The Billionaire & I

By dami241

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Rewritten and completedβœ” Ophelia Duhamels knows what rock bottom is and vows to never hit it again after gett... More



22K 1K 125
By dami241

I was deeply focused on reaching the next level of candy crush saga when the phone beside me rang. I tried ignoring it but it kept on ringing. With a sigh, I dropped my phone and held up the other. It was William's. I did a quick scan through the crowd that moved about the airport but couldn't see a sign of the navy blue shirt he had on. It'd been minutes since he left to get us smoothies and pastries while we waited for our flight to be called. It was Sunday and we were finally returning to New York.

The phone rang for the third time; the caller ID showing Irene. Merely a second passed when the call abruptly ended. I didn't give it much of a second thought and dropped the phone then continued my game on mine.

"Here," A smoothie appeared in my line of vision minutes later.

"Banana smoothie with a hint of chocolate?"

"Yes, I didn't forget. How could I? You emphasized it five times."

I smiled before collecting the cup and small paper bag. It felt warm. Inside, were croissants and Chelsea buns. I hummed in delight.

"What'd you get for yourself?" I asked William then suddenly remebered the calls, "and someone called, three times."

"Really?" He reached for his phone while I nodded.

"Yup, Irene."

I noticed him stiffen but didn't get to question it as my phone started ringing. Glancing at the caller ID, I stiffened as well.

"Lilian, hey."

"Miss Duhamels. I believe you're already in the airpot?"

I nodded at first then realised she couldn't see me. "Yes, we should be on the plane in a bit."

"Good. And everything went well?"

"Yes." I side eyed William who now had his phone to his ear. His face seemed a little scrunched up. "Pharaohs wants to begin next month and a potential investor from London showed interest."

"Okay. We will see tomorrow anyway, you can brief me more then. What about Mr Illston?"

"What about him?" I almost choked.

"Is he there?" From her tone, I knew she most likely had an 'are you dumb?' look on her face.

"He is, but he's on a call right now." At least I thought he was. Didn't seem like he was able to get through. His mouth wasn't moving.

"Alright then, goodbye." She ended the call. A sigh I knew I was most definitely holding, escaped my lungs.

Talking to Lilian gave me an epiphany and reality sunk down on me like a bag of a hundred pound weights. I looked at William, my ex and boss whom I just spent the entire weekend sleeping with and realised how doomed I was in every way possible. If Lilian ever finds out, she's going to bury me alive. I shuddered.

William who'd already dropped his phone now stared at me too. "Lilian?"

"Yes. Bad phone call?" I looked down at his phone.

"Something like that." He leaned back.

I was silent for a few then turned to him again. "What happened this weekend, it can't in New York."

"I know." He smiled.


Entering the apartment hours later, I spotted Cecile sitting by the window and staring out. She turned at the noise, a grin brightening her face.

"William and I had sex, multiple times." I immediately dumped it on her.

"Hello to you too." She laughed and we met halfway in a hug.

"And the more I think it over, the more of an epiphany I get."

"I eighty percent expected it." Her shoulders shrugged.

"Great, you don't have faith in my resolve either." I threw my hands up.

"Well, with everything between you two," she let it draw and I groaned. "What's wrong? Do you regret it now?"

"I wish I did," I shook my head then laughed. "I enjoyed a whole weekend and some days of sex with my ex who broke my heart years ago and let's not forget he's also my boss."

"Sit," she made me fall back into the couch. "You know what needs to be done P. You need to talk to him, about everything."

I immediately moved my head. "I can't."

"And why not?" She frowned.

"I just can't." I looked down pathetically.

"What will you do instead?"

"Probably sleep with him a couple more times." I chuckled. "Oh God I think I might be toxic to myself."

"I'm tempted to agree." She laughed.

"I'm sorry, I just barged in with all that. How are you? Anything from your ex-husband?" I removed my strap bag and she sat on the edge of the couch.

"Nothing still. Ambrose says they are probably thinking of ways to get me to agree to a money settlement."

"Assholes." I rolled my eyes.

"But on the brighter side, I got a job."

"Really?" I smiled.

"As an assistant chef at that small restaurant across the street. It's very small scale with an even smaller salary but they are very nice people. I made a casserole dish for them and they fell in love after the first taste. You know my cooking is top tier."

"Of course, you remind me only everyday."


We only lasted a week.

William and I only lasted a week before we continued the risky game we'd started in Chicago. It was like a bad habit; so easy to fall into. But also so easy to destroy you.

"This movie is boring." I yawned.

"You have no sense of humor." William tsked.

"Whatever, I'm going to check on the cupcakes." Removing his arm over me, I stood up and went into his kitchen to check if the cupcakes we made earlier were done.

Nearly three weeks had passed now since we returned from Chicago. Two weeks since William and I continued what we'd already set off in Chicago. Our risky game. I think lasting a week was pretty noteworthy. But by the start of the next week, one thing led to another and soon, we were stealing kisses behind his office door like teenagers, during work hours and ending up tangled in the sheets on the weekends. I knew we shouldn't have but it was all just so thrilling.

Wearing the green oven mittens, I brought the tray holding the cupcakes out of the oven. After checking to see if they were really done, a satisfactory smile played on my lips.

"They are ready!" I announced walking back to the living room with the mittens still on and the cupcakes cooling off in the kitchen. At that moment, the front door suddenly opened and a tall brunette walked in.

"Erin?" William stood up.

"Hello brother," she dropped the bagpack she had on, on the table.

"Shit," he grimaced. "I thought you were arriving tomorrow."

"Uncle Mike at least had the decency to show up to the bloody airpot." She glared at him.

"It's the time difference," he started saying.

"But you didn't." She pointed an accusatory finger at him. "And I can now see why," her eyes landed on me.

I smiled sheepishly.

"Wait," she squinted her eyes, "Ophelia?"

"Hi." I waved one mitten covered hand awkwardly.

"Have I entered an alternate universe?" She looked around.

"...I thought you were going to arrive tomorrow." William explained, for the fifth time, to his little sister but she was having none of it. I found myself smiling at the pair seated on the couch now. Erin was still so much like the eccentric fifteen year old who'd happily thrown her big brother under the bus and shown me all his embarrassing photo albums.

"These look yummy."

Erin leaned on the island as I decided when the cupcakes would be ready to be iced. I noticed the undertone of a British accent in her speech and remembered William mentioning something about her schooling in the UK.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"Can I have one?"

"Sure, have as many you want." I pushed the tray towards her.

"So, you and my brother are back together." Her words were more of a statement than question as she unwrapped the cupcake.

"We aren't exactly that." I said for having no better way to put it.

"Complicated then? I get it. After you two broke up, Will was a ball of gloom," she took a bite and sighed, "he even made Uncle Mike and I swear to not ask of you. It was like he was a teenager all over. Then my accident happened and that made–"

"You had an accident?" I interrupted.

She nodded, "when I was fifteen or sixteen? I nearly died. It was awful but I think Will suffered it the most." Her dark eyes, much like her brother's, held an unreadable emotion and I glanced at William, who was in the living room still watching the movie.

It must have affected him badly.

"Will shipped me off to England as soon as he could." She chuckled.

"You didn't want to go?"

"Oh I didn't mind. I understood why. I was in a boarding school..." Erin continued. I glanced at William again. She understood why? Was there something to run from?

"I have stuff to do at home so I'll be leaving now." I stood up from the island chair. I'd taken a seat some time between Erin's tales. Although I was thoroughly enjoying them, I decided it would be better to give the siblings some alone time.

Erin stood up as well. "It was nice seeing you again Ophelia."

"It was nice seeing you too Erin." I smiled back.

"Let me drop you off." William said as I walked into the living room.

"No need to. I have to check something before I get home." I lied.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow?" His tone was hopeful but I laughed, shaking my head.

"You'll see me on Monday and don't forget to refrigerate the cupcakes." I headed towards the door then turned to him. "Erin told me about her accident, was it very hard?" my eyes locked with his.

"I thought I was going to lose her." His voice was deep and full of emotion. I wordlessly moved, wrapped my arms around his middle and laid my head on his chest. His arms in turn rested on my shoulder and we maintained our position for a few seconds before breaking away.

"Thank you."

"Bye." I smiled and walked out.


"You're home earlier than I expected."

"William's sister just arrived from London. I thought to give them some alone time. The cupcakes made me hungry, I'm starving." I sat next to Cecile on the couch and yawned.

In the three weeks that had passed since the Chicago trip, another notable thing was Cecile's divorce. Just around the time Will and I started sneaking around, the envelope came. Richmond had signed the divorce papers but was looking for a way to settle everything monetary. Cece still didn't want his money of course. Things were quite positive for us. Him, not so much.

"You're always starving," she chuckled, "lucky for you, I brought some leftover soup from the restaurant. I didn't want it to go bad but now I fear it might be too late and if we have it, we might have upset stomachs."

"We can give it the benefit of doubt." I shrugged.

"Bon appétit then."


"Oh God." I groaned sinking to the floor, near the base of the toilet.

"Oh God." Cece held on to her belly.

"Is it the soup from last night?" I asked weakly before facing the toilet and dry heaving. I felt awful.

"I don't think so, I just have cramps, why are you sick?"

"Because—" I raised my head and wiped my mouth, "wait, cramps? Like period cramps?"

My blood chilled.

"Yeah," she opened the cabinet, "where's the tylenol?"

"Oh God." This time I really threw up into the toilet.

"Do you want water?" Cece bent and rubbed my back.

"My p-period, I haven't had it yet." I paled.

"Maybe you're late."

"I'm never late, not this late." I shook my head.

"Then maybe it's the soup." She pressed.

"Or m-maybe—" another wave of nausea hit me and I puked into the toilet again. Lifting my head, I stared at my sister in horror. "Cecile, what if I'm p-pregnant?"


Just when you think 'she can't shock us anymore' ;).

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