Glitch (Noble Ashes #1)

By eli_0310

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Technology can't be trusted, even in a world where it's regulated by magic. The moment Ali turned 12, she's... More

Ch. 1 - Vicks
Ch. 2 - School? No thanks
Ch. 3 - Easy Breezy
Ch. 4 - Dessert
Ch. 5 - The Phoenix & The Imparters
Ch. 6 - Who is Sleep?
Ch. 7 - Cat's Out of The Bag
Ch. 8 - Gym Chaos
Ch. 9 - That Stinks
Ch. 10 - The Cold Kind of Bothers You
Ch. 11 - Checking On You
Ch. 12 - A Conversation & A Deal
Ch. 13 - Checking On You (Part 2)
Ch. 14 - Can I Go?
Ch. 15 - ShimmerSee
Ch. 16 - Glen
Ch. 17 - That's Debatable
Ch. 18 - Dinner
Ch. 19 - Sea & Sky
Ch. 20 - Storm
Ch. 21 - Go
Ch. 22 - Painting At Dawn
Ch. 23 - I'm... Alive?
Ch. 24 - My Promise (Was Kept)
Ch. 25 - Light (Noah's POV)
Ch. 26 - Colours (Ira's POV)
Ch. 27 - Dreams (Ivy's POV)
Ch. 28 - Life (Glen's POV)
Ch. 29 - Wandering Wanderlings (Noah's POV)
Ch. 30 - Where Imagination Becomes Reality (Ira's POV)
Ch. 31 - Frozen Water (Ira's POV)
Ch. 32 - Power of Telepathy (Ivy's POV)
Ch. 33 - Come Home
Ch. 34 - Doctor
Ch. 35 - Not So Sleepy Sleepover (Zzz...)
Ch. 36 - Now What?
Ch. 37 - So... That's What Happened?
Ch. 38 - Mist(eriously) Dangerous
Ch. 39 - Come Out and Come Quick
Ch. 41 - The Council
Ch. 42 - Electric Blue
Author's Note & Acknowledgments

Ch. 40 - NaturalBorn (and Elle)

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By eli_0310

"What do we do, Elwin? Should we contact Lady August and Glen?" Ali cried, scrambling to the edge of her bed.

"Noah too?" Ivy added, setting down the basket of berries. Bullhorn went after them, his little ferret head buried deep in the sweet navy pearls.

Elwin gripped the Imparter harder. "Yes." He said through tight lips. "Yes, everyone who was involved with this. I also want to ask August if she would know anything about Nix's situation."

"Okay, I'll call Glen up and ask her to come." Ivy pulled out her own Imparter, while Cass tapped his foot nervously against the planks as he waited for Em to pick up.

Glen answered first. "Ivy, what's up? You look worried." She said. Her voice was about as worried as Ivy looked at her screen.

"The Council is coming to ask us questions in two hours." Ivy told her, skipping questions. "They just contacted Elwin. We need you and Lady August to be here by then, maybe earlier too. Elwin wants to ask your mom about some of Nix's stuff." Ivy prattled off. "We haven't a lot of time."

Ali peered over Ivy's shoulder and chimed into the conversation. She was shocked to see that the younger girl's hair was all messed up, and a little of her makeup was running. "You okay, Glen? Your hair's... awful."

"Oh, I know, I've been up all morning. I'll try to get here with Mom in a bit. I've just got to tidy up some... things." Glen said. Then she added in a whisper, looking to the side, "God, this headache is awful. Anyways, Ivy and Ali, I'll be there soon." She said hurriedly. Then the screen faded back to silver.

"Did you catch what she said about a headache? Is she okay?" Ali looked at Ivy as she put the Imparter away.

"Headache?" Elwin repeated. "Good that she's coming over, then. Ali, you should reach out to Noah too."

"Oh, right." She reached for the silver square on her beside, and hoped that it wouldn't be a red flashing message again. "Show me Noah Palafox," she said out loud to the Imparter. Cass frowned slightly at the mention of his name, but he didn't comment.

Ali's fear needn't come true, as Noah's beaming face swam into view, his hair sopping wet and water running over his shoulders. "Ali! Hi! How are you? Can I come visit?" He rattled on excitedly. The sound of crashing waves hit the speakers, then the Imparter fell.

"Noah! Are you okay?"

"Whoops," said Noah, as he picked it up again. "Sorry, it's very windy on the beach. Can I visit?"

"In fact, we need you to visit. The Council told us they're coming over in two hours and you need to be here for it." Said Ali.

Ivy popped in. "Get here quick, everyone else is on their way."

Noah's beam fell away. "Oh crap. Okay, I'll just pack up my things and I'll be there in ten. Meet you at school." Then the line cut off.

Ali dropped the device onto her bed and flipped down backwards on it. "Ow," she mumbled as a flash of heat crossed her chest. "Dad, is Mom coming soon?"

"Yes, dear." Cass said from the windowsill. "She's bringing some treats."

"Here, hold this, I made it by accident earlier," Ivy handed Ali a little bird made of ice. "Lady Em's custard bursts are the best. Why doesn't she have her own bakery, Lord Cass? Maybe you Vickses could invest in starting one. I'd be there everyday."

"We'll see, after how everything turns out." Cass replied with a small smile.

Elwin came back from the back room holding a vial of what seemed like moldy cottage cheese. Complete with the smell.

"Ugh, what is that, Elwin?" Ira gagged, pinching his nose. Ali got hit with the stench a few moments later and staggered into Ivy.

"An old elixir I made that cured about everyone that came in here. But of course, I reserved them for unconscious patients only since they can take it without a complaint. The others, absolutely refused and they went the long way round to full recovery. The unconscious ones always woke up within fifteen minutes." Elwin set the vial on Nix's bedside. "I want to try it."

"Is it still effective, after all these years?" Ira asked, now sitting on Ali's bed and away from the vial.

Elwin shrugged. "If it isn't, there's no side effects. It's pure."

A series of knocks came from the door.

Cass went to open it, and let Glen and August in. Glen had swept her hair back into its usual high bun, and she wore a deep purple pantsuit adorned with a thin silver belt. A matching cape hung off her shoulders, with a stylishly frayed hem. August wore a similar outfit in orange, which complimented her warm brown skin nicely. August smiled a little, but Glen's face remained emotionless and tired.

"How's my boy, Elwin?" August said softly, lowering herself onto his bed. "Is he any closer to waking up?"

Elwin picked up the vial. "I've tried a lot of things, they only seemed to help him heal inside. I don't see any signs of him waking up, so I wanted to try this. I've used this before on my unconscious patients. They always woke up in fifteen. And they're up and talking within the hour." Elwin heaved a little. "So with your permission, I'd like to try an old remedy on Nix."

August eyed the vial in Elwin's hand. "Do you have to put that on the needle?"

"Yes, I will."

"Okay, then. Try it. We all want him to wake up here."

Elwin made to uncork the bottle and hooked it up to the drip. Sea green liquid started flowing down the line and into the needle in Nix's arm.

Three gentle knocks on the door turned their heads.

"Is it Noah?" Glen asked. "I'll let him in." She said when Ali nodded.

Glen opened the door for him and he walked in, wearing a navy button down under a mauve cape that sent Ali's heart somewhere near a flock of fairies. Shoes clicking on the wooden planks, he made a beeline for Ali, and enveloped her in a hug. "I finally get to see you again." He whispered.

"How's Nix, Elwin?" He said, letting go of Ali but keeping an arm around her shoulders.

"We're trying something new to see if it helps," he explained. "Fingers crossed. I hooked up the line a second before you knocked."

Glen twitched a little in her seat, clearly uncomfortable.

"Glen, how's that headache of yours? Any better?"

"Were you eavesdropping on our call, Elwin?" Glen joked, wincing a little. "It's not much better."

"Here, let's see." Elwin beckoned her over, and she got up and sat next to Elwin by his office door. Flashes of light surrounded her head as she closed her eyes, and Elwin slipped on his glasses. "Did something happen today, Glen, that I should know about?" He whispered.

Glen stayed still.

"Glen?" The lights flashed away.

"Mom. Mom. Nix. He's... he feels off." She whispered. "I can't look. He feels weird."

Elwin looked around to Nix's bed, where August sat. She touched his arms, then his forehead, and paled a little.

"Glen, is this a sibling thing, or is there something else connecting you two?" Elwin asked softly. "You can tell me, all of us here can keep secrets."

Cass waved a hand and all the windows snapped shut.

"I don't know, Elwin. My brain's been all woozy this morning, then... then something happened after that and now it's so much worse." A tear slipped under her gold-lined eyelid and fell onto a fist balled up in her cape. "God, it's so bad."

"Elwin, he's stirring, he's stirring!" Ira exclaimed. "Oh, it really worked?"

Glen turned away and rested her head against the warm press Elwin gave her. Elwin bustled over to Nix's bed, where Nix lay mumbling random things and an arm reached for August.


August took his hand, her tears spilling over. "Nix, you're back?"

"...mhm. Tired..." he mumbled.

Ali turned into Noah's shoulder as her own tears threatened to fall. "He's awake. He's awake, Noah. I couldn't have been happier in my life."

"So why are you crying?" Noah choked out, clearly overwhelmed by all the emotions being thrown around.

Ivy joined Ira near Cass's bed, where Glen had moved to and was leaned back against a pillow.

"Mom, he's manifesting." Glen whispered. "I can feel the pull."

Nix's eyes flickered open, brighter green than ever. "Oh... Is it a full moon tonight?" He tilted his head and looked around for the first time in weeks. "Wow. That's a lot of people."

"There'll be more later, Nix. Do you feel the pull, too?" Glen said, her voice a little stronger.

"It's intense, little sis. It started when I felt the new elixir enter my bloodstream."

Elwin backed away from the bed, his checks done. "Sit up, Nix, it'll help you recover faster, though you're almost at full control over your cognitives already."

August helped prop up several pillows behind Nix's head and adjusted them until he was comfortable.

"What ability is this?" Ivy asked, getting up. Elwin nodded to Ivy's question, also curious. "I've never heard of a new manifest having a pull that connected siblings."

"I'll explain later," August said. "I'm terribly sorry we never told anyone-I wasn't sure they were going to manifest at all, but apparently they are manifesting." She took Nix's hand in hers again, the turquoise in her eyes pulsing gently in sync with Nix's green ones. The closed shutters dimmed the room, making it seem like their eyes were glowing like coloured flames. "Are you ready, hun? I'd rather not wait, it made it worse for Glen."

"She's manifested? This morning? Is that why you can feel the pull?" Nix said. "Congrats, sis." He grinned when Glen nodded, her icy eyes also gleaming.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes, Momma. I've been waiting for this."

August smiled fondly at her son. "Brave. Okay, then. Listen close:

"On the 158th of the girl's and the 162nd of the boy's full moon, each shall harness quintessence from the brightest of the stars and use it as their own. The stars will allow the individual to harness and use their powers for as long as they breathe and heart beat. The vow to be taken by thou as such."

Nix closed his eyes as a gasping shudder went through him.

"Repeat after me, Nix. This won't be an easy process." August gripped his hand. Nix nodded. August's warm voice echoed in the room as she began reciting.

"I, state your name."

"I, Nix Narden."

"Newest of that name, hereby accept the power the skies and the stars have with blessed myself."

"Newest of that name, hereby accept the power the skies and the stars have with blessed myself."

"And promise to use the powers granted to the best of my ability."

"And promise to use the powers granted to the best of my ability."

A shimmering silvery green mist similar to the one that appeared a night ago surrounded mother and son in thin wisps, but they're didn't eat away at anything. Still, they continued.

"I shall do no harm to others; but when time come, in the will of goodness, I shall use to defend."

"I shall do no harm to others; but when time come, in the will of goodness, I shall use to defend."

"Now I accept the wreath that is made of my power, and wear it till the day I perish."

"Now I accept the wreath that is made of my power, and wear it till the day I perish."

The wisps of mist condensed into one shimmering green band, then fixed itself onto Nix's left wrist.

A gasp escaped Nix's lips and he opened his eyes. "It's so... strong. Glen, where's yours?"

Glen held out her right wrist where a pastel purple band glittered. On it was engraved the letters GN-H.

Nix looked down at his, NN-A engraved on the side."

"They've got our initials and powers engraved on them. H for Healer and A for Alchemist." Glen told him. "And we aren't supposed to take them off. It helps new manifests like us manage the-wait, Mom, what's it called again?"

"It's aether, dear." August reminded her. "I should explain to you all what this is, I see you're all very confused." She said to everyone around the three Nardens.

"We come from a family of NaturalBorns. It's an old branch of magic that allows us to use the quintessence from the unmapped stars for doctoral purposes, like making elixirs or healing, and in our terminology, it's called aether. Its a sub-category from an even older beach called LegendBorns, and they're the most powerful-they can use aether for anything, even for summoning and creating demons. Under NaturalBorn, there's different sub-species of magic. Alchemists, they can make and use substances for elixirs and potions. Healers, they can cure. Both of the fields of magic can command aether to use in any shape and form they want, including weapons, though they're less powerful and effective than Legendborn weapons and they cannot make Hellbound creatures."

August lifted up a sleeve and showed the group a thin orange bracelet engraved with AN-H amongst a few golden bangles, one like the siblings had. "We're identified by the bands of aether we receive when we take the vow. If we don't, then we don't get to use the powers offered. I hid mine for years by wearing other bracelets over it, and only used my healing magic when I needed to."

"We NaturalBorns are also very rare, and that's why we didn't say anything to anyone, not even the Council, as it's related to the unmapped starts. We didn't tell them, not when my own grandmother told us. She's the oldest NaturalBorn in the Narden bloodline, and the kids are fourth generation, now that they've manifested. Because the magic has been divided so many times with the many siblings my mother had, and I myself had a sister, their powers are not as powerful as a full cowling. But I got lucky, and met this wonderful woman on a night out in Atlantis, and we became close friends after that night. We stayed in touch, and two years later, I asked for my second match list, and there was her name in second choice. I was first on her third list. We chose each other.

"Three years after that we got married, then we had these two beautiful children. Turns out she was also a NaturalBorn, too. Second generation, split once, half power. With mine combined, which was like, one-eighth power, they make these two pretty powerful too. Nix is an Alchemist like her, and Glen is a Healer like me." August patted Nix's and Glen's cheeks fondly, and they smiled. "You've never met my wife, have you?" August looked up at Ali, Ira, Noah, and Ivy, her brown curls framing her glowing face. "Her name's Ellie. I call her Elle. To them, they're Mellie. For Mum and Ellie."

August signed wistfully and looked at Ivy, who had her hand hooked in the crook of Ira's arm. Nix's pinky twined with Ira's on the bed. "She's on a work trip. She's been on it since school started. Every night, she'd call in to check on us, and when she heard about the blizzard, she wouldn't let us off the call until I showed her the kids were in bed. She cried too, when I told her Nix was hurt. I stayed with her in that call for eight hours, gosh. She wanted every little detail about the rescue."

"Mellie really did that," Nix said. "When is she coming back, Momma? I miss her."

August looked at him. "I hope soon, hun." Then her eyes sparkled. "Should we call her now? We can talk for a while before the Council comes." She suggested. Nix nodded eagerly, and pulled Ira into his shoulder.

Ira flushed hard and turned his face into his cape. "Oh my god." He whispered. "This is happening. This is really happening."

"What was that?" Nix asked.


"Oh, okay. MELLIE!!" Nix shouted, half deafening Ira, who cringed away from his voice.

"I'll leave you to your family reunion," Elwin said gently and retreated back into his office.

Ellie's face broke into view on August's Imparter, and tears started in her sea-green eyes the moment they saw Nix. She was beautiful, a rounded face with brown curls styled in a pixie cut, and gold liner like Glen's traced her bottom lash line. Her full lips trembled as her two children leaped into the screen to meet her, and her tears spilled over.

"Nix, you're awake-oh goodness, I'm at work right now-good gracious. You're awake! I'm not dreaming, am I, Auggie? Glen, you're okay too?" Her song-like voice quavered on its note, fading away in a vibrating decrescendo as she got up to move to someplace more private.

"Mellie, we miss you lots, when are you coming back?" Glen bounced on the bed, her headache suddenly gone. "Be back soon, we miss you so much!"

"Elle," August said, settling onto the bed behind the two kids, her head in between theirs. "They manifested today."

Nix and Glen raised their arms to show Ellie the bands around their wrists, and she dissolved further into tears.

"Oh, my babies. I wish I didn't need to be at work right now so I could hug you hard. Do your friends know? You should tell them, this is such great news." Ellie pulled out a bunch of tissues and dabbed at her eyes, miraculously not smearing her eyeliner.

"They're right here, in the Healing Center!" Nix took the Imparter from where it floated in the air, held up by August's telekinesis. "Mellie, meet my friends, you'll have faces for the names." He pulled Ivy into the screen. "This is Ivy. She likes to cold shoulder people."

"Hi Lady Ellie. It's nice to meet you." Ivy said.

"Just call me Ellie, it's fine. You're the Froster, aren't you?"

"Yes," Ivy smiled. "Do Nix and Glen talk about us a lot?"

Ellie laughed. "A lot is an understatement, they talk my ears off."

"Here's Noah and Ali," Glen panned over.

"The Hydrokinetic and the Vicks Pyrokinetic? What a perfect match." Ellie grinned.

Noah flushed hard.

Elle snorted. "I'm kidding. Nice finally getting to meet the ones Glen and Nix talk about the most. I'm so proud of you guys."

"Us?" Noah and Ali chorused.

"All of you who were in the rescue and the mission. Though I'll say, you were terribly reckless." Ellie nodded.

"You would've done the same, Elle." August chimed in.

Elle heaved. "It's not that, Auggie. You barely did any planning for it."

"Your kid's life was on the line, Elle. I couldn't and wouldn't have cared otherwise."

"We'll chat when we're home, honey. Now, Nix, where's the bo- I mean, last last one?" Elle winked through the screen unseen to the rest of them.

Nix rolled his eyes. "Here, this is Ira."

"Hi Ira," Ellie waved. She winked again, and Ira blushed again.

"Hi," Ira squeaked. "How are you?"

"Very well, dear. I hope you're treating Nix as well as I hear you are." Elle joked, a twinkle forming in her eye.

Nix gave a tight lipped cough. "Mellie!"

"Mellie, stop embarrassing them." Glen giggled behind a hand.

"Sorry, is this a typical mom thing? I'll have to go back to my station in a bit, so anyone else I might want to meet? How are Cass and Em? I've gotten to see their daughter's fine. How are they?" Said Elle.

"I assure you we are doing very well, Ellie," Cass said from his windowsill. For all of the twenty-so minutes they were on the call, he'd been perched on the sill. "Em is coming over in a while, she's just baking some treats for us all visiting at the Healing Center."

"That's good to hear. Save a few of her patties for when I come back, one of each kind she can make! I miss those sweet things." Elle snapped her fingers. "Where's the doctor? Elwin!"

"Elwin!" August slid off the bed and scrambled to find the doctor as the two siblings scrabbled about who got the most screen space to talk to Mellie.

After a minute or two, Elwin emerged from his office and was hit with a wave of gratitude from the Imparter, then Ellie had to go.

"Bye Mellie!" Glen and Nix both yelled at the screen. "When are you coming back?"

"Three days, honey."

"See you soon! I love you. Auggie," Elle blew her a kiss, "see you soon, babe."

August grinned. "Soon, Elle."


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