Dice Blood (A Ninjago AU) [di...

By TheLotusMask

725 77 38

I don't own Ninjago or the characters... Well, not all of them... If you want to know the cat better, go see... More



19 3 2
By TheLotusMask

Hey, be happy it kinda looks presentable.

Also, please keep in mind that I'm horrible when it comes to time so there is supposed to be a pattern for who cooks in The Die House, but I can't keep track of when things like this happen.


Aloy was impressed by how skilled he was in fighting already.

To her, it seemed like he was born to fight. The truth was that his mother had trained him to be in the military before she passed. Cole kept doing until he moved.

"You're a natural, Shar-Cole," purred Aloy as she observed him. "Keep dis up an' you'll be fightin' as if you were a morphling~"

Cole smiled as he trained with the others by his side. They weren't using their powers, but they weren't going easy on him either.

Hours of training later [because your writer can't write action scenes well for jack shit] and it was time for a meeting with Cole and his father while the others went off to kill time before dinner.

"Mr. Steel," said Aloy as she held an orange collar in her paw. "Your son makes fer a great aspect. It would be an honor ta 'ave 'im in my party."

Lou gave them a worried look...

"I'm truly thankful for your hospitality," he said. "But my son... being a part of a gang?..."

"I understand why you're concern, but please keep in mind dat dere's only two gangs 'ere... Us an' Da Oni..."

"The Oni bombed The Walkers' home and torched ours," said Cole as he placed a hand on his father's shoulder. "They stole mom and tried to... assault me..."

Lou's eyes widened while Aloy growled...

"Mr. Steel, I would've killed Harumi right den an' dere if she didn't have inportant people held hostage an' it wasn't in a high school. For da time bein' Harumi has ta live on until everyone inportant is safe... One day, we will have revenge fer deir cruel acts. Fer now, we must wait..."

Lou closed his eyes as he looked away clenching his fist.

"Does he have to turn into a morphling too?"


"Cole can join you if he wants, but does he have to be a morphling like the rest of you?"

"No, but it'll be interestin' ta find 'im a code name."


" 'Sapien'?"

"As in Homosapien. The scientific way to say human."

"Den dat's what you be called when in battle. I'd like your measurements after dinner, Shar-Cole."


"You're a Dice now! Ya need a suit fer when we do heists an' such! Start thinkin' a what ya want your suit ta be. I'mma make dinna. Have fun bein' creative."

"Can I-"

"NO!" Lou cut his son off. "You may be a Dice now, but I still forbid you to cook!"

"What!? Come on! Is it because of that chili incident!?"

"Uh... what?"
This is the part where Lou explained that the first time Cole made a dish since his mother passed, he was ill for almost a month. They thought he was gonna die during that time.
"But how will 'e get better if 'e don't practice?"

Cole smiled as he looked at his father.

"Fine," he said. "One dish and it's not violetberry soup or snog fruit punch. If anything, those are the only two dishes he can make that's not scary..."

"Den let's see if dis tiga c'n stomach it!" Aloy said while grabbing Cole's hand dragging him to the kitchen. Lou sighed...

"I hope he doesn't kill her," he mumbled to himself...

All the time between, Lou was worried out of his mind... He told the other parents about his son's cooking while they were at school. Maybe they'd believe him in not eating whatever dish he made?

He did warn the other Die to prepare for the worst, just in case...

Lou wasn't trying to say that he doesn't believe that his son can get better at cooking, but like...

Would you try a dish from someone who managed to make eggs unrecognizable?

Aloy had left him to his little corner of the stove while she made a bit of a Japanese meal with sushi, noodles, and even shumai.

She wasn't paying attention to what Cole was doing...

When setting up for dinner, Cole was happy to cook and serve his duck chowder. Though the others didn't seem interested...

"What's wrong?" he asked as he adjusted his collar. He was surprised that there were spikes on his while others were a bit more on the plain side. "Does no one like eating duck?"

"I may like eating duck as a wolf, but... the chowder's moving..."

"It's just air pockets that are stuck under the thick top layer!" Cole said as he mixed the chowder. Steam came up and the soup stopped moving. "See?"

The truth was that Lou had told them about the duck chowder... Whether it got better or worse was still up for debate...

Aloy huffed.

"If no one 'll try da chowda, den I will!" she said as she made herself a bowl. She did think something smelled a bit off, but she brushed it off the way The Steels made duck chowder.

Once the spoon was out of her mouth and she chewed for a bit, all seemed to stop. Aloy cocked an eyebrow as she grasped the situation that had just unfolded.

"How is it?" Cole asked. Aloy didn't say anything... "You're speechless from how good it tastes?"

If Cole had a tail right now, it would be wagging like crazy right now. He was so happy until Aloy took her paws to her mouth trying to pry it open... His heart dropped when he realized what had happened...

The duck chowder glued her mouth shut...

Aloy's stripes started to glow as she got up moving to and fro trying to pry her mouth open.

"This is why I forbade you to cook again," said his father as he reached for the chowder. "I'll dispose of this now."

Aloy shook her hand saying no before pulling out her phone texting.

"She says she wants to keep the chowder," said Zane. "If her mouth is glued shut, she wants to know how far this bird glue can go. Maybe we can use it for other things."

Just then, Aloy managed to rip the duck chowder out of her mouth. Some teeth could be seen in the new rock-hard mold of the inside of her mouth plus some tastebuds.

She chuckled as she brought a paw to her mouth. It was bleeding from the teeth pulling, but she was happy that her smile was still presentable.

"Shar-Cole," she said. I wish she didn't use the duck chowder to point... "Write down 'ow ya made dis soup. Dis could be a breakthrough!"

True, it wasn't his intention, but maybe this was a win for Cole?

I mean, after testing, the duck chowder is like cement that can withstand blows from Kai and Jay's plasma gun.

Maybe when you're VERY bad at cooking, you can be a potion specialist?


Coming up next, one on one with Aloy and Cole!

Word Count: 1200

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