Blue Mountain School

By ATousford

39 1 1

Annalise is ready to leave her life of sorrow behind, only to have her life drowned in more. Determined to br... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter One

8 1 1
By ATousford

The sun peaked just above the horizon, little rays of light could be seen dancing across a cloudless sky. The small glow was enough to catch my attention from my alert form. I had been awake for what seemed like ages waiting for some form of light to bleed in from my cracked curtains. I jumped out of my bed, and made my way to the double doors in front of me.

The walk-in closet was filled with frilly dresses and high heeled shoes. All of which were completely inappropriate for the mornings adventure. I walked to the very back where a large white dresser sat. I pulled the right corner forward to reveal a hidden hole. Inside was a pair of ripped jeans, a plaid shirt, and a very worn pair of hiking boots. Carefully, and continually hidden in the hole where my mother would be unable to find them. What she wouldn't give to take these items and chuck them out the door.

I quickly pulled the jeans and shirt on and laced the boots up. I took a glimpse at my hair in the mirror and pulled it back into a ponytail, and checked the time.

Right on Cue.

I carefully slide the glass door open that led to my balcony, hoping to stop it from making any noise. I peeked out looking through the banister, and could see a guard rounding the corner.

I had exactly five minutes to get on the ground and out of sight before another would be present below.

I slide the door shut, and carefully made the descent to the ground. With every movement of letting go of the vines I shook. The fall wouldn't kill me, but the three story drop would definitely leave a mark that wouldn't go unnoticed.

As soon as my feet hit the grass I bolted for the tree line. Usually upon hitting the trees I would slow down and enjoy the morning energy that nature brought. However, today was not a day for wasting time. The trees pulled and grabbed at my face and clothes, but I didn't slow down.

Today was my last day of freedom, and I wasn't going to stop until I was able to breathe its final breath.

I slowed down as the trees thickened, and a smile spread across my face as I heard the loud splashing of a waterfall.

Upon exiting the thicket of trees, my feet hit the mush of sand. A tall waterfall flowed from the ridge above into a calm pool. This was one of the most beautiful places I had ever seen. The edge of sand was covered in numerous bright fully blooming flowers, and the trees were tall and green. There was such a huge pull of positive energy and it came from the middle of the pool. Touching the center of the pool was a vibrant colorful waterfall that shined as the morning light bounced of it.

My smile got bigger upon glancing at a figure standing in the water. His pants were rolled to his knees where the water didn't even slightly dampen them. His blonde shaggy hair wavered in the light breeze.

His back was to me, but I was sure he could sense my presence, or at least heard me rustling through the trees.

I ripped off my shoes and rolled up my pants' knowing no matter how high I rolled them they would still get wet.

I walked through the cool smooth water to meet Alexander who was standing in the middle. His hand was outstretched moving through the light of the rainbow.

The cool water shifted around my legs making light ripples. The unexplained magic of this place was a natural phenomenon neither of us had ever told anyone about. The halfway point between his palace and mine. The one place I was allowed to be myself, and speak my mind. The one place that no one would judge me but the trees. The place I was allowed to be me. Today was the last day I would be allowed to enjoy any of it.

I grabbed his hand and the light of the rainbow danced across my skin instantly filling me with positive and energetic energy. The sudden touch of energy hit me and I let out a laugh from the overwhelming emotion.

Alexander looked down at me and gave me a goofy grin.

I looked up into his endless blue eyes and got lost in them. I was in a completely different world. No rules. No worries. No responsibilities just him, and I.

"I figured you weren't going to make it, I was sure your parents were going to stop you," he squeezed my hand.

"It's the last day of my freedom, and the almighty knows nothing would have stopped me," I kept my gaze locked on his.

He rolled his eyes, "it won't be that bad."

"The reason for my happiness, and my only taste of freedom leaves when you step through that portal tomorrow," I sighed and walked back towards the bank.

Even the happiness brought to me by the rainbows touch wasn't enough to stop the cloud from forming in my emotions.

"Think of it as a distraction free zone for your lessons," he laughed.

"My mother would love that."

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

I sat down on a rock and let my feet dangle in the water.

"Just study. Show up on time. Actually finish your lessons," He splashed the water at me.

"I could save the world at it would never be enough for that women," I laid back and looked into the now lit sky.

"All packed for tomorrow?" I asked.

"I have been packed for weeks. I have been waiting for this for so long. I'm ready to advance my training," he laid down next to me. "But you know my father. He wishes for me to graduate early so that I can study under the high admiral before assuming the throne. I just want to take in all four years and enjoy just, well studying for a while I guess and being around friends."

"I am so excited for you, I just wish I could go with you. I don't know how I will survive this dreadful prison without you."

"You have made it this far you can wait the next two years. Besides summer will be here before you know it and I will be back. Show your mother some effort, she might surprise you. Your mother has the tools that will make your transition to school easier, and will help you succeed."

"That may be true, but it doesn't matter to her. I won't give her the time if she won't give it to me."

I stood up on the rock and started shaking my finger.

"Why can't you be more like Gena? You're breathing wrong! Be like Gena! Act like your sister!"

I sat back down in a huff, "I just can't wait for my time to leave this place."

Alexander rolled his eye again and pushed me into the water.

I screamed and flailed as I I tried to regain my footing.

He was rocking back laughing before he finally extended his arm.

Instead of gripping to get back up I yanked on his arm and he topped into the water next to me.

"If I am going to get into trouble for getting wet so are you!" I stuck my tongue out at him and swam away.

We wadded around the pool for a while splashing and talking about the excitement of the school. The sun only continued to get higher and I knew sooner or later Alexander would be the mature one and point out the need to get back home. If it was up to me, would never leave.

"Come on Ana, we need to head back." He handed me my shoes. "We need to get back to the palace before they send out a search party again."

I snatched my shoes, "they act like we'll never come back."

"You know how worried they get, and we all know if it wasn't for me being the grown up here, you wouldn't go home ."

"They're always worried, about everything, and seriously where would I go?"

Alexander just rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand and started leading me through the forest back to my home. He lightened the mood the best he could, but the closer we got the more south my mood went. I was trying not to be too upset because the time together we had was counting down, and I needed to savor every moment.

The palace was surrounded by green fields on all sides. A high heavily guarded wall surrounded the front perimeter. I was lucky the wall didn't surround the back side where my room was or I would never be able to get out of here. Although I never understood why the wall was there in the first place when so much magic guarded the place. The five stories of grey rock was my prison and I was dreading walking back into it.

We were let into the palace grounds with looks of disapproval. I was sure my mother had been out here letting everyone know what horrible guards they were for letting her daughter slip away, again.

The grand entrance doors were pushed open, and we made our way to main hall. We took as long a path through the palace as we could checking corners for even a hint at my mother's presence. We hoped to make it to my room without getting screamed at.

The halls were abnormally quiet we didn't even run into a single maid. I knew tonight's dinner was important but to not run into a single soul? I knew there was no way we were this lucky.

We rounded the final corner to my room, letting out a deep breath. The white double doors were closed and where was no one down the hall.

We made it.

"Where have you been?!"

I tensed and turned around to my mother's glare fixed on us.

She was already dressed in a blue and silver velvet dress. It hugged over her tight curves, not showing an inch of fat from carrying two children. Her golden hair was in a tight well put together bun on the top of her head where her crown also sat. The only characteristic I shared from her was her light, almost white skin. While mine was peppered in freckles hers was porcelain perfect. Her white eyes looked at us with such annoyance, I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

Standing next to her was Alexander's mother, Chantel. She looked exactly like my mother, to the point of passing for twins, except for the chocolate brown hair that was almost always done in a single braid down her back.

"You two have been gone all morning! Dinner is in two hours!" My mother screeched again.

"This is so irresponsible of you two! Alexander this behavior will not be tolerated at school! This immaturity has got to end!" Chantel yelled. "The school will expel you!"

"Annalise you need to grow up! You are a princess for heaven sake! It is about high time you start acting like one! How in the world did the almighty gift me with such a barbarian for a royal daughter?" my mother shook her head.

Something in me finally snapped.

"Maybe I don't want to be a princess! or your royal daughter! Why would I want to be something I am not or have no intentions of becoming!"

I turned my back to them and entered my room slamming the doors shut.

I had had enough.

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