Lovesick: Marina One-shorts

By MarinaStanForever

115K 3.2K 1.2K

One-shots about the most amazing couple in the world - Marina (Maya and Carina from Station 19)! These two li... More

Under the stars
Everything will be okay
High School AU(1)
High School AU(2)
Valentine's Day
Royalty AU (1)
Royalty AU(2)
By your side(1)
By your side(2)
*Best friends*
New member
A year later
Forget me not(1)
Forget me not(2)
Superhero AU
Superhero AU (2)
Long time no see
Best friends to lovers???(1)
Best Friends to lovers???(2)
Baby talk
Wedding (2)
Our blessing
Little things
Rain, Proposal and Miracle
Family dinner
The END!

Forget me not(3)

2.9K 117 41
By MarinaStanForever

Major fluff ahead. Enjoy.


A week had passed since the unfortunate incident of Maya forgetting her memories and they had had no luck yet. Carina used to return home after her shift every night and would spend the rest of the hours telling Maya stories about everything she had forgotten.

It was Sunday and Carina was making breakfast in the kitchen when she was presented with a question, "Is Gabriella real?"

She halted her movements and turned around to see Maya leaning over the kitchen island with the help of her elbows. Maya was dressed in her favorite black hoodie after her shower.

"Gabriella? Why do you ask?" Carina questioned her as she wiped her hands with the cloth on the kitchen counter.

"Because I had a dream last night where someone named Gabriella was here and she was your...friend and you guys were laughing at some old album photographs," Maya said recalling the dream, "And it just seemed too real..."

Maya noticed Carina's face light up after hearing her, "It wasn't a dream Maya. Gabriella is a real person and she is my friend. Everything you just described has happened in the past when she was here after Andrea died."


Carina saw Maya turn red and realized that Maya might have been embarrassed to recall that she was jealous of Gabriella.

She spun around to spear her from further embarrassment and got back to preparing the breakfast. Maya moved around to make her usual Kale smoothie which Carina thought was almost equal to an assault on one's taste buds.

Maya was about to walk towards the hall with her smoothie but was stopped by Carina's voice, "Hey can you help me with the flour kept on the top shelf. I can't reach it."

Maya turned around looking incredulously, "Really Carina? I knew you were too good to be true."

"What?" Carina asked confused.

"Way to make fun of me for being short. If you can't reach something, how will I do it?" Maya said rolling her eyes.

"Oh my God! No..." Carina let out a chuckle before continuing, "I wasn't trying to make fun of you Maya. It's just that- I forgot that you don't remember."

"Don't remember what?"

"Nothing, never mind."

"No, tell me." Maya insisted as she moved closed to Carina and placed her smoothie on the counter.

"It's just that whenever I could not reach used to pick me up so I could reach it. I forgot that you don't remember doing that." Carina spoke apologetically.



Carina turned around and while she was thinking about bringing a chair to stand up on, she suddenly felt a pair of arms snake around her lower waist. And within seconds her feet were in air.

Her breath hitched as she felt Maya this close to her in a long time but also felt as if she had breathed for the first time in the past week. She soon retreated from her reverie and grabbed the pack of flour that she wanted.

Maya put her back on ground and loosened her grip but didn't move.

Carina placed the flour box on the counter before spinning around in her arms. Their faces were so close that their noses were almost brushing together. Carina was surprised that Maya didn't made any efforts to move away form her or look away to avoid meeting her eyes as she had done the past whole week whenever they ended up close.

"Do you really thing I'm too good to be true?" Carina asked almost whispering.

"Oh! Don't falter yourself Dr. Deluca!" Maya said as she playfully rolled her eyes.

Before Maya could remove her hands from her waist and move away, Carina leant down and placed a lingering kiss on her cheek.

Maya closed her eyes as she felt the soft lips make contact with her cheek and opened them when she heard Carina speak up, "Thank you. And sorry if you felt I was making fun of your height. You are not even that short Maya and don't worry, being short only makes you more adorable which I love a lot."

Maya opened her mouth to protest by stopped herself as she saw the genuine smile on Carina's face. She just nodded with a small smile of her own and moved away and walked towards the hall after picking up her smoothie.

After breakfast, they decided to play PS4 for a bit. Though it was more like Maya decided to play and Carina couldn't say no to those puppy dog eyes. Maya used to play with either Jack or Travis on her free days but Carina had only played once or twice.

"Maya, I will definitely lose the game if you are my opponent. I don't even remember the controls anymore." Carina complained from the couch as she saw Maya set up the PS4 and put on the FIFA 20 game.

"Alright, then, how about we first play with only one controller and I teach you how to play the game and once you get familiar with the moves, we can play against each other." Maya said as she took a controller in her hand and settled on the floor, leaning her back against the couch.

"Okay...I'll watch you first."

"You wont be able to learn anything by watching, you should have first hand experience, come here," Maya said as she patted the space in front of her, between her legs.

"Ar- Are you sure?" Carina asked surprised.

"Yeah! Come on!"

Carina shifted from the couch and sat between her legs. Maya slid her arms around her and indicated her to hold the controller with both her hands. As Carina was taller, Maya had to press herself against Carina's back to be able to see. She rested her chin on the brunette's shoulder as she started explained the way to play.

Even though Carina should probably have been paying attention to what she was saying, she was too distracted by the chin resting on her shoulder and the breath she was feeling on her bare shoulder. She mentally patted herself for wearing an off shoulder top.

"Are you clear on that?"


As suspected Maya chose her favorite team, Liverpool, and chose the opponent team to be Real Madrid. Even though she was holding the controller she wanted Carina to use the controls and get used to the buttons.

"Pass!" "Go left" "No, no, no...shoot!" "Not the circle...the triangle is the correct button!"

It was half time and Maya sighed after seeing the score which was 2-0.

"I'm sorry, Maya! I told you I'm very bad at this. I will let you play the other half yourself so that you at least don't lose miserably." Carina said as she tried to stand up.

But, Maya put an arm around her waist and held her in place, "No! Sit. I cannot believe I married someone who doesn't know how to play FIFA. But, as you are my wife, I am determined to teach it to you now because you will be stuck with me for at least a considerable amount of time and I would like to play it with someone whenever I'm bored. So, just sit here and watch how I play and win."

Carina didn't hear anything after 'you are my wife' as it was the first time Maya had acknowledged it and the arm Maya had wrapped around her waist wasn't proving to be of much help to concentrate on her words. But, nonetheless, she obliged and watched how Maya moved her fingers over the controller.

"Goal!" Maya yelled for the third time when almost only 30 seconds were left for the match to be over. And the match ended with their victory.

"See I told you we will win!" Maya said as she smiled brightly and dropped the controller to wrap her arms around Carina, to hug her from behind.

It was the first time in a very long time Carina had seen her so happy. She placed her own hands on top of hers and tilted her head as she leaned back. She slowly leaned forward and placed another kiss on her cheek.

Though that made Maya loosen her grip and move away a little, she did not complain. And before things could get more awkward, Carina stood up and was about to walk away when she felt a hand on her wrist.

"You said you would play the next game against me." Maya said looking at her with a pursuasive look.

Carina sighed, "Fine."

She took the second controller and Maya again chose Liverpool while Carina chose Manchester City. Evidently, Maya won the game with 4 goals on her tab but Carina was very proud of herself for scoring at least one goal.

The day passed between games, TV shows and a few more questions about the time forgotten.

It was evening and Maya was reading a book on the couch.

"I'm going to the grocery store to bring a few items. I'll be back in a few minutes," Carina said emerging from the kitchen.

"Mind if I join you?" Maya asked closing her book.

"You really wanna come?"

"Yep. I'm also bored by sitting at home all the time so I could use some fresh air."

The store was at a near distance from their home so they decided to walk instead of taking the car. While returning, Maya insisted on holding both the bags by herself and, even though, Carina loved how her muscles flexed while holding the bags as she was wearing a cap sleeved shirt, she insisted on talking one bag in her own hands. Maya handed her the light one and they both made they way back home.

"Hey! Look, there's an ice cream truck, wanna eat?" Carina asked excitedly.

Maya wanted to say no as she had not gotten much workout done that week but she didn't want to erase the happiness off the brunette's face so she agreed.

"What can I get you both?" A young man asked them.

"A mint chocolate chip for me and a cookie dough for her," Maya responded and as soon as those words left her mouth she froze.

She turned her head towards Carina who was also looking at her with wide eyes, "How do you remeber which flavour I like?"

"I...I don't know. It just rolled right of my tongue. As if I already knew it." Maya said rubbing her forehead as she feel herself getting dizzy again but shook it off.

"Here you go, ladies."

They were about to turn the corner which lead them to their home but Maya spoke up, "Do you want to sit in the park for sometime, at least until we finish our ice creams and then go back?"

"Sure, let's go."

They made their way towards one of the benches, set their bags down beside them and sat peacefully. Neither said a word. They could hear the leaves rustling due to the light breeze, chirping of birds, laughter of the kids playing at a little distance.

They finished their ice creams and were getting ready to go back when they hear a kid speaking loudly, "Mom! Look, that's the firefighter who saved me."

Maya and Carina turned their head towards the source of the voice and saw a little boy with a plaster on his leg, pointing in their direction as he was being carried in his mother's arms.

The mom and his son made their way towards the couple who stood up.

"Thank you. Thank you so much for saving my son and my mother. I am so grateful to you." The mother said sheading a tear.

As Maya looked at the kid and she whispered, "Eli," Surprised at how she remembered the kid's name.

The boy spread his arms in front of him indicating her to pick him up which she obliged to, "Thanks, Maya, for saving me. You are so brave!"

Eli wrapped his arms around her and Maya reciprocated the hug, again feeling dizzy. The flashes of the fire, the smoke, Eli and his grandmother invaded her senses and she found it all spinning in her head.

As soon as they left, Carina saw Maya suddenly sit back on the bench with a jerk and her eyes were wide open. She could hear her disturbed breathing.

"Hey, are you okay?" She sat down beside her and slowly placed a hand on her cheek to make her look into her eyes.

She has suspected Maya to moved away from her touch but instead Maya brought her hand up and placed it over hers. Hers eyes filled with tears.

"What happened, bambina?" Carina scooted closer to her.

"That kid's name is Eli. And I know that because," She let out a shaky breath, "I...I remember everything Carina. I saved him in the fire last week before the ceiling collapsed on me, I...You are my wife. I love you, Carina. I remember everything now!"

Carina ignored the tears flowing down her face and instead wiped the ones of Maya face.

"You do?"

Maya nodded in response and placed both her hands at the back of Carina's neck and pulled her in until their lips touched. Carina immediately reciprocated, caressing the soft lips with her own. The past week had felt like an eternity without being able to hug her wife, kiss her and hold her in her arms. They both put in their everything in the kiss and pulled away breathless, only to lean their foreheads together.

"I'm sorry for everything you had to put through the last week. I love you." Maya spoke sincerely.

"Oh, stop it, bella. I love you too and I will never leave you alone." She leaned in to join their lips again.


Hope you liked it ;)

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