
By AntandDeclove

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Ant and Dec are stranded on a desert island. More

Part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
part 22
part 23
part 24
part 25
part 26
part 28
part 29

part 27

278 12 11
By AntandDeclove

After hanging up the phone,Ali quickly realised that she didn't even know where Ant and Dec were,which hospital they were in,or even which part of Australia,they could be anywhere.

She had been so shocked to find out they were alive and to actually hear their voices,that it hadn't crossed her mind to ask,it obviously hadn't crossed Ant and Decs minds to tell her either.

But that soon changed as Ant was coming to the same realisation.

"Shit" he muttered.

"What?" Dec sniffed,still busy trying to control his tears.

"I didn't tell Ali where we are" Ant stated "I'd better call her back...or do you want to?"

"Can you do it please?" Dec begged "I want to be more composed next time I speak to her"

"Of course" Ant nodded with understanding.

It took a while for Ant to get through to Ali again as the line was constantly busy,she was obviously calling everyone with the amazing news,but finally she picked up and Ant shared the details of where they were.

"Tell Dec I've spoken to his mum" she informed him.

"How is she?" Ant asked concerned.

"In pieces" Ali replied "all over the place,I couldn't really get much sense out of her,was hard to understand what she was saying through the sobbing,but she's going to be coming out to Australia too,I got that much,I was just about to call your mother...or do you want to do that?"

"No" Ant replied "you do it,as much as I want to hear her voice,it's just too hard right now,please tell her I'll call her later"

Ali totally understood where Ant was coming from and was happy to make the necessary phone calls,she spoke briefly to Dec again,which inevitably ended up with both of them crying uncontrollably,so they said their goodbyes,leaving Ali free to make plans to get out to Australia as soon as possible.

"I don't know what's wrong with us?" Dec frowned "why can't we talk to the people we love and have missed the most?"

"You just answered your own question" Ant replied gently "it's because we love them the most that it's so hard and emotional"

"I guess" Dec nodded in agreement "I'm absolutely shattered"

"Me too" Ant confirmed "maybe we should get a couple of hours kip,then we'll be more with it"

"Good idea" Dec agreed.

So the boys had a nap,but it was surprisingly restless.

"This bed is just too damn soft" Dec yawned,a few minutes after waking up "I couldn't get comfortable"

"Me neither" Ant frowned "I don't think it's the bed that's the problem though"

"It isn't?" Dec asked surprised.

"No" Ant replied "it's probably because we've been sleeping on a rock hard ground for three months,sleeping in a normal bed again is just going to take some getting used to"

"Makes sense" Dec nodded.

At that moment,a nurse came into the room to take some bloods,temperature and blood pressure.

"All looking good boys?" came a friendly voice just as she finished her task and left the room.

"Hi Bob" Ant and Dec chimed in unison at the caring medic who had got them safely to the hospital.

"I've just finished my shift" he informed them "so thought I would stop by to see how you are both doing?"

"We're doing ok thanks?" Dec smiled "thanks to you"

"Well,it wasn't just me" Bob pointed out "don't forget the ship and it's crew and everyone here at the hospital"

"Yeah,all of you" Ant nodded "you've all been great,thank you"

"I'm just glad this story had a happy ending" Bob beamed "it could have been so much different"

"Yeah,ain't that the truth" Dec frowned.

Ant scanned his eyes up and down Bobs body,observing how smartly dressed he was in a black tuxedo and bow tie.

"You're looking very dapper there Bob" Ant grinned "going somewhere special?"

"You could say that" Bob smiled "something at my wife's work,it's an annual event,very formal,black tie is the only way to go or you'll be refused entry,it's always a great night bar and all that"

"Sounds fun" Ant smiled "and you're really rocking the James Bond look in that suit"

"Yep" Bob joked "I rented it from agent 007 himself"

"Well,have a great time" Dec smiled.

"I'm sure I will" Bob replied "and I'll try and see you guys again before you're discharged"

The three men said their goodbyes and Ant and Dec quietly laid on their beds,contemplating everything they'd been through and how they would soon be seeing their friends and families and going home.

It was a day they thought might never come.

Ali called back a couple of hours later with information about the flight details,when she would arrive and what hotel she would be staying at.

This time Dec managed to have a proper conversation with her,even though they were both still crying.

Ant had also by now managed to speak to Anne-Marie and his mum.

Dec had yet to talk to his mother,him being the mummys boy he was happy to admit he was,made it even harder than when he had first tried to speak to Ali,so he and Anne had separately decided to just wait until they were together in person again.

Later that day,as Dr Anderson was doing his rounds,he had some news for them.

"Just thought you should know" he exclaimed "there seem to be reporters gathering outside the hospital now"

"Really?" Dec sighed "already?"

"I'm afraid so" the doctor replied.

"How did they know we're here?" Ant frowned "that we've been found?"

"No idea" Dr Anderson continued "could have been anyone,another patient might have got a glimpse of you or someone down at the port"

"Or another doctor or nurse?" Ant suggested.

"Absolutely not" Dr Anderson stated firmly "that would be a confidentiality breach,it just wouldn't happen"

"Oh well" Dec sighed "we knew it would happen eventually and it's not like we're not used to it"

"Yeah" Ant agreed "didn't think it would be just yet though,we've only been here a few hours"

"Will be a million times worse when we get home" Dec shrugged.

"Yeah,that's true" Ant replied.

Ali phoned again later that day to inform Ant and Dec who else would be coming with her when she flew out.

As well as Ali,Isla,Anne-Marie,Christine and Anne,she informed them that Sarha,Pat and Martin would be coming too,as well as Islas the little girl could have still have some sort of routine and normality while the rest of Decs family were together.

In reality,it would still be a couple of days before that would happen,thanks to the long haul flight and all the organising that went into it,as well as a lot of waiting around at the airport in England.

They just prayed that there wouldn't be any delays.

"Can't wait to see them" Dec smiled,as he and Ant sat at a small table in their room,playing a game of Rummy.

One of the nurses had very kindly brought them a pack of cards from home,as well as a couple of other games to help relieve their boredom.

"Me neither" Ant smiled "it's going to be so overwhelming,you realise that right?"

"Yeah,of course I do" Dec replied "as if the phone calls weren't hard enough"

"We'll manage" Ant assured him "I didn't think to ask how long they'd all be staying"

"Me neither" Dec frowned "but I'd like to think they'll stay until we go home so we can all travel together"

"I'm sure they will" Ant stated confidently.

"RUMMY" Dec shouted suddenly,making Ant jump.

"Had enough of playing cards anyway" Ant shrugged,getting up from the table and laying back down on his bed.

"Sore loser" Dec laughed.

"Yeah,probably" Ant replied "just not in the mood,sorry"

"It's ok" Dec smiled,getting back into his own bed.

"Wish you'd stop flashing your arse at me" Ant grinned.

"Can't help it" Dec giggled "it's these bloody hospital gowns,why do they make them so everything is hanging out at the back?"

"Dunno" Ant laughed "better than everything hanging out at the front I suppose"

"Fair point" Dec giggled.

"Did you see all the press that have gathered now?" Ant enquired.

"Yeah" Dec nodded "luckily we're high enough up for them not to really notice us peeping from the window"

"Yeah" Ant agreed "maybe we should just go and talk to them,get it out of the way,answer their questions,then they might go away"

"You know that's not how it works Ant" Dec replied sternly "they're gonna be here as long as we are and anyway,I ain't going out there until I've got some proper clothes on"

"We're not even particularly well known here" Ant mused.

"Yeah,but the BBC will have reporters who live here especially for occasions like this" Dec pointed out.

"I guess" Ant sighed "it's got to be going crazy at home then"

"I don't doubt that" Dec sighed.

Their conversation was abruptly halted when they heard a kerfuffle outside their room and a guy with a camera suddenly appeared at the doorway,snapping away at Ant and Dec as they attempted to hide under the bed sheets,the last thing they wanted was pictures of them at their most vulnerable plastered all over the papers.

Three or four security guards were soon onto the man,wrestling him to the ground,shouting obscenities at him and grabbing his camera away from him.

"Don't worry" one of the guards said to Ant and Dec,as the photographer was roughly manhandled out of the room "I don't know how he got up here,but I can assure you it won't happen again"

"The pictures?" Dec asked concerned.

"We'll make sure they're destroyed" the guard confirmed "and we'll double security on every entrance"

"Ok,thanks" Ant smiled.

Ant and Dec really weren't ready to take on the press just yet,contrary to Ants earlier suggestion,they were only just beginning their recovery and that was the last thing they needed.

They knew they wouldn't be left alone until the papps had got the story and pictures they wanted,but they would just have to wait for now.

As intrusive as the Australian press were being,the boys knew that was nothing compared to how it would be once they got home and they needed to be prepared for that.

Many people might have been furious at the lapse in security that had just occurred,but Ant and Dec knew it was just one of those things and they were just too nice to be angry at the security guard and if the pictures were going to be destroyed anyway,there was no harm done.

They tried their best to relax after the incident,but less than an hour later,another security guard,Ethan,came into the room,informing them that there was a woman here to see them.

"Her name is Maureen" Ethan said.

"Don't think I know anyone called Maureen" Ant frowned "do you Dec?"

"Don't think so" Dec replied "but we've met so many people over the years,you never know...did she say what she wants?"

"The only thing she said..." Ethan informed them.

"Is that she's Andy's wife!"

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