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By jjslcve

16.9K 432 604

๐“๐‡๐„ ๐“๐Ž๐‘๐Œ๐„๐๐“ || โI never thought I would fall in love again, yet here I am falling for someone who I... More

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426 13 20
By jjslcve

[ chapter fourteen: hermia ]

° • ° • °

For Mia it had felt like hours had gone by before she woke up. But in reality, it hadn't been long enough. Once her sea-green eyes opened Hermia couldn't help but notice the pounding in her head. It surprised her because the last thing she remembered was getting stabbed, then falling unconscious in Lysander's arms while also hearing her brother promise that she was going to be okay.

As Mia pushed herself up to sit, she couldn't help but glance around. Some big part of her wished she could have woken up with her boys standing above her, watching her, as they had always done whenever she would get hurt. But as she glanced around her room, she realized she was back on Leo's ship and her boys were nowhere to be found.

A sigh escaped her lips as tears started filling her eyes. Just seeing them in that dream had really played with her emotions. That dream was the first proof she had in months of her boys being alive. She was there. She was inside their home. She got to hug them and again her boys had been ripped away from her again and it hurt, it hurt like hell.

Mia reached up to grasp her necklace and once her eyes took in the little heart-shaped charm with Jason's and Mia's initials on it, she couldn't help but worry something had happened. Last she saw Jason he had been knocked to the ground by Percy.

Oh, God. Here she was thinking about the pain of not being with her boys when her boyfriend could be dead.

Mia pushed the thoughts away and stood from the bed. Suddenly the room started spinning and Mia had to reach for her nightstand so she wouldn't fall to the floor. Hermia reached up to hold her head as she let the world stop spinning.

She was obviously exhausted, but she didn't want to stay in bed. She had to see Percy and Jason because she needed to make sure they were okay.

With a shaky breath, Hermia walked up to her closet and pulled out a clean Camp Half-Blood T-shirt. She could shower later, right now she had more important things to do.

Her legs were a little shaky as if they didn't want to be moving right now, but Mia pushed through. Besides the herbs Demetrius had given her were going to help with all her injuries, it just had to take a while for everything to heal.

Once Hermia made it to the mess hall she noticed everything was sitting at the table. They looked to be eating, even though Mia could see no one had finished.

Hermia smiled as she walked through the door. "Well, I hope you guys left me some food."

The whole room had already been quiet, but Mia's entrance made everyone look over at her. Some looked surprised to see her awake so soon and others looked relieved that she was awake. Percy looked guilty, but Mia didn't know why. And Jason? Jason looked so happy to see her that he couldn't stop his eyes from filling with tears.

In an instant, Jason stood from his chair and ran straight for Mia. He pulled her into his warm chest as soon as he reached her. Hermia sighed in content as she wrapped her arms tightly around him. Her fingers grabbed his shirt tightly as she buried her head in the crook of his neck.

Jason sighed as he held on to her tightly. His breath was deep and hollow as he held his girl in his arms. "You're okay," Jason whispered out. He couldn't believe she was here. Yes, he knew Mia was going to be fine, but now that she was back in his arms he realized just how much he had missed her.

"I'm okay," Hermia whispered back.

When the couple pulled away from their embrace Jason and Mia couldn't help but stare helplessly into each other's eyes. Jason smiled brightly before he took Mia's face in his hands and brought his lips down to hers.

Sparks flew, literally and it was like no one else was in the room, just them. Just two teens who were absolutely crazy about each other.

Jason moved his lips against Mia's, their lips morphing into each other. Mia couldn't help but bite Jason's lip as he pulled her flush against his chest, hands moving down to hold her back. Hermia's hands came to the nape of his neck, fingers interlacing behind him as she angled her head to deepen the kiss.

Before anything could get more steamy someone cleared their throat. Jason and Mia pulled apart, eyes glistening with a sparkle of desire. They would have kissed again if someone hadn't spoken up.

"Um, I don't mean to break up this tender moment, but we're not done with the meeting." Helena sent a smile to Mia, who couldn't help but blush deeply.

Before anyone could say anything else Leo stood from his seat and walked up to Mia. "Sorry, Lena but I need some loving, too." With that, he wrapped Hermia in a big bear hug. Piper smiled as she watched her best friends hug each other.

Jason chuckled as Leo pulled away. "I'm glad you're okay, Mia."

Mia's eyes softened as she sent him a smile. "Thanks, Dragon boy."

Leo sent the couple one last smile before he made his way back to his chair. Mia and Jason shared a smile as they made their way to where Jason had been sitting.

Before Mia could even walk to her own seat, Jason pulled Hermia over to his sit. No one said anything as Jason sat down and pulled Mia on his lap. Thank god Coach Hedge wasn't here to see this because he wouldn't want any of the girls to sit on the boy's laps. The group just let it slide because Jason had been so worried about his girlfriend. At least now they were together and Jason would be able to concentrate.

After the moment between Jason and Mia as well as Leo and Mia, the group went back to staring at Piper. Hermia glanced around in confusion. When her gaze landed on Jason, he sent her a smile before peaking her cheek. Mia chuckled as she wrapped an arm around Jason's shoulders.

"So what did I miss?"

Lena smiled at Hermia before moving her glance to Percy. He still seemed a little off so Helena brought his hand into her lap. She smiled at him as he leaned over to give her a kiss on the forehead. "Piper was in the middle of explaining how the eidolons-the possessing spirits are still here."

Hermia shared a confused glance with Jason, but he just nodded as they waited for Pier to continue speaking. When Piper was done explaining, the others looked at her uncomfortably. Up on deck, Hermia could hear Hedge singing something that sounded like "In the Navy" while Blackjack stomped his hooves, whinnying in protest.

Finally Hazel exhaled. "Piper is right."

Helena and Hermia shared a glance. This was all new to Mia, but even Helena looked confused.

"How can you be sure?" Annabeth asked from the other side of the table.

"I've met eidolons," Hazel said. "In the Underworld, when I was...you know."

Hermia had a feeling she was going to say dead. Hermia had forgotten that Hazel was a second-timer, much like herself. In her own way, Hazel too was a ghost reborn.

"So..." Frank rubbed his hand across his spiked-up hair as if some ghosts might have invaded his scalp. "You think these things are lurking on the ship, or-"

"Possibly lurking inside some of us," Piper said. "We don't know."

From on top of Mia's lap, Jason clenched his fist. "If that's true-"

Mia glanced down and pulled one of his hands into her own. "We have to take steps," Piper said. "I think I can do this."

"Do what?" Hermia finally heard Percy ask. She glanced over to her brother, but Percy couldn't meet her gaze. A look of hurt passed over Mia. She didn't know why Percy was being so distant with her and it hurt to think that her new brother didn't love her. Mia sighed as she looked back at Piper, all the while wishing she had Demetrius there to hold her.

"Just listen, okay?" Piper took a deep breath. "Everybody listen."

Piper met their eyes, one person at a time. Mia had an idea of what Piper was doing and honestly if she was right Mia was glad her best friend was here to solve this problem.

"Eidolons," Piper said while using her charmspeak, "raise your hands."

There was a tense silence as Mia glanced around the table.

Leo laughed nervously. "Did you really think that was going to-?" His voice died. His face went slack. He raised his hand.

Suddenly Mia felt Jason remove his hand from hers as he and Percy did the same. Hermia gasped as she stood from Jason's lap. She took a step back as she watched her boyfriend closely. Their eyes had turned glassy and gold. Hazel caught her breath. Next to Leo, Frank scrambled out of his chair and put his back against the wall.

"Oh, gods." Annabeth looked at Piper imploringly. "Can you cure them?"

Helena was watching Percy with worried eyes, but she too had backed away from him. Lena and Mia shared a glance, both shocked that this had actually worked.

It took a moment, but Piper finally started talking to Leo, or more like the ghost inside Leo.

"Are there more of you on this ship?" she asked.

"No," Leo said in a hollow voice. "The Earth Mother sent three. The strongest, the best. We will live again."

"Not here, you won't," Piper growled. "All three of you, listen carefully."

Hermia watched in amazement as Jason and Percy turned toward her. Those gold eyes were unnerving, but seeing all three boys like that seemed to fuel Piper's anger.

"You will leave those bodies," she commanded.

"No," Percy said.

Leo let out a soft hiss. "We must live."

Frank fumbled for his bow. "Mars Almighty, that's creepy! Get out of here, spirits! Leave our friends alone!"

Leo turned toward him. "You cannot command us, child of war. Your own life is fragile. Your soul could burn at any moment."

Hermia wasn't sure what that meant, but Frank staggered like he'd been punched in the gut. He drew an arrow, his hands shaking. "I-I've faced down worse things than you. If you want a fight-"

"Frank, don't." Hazel rose.

Next to her, Jason drew his sword. Mia gasped again and moved further back. "Not again," she said as she chanted a protection spell around Jason. Luckily the sell kept Jason from moving from his place. Frank and Hazel sent Mia a thankful look and Mia nodded back as to say "I got him."

"Stop!" Piper ordered, but Mia noticed her voice quavered. It looked like Piper was rapidly losing faith in her plan.

"Listen to Piper." Hazel pointed at Jason's sword. The gold blade seemed to grow heavy in his hand. It clunked to the table and Jason sank back into his chair. Mia and Piper shared a glance, with a nod from Piper Mia dropped her spell.

Percy growled in a very un-Percy-like way. "Daughter of Pluto, you may control gems and metals. You do not control the dead." He then turned to Mia and sent her a death glare. "Daughter of Poseidon, I thought I killed you already?"

Hermia glared right back as she moved to stand closer to the table. "Yeah, well you failed and I'm sure Gaea isn't happy with you at the moment is she?"

Percy growled again and made a move to lunge at Mia, but thankfully Hermia was able to push him back with one of her spells.

Helena reached toward him as if to restrain him, but Hazel waved her off.

"Listen, eidolons," Hazel said sternly, "you do not belong here. I may not command you, but Piper does. Obey her."

She turned toward Piper, her expression clear to make Piper nod and continue. Piper glanced at Mia as if asking if it was okay to talk to Jason next. Hermia nodded as Piper looked straight at Jason-straight into the eyes of the thing that was controlling him. "You will leave those bodies," Piper repeated, even more forcefully.

Hermia gazed at Jason as his face tightened. His forehead beaded with sweat. "We-we will leave these bodies."

"You will vow on the River Styx never to return to this ship," Piper continued, "and never to possess any member of this crew."

Leo and Percy both hissed in protest.

"You will promise on the River Styx," Piper insisted.

A moment of tension-Mia could feel their wills fighting against Pipers. Then all three eidolons spoke in unison: "We promise on the River Styx."

"You are dead," Piper said.

"We are dead," they agreed.

"Now, leave."

All three boys slumped forward. Percy fell face-first into his pizza. "Beau!" Helena grabbed him.

Hermia caught Jason as he slipped out of his chair. "Jay?"

Leo wasn't so lucky. He fell toward Frank, who made no attempt to intercept him. Leo hit the floor. Mia winced as she pulled Jason up on her chest.

"Ow!" Leo groaned.

"Dragon Boy, you okay?" Mia asked as she felt Jason move in her arms.

Leo pulled himself up. He had a piece of spaghetti in the shape of a 3 stuck to his forehead. "Just peachy, Red Queen. Did it work?"

"It worked," Piper said. "I don't think they'll be back."

Jason blinked up at Mia. "Does that mean I can stop getting head injuries now?"

Hermia laughed, exhaling all her nervousness from the previous moment. "We can only hope, baby." Jason groaned as Mia placed a kiss on his messy blonde head. "Come on, Superman. I think it's time we get you some fresh air."

Guys, I love Jason and Mia so much! They're my babies and I feel bad that Lysander will be coming into the story soon....

I'm so sorry for making you guys wait! But I feel like my Jason aka Rudy obsession just got stronger because of the new season of Outer Banks so hopefully, I'll be more motivated to write again.

I'm so happy I have new gifs of Rudy to add for Jason! I can't wait for you guys to see them because Rudy has so business being so hot.

Anyway, thank you for reading!
Don't forget to comment and vote!

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