Drugs H.S au

By Candy_Cough7

6.4K 180 82

"Aren't you my father's drug dealer?" "yeah?" More

-Part 1-
-Part 2-
-Part 3-
-Part 4-
-Part 5-
-Part 6-
-Part 7-
-Part 8-
-Part 9-
-Part 10-
-Part 11-

Part 12

92 3 9
By Candy_Cough7

Another quarter to the face system
Make no mistakes
It's all a leap of faith for love
LSD-Asap rocky

3 am. I couldn't sleep yet again.
Maybe it was those really good mashed potatoes Harry made for dinner.

Or the foot massage he gave me to fall asleep.

But I was up once again in my room at 3 am thinking about life. Why is my life like this? Why can't I just be back with my dad and live a normal life.

I sighed knowing that if I kept sulking and crying about my father I'd never stop, might as well stop it now.

My warm toes hit the cold sting of the hard wooden floor, tapping away to the entrance of my room only seeing it as an exit to my sad moments. The door creaked a little too loud as I opened it enough for me to slip out, it's not like I was sneaking away I just wanted a glass of really cold water.

Hoping Harry was deep in his ninth dream I passed by his room hoping he wouldn't come out and tell me to go lay back down while he went to go get a water for me.

He is too nice.

I didn't dare turn the lights on already knowing the layout of the house I tippy toed quietly down the stairs and into the kitchen.

The loud crickets, the hum of the street light and the faint bark of the neighbors dog down the street from us made me feel secure in a sense that I new that in that moment nothing was wrong.

The detachment of the magnets connecting the door and the body of the fridge making me jump but was soon greeted by the familiar light and organized fridge, Harry liked to spend his free time organizing stuff.

I grabbed a nice cold water bottle not waiting to close the fridge to gulp the somehow sweet tasting water, I hated when it tasted like that but somehow made my thirst go away, I exhaled as i threw the empty bottle in the recycling bin hearing the light closing of the fridge door behind me.

My insides turned as I heard the noise of a car engine being turned off soon fallowed by two doors slamming shut.

I slowly crept the the living room window peeking an eye out from the corner seeing as there was a strange black car parked by our driveway.

The streets seemed quiet now, almost too quiet, the inside was too hard to see as the windows were too tinted, I knew the neighbors didn't have a car like that as they all had family cars, suvs, vans, this was a small black one with the Mercedes logo out front.

Maybe there was a guest?

At 3 in the morning?

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard the creek of the stairs, my head snapped towards the figure coming down the steps slowly, the soft light from the full moon creeping in shining at the item he had in hand.

A gun.

My eyes widened not really sure why he had a gun out on a situation like this.

Was he planning to shoot the neighbors?

His sweats being the only thing in his body as he took the last step and slowly crept towards the other side of the window I was on, gun secure in both his hands the silencer securely on.

I could tell he had just woken up, his eyes were puffy, locks in knots covered by a grey beanie.

But his face held a hard glare it was weird seeing him this serious, he was alway so sweet and happy, not a single wrinkle on his smooth face.

He took one hand and slowly pulled the curtain to the side looking at that black car.

"Go and get everything ready"

I darted up the stairs as fast as I could grabbing the clothes I had already picked out for exactly this situation.

My heart beat loudly in my chest as I grabbed our bags.


Grab the bags.

Meet me downstairs by the back door.

Once everything was ready I practically leaped back down the stairs seeing him still shirtless by the door looking out the peephole.

Phone in his hand.

He was keeping an eye int he cameras we had outside.

I stood by his side and shoved his things in his hands taking his gun and phone in my hands as he quickly changed.

"Remember what we learned, don't panic, don't stop, and most importantly -"

"Don't get separated" I finished his sentence knowing damn well what situation we were in.

He nodded as he tied his shoe quickly standing up and giving my forehead a kiss.

"They're by the front gate, two males, guns out"My breath hitched as he lead me towards the back door.

"They expect us to be asleep so don't make a noise" he looked deeply in my eyes, stern features and serious eyes.

I nodded grabbing the handle of the back door, twisting it slowly just as we heard the turn of the front door open.

"Hurry" he whispered stepping out the door, he closed it behind us quietly as he ran as fast as we could to the back gate hiding behind the big trees on the sides of the gate, even from the top windows they wouldn't be able to see us.

I strapped my backpack securely around my shoulders and opened the back gate slipping away, he put the gun away just as our back door was heard swinging open.

"Run" he whispered yelled at me, I breathed in and ran in the direction I've run towards way too many times, hearing his steps by my side not missing a beat.

The harsh morning air making it all more thrilling than it needed to be.

Let me tell you our greatly strategized plan.

We plant a car in the middle of this small town, plant two trails to get to it.

One being the forest behind our home and two through the streets always fallowing the signs to the nearest library where if we cannot get to the car somehow we'd hide there.

Necessary items in out bags, money always, identification, instructions dad had left us, one change of clothes, one gun for each of us and a water bottle.

Probably should have been thought a little more but it's all we needed.

Oh and our phones.

Harry would drive and I would sit tight.

Once the threat was located we'd get our bags and run to the car, simple plan but my dad had another location set.

That was plan A.

If plan A didn't work we'd have to resort to plan B.

Kill the bastards.

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