we already put in an offer for it,” Hunter said looking at me with a wide smile before hanging his arm around my shoulders.

“Yeah, it’s perfect for us,” I continued. “Even perfect for raising our own family.”

Grandma squealed loud at that and it caused me to wince a little at the piercing sound. Suddenly, we heard thundering footsteps as they ran through the house to get to where we are. I could already tell who it was and why they were running.

“What’s wrong mom?!” Hunter’s dad exclaimed with a worried tone as he approached us with the rest of the family in tow. It was Hunter’s mom, my parents, and Nathan who came crashing down the stairs.

“Tyler’s pregnant!” she replied right back. I gaped at her in horror because… how did she know?! No, I’m kidding, I really, really want kids, but not before I graduate from college. I mean, i just came out of high school, for Christ’s sake! Also, I can’t bear a child. It’s just biologically impossible, but I’m not against the idea of getting pregnant. In fact, if I could, i definitely would.

Adopting is convenient for couples like us, yes, but it makes me sad that I can’t even make a child with Hunter. One that’s completely our blood. Needless to say, because it’s impossible for me to get pregnant, we’re going to have to stick to adopting.

“Tyler, you’re pregnant?!” my mom shouted in horror.

“What? No!” I retaliated with a bit of offense. Not because she thought I was pregnant, but that she thought that I could even get pregnant, which I was so badly. “Grandma’s lying for no reason.”

“Then, why was she shouting?” dad asked in return. I saw Nathan come down to the base of the stairs and moved around all the elders so he can get closer to me and Hunter.

“It’s because Hunter and I found a house that we plan on buying and I told grandma that it’s the perfect house for us… For raising a family of our own,” I explained and their expressions softened.

“Either way, you have to give me great grandchildren soon!” grandma said in a bit of a whiny tone. “I’ve been waiting so long for Hunter to finally get together with someone and plant his seed in them…”

I stared blankly right at her because surely she knows that even if Hunter does plant his seed in me, nothing will grow. “But—“

“Now I know that you can’t get pregnant, Tyler, but other than him getting someone pregnant, my main point was that he should come up with a way to give me great grandchildren before I die.”

I hated it when grandma talked like her days were numbered. She was still pretty strong so I know that she would last long enough to even witness our future kid hit puberty. And I’m talking about adopting a baby, not a grown child, so I’m hoping for more than a decade more of living with grandma.

“Oh, please, mom, on your last check up with the doctor, he said you were as fit as a fiddle. You’ve got a long time more before you can even think about leaving us,” Hunter’s dad scolded.

“Whatever! I’m an impatient bitch. I want great grandchildren. NOW,” she demanded. I love grandma and all that jazz, but sometimes she can act pretty immature considering how old she is.

“Don’t worry, grandma, soon enough, Tyler and I will adopt,” Hunter said in attempt to appease her. His arm tightened around my shoulders and all I did was turn my head so I could give him a quick peck on the cheek.

“Yeah, grandma, remember, there’s still the wedding to worry about,” Nate reminded. That caused a few loud murmurs to erupt throughout the whole foyer of the house where everyone decided to gather as soon as grandma calmed down from the “pregnancy surprise” that even I knew nothing about.

In the few days that passed, the majority of wedding planning was left to my family (and my future family-in-law) along with Cassandra, Eric, Alyssa, and Michael. As for Scott, I plan to send him an invitation, but I’m not sure if he’s already home. I also don’t even know if he’ll take offense if I do send him one. 

And then it was all seating arrangements for the reception, cake tasting, food tasting, finding perfect decorations, thinking of possible performers for the little program they started to arrange… All in all, I think the cost of the wedding will make both of our families go bankrupt.

I wanted to complain though because I didn’t care how extravagant the wedding was. All that mattered was that it happened with the people I love as witnesses. As long as I got married to Hunter and made everything official, I was content.

As the big day came, I got more nervous. Not because of all the people coming, not because of the fear of something going horribly wrong, not because I might end up doing something really embarrassing, but because the wedding day is one of the most important days in my life.

By making the vows, I’m entrusting my whole life to Hunter and we’ve only known each other for few months. Honestly, I still don’t know much about him, but I guess I’ll have my whole entire life to learn everything. It gives me enough time to not miss a single information about him.

I really couldn’t wait. Still, I couldn’t help but be nervous about it all.

It was finally the night before wedding day and fortunately everyone was able to come. Even Scott told me he was coming and I was ecstatic to hear the news. I thought he’d need more time to get used to it, but I guess not. 

I was refitting my outfit that night, and according to superstition, my groom wasn’t supposed to see me in my wedding outfit, but I wasn’t one to follow tradition. I sported my nice white tuxedo with a black bowtie and some black dress pants. I was in the middle of tying my bow when Hunter came in the room and he beamed right at me.

“You look hot, babe,” he teased as he got closer and walked up right behind me. He pressed his chest on my back, causing me to groan in pleasure of the feeling. 

“Thanks, Hunter,” I smiled through the mirror in front of me. He didn’t waste time to put his hand up so he can help me with my bowtie and as soon as he finished tying it for me, he brushed off my shoulders to fling away some imaginary dust.

“Very gorgeous,” he complimented once again. I stared back lovingly at his eyes as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, locking his hands so as to assure that he would never let go. He rested his chin on the crook of my neck and leaned his head against mine.

I raised my hands so I can cover his clasped ones that were over my chest and I also leaned my head against his. Moments later, I felt him unclasp his hands and start to rub my chest up and down, feeling me up before he buried his face in my neck, taking a deep breath.

“Hunter,” I whined when my pants started to tent up at the front. It was then that Hunter started placing butterfly kissed up my neck and to the back of my ear and his hands drifted down to cup the hard on that I was sporting. I moaned in pleasure and he started to stroke me over my pants. “Hunter, we can’t… Not in these clothes. I have to keep them clean for tomorrow,” I pleaded as he took my ear lobe and nibbled on it. 

I closed my eyes and let him take the lead and then he let go of my ear.

“Well, go ahed and take them off then. We don’t want them to get dirty,” he said in a husky voice. He quickly pulled off the bow tie from around my neck and started to unbutton my shirt. I continued keep my eyes closed and I ground my ass on his crotch. “Hmm…” he said in response and he ground his crotch on my ass too.

A few minutes later, we were completely stripped of our clothes, but we never left the mirror. We were still in the same position with Hunter right behind me. But without the clothing, Hunter had more access to my body, and so he took the opportunity to grab my length and started to stroke up and down.

“Look at the mirror, babe. Don’t you look so hot? Watch me as I stroke you,” he whispered in my ear. I couldn’t really hear much because I was too lost in all the sensations. “Come for me, baby,” he said commandingly. My breaths started to get shallow as I felt my own juices rise up through my côck. Hunter’s grip tightened as he pumped harder and faster.

“That’s it, babe, shoot it all,” he teased and when he decided to use his other hand to tease my nipple, I was thrown over the edge. The twisting and pulling and the pumping along with the dirty things he was saying in my mind was what brought me over and I spilled. I spilled all over the mirror as I looked deep inside Hunter’s eyes. He had a smirk on his face, which was showing pride of being able to pleasure me so intensely.

But then it was his turn.

“It’s time for me to pleasure you, baby,” I told him as I continued to pant, trying to bring myself down from the orgasmic high. 

“Oh yeah? And how are you going to do that?” he asked, licking my neck once again. He brought his other hand up so he can tease both of my now hard nipples at the same time, tweaking one and pulling the other.

“By nibbling on it with my tight ass,” I said confidently. I reached behind me and pumped him, making sure he was hard enough to penetrate me. Then I used his released to lubricate his well endowed shaft before pointing it to my opening and pushing back. He threw his forearm across my chest and his other hand grabbed my hips to keep me steady. As I pushed back onto his côck, he pushed forward.

“Keep looking in the mirror, baby. Look how hot we look when we’re making love.” I swear to god, Hunter was amazing at dirty talk. We shared sights again through the mirror as he started to pump himself in and out of me. I clenched my hole every now and then to “nibble” on his erection. “Fuck,” he grunted.

My mouth was open in a silent scream, but we didn’t dare to break eye contact. Especially when he started to pump faster and harder. 

“Baby, I’m gonna come,” he said. He let go of my hip and started to stroke me again as he pumped his way to his own orgasm.

“Shit!” I cried, as I shot for the second time, spraying the mirror all over with my come. Hunter grunted along with me as he kept pumping, though I knew that he was already releasing inside me.

I was then fully sated and completely ready for the wedding tomorrow.

— — — — — — 

I was very fortunate that when my clothes were removed, they ended up in a place that was far enough so our come didn't get them dirty. If they did, then I would have been in big trouble. The wedding wasn't until two in the afternoon and I woke up at eight in the morning.

My ass was still sore from Hunter's pounding the previous night and I can just feel it throbbing as I sat up. I bit my lips to keep a groan from coming out of my mouth, waiting to get used to the soreness.

Hunter appeared at the door from the ensuite in all his naked glory sporting a beaming smile. I smiled right back knowing where all the happiness was coming from.

It was our wedding day.

He walked quickly towards me as he wrapped a towel around his hips and sat down on the bed, placing a hand on my lower back so he can run it soothingly. I felt him lean in and give me a quick peck on the cheek.

"You showered already? " I whined. I was hoping we could take a shower together to start off the day, but his head was still dripping with water, which meant he already did.

"I can go back in with you," he offered, but I refused. It didn't make sense for him to go back in with me if he already took a shower. I briefly kissed him on the lips before grabbing a change of clothes and walking to the bathroom.

It didn't take long do the water temperature to go down to something more desirable as it was pretty warm outside. I needed cool water to feel refreshed. As I squirted some shampoo on my hands and lathered it on my hair, I felt hands rubbing my chest. I yelped in surprise only to find that it was Hunter holding a bar of soap who was washing me.

I leaned back in relief as I let him help me wash up. Our time in the shower didn't really get sexual. It was very platonic and the only goal was to have me squeaky clean. Towards the end, we ended up making out under the running water, but that was as far as we went. 

The whole day was spent making sure that everything was absolutely prepared for the ceremony and nothing was delayed. Our wedding will be held at the same place where Hunter proposed to me and everyone attending will already be sitting at there tables because the reception will be in the same hall after the wedding.

Two hours prior to the ceremony, Hunter and I had to go our separate ways. We each had our own dressing room at the hall and we were to stay apart until it was time for the ceremony. I stood in my own dressing room in front of the mirror, still just in my under shirt but with my dress pants already on. I heard a knock on the door and I immediately gave them permission to come in.

Once the door opened, I turned around, I turned around to see my parents in their formal attire with a happy-sad smile on their face as they walked closer to me. I returned the same smile and my mom ran to me, engulfing me in a hug.

“Congratulations, honey,” she whispered with a sniffle in my ear. I felt my dad pat me on my shoulder. “And we know we’ve avoided the topic, but your father and I are also sorry about Scott. We’re grateful that he can come today though.”

I shook my head. “No, actually I think I should thank you guys. Even though Hunter and I haven’t known each other for a while, I’ve fallen deeply in love with him. My feelings for Scott aren’t gone, but I don’t think it was love to begin with. So thank you for letting me meet Hunter,” I said.

My mom hugged me tighter and my dad joined in. “Well, good luck, son. You’re going to start your own family now,” he said with a smile. “You better work on giving us grandchildren soon,” he teased, making me scoff.

“We’ll leave you to get ready. See you out there, baby,” my mom said before pecking my cheek and walking out of the room along with my dad. There wasn’t even a few seconds after the door closed when it opened again without a knock.

“TYLER!” grandma shouted as she ran in excitedly with my soon-to-be parents-in-law in tow. She squeezed me tightly in a hug. “It’s your big day, sweetie. Excited?” she asked and I couldn’t help but cry.

Sure, Hunter and I love each other, but what if I don’t prove to be a good enough husband? What if we end up fighting over the smallest things and not have a clue how to deal with it? What if we were taking things to fast, only to find out later that our relationship isn’t as strong as we thought.

I couldn’t help but be scared of what we’re about to put ourselves into, but I knew that if Hunter was here, he’d be all over me trying to assure me that everything will be okay. That thought calmed me down a bit.

“If you and Hunter ever come across a problem, don’t forget that you can always come you your elders for help and advice. I know Hunter can be a bit abrasive sometimes, but you’ve got to be patient with him, okay?” grandma asked and I nodded.

I got a hug from Hunter’s mom and dad before they left. I had another hour left to prepare myself for the ceremony and I still haven’t dressed up yet. I quickly put on my dress shirt, and everything else before checking myself in the mirror again. Everything was up to par and all that’s left was to wait for the time when I have to walk down the aisle.

The hour passed by quickly because in just a flash, I was standing at the doors to the hall with my mom’s arm hooked through mine. In no time, the doors opened revealing a hall painted black with white curtains covering the majority of the walls. There were lines of white fabric running through the ceiling, like spokes on a bicycle wheel. The floors were white marble and the tables positioned around the hall were covered with white tablecloth. The cool breeze from inside finally hit my cheek, which brought me to reality.

All of my friends were there, including Scott who stood with with a bright smile and a twinkle in his eyes. Everyone stood up as they waited for me to walk down. There was a runway-like stage that led up to the altar. When the music started playing, my mom and I walked to the beat. We both walked carefully up the raised platform and with each step, I got closer and closer to Hunter who also had a happy-sad smile like my parents earlier. When my mom handed me off to Hunter, everyone clapped.

We turned to the pastor standing before us and everyone settled down as the ceremony started.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to today to witness the marriage of Hunter Young and Tyler Lewis,” he introduced.

He then went on to talk about the importance significance of marriage as well as its sanctity. He also preached about how a couple should work together and stay strong no matter what trials and hardship they may face. Hunter held on to my hand tightly and it gave me reassurance that we can overcome them all. In fact, I couldn’t wait to face those problems, because I knew that once we’ve worked through them, we’ll only become stronger than ever.

It was then time for Hunter to give his vow.

Tyler. We met on the wrong terms and gave each other a very horrible impression. I can honestly admit that even I didn’t know when I started to fall in love with you, but I did. Before I even met you, I didn’t even think I could fall in love with a man, but I did. I fell in love with you and I don’t have any regrets.

In the two months we’ve known each other, much of it was spent fighting and arguing and it wasn’t even long ago that we finally gave in to our feelings for each other. In such a small amount of time, we’re here now, getting married, starting our own life together.

I solemnly promise to give myself to you completely, wholeheartedly. I’ll make sure to always cherish you and take care of you for the rest of my life. You are my one and only love, Tyler, and I’ll always keep you in my heart.

He placed his ring on my finger and gave me a teary smile. Then I had to give my own vow.

Hunter, at first I saw you as total jerk after hearing you say those insults about me, but I’m over them really. Getting to spend time with you, I knew there were reasons why you said those things, but I also found out how kindhearted and loving you are. That was why I fell in love with you. Though, like you, I don’t exactly know when I fell in love with you.

But, despite all the bad things you’ve shown me in the first few seconds of meeting you, I also got to know great things about you and I can’t wait to learn more. We might be doing this all too fast, but it only gives us more time to spend with each other with more things to learn about each other. 

So, yes. I, Tyler Lewis, take you, Hunter Young, be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part… and more.

I placed the ring on his finger with a smile and our eyes connected.

“We have all heard the vows of the couple before us and we shall as witnesses to the promised they have bestowed unto one another,” the pastor says. He continues to talk about how our wedding vows are also promises made to God and how we should never break them until we are parted by death.

Throughout the whole ceremony, we heard the sniffles of the guests and we were only assured that we had the support of everyone behind us on our newly found marriage. And then it finally came to the time where it became official.

“By the power God vested in me, I now pronounce you Mr. and Mr. Young. You may now kiss the groom. Congratulations to our newlyweds!” he shouted and everyone rose up from their seats as they clapped and cheered.

Hunter and I had a long chaste kiss in front of the guests and as we pulled back, we knew that we would last forever, that no problem or trials or even people can break us apart. I was absolutely ready to spend the rest of my life in Hunter’s arms and his in mine. I also definitely can’t wait for us to finally raise our own kids.

And that was pretty much how the wedding went. The reception afterwards went just like how usual wedding receptions go with all the food and the embarrassing best man’s toast. We had fun celebrating our marriage.

With how everything was going, I knew that Hunter would do anything in his power just to keep me happy.

That’s pretty much it for this entry! Oh yeah, Hunter helped me write it! He’s actually sitting right next to me looking over what I’m typing.

He says ‘hello,’ by the way.

I love you guys!

‘Till next time,


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