Luna Magic

By AngelHirohata

374 11 0

Linzy has just turned eighteen and that’s a big deal in werewolf packs, it means they will finally be able to... More

Author's note.
Unwilling party guest.
Unexpected outcome.
I'm sorry, did you say mate?
You can't take her!
Author's note.

Well that's odd.

38 1 0
By AngelHirohata

It had been what two…three hours since she has been out here on watch? She couldn’t keep up with the time but she knew it was a while since her body was under a few feet of snow that now completely hide her from the world. Put still she didn’t move a single muscle except her ears or eyes to better view or hear around her, but now she was getting restless. Standing she shook the snow from her fur and walked a little closer to the edge of their territory , lifting her head she sniffed at the air hoping to catch the scent of one of her pack members coming to relieve her from her shift. But instead what she breathed in was the oaky scent of something else; freezing she didn’t dare take a step over the line into the others territory but she did get a tingle at the base of her skull as someone passed over into hers.

-Bad news, someone just ran over the line and into our territory.- She caught the sent from the left and started to charge toward it, still under a somewhat hidden few thanks to the snow, as she sent the mental message toward her pack’s Beta Richard. There it was the tingle again and again…three had passed over the line. –Alright…make that three.-

His booming voice was her answer. –You’re supposed to be watching the line, how can three get passed you?- He didn’t sound angry, just a little aggravated.

-Hey, I’m one person in this big line to watch. I’m trying alright. Just hurry up and get over here I cant take three alone.- She huffed and finally spotted the russet fur of a large male that looked to be leading the two behind him; one was pitch black, darker then midnight and easy to spot in this white wonderland, and as large as the russet, the third was a gray tan with black speckles  all over his body and smaller than the other two.

-On our way.- Richard sent back in a somewhat breathless voice.

Now it was her turn to at least try and stop them, turning to her right she ran parallel with the small pack before taking a sharp left and slammed into the black wolf. Her body felt like it was being warmed from the inside out as her heart rate sky rocketed and her skin tingled where hers met the males; growls erupted from the other two and she was being dragged off of him with teeth digging into her skin, growling as well she yanked away from them and ripped her skin open on the scruff of her neck as she stood and stared at them.  First at the russet color that held blood on his muzzle then to the gray and to the black, as her dark eyes moved to his eyes she was met with the iciest blue she had ever seen, they could be considered white with blue streaks if you didn’t have the enhanced sight like she did. Her body started to heat up again and her heart rate raised, she couldn’t tear her eyes from his. He seemed to have the same effect as she because he couldn’t look away or even move for that matter, it was only when the russet pushed him did he snap out of it and look away. The tingles running through his whole body and begging him to move toward the female, a instinct he refused to comply with.

Linzy blinked back the strange feeling she was getting from this dark male before turning and staring hard at what must have been the leader. He lifted his head and sniffed the air before turning and looking toward the other two behind him as he licked her blood from his muzzle before turning back to her, snorted, and turned his back to her before taking off in a trot back toward where they came. They gray did the same but turned around and looked back toward the black. Too bad he was busy looking at the beautiful white wolf again to notice they were leaving him behind; taking a timid step closer toward the white beauty he touched his pale pink nose to her black one and as the skin touched a spark and tingle ran its course through their bodies and they jumped back and stared at each other.

Now at this point she could sense her back up coming at a fast pace and were covering ground quickly, turning her head to look back at the sound of their approach she jerked her head toward the male and nipped at his shoulder to make him leave. Her eyes widened at the intense urge to protect this male and his stubbornness to move his ass out of their territory. Huffing she slammed her body into his to make him move toward his members who stared at her strangely.

-Go!- She shouted at him in her mind, knowing he wouldn’t be able to hear her. Well, that’s what she thought.

-Meet me here tomorrow same time…- A deep voice echoed through her mind and made her body shiver in pleasure, she stared up at him frozen that he even heard her…if that was him…all she knew was that Angel was going crazy to run with this wolf.

‘Linzy, Jesus, he’s our mate go with him!’ She growled at her human who ignored her.

Nodding without thinking to the black wolf he returned the nod and turned to face the others and walked a few steps before stopping. –And bring clothes.- With that the three ran and soon crossed over the line of her packs.

She had a few minutes before her back up would arrive and she was still bleeding, good thing, falling to the ground she just let her blood cover the snow.

-What the hell happened?- Richard shouted in her head as he leaped over her and turned to face her panting. –How did you let them get away?- Even in wolf form you could still see the anger in his eyes and the way the other three shrank from him.

-Well let’s see Richard, one against three. I think I came out lucky thank you.- She huffed and weakly stood up on shaky legs, trying to walk forward she stumbled. –This gash is making me lose a lot of blood.- She whimpered softly.

-Fine…head back to the house and go to the pack doctor for stitches. Leo escort her back.- The silvery grey wolf nodded before letting Linzy lean against him for support. –We will stay here and watch the line in case they decided to come back.- With that he and the other two started to walk away from them.

-Wait, Richard…I request same post tomorrow, same time.- he eyed her strangely before nodding and with that she and Leo started to walk toward her home.


The house still had a few quest it was entertaining while she and Leo slinked up, gently grabbing her clothing in her teeth she shuffled with Leo to get around the house. Hopefully without being seen. But was she so lucky? No.

“Linzy!” Kyle’s voice probably raised more than two octaves as he dropped his drink and ran toward her, landing on his knees on the snow to put his hands under her jaws and hold her head up and look in her eyes. Those shamrocks moved to her scruff were they narrowed with worry; gently he pushed back her matted fur to see the damage, cringing he slipped his arms under her tail and just in front of her front legs and picked her up. Leo ran back behind a tree and emerged dressed, tall, blond hazel eyed and well defined he would stop any  female in her tracks, rushing with Kyle who ducked away before Erin could see and slipped her into the back of his Ford.


Many drugs and stitches later Linzy was being driven home with her head resting on her paws of the front seat of the pickup, Kyle driving and Leo gently stroking her fur where it didn’t hurt. Her eyes opened when the sound of the engine was cut and many voice’s were talking, the one she could hear most was Erin. Lifting her head she looked out the window to a distraught little sister and a trying to comfort mate of hers.

“She has to stay as a wolf for overnight so the stitches and gash can be gone tomorrow morning.” Leo stated as he opened the door and allowed her to jump out and trot to the front of the truck where she was attacked in a hug. Wincing at the pain she tried not to show she wagged her tail slightly and licked Erin’s cheek. “We should let her rest, she’s pretty doped up..I’ll bring her up to her room.” And just like Kyle had he picked her up and walked through the door Kyle was holding. “Which one is her room?”

“Upstairs and the one on the only one on the left.” Erin leaned into Elis as she looked sadly at Linzy. “I’m sorry this day was a complete disaster.”

Before she had any reaction Leo started to walk up the stairs causing her to jostle in his arms, whimpering he mumbled a sorry and pushed open her door. Her room wasn’t messy, but it wasn’t organized, he ignored it and set her on the bed where she curled in a ball. Ironically he grabbed a wolf fleece blanket and gently laid it over her before leaning down and kissing the top of her head. “Feel better.” He gave her a smile that was award winning before turning to turn the lights off and close the door as he left. As soon it was pitch black she was asleep.

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