Julia Kline | Supernatural

By NougatNephilims

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Kelly Kline, an innocent bystander who got caught up in the chaotic world of Supernatural. Kelly was shocked... More

| Welcome |
Chapter One : "Troubled Youth."
Chapter Two : "Someone Like Me."
Chapter Three : "Storms and Sorrows"
Chapter Five : "Evil, I guess."
Chapter Six : "We're In."
Chapter Seven : "Sympathy For The Devil."
Chapter Eight : "What Get's Burned Stays Dead."
Chapter Nine : "Fatal Mistake."
Chapter Ten : "I'm Angry Too."
Chapter Eleven : "The Sins Of The Father."
Chapter Twelve : "Devil's In The Details."
Chapter Thirteen : "Back Home."
Chapter Fourteen : "We're Sorta All Gonna Die."
Chapter Fifteen : "More Problems."
Chapter Sixteen : "At Any Cost."
Chapter Seventeen : "The Other World."

Chapter Four : "No Safety."

939 35 5
By NougatNephilims

"No Safety."
Chapter Four.
TW - Self Harm

Julia hadn't bothered in talking with Dean or Donatello despite their persistent need to scold the two, Dean quickly gave up, and went to sleep. Everything was quiet, Jack fell asleep within minutes of hitting the motel bed, too exhausted to mouth another word.

Julia let out a yawn, the effects of sleep deprivation taking place. She was begging to regret staying up for as long as she did. She avoided Dean like it was her sole mission on earth, instead choosing to stay with the only person she felt safe around. Jack. He'd been awake for some time, he looked just as bored as she did.

But that wasn't what was important, Julia kept a confused frown on her face. She'd been puzzled for what felt like hours now, Donatello. He was somehow different from the night before, calmer, all knowing and desperate to help them. She couldn't focus on anything else, Dean was once her concern but after that conversation her focus quickly shifted. She remembered how odd it was.

Her thoughts are quickly interrupted by the sound of a door opening and shutting. She felt a shiver go down her back, a new feeling spread across her like a bad headache. Donatello walked in rather confidently, his entire demeanor so different from the man they met just hours ago. Julia narrowed her eyes sharply at him, so confused as to why he was acting so differently.

She glanced at her brother, hoping to see the same confusion. Her shoulders slumped at the sight, Jack was happy to see him, looked at him if everything was normal. "Hello." Jack greeted in a sweet tone, Julia felt sick watching the man come closer, the overwhelming feeling of needing to escape, fight, do anything was growing steadily.

"So, I was thinking we'd go and train." Donatello struggled to tame his ever-growing grin, everything was falling into place. Piece, by piece. He felt a rush of excitement and pride hit him, Jack's eyes shined brightly, he looked excited for a brief moment.

"No." Julia snapped, her voice was firm and raised. Donatello heard the slight panic coming from her, She linked her arm with Jack's almost like she was protecting him. Julia almost immediately realized how weird she sounded, "No, we're fine.." She steadied her shakey voice, giving the man a fake smile. Jack turned his head to stare at her, a frown appearing on his face, he looked at her almost asking what was the problem.

"If you want to get control, you need to practice." Donatello argued, his voice nothing like before. He was friendly, cheerful almost, his voice now sounding bitter at the word 'No'

"I said we're fine." Julia snapped, again, she let go of Jack, and stood from her seat. The room grew silent, but Julia remained calm somehow. "I think you need to leave." She glanced at the door, he was standing in the way, making sure they had no where to run if needed.

Donatello glared at her for a moment before letting out an amused chuckle. He rubbed his face, staring at her like she his newest form of entertainment. "I don't think that's an option." His voice was different, causing a sudden look of panic to spread across the girls face. "You have no idea how important you are to me, how valuable," His eyes shined, Julia swore they almost looked yellow for a brief moment. He continued his rant, "Why would I ever let you two slip out of my grasp?" He looked between them, awaiting an answer, Jack looked up at Julia, now just as confused as she was. She was at a loss for words, hardly understanding just what he wanted from them. Jack slowly stood, understanding something was very wrong.

"We're not going anywhere with you." Jack said, he stood infront of Julia protectively. Jack had little time to actually do anything, the door bust open, taking it directly off the hinges Julia instinctively pulled Jack backwards, he stumbled, his eyes trained on the chaos that was unfolding.

Sam and Dean rushed in, they had their guns ready for whatever was waiting for them. it was Sam that kicked down the door, Dean glanced at the two, a wave of relief hitting him hard. seeing that the kids were still there, seemingly unharmed.

Donatello let out a bored sigh, flinging his hand at the boys, the motion sent the boys flying into the nearest wall. "Well." Donatello glared at the two,
"No more playing nice." His voice completely changed, his once rather cynical voice now replaced with a thick southern accent. He snapped his fingers, his, or Donatello's body fades, leaving behind a taller, more fit man. His dark grey hair was slicked back, his long beard had strands of white hair. That's not the only thing Julia noted, he had a large scar on his face. It was faded, indicating it'd been there for some time. It reached from his eyebrow right down to his jawline. He looked like he'd seen war.

Jack watched as the boys struggled to breath, Asmodeus hadn't just flung them around, he was going to kill them. Sam wrapped his hands around his own neck, his eyes wide with pure fear. He was struggling hard, Dean was no better, he was curled up in a ball, struggling just as much as Sam was. Jack looked terrified at the sight, "Stop." He blurted out, the boy felt a rush of red hot anger hit him. He was scared for them, more than ever.

Asmodeus ignored him, instead focusing his attention on the youngest Kline. He felt she was an easy target, more so than Jack. "You will come back with me." Asmodeus made sure to emphasize his words, he spoke to them like they were incapable of anything more.

It went unnoticed, but that didn't stop Jack from standing up, he straightened his back, appearing taller than before. "Stop," he warned, his voice slowly getting louder. Jack clenched his fists tightly, he began shaking. "Stop!" He repeated himself, finally catching Asmodeus attention. Any smirk he had on his face, went away seeing how angry Jack was getting. For once, Asmodeus was worried. "You're hurting my friends!" Jack growled, his jaw clenched tightly as he spoke. Just like that, his eyes started glowing a shade of gold. This was enough to scare the demon off, he was gone before another word could be said.

He disappeared into a puff of smoke, the boys gasped for air, relief hitting them hard. Whatever spell Asmodeus had them under was lifted. Julia ran to their side, she knelt down beside them, they were still recovering from what had just taken place. "Are you okay?" She asked in a concerned tone. Sam only managed to nod, his breathing was heavy and uneven. Dean was already trying to pick himself up, "Who was that." Dean's voice was hoarse. Dean knew he was a demon, he'd figured that out upon entering the room. But this wasn't just some low level demon, this was a knight. Dean was sure of it.

"Asmodeus." Julia spoke, she had a blank look on her face, the name had just appeared in her head commanding her to say it aloud.

Dean turned his head to stare at her, he wanted to question her on how she knew this. But quickly decided against it, "Let's go." He fully stood up, steadying himself. The room grew silent, but everyone did agree on this. It was no longer safe for the twins. But that does raise the question, was it ever?


Lucifer's P.O.V.

I let out a frustrated sigh, the very sound of Mary stopping, again. Annoyed me to no end, keeping her alive was proving difficult. "Keep up." I said, my tone matching my mood. I promptly swing around, to see her plopped down on the sandy ground.

"I'm tired"- I scoffed, loudly upon hearing that. I didn't doubt the fact that she was tired, we'd walked for hours, she hadn't ate nor slept. But I don't care, again, another Winchester was the reason I was in a mess. "You're tired, Really?" I chuckled bitterly, "You know what?" - "You're the reason that we are even stuck in this literally godforsaken place to begin with. So I'm sorry" My voice was partly bitter, but I didn't care.

She stayed completely silent, opting me to rant further. "It's not my fault you were born a wimpy little human with your wimpy little lungs and your weak little legs." I was fully mocking her now, she blinked, "What?" She asked, confused.

I didn't respond. "Let's just-" As soon as I spoke, I was quickly interrupted by a very familiar sound, it probably sounded odd to humans. Most were scared of what they didn't understand, angels were no different. I turn to face them, Angels. I'm met with a group of them, all clearly skilled warriors. But they were no match for an Archangel, let alone me. "Just what I need." I was mainly speaking to myself.

"Hey." I greeted in a bored tone. One steps forward, his hair was long, no doubt due to the state of this world. He had scars all over, from what I could see from his face. He looked perplexed.

"I sense a creature that stinks of Hell." He suddenly spoke, the way he did speak was odd, like he hadn't been around humans much.

"Oh, yeah. That would be her." I snorted, pointing towards her. They weren't a threat, but they were entertaining.

"False!" He shouted, no hint of anything less than authority. "Identify yourself." He ordered, again taking a step forward, his blade ready.

I let out a small sigh, raising my arms in fake surprise. "I'm Lucifer. ."

"False!" He repeated as soon as the words left my mouth.

"No," I chuckled lightly, "I'm pretty sure I'm-- I'm Lucifer." I turned to look at Mary, "You wanna tell this guy who I am?" I asked her jokingly, she looked terrified, clearly not getting that we weren't actually in any kind of danger.

"False." He said, interrupting me.
I turn and look at him and purse my lips.
"Lucifer was killed by the archangel Michael." He stated.
I instantly laugh and throw my hands up dramatically, I let them fall back to my sides and I make a face at him.

"What? This place is nuts!" I laughed, I took a step forward and by the look on his face I knew the fun was over.

"Freeze!" He commanded, his voice higher than before.

"Oh, what are you gonna. . Are you gonna smite me?" I asked a grin spread across my face, I very well knew they couldn't do a thing to me.

He glared at me for a moment, before turning to his group. "On my command."

"Oh, for the love of. . ." I watched as Mary instinctively ducked down, preparing for the inevitable attack.

I lifted my hand, forming my fingers together. I didn't have to wait long for him to speak one last time. "Now!" He shouted, I let a small smile grow across my face, the feel of my fingers rubbing together the sharp clicking sound it made. As soon as my fingers parted, they exploded into a thick cloud of grey smoke. I turn to check on Mary, she slowly stood, still carrying a worried look on her face. "See? Saf- Before I could even get the words out, I feel a sharp pain on the back of my head, I stumbled backwards my vison grew dark. I heard her screams, but whatever hit me was strong. I was fighting the urge to go completely unconscious but my efforts were futile.

Julia's P.O.V.
Location, Bunker.

I hadn't given it much thought before, everything was new to us, that didn't seem like a problem at the time. Besides what I could gather from our mother and father, everything else was a mystery. Dean and Sam were the first men we met. What I can't understand is why Dean seemed to despise us so much, or rather me. I must've done something to anger him so much, but I didn't do anything. Is existing all it took.
The light reflected off of the knife, hitting me in the eye. I watched as my finger glided across the sharp edge, creating a small wound. As soon as it was created, the skin pulls together, healing itself. I don't understand why this is happening to me.

I take a deep breath in, I lifted my white shirt. My knuckles slowly turned pale, the grip I had on the knife was strong. It didn't hurt, being stabbed, I know it's supposed to but it doesn't. I could hardly feel it. As soon as the knife left my body, the wound was gone. I let out a frustrated sigh, the feel of warm blood soaked my hands. I let out a gasp, the feeling of two strong hands grabbing me shook me out of whatever transe I was in. Dean. He stared at me with wide eyes. I hadn't seen or heard him come in. "Hey!" I cried out, he forcibly grabbed the knife out of my hand and now was gripping it tightly.

He ignored me, "Don't be an idiot." - "Look. A, This is not gonna do anything to you, okay?" He lifted the bloody knife, waving it in front of me like a prize. I scoffed at him, "What do you care?" He let out a groan, before setting the knife down on the white marble sink.

"I don't." His harsh voice made me cringe, that didn't seem to matter to him. He glared at me, expecting something of me but I didn't know what that was.

I stayed quiet. Not mouthing another word, it just seemed to make things worse. I don't know what he expects from me, but whatever it is, I can't seem to live up to it. He lowered his gaze, meeting mine. "You know, my brother thinks you can be saved." His voice was cold and bitter. I shifted my weight, again, not knowing how to respond to this. Saved from what? Asmodeus, myself? Am I really that much of a problem.

I let out a disheveled sigh, the weight of his words hitting me, hard. "I'm sorry I'm such a problem for you." I tried matching his tone, tried sounding unbothered, stronger than I actually am. But I'm not strong, I'm anything but.

"If I'm right," His voice grew a bit louder, I would be lying if I said it didn't make me nervous. "And it comes to killing you, I'll be the one to do it." He looked, determined. Silence fell over us, it felt like a staring contest but no one signed up. I wanted to say a million things, yell a million more. But anything I said, or did would make no difference. Dean Winchester made his mind up about me, and there was no changing that.

A/N (Word Count 2520)

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