Theo And The Other Ones or Wh...

Od ImJustNot

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Sequel to The Boy of Three Více

Part One
Part 2
Part Three
Part 4
Part Five
Part 6
Part Seven
Part 8
Part Nine
Part 10
Part Eleven
Part 12
Part 14
Part Fifteen
Chapter 16
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter 18
How Ticks Work Vol. 2
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter 20
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter 22
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter 24
Chapter Twenty-five
UnF? Tournament Arc
UnF! Tournament Arc Part Two
UnF!? Tournament Arc Final Part
Chapter 26
Chapter Twenty-seven

Part Thirteen

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Od ImJustNot

The one about Not.

One hour after the last ended.

Not is sitting on some steps as he waits for Krystyne to get there.

Not: Tch, should have just taken her with me, slow slut.

?????: Ohoho, if it isn't Nautilus. How have you been, failure?

A God that looks suspiciously like Not's human form asks Not.

Not: I dunno, how have you been Trase? Still, going to different God's domains and leaving your seed?

Trase: That nasty attitude is just the same as when you were permitted to leave, so I assume you've been good.

Not didn't respond, instead, standing to look Trase in the eye.

Not: Been a while, little brother.

Trase: Hey! I'm only a few centuries younger than you.

Once Not's continuous cycle of races reached human, he stayed in that form, ruffling the hair of his younger brother.

Trase: Hey, stop that! You have no idea how long it takes for me to style my hair.

Trase takes a look at Not's unkempt hair that probably hasn't been styled in a few millennia.

Trase: Taking a better look at you, I don't think you'd ever understand either.

Not: Probably not.

Not laughed it off, slinging his arm around his younger brothers neck.

Not: So how many new siblings do we have?

Trase: You know father, he's always been known to sleep around.

Not: So we talking like, thousands or millions?

Trase: Surprisingly only 5,391.

Not: Oh, that's pretty low.

Trase: I was surprised as well, especially when he locked himself in his room for a month.

Not: A whole month? Why? What happened?

Trase: He won't tell anybody, the last time I tried to talk to him about it he just waved off the question.

Then Krystyne arrived.

Krystyne: I'm surprised you could hold a conversation with him, younger brother.

Not: Oh you're here now. Well, I'll see you later Trase, keep in touch.

Trase: I will if I can.

Not walks up the stairs he was previously sitting on, pushing through a set of giant doors into a large hall.

Not: I forgot how much I hated this place.

Krystyne: I assume you remember where Father's room is?

Not: On the very top floor. Hard to miss.

Krystyne: Well then I'll leave you to it Nautilus.

Not: I said stop calling me that, it's Not.

Not then started the long and arduous trek up the millions of floors.

Not: You know you can just have me appear up there, it's literally my most used ability.

Yeah but then that'd be another way to show that you're lazy.

Not: You mean one of my, like two, defining character traits?

When you put it that way...

Not disappears, not leaving a trace he was even there, appearing at the very top floor in front of the biggest doors in the estate.

Not pushed through the doors revealing a slightly bruised Kevin and apparently Not's father, a being made up of both complete darkness and a light so bright you'd be blinded if you glanced at it.

Father: I found your little sparring partner in one of my hotels.

Not: So that's where he ended up. Well, I'll be taking him if that's all.

Not grabbed for Kevin but he was pulled out of his reach.

Father gave Not a look, staring into his eyes with dissatisfaction.

Father: I'm sure your sister has already informed you, but the way you govern your subjects has been deteriorating.

Not: How so?

Father: You routinely interact with certain mortals who happen to have above-average strength, you allowed one of your mortals to enter our realm of power, and you let this one, shakes Kevin around, do the same. You aren't being a very good role model for the future God's of Creation. You think that just because you're powerful and that you're related to me that gives you a free pass to do whatever you want?

Not: Well...

Not pauses to think before answering.

Not: Not really, no. I do what I want because it's the most fun way to do the whole Creator God thing. I don't think I could do the same as other Creators who just sit around and watch and only interfere when they have to. That's too boring.

Father: Hm... I can understand some of your points but the elders are starting to fear that you may be "having too much fun," and that it'll lead to a complete upheaval of the old ways.

Not: Eh, just treat my way of monitoring as something only weak low blood's would do. With how low bloods seem to revere us as God's above God's it should be something they either denounce or fully accept as truth.

Father: There's a pretty low chance of that actually working, but most know you as "The Lazy God of Creation," anyway and there's recently been a campaign to somehow strip you of your powers, it was only supported by young God's who hadn't really heard of how strong you are, but that's beside the point. The point is that if you don't find out a new way to govern your subjects or find out a way to discourage your way of governing, then you may be demoted.

Not: Well, shit.

Father: Indeed.

Not thinks about it.

Not: What if I just threaten to kill any young God who tries to copy my style?

Father: I fear that would only make them more aware of you and your ways leading more to be like you.

Not: Right. Well, what if they just don't know I exist? I mean my personal domain is near the edge of everything and I usually compact the worlds I interact with onto this.

Not pulls out his phone on which he writes.

Father: Hm... that could work, I'll bring this up with the elders. You are dismissed.

Father threw Kevin's body at Not who caught him by the collar of his shirt.

Not: See ya whenever I come by for a visit, old man.

Father: Farewell, Not.

Not turns around to leave before turning around to his Father.

Not: Did... did you just call me Not?

Father: It is your name, is it not?

Not dropped Kevin's body before running and hugging his Father.

Not: Thanks.

Not ran at Kevin's body before speeding down the stairs after grabbing his collar again.

Three minutes later~

Not still has a wide smile on his face as strolled out the front door.

Trase: What's got you so happy Nautilus? I haven't seen you smile this much since we were Young God's.

Not: Oh nothing, well I'll see ya when I see ya.

Not left in a flash of grey light.

Trase: He usually teleports away, wonder why he chose to fly.

Location: Acey's Hideout, Theo And The Other Ones or Whatever/ The Boy of Three universe.

Theo: So who are we recruiting next?

Acey: She's a ground elemental named Trembler. Theo don't say anything about the name.

Theo: I'm gonna say something. What kinda shitty name is Trembler? I assume she wasn't the most creative child.

Skidgette: Says the guy who only impales his enemies.

Theo threw a small rock sized bit off his hardened magma at Skidgette's forehead, hitting her right between the eyebrows.

Theo: A lot of my moves also involve crushing.

Skidgette: After you've impaled them.

Theo simply huffed in response, allowing Acey to continue.

Acey: Moving on. She's been on a bank-robbing spree, almost being caught twice by the Heroic Rangers who are now out of commission.

Theo: Hmph, better be. You have no idea how much trouble I had to go to to make sure the rest were crippled for a good five years.

Acey: That was you? I heard two of them have to get cybernetics because their legs and arms are practically useless.

Theo: The brute and the now mute, I had the most fun with those two, they just wouldn't give up.

Skidgette: Why is he mute now?

Theo: Ripped his vocal cords out with ma teeth.

Theo used his finger to push away the bit of lip that covered his abnormally long and sharp canines.

Skidgette: Well that explains the taste of metal.

Acey: Can we get back to the briefing? Is that okay with you two lovebirds?

Theo: Continue.

Acey: Trembler has a considerable bounty on her head. So if we do happen to get her to join then that bounty will spread to all of us.

Theo: I'm fine with that, not like I can be killed.

Skidgette: I'm fine with it if Theo's fine with it.

Acey: Godfrey?

Godfrey: If it means we get to use more of the rooms then I'm fine with anything.

Acey: Good to know. I heard from a few of my sources that she'll be robbing a bank near Hero High tomorrow. Theo, you'll be in charge of making sure no future heroes get in our way while Skidgette and I recruit her.

Theo: Right.

Theo nods his head.

Acey: Godfrey, if Theo is incapacitated, don't prioritize rescuing him over us, he'll find a way out, he somehow always does.

Godfrey grunts in affirmation.

Theo: So now what? We wait till she starts then go recruit her?

Acey: Well since she's conducting the heist at two, and it's currently twelve, yeah I guess.

Theo made his swirling blue portal suck all the occupants of the room in, all of them appearing on the roof of a building next to a bank.

Acey: Thanks, Brando.

Theo: Don't mention it.

They waited fifteen minutes before Skidgette started getting cold.

Theo, being the amazing teammate that he is, pulled her close to his abnormally warm body.

Skidgette: Wha-

Theo: I'm just being a good teammate.

Skidgette snuggled closer to Theo who simply sighed.

Theo: Kevin damn it, Not.

And you question why I don't like you.

Theo: Didn't you say that I was your favourite?

Third favourite to write you fucking brainlet.

Theo: Why so hostile all of a sudden?

God business.

Theo: Ah, Krystyne?

How the hell? I only told Ren about that.

Theo: Kevin.

That sneaky piece of shit.

Kevin quickly made the words "timeskip 1 hour and 40 minutes" appear on the notebook next to Not.

Not: Me damn it, he's a sneaky cunt.

Kevin: I don't like you talking about me like I'm not right next to you.

Kevin is laying on a bed next to Not's desk because he's still not feeling the best after getting his ass kicked by Not's dad.

Kevin: I wouldn't say I got my ass kicked.

Not: Hey God, do me a favour, flashback.


6 hours ago, one of the thousands of love hotels for deities owned by Not's Father.

Kevin appears in one of the many rooms made specifically for the "rougher" kinds of love. His nose leaking a clear liquid that corroded the metal-like flooring on contact.

Kevin: H-holy sh-sh-shit... th-that t-took more a-a-a-outta me th-th-than I th-thought it would.

Kevin shakily got up, wiping the corrosive liquid that was still dripping from his nose.

Kevin: Now I see why you gotta be a Creator or above to use that. Man, it feels like I just got ran over by a train.

Kevin quickly recovers, still a bit shaky but he's better now.

Kevin: From the looks of it, this is one of Not's Father's hotels. I should leave before he catches me here.

Kevin tried to use the high-speed travel that Gods usually use to get around but coughs up more of that corrosive liquid.

Kevin: Okay, I just need to sneak out the front door, nothing I can't do.

Kevin tried to transform but he again started coughing up the liquid.

Kevin: So all of my powers are locked. Shit. This is gonna be harder than I thought.

Kevin looked towards the window, seeing bars on it to prevent escape.

Kevin: Shit, I'm in one of the kinkier rooms.

The lights then turned on, signalling that someone just bought out the room.

Kevin: Fuck I gotta hide.

Kevin quickly ran to where the door would swing open into, waiting for it to open so he could slip past the person who bought the room.

Not even a second later the door opens. After the buyer walked in Kevin quickly slithers his way past them and out the door, making a break for the stairs.

He is stopped by a hand grabbing his collar and pulling him back.

Kevin: Ack!

Not's Father: Oh it's you, I thought you lived with Not.

Kevin: Well I do, we just got into a little argument and I used a technique I wasn't ready for.

Father: His instant movement technique that he made as a God of Creation. You, as a soon to be God of Destruction, tried to use a technique made for Gods of Creation? Are you stupid?

Kevin: Sometimes.

Father: You're lucky Not needs a sparring partner on his level of power. Get out of here.

Kevin: Hehe, um, about that. I kind of... can't.

Father: Let me guess, you're Godly Abilities are locked for a certain amount of time because you tried to use something your body wasn't ready for. Correct?

Kevin: Yeah.

Father let out a sigh before dragging Kevin down 73 flights of stairs.

73 flights of stairs later~

Kevin: I can walk on my own you know.

Father: I know.

Not's Father and Kevin arrive at the front doors, Father dragged Kevin outside before using the high-speed travel technique all Gods can use to take Kevin to his Godly abode where Kevin was dragged up even more sets of stairs.

Flashback over~

Not: So you got your ass kicked by stairs.

Kevin: Fuck you Not, fuck you.

Back to Theo as he punches Sebastian in the face.

Suba: You guys remember when I said that Theo was way out of my league? Betcha don't doubt that statement anymore!

Galv: My point still stands!

Carl frog hopped over Galv's shoulders, kicking Theo in the face before landing and going for a punch to his abdomen.

Theo: Argh! You failed abortion!

Theo creates a .44 Magnum out of his magma then creates bullets out of his fire, shooting Carl in the shoulder.

Carl: You CUNT!

There was a collective silence from Class Z-1

David: Did... did Carl just say a swear?

Theo: I mean, I just shot him in the shoulder. Pretty appropriate moment to swear.

Sam: Brando, mate, Carl never swears. Even in excruciating pain. Most he'll do is like, semi-swear.

Theo: Oh, so he's one of those.

Theo then shot Carl in the other shoulder before shooting above his left knee.

Sebastian: I have a feeling you wouldn't care if you killed him.

Theo: Yeah, I fucken hate Wicks.

Theo then shot Carl in the foot.

Theo: When are you gonna take the contacts out you fucken poser.

Ezra: I know you're old, but "poser"? What is this? The early 2000s?

Theo: Oh hey Ezra, you gonna impale me again?

Sam: Again?

Theo drops his arms and stares at Sam.

Theo: You were there! You watched it happen!

Sam: I'm gonna need a refresher mate.

Theo pulled Sam close to him before whispering in his ear what happened in Part Eleven.

Sam: Oh, that. pulls Theo in close Never tell anyone about what you saw.

Theo: Oh, so they don't know. I'll play along Lemmy.

Sebastian: Why does this feel like any old spar?

Theo: Cuz if I wanted to I could just drop a meteor on you guys.

Jay: Technically it's a meteor sized ball of Inergy created magma.

Theo: And "TeChnICalLy" I could shoot you in the face.

Theo shoots at and grazes Jay's shoulder.

Acey: Hey! Brando! Let's go!

Theo made a thumbs up with his magma, covering himself in the swirling blue portal.

Kat: Does anyone else think it's weird that we're the only students that came to stop a bank robbery right outside the campus?

Ezra: Well usually they don't send more than one class of twenty fucking kids who could kill grown adults out to take on one fucking guy.

Sebastian: I think Theo's rubbing off on you Mr Bevriezen.

Ezra: Shut it Meliodas.

Sebastian: It's Melodas.

Ezra: Tomato, potato, sounds close enough.

Carson: So we're just going to let the villains escape... not even going to follow them through the portal that Theo left.

Sam: Knowing Theo, that probably leads to a world of complete torture.

Theo checks a watch he assumably stole, seeing a minute has gone by since he left that portal open that lead to the Akame Ga Kill universe.

Theo: Welp, seems about now is a good time to close it.

Theo flicks a glowing blue nail into the concrete floor.

Acey: Theo! Come meet your new teammate,

Theo saunters into the main room of the warehouse, falling into the arms of Skidgette.

Acey: Well, shit, guess he was really tired. I don't think I've ever seen him sleep in the past three days.

Trembler: Ah, well I guess I'll introduce myself when he wakes up.

Acey: Yeah. Godfrey, take her to her room.

Theo, almost asleep: Nah I got it.

Theo opens one of his swirling portals that lead to the negative second floor or the floor two floors under the one they are currently on.

Once Trembler had gone through the portal it closed.

Theo Brando is asleep, for the first time in a week.

"Hey there stranger"

Not: So, before we get started. This was what TBoT was originally going to be, but it's changed quite a bit. So this is 110% non-canon.

Our main character is seen jogging down a path before getting a sudden headache, falling to his knees and holding his head in pain.

"AAARRRGH!!!" the young man screamed out, alerting two young women who heard his scream of agony.

Don't ask about the change in style.

Anyway, one of the women rushes to his aid but he doesn't want it, the other stayed back and watched.

And because I don't want to rewrite this whole scene, basically the one that went to help was like a super femi-nazi, ya know, like Ted's mom. Anyway, she got all bitchy and regular human-ish MC punches her into a tree and walks off after dragging her body to a random street and called for emergency services.

Next day, MC is confronted at school by the girl that didn't try to help, he ignores her until he reaches a boiling point, locking her and himself in a janitors closet.

"So..." main character guy scratches the back of his neck before letting out a nervous laugh.

"Well at least I have a reason to talk to you now." The girl says to the main character guy as he slides down the door into a sitting position.

"Not like I can ignore you now." main character guy says looking up at the girl, who is wearing a skirt, that he can see up.

Yeah the MC was gonna be a perv on par with Hyoudou Issei. He'd hide it well though.

"So, what did you wanna talk about?" The main character asks in a slightly annoyed tone.

"How did you punch a human being into a tree that was three meters away?" The girl asks the main character.

"Oh, that. I dunno. I got angry then I punched her, I didn't expect her to fly into a tree." Main Character guy says in a dry tone.

There was still going to be two other main characters that lived in the main characters head but they would be introduced in maybe the next part, and they wouldn't be their own people, they'd be offshoots of the main character.

Yeah, the main character was gonna be a perverted nerfed Legion.

Anyway, that's all I could make up.

See ya.

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