LoveBites (Isaac Lahey Fan Fi...

By professionaldreamer

338K 7.7K 2.6K

Ranked #1 in Lahey -08/02/2018- Ranked #1 in Isaac -12/14/2019- Ranked #1 in Tyler Posey -01/05/2020- Ranked... More

Author's Note
LoveBites (Isaac Lahey Fan Fiction)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

chapter 7

18.8K 475 148
By professionaldreamer

I know Isaac said to call him if Scott wasn't there, but I wanted to contact Scott first. Just to see where he was. 

I took out my phone and dialed his number. Soon, I heard his phone vibrating on his desk. Great. He left his phone too. Now I have to call Isaac.

He picked up on the first ring.

"So I'm guessing he isn't there?" He asked.

"No, he snuck out of his room through the window. Why are you so curious about his whereabouts anyway?"

"He didn't pick up his phone when I tried calling him. And, you know, it's a full moon tonight."

"He left his phone here. And what does the full moon have to do with him disappearing?"

"He's a wolf, remember?"

"Wow, so you guys are so desperate for me to believe you that you staged this whole thing? Since 'Scott's a werewolf' he must have disappeared during the full moon."

"Emily, trust me when I say this. I wouldn't be worried about Scott if I didn't ask where he was. You can believe what you want, but I'm serious. You need to help me figure out where he is."

"Can you come over? Then maybe we could discuss his whereabouts?" I asked.

"I'll be over soon." He replied and hung up.

I smiled at the fact that Isaac was coming over. Not for Scott, but to see and talk to me. Ok fine, to see and talk to me ABOUT  Scott. 

I walked back to my room after inspecting Scott's, and was surprised to find Isaac sitting on my bed. His head was turned away from me, and I could see his perfect jawline. He turned to face me. How did he get into my room anyway?

"There you are." He said calmly. 

"How did you get in here?" I asked, suspicious.

"You left your window open. You should really lock the thing. Especially in this town." 

"So is creeping into girls' bedrooms through windows just a normal thing for you, or what?"

A smile spread across his face.

"Only your bedroom." He replied, his eyes lighting up as I blushed.

Gosh, I really liked him. I think the feelings I had for Stiles and Jackson kind of disappeared at that moment. But nobody really compared to... nevermind. I had to stop thinking about him.

I took a seat next to him on my bed. He looked at my lips like he was about to kiss me, but quickly changed the mood when he brought up Scott.

"So you have no idea where he went? You didn't see which direction he went when he left?" He asked.

Looks like I wasn't going to get my kiss.

"Nope, I've got no idea where he is. Maybe he's with Allison?"

"He wouldn't be with her. Not tonight." He said, shaking his head.

"The forest? I don't know. It seems like he goes there a lot."

He said something under his breath. It sounded like 'Derek" or something like that. 

"What's the big deal with him sneaking out anyway?" I asked, as he was about to leave.

"You know what happens to wolves on full moons, right?" 

"No." I said, rolling my eyes. 

"They can't control themselves."

"What about you then? Aren't you supposed to be a wolf too?" 

"I'm one of the few wolves that actually have the power to control themselves on nights like these."

"Sure. So where are you going anyway?"

"To look for Scott. Duh."

"Can I come with you?" I said, giving him my cutest smile. I just wanted to spend time with him. Even if it was to look for Scott.

He was hesitant when he answered.

"I don't think that would be a good idea. Just promise me that you'll stay here. Do not leave the house. It's not safe."

"Fine." I said, a little disappointed. 

He smiled at me before kissing me on the cheek, and disappearing out of my window. 

I contemplated if I should follow him or not, but I didn't want to reanact one of those cliches where the girl follows the boy somewhere, although she knows it'll just lead to trouble. 

I crawled into my bed and thought about Isaac some more. Sure, I had boyfriends before, but no one really interested me as much as Isaac. There was something about him. An untold story or something behind those eyes of his. 

Isaac's POV 

I wandered around the forest until I could hear him. Scott was definitely calling for help. I ran through the woods until I could see him chained to a tree. 

"So I see you finally decided to show up." The voice behind me said.

"Where's Derek?" I asked Peter Hale. 

"He's out looking for Jackson. Apparently he ran off somewhere too."

I looked at Scott. He was chained to the tree, growling and trying to escape. It was obvious that he wasn't going anywhere soon though.

"How long has he been like this?" I asked, referring to Scott.

 "About an hour and a half. He was going crazy. I don't understand how you do it, Isaac. You're too calm tonight." He said, circling me. He watched me suspiciously. 

My thoughts flashed to Emily. The thought of her calmed me more than anything. I knew she would be waiting for me at her house. I would do anything to see her again tonight. 

"So am I needed here or can I go back home?" I asked.

"Does it look like I care what you do?" 

"Home it is." I said, turning to leave. 

"Isaac." I heard Scott growl.

I looked at him from over my shoulder.

"Emily. Keep her safe." Were the only words I was able to make out of his sentence.

I gave him a nod and raced back to her house. I climbed up the wall to her window, gently opening it, being careful not to wake her. 

Emily's POV

I woke up when I felt a hand stroking my face. My eyes shot open when I saw someone sitting on my bed. Whoever he was pulled his hand away as soon as he saw me awake. 

"Hey" The person said.

I sat up and turned on my lamp.

"Isaac?!" I asked, surprised. What was he doing in my room at 2 am?

"Sorry, I just.. um ... Scott told me I should stay here with you." 

"You found him? Where was he? Is he here right now?"

"Er.. not exactly. He was in the woods. My friend has it under control. He'll be back here tomorrow."

"Has what under control?"

"Scott. He almost lost it, so they had to... restrain him. You know, so he can't go anywhere or hurt anyone."

"Okay, first of all, this wolf thing seriously has to stop. I won't believe it until I see it."

"Do you really want to see it?" He asked.

"Well are you willing to show me?"

He nodded.

"I won't completely change, but I'll show you something."

He shook his hand and something strange happened to it. He had claws. 

I just kind of sat there, thinking of ways he could've pulled that off.

"How.. how did you do that?"

"You know, wolf powers." He said, giving me a smile.

"Do it to the other hand."

He shook his hand and claws grew out of it.

"You- you mean you're really a... wolf?!"

He nodded.

I slowly backed away from him, not sure if I should be scared or not. I was definitely freaked out.

Isaac immediately sensed my fear. His hands went back to normal and he remained calm.

"You know I would never hurt you, right? And neither would Scott."

I moved closer to him, trying to convince myself that was true. 

"I'm sorry, it's just a lot to take in."

"I know." He said, almost sadly.

"How did this happen to you?" I asked, placing my hand on his face.

"How I turned into this monster?" 

"You're not a monster, Isaac." 

He looked away and took my hand off his cheek.

"I've hurt many people, Emily. Do you know what I would do to be human again? I mean, my human life wasn't much better than this, but at least I was human."

"What happened to you in your human life?" I asked.

"I- I... um... My dad abused me." He said, as a pained expression crossed his face. 

I gave his hand a squeeze.

"I'm so sorry, Isaac."

"It's fine. I'm better off without him, anyways."

"Wait, he isn't alive?" 

He shook his head.

"He was killed." he said. 

"How?" I asked curiously. 

"By Jackson."

"You mean to say that Jackson actually killed your dad?!"

He nodded.

"Shouldn't he be in jail or something?" I asked. "Have you told anyone?"

"Scott didn't tell you?"

"That your dad was killed?"

"No, not that. Jackson is a wolf too. But he wasn't a wolf when he killed him."

"Ok, now it seems like this wolf thing is a trend. How many of you are there?" 

"It's just Scott, Jackson, and me. Well at least we're the only wolves who go to our school. There's tons of others out there though."

"Do wolves kill people?"

"Not all. But most. They only do it when we have to. It's not like they just go around town murdering innocent people." 

I nodded. I was pretty shocked. Werewolves exist apparently. 

 "You're not.... Scared of me, are you?" He asked, looking worried.

I shook my head.

"I have every reason to be, but I'm not."

"Good. I just want to protect you, Emily. Remember that."

I smiled at him.

"I will."

He got up to leave.

"Well, I just wanted to tell you about Scott. He'll be fine tomorrow. I should probably get going.. It's a little late."

"Wait." I said, as he turned around to face me.

"Umm, it's not like I'm going back to sleep or anything, so.. you know, if you want, you can stay longer." I said, quickly. 

A smile spread across his face.

"In that case, I think I'll stay."

We spent the rest of the night together, talking about random things, and watching shows on tv. It felt like we were just two normal teenagers, hanging out. And as much as I wanted that to be true, it wasn't. Isaac was anything but normal. 

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