You're Like Coming Home

By merderland13

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Meredith and Addison are best friends, and about to go to college. You can maybe guess a set of male best fri... More



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By merderland13

"Stupid washing machine," Meredith muttered as she threw another bra over her shoulder. "Stupid Derek." She'd gone through every single one of her bras and not a single one of them fit. Derek was a complete idiot. The man couldn't even do laundry.

"Wow," she heard her stupid husband's voice say from behind her. "Now this is a sight I like coming home to."

Meredith turned to stare at him, her eyes landing on him as he stood behind her, holding the black bra in his hands as he smirked slightly.

"You," she snapped. "Seriously, Derek, can't you even do laundry?"

"I...what?" Derek frowned.

"All my bras shrunk," Meredith shouted, throwing another bra at him. "And it's your fault, because your mother did your laundry until you were twenty, and now you have no idea what you're doing and you're ruining all my clothes!"

"My mom didn't..." Derek started to argue but quickly remembered the warnings he'd received from Nathan. "Mer...I don't think it's the bras that changed size."

"Are you saying I'm fat?" she snapped.

"No," Derek said quickly, reaching for her. "But your boobs are a little...enhanced."

"You mean fat."

"No," Derek said quickly, reaching out to trace her breasts with his hand. "They're bigger. I like it."

Meredith winced as he cupped a breast gently in his hand, feeling the tenderness as he lowered his mouth to her nipple. "Derek," she whispered, pulling him back slightly.

"Mer," he sighed. "I know your body's changing. And I like it. It just means that you're getting ready to grow my baby. And you really think I'd complain about these?"

Meredith smiled softly as she grabbed his hand as he reached for her breasts again. "I'm glad you still think I'm beautiful," she said softly. "Really, Der, I am. But they're sore."

"Oh," Derek nodded. "Sorry."

"It's okay," she smiled softly. "I just...I need to figure something out. Because I can't go to your mother's house for dinner without a bra."

Derek sighed. "We'll stop at a store on the way," he said. "Pick up some maternity clothes."

Meredith's smile fell as she stared at him. "I do not need maternity clothes, Derek Christopher," she snapped. "Just bigger bras."

"Bigger bras," Derek nodded. "Right."

"And I don't look pregnant, right?" Meredith asked. "Because I know it's horrible to hide this from our family, but I just want to wait until we know everyting's okay. But we couldn't say no when Mom asked us to come over to dinner, so...I don't look pregnant, right?"

"No," Derek shook his head. "Is your stomach...Can I...?"

"Of course," Meredith giggled softly. "Just the boobs are off limits."

"Damn shame," Derek sighed before he sank to his knees in front of her. "Hey baby," he whispered. "Daddy and Mommy are going over to Grandma's for a little while. She's really going to love you when she finds out about you, but she doesn't know yet. So Mommy and Daddy can't talk to you for a couple hours, but don't worry. That doesn't mean we don't love you. And Daddy will make up for it when we get home."

"Derek," Meredith smiled softly. "She can't hear you."

"Of course she can."

"Whatever," Meredith rolled her eyes. "Are you done? I need to get dressed."

"Almost," Derek nodded. "Anyways, baby, I just wanted to tell you that Daddy loves you very much. And while we're at Grandma's, you have to try really hard to make Mommy sick, okay? Because we don't want to ruin dinner with Grandma." He pressed a gentle kiss to her stomach before standing and pushing Meredith towards her closet. "Go ahead."

"Thankfully the only thing that has made me sick is your stupid cologne," Meredith sighed as she pulled a sweater over her head, frowning as she looked down at the enhanced cleavage. "Okay, this is not okay."

"It is in my book," Derek said, swallowing hard as he looked down at his pants.

Meredith rolled her eyes. "Don't even think about it," she said. "You know the rule about sex before going to your mom's house."

"It's a stupid rule."

"Well...I'm pregnant now, and you have to agree with me when I'm pregnant," Meredith said. "And I say no sex."

"Fine," Derek sighed. "Are you ready?"

"I guess," Meredith sighed. "Especially since we have to stop at a store."

Derek smiled as he leaned forward to press a kiss to her lips. "You sure you're not too tired?" he asked. "We can call Mom and say you're not feeling well."

"No," Meredith shook her head. "I'm not even tired anymore. I think I slept so much last week that I'm not even tired anymore."

"Good," Derek smiled, reaching for her hand. "Let's go."

Meredith followed him down the stairs and onto the street, smiling softly as Derek's hand rested gently on her back. She knew he was trying to make this pregnancy as easy as possible for her, and she appreciated it. She knew there were a lot of men who weren't interested in pregnancy and didn't become as involved to great extent, but she was glad that Derek wasn't one of them. They hadn't even known about the baby for two weeks yet, but he was completely involved. Besides being tired, she hadn't shown very many symptoms of the pregnancy yet, but Derek had been completely incredible.

After making a quick stop at a department store downtown and the short ferry ride to Long Island, Derek pulled up in front of his mom's house and turned to look at her. "You feel okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine," she smiled. "Seriously, Derek, stop being so overprotective. She's going to know that something's up."

"Okay," Derek nodded, leaning forward to kiss her softly before they got out of the car.

"Derek," Emma smiled as she opened the door only moments after Meredith had rung the doorbell. "Meredith, I'm so glad you're here."

"Hi Mom," Derek smiled, hugging her closely as they stepped into the house.

"It's wonderful to see you," Emma smiled as she pulled Meredith into her arms as well. "Are you wearing your hair differently?"

Meredith frowned as she looked at her mother in law. "No," she said. "Why, does it look bad?"

"No," Emma said. "There's just something different about you. I can't place my finger on it."

"Oh," Meredith swallowed hard, glancing at Derek with wide eyes. "Um...nope there's nothing different. That I know anyways. I'm just me. Just Meredith Shepherd, same person I always am. Just Derek's wife and your daughter in law, just me."

"Mer," Derek laughed, pressing his hand to her back. "It's fine, Mom, she's just a lot more relaxed now that it's summer."

Emma nodded slowly before she turned to walk into the kitchen. "There's someone I want you to meet," she said. Derek and Meredith followed her into the kitchen, Derek stopping short when he saw an older man standing at the counter, chopping vegetables over his mother's cutting board.

"Hey, Em, I just checked the chicken, I think it's got a little bit longer to go," he said. "I figured the vegetables can start grilling so I got a head start."

"Thanks Jeff," Emma smiled. "Derek, Meredith, this is Jeff Lambert. He'll be joining us for dinner tonight. Jeff, this is my son Derek and daughter in law Meredith."

"Nice to meet you," Jeff said, reaching for a dishtowel before he extended his hand to Derek, who stared at him for a moment. Meredith looked up at him for a moment before she stepped in front of him to shake Jeff's hand. "It's nice to meet you," she said.

"You too, Meredith," Jeff smiled, glancing at Derek before turning back to Meredith. "Emma's told me a lot about you."

Meredith smiled politely as she discreetly kicked Derek's shin, telling him to be nice. "Oh, well, I'm sure she's exaggerated it," she said softly.

" where do you know my mom from?" Derek asked flatly.

"Derek," Emma warned.

"It's fine, Em," Jeff said, brushing his hand along her back before turning back to Derek. "We met at the book drive the library held a couple months ago."

"Huh," Derek sighed, staring at him for a moment before he pushed around Meredith to reach for the fridge. "I need a beer."

"Derek Christopher," Emma said firmly, setting her knife down. "I'd like to speak to you. In private."

"Mom, I..."

"Now," Emma ordered, causing Derek to snap to attention and follow his mother into the living room.

"Who is he?" Derek asked as soon as they were out of earshot.

"He's a friend," Emma said. "And I'd appreciate it if you were at least polite in the way I raised you to be."

"This is ridiculous, Mom," Derek said. "I can't believe that you're dating."

"It's not dating...persay," Emma said. "And my personal life is none of your business."

"Mom," Derek sighed, a hand going through his hair. "I just...what are you doing with him?"

"Derek, your sisters have all moved out, I'm all alone in this big house," Emma sighed. "It's nice to have someone to keep me company."

"What about Dad?" Derek snapped.

Emma stared at him for a moment. "Derek, I'll always love your father, you know that," she said softly. "But he's gone. He's never coming back, and I refuse to just sit around by myself all day."

"Is I going to have to deal with getting a stepfather?" Derek asked. "Because honestly, Mom, I don't think I could handle that."

"Derek Christopher Shepherd, I would appreciate a little bit of respect," Emma snapped. "Now if you can't give me that, then maybe you should leave."

Derek looked at her closely for a moment before he nodded firmly. "Fine," he said. "Meredith!" he yelled, walking into the hallway.

"What's wrong?" Meredith asked, walking into the hallway, concern etching her face.

"We're leaving," Derek said, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the door.

"What?" Meredith asked, stopping as he tried to pull her through the door. "Derek, what is wrong with you?"

"I have to get out of here," he said. "I can't...I can't do this."

Meredith glanced into the living room where Emma was watching them curiously and turned back to Derek. "Can't do what?" she asked.

"My mom's dating," Derek whispered.

"So?" Meredith asked.

"Mer, you don't get it," he said. "I's too much."

"Derek," Meredith whispered. "There's something else bothering you. Talk to me."

Derek sighed as he lowered his voice and whispered, "Our baby has to know his grandpa."

"He will," Meredith whispered, running a hand through his hair. "No one will ever replace your dad in your mom's life. She's just lonely."

"They're supposed to be like us," Derek whispered. "If you...if something...if I ever lost you, Mer, I wouldn't ever be able to do this."

Meredith sighed as she moved closer to him, wrapping her arms around him. "I wouldn't either," she whispered. "But have to let your mom live her life. Her personal life is none of your business. You should just be happy that she's happy. She's always supported you, whatever you do. Now is your turn to do that for her."

Derek sighed as he looked down at her. "You're right," he sighed. "Mer, I just...I'm sorry."

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to," she said softly as she leaned up to kiss him gently before turning and walking into the kitchen, leaving Derek to meet his mother's eyes from across the room.

"Mom," he said softly. "I'm sorry. This is just hard for me. I wasn't expecting it, and I overreacted. I'm sorry."

Emma smiled softly. "I should have told you that he would be here," she said softly. "He's not going to replace your father. I just like having some to talk to. You know he lost his wife a few months back. I know what it's like to feel that...I don't have to justify this to you, Derek."

"You're right," he said softly. "I'm sorry, Mom."

Emma smiled softly as she hugged him tightly. "You can make it up to me by going back in there," she said. "And making sure that you're nice to Jeff."

Derek sighed and nodded. "Okay," he said softly. "I can do that."

"Good," Emma smiled, pulling back to look at him. "You're going to be an excellent Father, Derek," she said, reaching up to cup his face in her hand.

"I...what?" Derek asked.

"I may have been wrong last time," Emma laughed. "But I have five children. I know what it's like to be pregnant. And the difference in Meredith...she's got the mommy glow."

Derek smiled softly. "She does," he agreed. "She's beautiful."

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