The Dark War - The Mortal Ins...

By PsykoTeddyBear

15K 213 55

This is my story of the Dark war in COHF. This takes place after Clary agree to take the throne with Sebastia... More

Chapter 1
Chaptr 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 5

1.1K 17 9
By PsykoTeddyBear

Alec was furious. He was furious at his mother for not letting him in the room while she tried to heal his boyfriend. He was furious at Clary. He was furious at Sebastian. He was just furious about everything. He was sick of fighting against Sebastian and he was sick of seeing loved one die or hurting. Everyone in this stupid house is hurting for something Alec thought. Isabelle is hurting over their brother’s death over Simon who still is capture in the hands of Clary and Sebastian or probably dead. Jace is hurting over the loss of Clary. When they finally could be together. His mother was hurting because of her marriage and himself was hurting over Max, over their fathers stupid decision to leave them for work in Idris, over the breakup of Magnus. But most of all he was hurting over not knowing if Magnus was going to survive.

Alec, Jace and Isabelle were sitting in the family room of the house. Jace was half sitting half laying on one of the couches, Isabell next to him, she had fallen asleep with her legs over his lap and Alec, himself was sitting on the next couch with only a coffee table separated the two couches. Alec sighed and Jace looked up from the book he was reading

“You okay?” he asked

“Yes… I mean.. yeah”

“Don´t lie to me Alec” Jace said sternly and lay downed the book

“This is all her fault! You know that right?” he asked a bit angry

“Who´s… Clary´s?” he asked surprised evident in his voice

“Yes. If you haven´t brought her back that day none of this would have happened!” he yelled which coursed Isabelle to wake up. The look on Jace face was pure horror at the word Alec had spoken to him. Like the thought never accorded to him that Clary wouldn´t be in his life.

“Yeah? Would you maybe have been dating that warlock at all if I didn´t bring Clary back?” he challenged “You know you only met him because of Clary so don´t you dare tell me that everything bad that has happened is her fault!” Jace yelled back

“But they are!” Alec said. Izzy who was still tired from sleeping was looking between the boys and just stand up and walked out the door with a heavy sigh.

“How can any of the shit that has been going on be her fault?” Jace said angry and sadness clearly in his voice

“Because it’s her family who caused it. Her father started the first war, he killed you” Jace winched with the memory of Valentine killing him “ Her brother started to burn down the Institutes around the world, he changed the shadow hunters into something they are not, he planning a second war and this time with Clary on his side and Clary is different! She is an endarkend. She tortured Magnus! You know that Jace, you saw her to, her destroyed dress, the blood hon her face and body and the wicked smile when she delivered him!” This is all her fault!” Alec yelled and Jace was sitting frozen in the couch. His brother accused his girlfriend for everything bad that had happened to them. He didn´t want to believe it but their lives had been easier before she enter. They had just needed to kill demons. Not fight for their life twice. But Jace loved Clary with all of his heart.

“You know she isn´t coming back… right?” Alec asked a lot softer this time. Jace who had been frozen shifted his eyes to his adoptive brother and sighed

“I wont give up on her! She never gave up on me. if it wasn´t for her I would still be in Sebastian’s grip or worse dead” he said

“Don´t you see? You wouldn’t be because none of that would have happened if you had just left her alone. Jace flinched at the thought of leaving Clary alone that day when he had found her and Simon in the coffee shop and she had talked to him for the first time. How he later had found her attacked by a demon in her mother’s apartment. If he never had followed her back to the apartment he would never have known Clary. Because that Clary would have been dead or in the hands of Valentine.

“Yeah… she would only be dead instead” he said bitterly just as the door swung open and Maryse was standing their tired.

“Boys stop fighting, it is what it is. Alexander come with me” she said and walked back into the hallway.

Alec was following his mother´s every step into one of the spear bedrooms. In the bed was Magnus resting, with at least three pillows behind his back. His eyes shifted to the door as it opened and a small smile spread across his lips

“Alexander!” he exclaimed as Alec came into view. Alec was bewildered. He had thought Magnus had hated him after what he had done. He had been doing weeks of sleepless nights only with thinking of that stupid mistake. Weeks of being ignored of the love of his life. Then Magnus had been captured and Alec had travelled with his friends to Edom to bring them back. Ha hadn´t succeeded and had spending the last weeks since then not sleeping because of worry of Magnus and the others. He had even been worried about Clary which he clearly changed his mind about when he found her on their door with a bloody Magnus behind her. Alec smiled towards Magnus and heard his mother mutter something about going to bed and sleep for weeks. Alec walked into the room and closed the door silent. He turned around and was looking right into Magnus cat formed eyes

“Are you okay?” Magnus asked suddenly and Alec coudn´t help but smile

“You were the one who was being tortured and you are asking me if I´m okay?” he said in disbelief

“Well… yes” Magnus said and laugh witch caused him do double over in pain

“Maybe no laughing” he said when Alec had reached them bed and was helping him up in a more comfortable position. Alec didn´t know what he would say to he stayed silent and so did Magnus, they were just looking at each other

“I missed you” Magnus suddenly said witch caused Alec to blush

“I missed you too. And I´m so so sorry” Alec said and was looking at his now so interesting feet

“Hey…” Magnus said and gripped Alec´s bruised hand “Come here” he motioned for Alec to sit down beside him on the bed so he did just that sat down still looking down. Magnus didn’t say anything more but Alec could feel his eyes burning him so he looked up only to find that Magnus crashed his lips against him. The kiss was slow and passionate. Beautiful. Alec smiled and he felt Magnus do the same

“I never want to be without you again” Magnus mumbled against the kiss

“Then don’t leave” Alec challenged and Magnus pulled back and looked at him. his fingers traced the pillows under Alec eyes.

“Oh Alec. I will never leave you” he said

“I love you” he said

“I love you too” Magnus whispered


Malec is back!
Thanks for voting and comments on my story. I´m really happy to see every vote and every comment here. You guys makes me wanna keep writing. All love. L

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